cmsdigest.c   [plain text]

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 * the License at
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 * rights and limitations under the License.
 * The Original Code is the Netscape security libraries.
 * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Netscape
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 * CMS digesting.
#include <assert.h>

#include "cmslocal.h"

#include "SecAsn1Item.h"
#include "secoid.h"

#include <security_asn1/secerr.h>
#include <security_asn1/secport.h>

#include <CommonCrypto/CommonDigest.h>

#include "SecCmsDigestContext.h"

/* Return the maximum value between S and T (and U) */
#define MAX(S, T) ({__typeof__(S) _max_s = S; __typeof__(T) _max_t = T; _max_s > _max_t ? _max_s : _max_t;})
#define MAX_OF_3(S, T, U) ({__typeof__(U) _max_st = MAX(S,T); MAX(_max_st,U);})

struct SecCmsDigestContextStr {
    PLArenaPool *	poolp;
    Boolean		saw_contents;
    int                 digcnt;
    void **             digobjs;
    SECAlgorithmID **   digestalgs;

 * SecCmsDigestContextStartMultiple - start digest calculation using all the
 *  digest algorithms in "digestalgs" in parallel.
SecCmsDigestContextStartMultiple(SECAlgorithmID **digestalgs)
    PLArenaPool *poolp;
    SecCmsDigestContextRef cmsdigcx;
    void * digobj;
    int digcnt;
    int i;

    poolp = PORT_NewArena(1024);
    if (poolp == NULL)
	goto loser;

    digcnt = (digestalgs == NULL) ? 0 : SecCmsArrayCount((void **)digestalgs);

    cmsdigcx = (SecCmsDigestContextRef)PORT_ArenaAlloc(poolp, sizeof(struct SecCmsDigestContextStr));
    if (cmsdigcx == NULL) {
        goto loser;
    cmsdigcx->poolp = poolp;

    if (digcnt > 0) {
	/* Security check to prevent under-allocation */
	if (digcnt >= (int)((INT_MAX/(MAX(sizeof(void *),sizeof(SECAlgorithmID *))))-1)) {
		goto loser;
	cmsdigcx->digobjs = (void**)PORT_ArenaAlloc(poolp, digcnt * sizeof(void *));

	if (cmsdigcx->digobjs == NULL)
	    goto loser;

	cmsdigcx->digestalgs = (SECAlgorithmID **)PORT_ArenaZAlloc(poolp,
	    (digcnt + 1) * sizeof(SECAlgorithmID *));
	if (cmsdigcx->digestalgs == NULL)
	    goto loser;

    cmsdigcx->digcnt = 0;

     * Create a digest object context for each algorithm.
    for (i = 0; i < digcnt; i++) {
	digobj = SecCmsUtilGetHashObjByAlgID(digestalgs[i]);
	 * Skip any algorithm we do not even recognize; obviously,
	 * this could be a problem, but if it is critical then the
	 * result will just be that the signature does not verify.
	 * We do not necessarily want to error out here, because
	 * the particular algorithm may not actually be important,
	 * but we cannot know that until later.

	cmsdigcx->digobjs[cmsdigcx->digcnt] = digobj;
	cmsdigcx->digestalgs[cmsdigcx->digcnt] = PORT_ArenaAlloc(poolp, sizeof(SECAlgorithmID));
	if (SECITEM_CopyItem(poolp,
	    || SECITEM_CopyItem(poolp,
	    goto loser;

    cmsdigcx->saw_contents = PR_FALSE;

    return cmsdigcx;

    if (poolp)
	PORT_FreeArena(poolp, PR_FALSE);

    return NULL;

 * SecCmsDigestContextStartSingle - same as SecCmsDigestContextStartMultiple, but
 *  only one algorithm.
SecCmsDigestContextStartSingle(SECAlgorithmID *digestalg)
    SECAlgorithmID *digestalgs[] = { NULL, NULL };		/* fake array */

    digestalgs[0] = digestalg;
    return SecCmsDigestContextStartMultiple(digestalgs);

 * SecCmsDigestContextUpdate - feed more data into the digest machine
SecCmsDigestContextUpdate(SecCmsDigestContextRef cmsdigcx, const unsigned char *data, size_t len)
    SecAsn1Item dataBuf;
    int i;

    dataBuf.Length = len;
    dataBuf.Data = (uint8_t *)data;
    cmsdigcx->saw_contents = PR_TRUE;
    for (i = 0; i < cmsdigcx->digcnt; i++) {
	if (cmsdigcx->digobjs[i]) {
            /* 64 bits cast: worst case is we truncate the length and we dont hash all the data.
               This may cause an invalid CMS blob larger than 4GB to be validated. Unlikely, but
               possible security issue. There is no way to return an error here, but a check at
               the upper level may happen. */
	      Let's just die a horrible death rather than have the security issue.
	      CMS blob over 4GB?  Oh well.
	    if (len > UINT32_MAX) {
	      /* Ugh. */
            assert(len<=UINT32_MAX); /* Debug check. Correct as long as CC_LONG is uint32_t */
            switch (SECOID_GetAlgorithmTag(cmsdigcx->digestalgs[i])) {
            case SEC_OID_SHA1: CC_SHA1_Update((CC_SHA1_CTX *)cmsdigcx->digobjs[i], data, (CC_LONG)len); break;
            case SEC_OID_MD5: CC_MD5_Update((CC_MD5_CTX *)cmsdigcx->digobjs[i], data, (CC_LONG)len); break;
            case SEC_OID_SHA224: CC_SHA224_Update((CC_SHA256_CTX *)cmsdigcx->digobjs[i], data, (CC_LONG)len); break;
            case SEC_OID_SHA256: CC_SHA256_Update((CC_SHA256_CTX *)cmsdigcx->digobjs[i], data, (CC_LONG)len); break;
            case SEC_OID_SHA384: CC_SHA384_Update((CC_SHA512_CTX *)cmsdigcx->digobjs[i], data, (CC_LONG)len); break;
            case SEC_OID_SHA512: CC_SHA512_Update((CC_SHA512_CTX *)cmsdigcx->digobjs[i], data, (CC_LONG)len); break;

 * SecCmsDigestContextCancel - cancel digesting operation
SecCmsDigestContextCancel(SecCmsDigestContextRef cmsdigcx)
    int i;

    for (i = 0; i < cmsdigcx->digcnt; i++)
	if (cmsdigcx->digobjs[i])

    PORT_FreeArena(cmsdigcx->poolp, PR_TRUE);

 * SecCmsDigestContextDestroy - delete a digesting operation
SecCmsDigestContextDestroy(SecCmsDigestContextRef cmsdigcx)

 * SecCmsDigestContextFinishMultiple - finish the digests
SecCmsDigestContextFinishMultiple(SecCmsDigestContextRef cmsdigcx,
			    SECAlgorithmID ***digestalgsp,
			    SecAsn1Item * **digestsp)
    void * digobj;
    SecAsn1Item **digests, *digest;
    SECAlgorithmID **digestalgs;
    int i;
    void *mark;
    OSStatus rv = SECFailure;

    assert(cmsdigcx != NULL);
    assert(digestsp != NULL);
    assert(digestalgsp != NULL);

    mark = PORT_ArenaMark (cmsdigcx->poolp);

    /* Security check to prevent under-allocation */
    if (cmsdigcx->digcnt >= (int)((INT_MAX/(MAX_OF_3(sizeof(SECAlgorithmID *),sizeof(SecAsn1Item *),sizeof(SecAsn1Item))))-1)) {
        goto loser;
    /* allocate digest array & SecAsn1Items on arena */
    digestalgs = (SECAlgorithmID **)PORT_ArenaZAlloc(cmsdigcx->poolp, (cmsdigcx->digcnt+1) * sizeof(SECAlgorithmID *));
    digests = (SecAsn1Item * *)PORT_ArenaZAlloc(cmsdigcx->poolp, (cmsdigcx->digcnt+1) * sizeof(SecAsn1Item *));
    digest = (SecAsn1Item *)PORT_ArenaZAlloc(cmsdigcx->poolp, cmsdigcx->digcnt * sizeof(SecAsn1Item));
    if (digestalgs == NULL || digests == NULL || digest == NULL) {
	goto loser;

    for (i = 0; i < cmsdigcx->digcnt; i++, digest++) {
        SECOidTag hash_alg = SECOID_GetAlgorithmTag(cmsdigcx->digestalgs[i]);
	int diglength = 0;
        switch (hash_alg) {
            case SEC_OID_SHA1: diglength = CC_SHA1_DIGEST_LENGTH; break;
            case SEC_OID_MD5: diglength = CC_MD5_DIGEST_LENGTH; break;
            case SEC_OID_SHA224: diglength = CC_SHA224_DIGEST_LENGTH; break;
            case SEC_OID_SHA256: diglength = CC_SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH; break;
            case SEC_OID_SHA384: diglength = CC_SHA384_DIGEST_LENGTH; break;
            case SEC_OID_SHA512: diglength = CC_SHA512_DIGEST_LENGTH; break;
            default: goto loser; break;
	digobj = cmsdigcx->digobjs[i];
	if (digobj)
	    digest->Data = (unsigned char*)PORT_ArenaAlloc(cmsdigcx->poolp, diglength);
	    if (digest->Data == NULL)
		goto loser;
	    digest->Length = diglength;

            switch (hash_alg) {
                case SEC_OID_SHA1: CC_SHA1_Final(digest->Data, digobj); break;
                case SEC_OID_MD5: CC_MD5_Final(digest->Data, digobj); break;
                case SEC_OID_SHA224: CC_SHA224_Final(digest->Data, digobj); break;
                case SEC_OID_SHA256: CC_SHA256_Final(digest->Data, digobj); break;
                case SEC_OID_SHA384: CC_SHA384_Final(digest->Data, digobj); break;
                case SEC_OID_SHA512: CC_SHA512_Final(digest->Data, digobj); break;
                default: goto loser; break;

	    digestalgs[i] = cmsdigcx->digestalgs[i];
	    digests[i] = digest;
	    digest->Data = NULL;
	    digest->Length = 0;
    digestalgs[i] = NULL;
    digests[i] = NULL;
    *digestalgsp = digestalgs;
    *digestsp = digests;

    rv = SECSuccess;

    if (rv == SECSuccess)
	PORT_ArenaUnmark(cmsdigcx->poolp, mark);
	PORT_ArenaRelease(cmsdigcx->poolp, mark);

    /* Set things up so SecCmsDigestContextDestroy won't call CSSM_DeleteContext again. */ 
    cmsdigcx->digcnt = 0;

    return rv;

 * SecCmsDigestContextFinishSingle - same as SecCmsDigestContextFinishMultiple,
 *  but for one digest.
SecCmsDigestContextFinishSingle(SecCmsDigestContextRef cmsdigcx,
			    SecAsn1Item * digest)
    OSStatus rv = SECFailure;
    SecAsn1Item * *dp;
    SECAlgorithmID **ap;

    /* get the digests into arena, then copy the first digest into poolp */
    if (SecCmsDigestContextFinishMultiple(cmsdigcx, &ap, &dp) != SECSuccess)
	goto loser;

    /* Return the first element in the digest array. */
    if (digest) {
        *digest = *dp[0];

    rv = SECSuccess;

    return rv;