diskrep.h   [plain text]

 * Copyright (c) 2006-2007,2011-2012,2014 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
 * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
 * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
 * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
 * compliance with the License. Please obtain a copy of the License at
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// diskrep - disk representations of code
#ifndef _H_DISKREP
#define _H_DISKREP

#include "cs.h"
#include "codedirectory.h"
#include "cdbuilder.h"
#include "requirement.h"
#include "resources.h"
#include <security_utilities/macho++.h>		// for class Architecture
#include <security_utilities/refcount.h>
#include <security_utilities/superblob.h>
#include <CoreFoundation/CFData.h>

namespace Security {
namespace CodeSigning {

class ResourceBuilder;
class SecCodeSigner;

// DiskRep is an abstract interface to code somewhere located by
// a file system path. It presents the ability to read and write
// Code Signing-related information about such code without exposing
// the details of the storage locations or formats.
class DiskRep : public RefCount {
	class SigningContext;
	typedef std::set<OSStatus> ToleratedErrors;
	virtual ~DiskRep();
	virtual DiskRep *base();
	virtual CFDataRef component(CodeDirectory::SpecialSlot slot) = 0; // fetch component
	virtual CFDataRef identification() = 0;					// binary lookup identifier
	virtual std::string mainExecutablePath() = 0;			// path to main executable
	virtual CFURLRef copyCanonicalPath() = 0;					// path to whole code
	virtual std::string resourcesRootPath();				// resource directory if any [none]
	virtual void adjustResources(ResourceBuilder &builder);	// adjust resource rule set [no change]
	virtual void prepareForSigning(SigningContext& context); // pre-adjust signing defaults before argument preparation [none]
	virtual Universal *mainExecutableImage();				// Mach-O image if Mach-O based [null]
	virtual size_t signingBase();							// start offset of signed area in main executable [zero]
	virtual size_t signingLimit() = 0;						// size of signed area in main executable
	virtual std::string format() = 0;						// human-readable type string
	virtual CFArrayRef modifiedFiles();						// list of files modified by signing [main execcutable only]
	virtual UnixPlusPlus::FileDesc &fd() = 0;				// a cached file descriptor for main executable file
	virtual void flush();									// flush caches (refetch as needed)
    virtual CFDictionaryRef diskRepInformation();           // information from diskrep

	// default values for signing operations
	virtual std::string recommendedIdentifier(const SigningContext &ctx) = 0; // default identifier
	virtual CFDictionaryRef defaultResourceRules(const SigningContext &ctx); // default resource rules [none]
	virtual const Requirements *defaultRequirements(const Architecture *arch,
		const SigningContext &ctx);							// default internal requirements [none]
	virtual size_t pageSize(const SigningContext &ctx);		// default main executable page size [infinite, i.e. no paging]

	virtual void strictValidate(const CodeDirectory* cd, const ToleratedErrors& tolerated, SecCSFlags flags); // perform strict validation
	virtual CFArrayRef allowedResourceOmissions();			// allowed (default) resource omission rules

	bool mainExecutableIsMachO() { return mainExecutableImage() != NULL; }

	// shorthands
	CFDataRef signature()		{ return component(cdSignatureSlot); }

	class Writer;
	virtual Writer *writer();								// Writer factory

	// optional information that might be used to create a suitable DiskRep. All optional
	struct Context {
		Context() : arch(Architecture::none), version(NULL), offset(0), fileOnly(false), inMemory(NULL), size(0) { }
		Architecture arch;			// explicit architecture (choose amongst universal variants)
		const char *version;		// bundle version (string)
		off_t offset;				// explicit file offset
		bool fileOnly;				// only consider single-file representations (no bundles etc.)
		const void *inMemory;		// consider using in-memory copy at this address
		size_t size;				// size of this mach-o slice

	static DiskRep *bestGuess(const char *path, const Context *ctx = NULL); // canonical heuristic, any path
	static DiskRep *bestFileGuess(const char *path, const Context *ctx = NULL); // ctx (if any) + fileOnly
	static DiskRep *bestGuess(const char *path, size_t archOffset); // Mach-O at given file offset only

	// versions using std::string paths (merely a convenience)
	static DiskRep *bestGuess(const std::string &path, const Context *ctx = NULL)
		{ return bestGuess(path.c_str(), ctx); }
	static DiskRep *bestGuess(const std::string &path, size_t archOffset) { return bestGuess(path.c_str(), archOffset); }
	static DiskRep *bestFileGuess(const std::string &path, const Context *ctx = NULL) { return bestFileGuess(path.c_str(), ctx); }

	// see DiskRep::Writer docs for why this is here
	class SigningContext {
		SigningContext() { }

		virtual std::string sdkPath(const std::string &path) const = 0;
		virtual bool isAdhoc() const = 0;
		virtual SecCSFlags signingFlags() const = 0;

		virtual const CodeDirectory::HashAlgorithms &digestAlgorithms() const = 0;
		virtual void setDigestAlgorithms(CodeDirectory::HashAlgorithms types) = 0;
		void setDigestAlgorithm(CodeDirectory::HashAlgorithm type)
			CodeDirectory::HashAlgorithms types;

	// canonically derive a suggested signing identifier from some string
	static std::string canonicalIdentifier(const std::string &name);
	static const size_t segmentedPageSize = 4096;	// default page size for system-paged signatures
	static const size_t monolithicPageSize = 0;		// default page size for non-Mach-O executables

// Write-access objects.
// At this layer they are quite abstract, carrying just the functionality needed
// for the signing machinery to place data wherever it should go. Each DiskRep subclass
// that supports writing signing data to a place inside the code needs to implement
// a subclass of Writer and return an instance in the DiskRep::writer() method when asked.
// The Writer class is subclassed interestingly by the Mach-O multi-architecture signing code,
// which is handled as a special case. This means that not all Writer subclass objects were made
// by DiskRep::writer, and it is unwise to assume so.
// Note that the methods that provide defaults for signing operations are in DiskRep rather
// than here. That's because writers abstract data *sending*, and are virtual on management
// of stored data, while DiskRep is virtual on the existing code object, which is where
// we get our defaults from.
class DiskRep::Writer : public RefCount {
	Writer(uint32_t attrs = 0);
	virtual ~Writer();
	virtual void component(CodeDirectory::SpecialSlot slot, CFDataRef data) = 0;
	virtual uint32_t attributes() const;
	virtual void addDiscretionary(CodeDirectory::Builder &builder);
	virtual void remove();
	virtual void flush();

	bool attribute(uint32_t attr) const		{ return mAttributes & attr; }
	void signature(CFDataRef data)			{ component(cdSignatureSlot, data); }
	void codeDirectory(const CodeDirectory *cd, CodeDirectory::SpecialSlot slot)
		{ component(slot, CFTempData(cd->data(), cd->length())); }
	Architecture mArch;
	uint32_t mAttributes;

// Writer attributes. Defaults should be off-bits.
enum {
	writerLastResort = 0x0001,			// prefers not to store attributes itself
	writerNoGlobal = 0x0002,			// has only per-architecture storage

// A prefix DiskRep that filters (only) signature-dependent behavior and passes
// all code-dependent behavior off to an underlying (different) DiskRep.
// FilterRep subclasses are typically "stacked" on top of their base DiskRep, and
// then used in their place.
class FilterRep : public DiskRep {
	FilterRep(DiskRep *orig) : mOriginal(orig) { }
	DiskRep *base()							{ return mOriginal; }
	// things that look at signature components are filtered
	CFDataRef component(CodeDirectory::SpecialSlot slot) = 0;

	// the rest of the virtual behavior devolves on the original DiskRep
	CFDataRef identification()				{ return mOriginal->identification(); }
	std::string mainExecutablePath()		{ return mOriginal->mainExecutablePath(); }
	CFURLRef copyCanonicalPath()			{ return mOriginal->copyCanonicalPath(); }
	std::string resourcesRootPath()			{ return mOriginal->resourcesRootPath(); }
	void adjustResources(ResourceBuilder &builder) { return mOriginal->adjustResources(builder); }
	Universal *mainExecutableImage()		{ return mOriginal->mainExecutableImage(); }
	size_t signingBase()					{ return mOriginal->signingBase(); }
	size_t signingLimit()					{ return mOriginal->signingLimit(); }
	std::string format()					{ return mOriginal->format(); }
	CFArrayRef modifiedFiles()				{ return mOriginal->modifiedFiles(); }
	UnixPlusPlus::FileDesc &fd()			{ return mOriginal->fd(); }
	void flush()							{ return mOriginal->flush(); }
	std::string recommendedIdentifier(const SigningContext &ctx)
		{ return mOriginal->recommendedIdentifier(ctx); }
	CFDictionaryRef defaultResourceRules(const SigningContext &ctx)
		{ return mOriginal->defaultResourceRules(ctx); }
	const Requirements *defaultRequirements(const Architecture *arch, const SigningContext &ctx)
		{ return mOriginal->defaultRequirements(arch, ctx); }
	size_t pageSize(const SigningContext &ctx) { return mOriginal->pageSize(ctx); }

	void strictValidate(const CodeDirectory* cd, const ToleratedErrors& tolerated, SecCSFlags flags) { mOriginal->strictValidate(cd, tolerated, flags); }
	CFArrayRef allowedResourceOmissions() { return mOriginal->allowedResourceOmissions(); }

	RefPointer<DiskRep> mOriginal;			// underlying representation

} // end namespace CodeSigning
} // end namespace Security

#endif // !_H_DISKREP