SecBasePriv.h   [plain text]

 * Copyright (c) 2008-2009,2011-2014,2016 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
 * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
 * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
 * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
 * compliance with the License. Please obtain a copy of the License at
 * and read it before using this
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 * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
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 @header SecBasePriv
	SecBasePriv contains private error codes from the Security framework.


#include <Security/SecBase.h>
#include <AvailabilityMacros.h>
#include <Availability.h>

// Macros for allowing use of availability for internal functions without digging for when
// they first existed.
// When publishing any API publicly, don't use these.

#include <Security/cssmtype.h>
#endif /* SEC_OS_OSX */


 *** Private OSStatus values unique to Security APIs ***

    Note: the comments that appear after these errors are used to create SecErrorMessages.strings.
    The comments must not be multi-line, and should be in a form meaningful to an end user. If
    a different or additional comment is needed, it can be put in the header doc format, or on a
    line that does not start with errZZZ.

    errSecInvalidCertificate     = errSecDecode, // -26265,  /* This certificate could not be decoded. */
    errSecPolicyDenied			 = -26270,  /* The certificate chain was not trusted due to a policy not accepting it. */
    errSecInvalidKey             = errSecDecode, // -26274,  /* The provided key material was not valid. */
    errSecInternal               = -26276,  /* An internal error occured in the Security framework. */
    errSecUnsupportedAlgorithm   = errSecUnimplemented, // -26268,  /* An unsupported algorithm was encountered. */
    errSecUnsupportedOperation   = errSecUnimplemented, // -26271,  /* The operation you requested is not supported by this key. */
    errSecUnsupportedPadding     = errSecParam, // -26273,  /* The padding you requested is not supported. */
    errSecItemInvalidKey         = errSecParam, // -34000,  /* A string key in dictionary is not one of the supported keys. */
    errSecItemInvalidKeyType     = errSecParam, // -34001,  /* A key in a dictionary is neither a CFStringRef nor a CFNumberRef. */
    errSecItemInvalidValue       = errSecParam, // -34002,  /* A value in a dictionary is an invalid (or unsupported) CF type. */
    errSecItemClassMissing       = errSecParam, // -34003,  /* No kSecItemClass key was specified in a dictionary. */
    errSecItemMatchUnsupported   = errSecParam, // -34004,  /* The caller passed one or more kSecMatch keys to a function which does not support matches. */
    errSecUseItemListUnsupported = errSecParam, // -34005,  /* The caller passed in a kSecUseItemList key to a function which does not support it. */
    errSecUseKeychainUnsupported = errSecParam, // -34006,  /* The caller passed in a kSecUseKeychain key to a function which does not support it. */
    errSecUseKeychainListUnsupported = errSecParam, // -34007,  /* The caller passed in a kSecUseKeychainList key to a function which does not support it. */
    errSecReturnDataUnsupported  = errSecParam, // -34008,  /* The caller passed in a kSecReturnData key to a function which does not support it. */
    errSecReturnAttributesUnsupported = errSecParam, // -34009,  /* The caller passed in a kSecReturnAttributes key to a function which does not support it. */
    errSecReturnRefUnsupported   = errSecParam, // -34010,  /* The caller passed in a kSecReturnRef key to a function which does not support it. */
    errSecReturnPersistentRefUnsupported   = errSecParam, // -34010,  /* The caller passed in a kSecReturnPersistentRef key to a function which does not support it. */
    errSecValueRefUnsupported    = errSecParam, // -34012,  /* The caller passed in a kSecValueRef key to a function which does not support it. */
    errSecValuePersistentRefUnsupported = errSecParam, // -34013,  /* The caller passed in a kSecValuePersistentRef key to a function which does not support it. */
    errSecReturnMissingPointer   = errSecParam, // -34014,  /* The caller passed asked for something to be returned but did not pass in a result pointer. */
	errSecMatchLimitUnsupported  = errSecParam, // -34015,  /* The caller passed in a kSecMatchLimit key to a call which does not support limits. */
	errSecItemIllegalQuery       = errSecParam, // -34016,  /* The caller passed in a query which contained too many keys. */
	errSecWaitForCallback        = -34017,  /* This operation is incomplete, until the callback is invoked (not an error). */
    errSecMissingEntitlement     = -34018,  /* Internal error when a required entitlement isn't present. */
    errSecUpgradePending         = -34019,  /* Error returned if keychain database needs a schema migration but the device is locked, clients should wait for a device unlock notification and retry the command. */

    errSecMPSignatureInvalid     = -25327,  /* Signature invalid on MP message */
    errSecOTRTooOld              = -25328,  /* Message is too old to use */
    errSecOTRIDTooNew            = -25329,  /* Key ID is too new to use! Message from the future? */
    errSecOTRNotReady            = -25331,  /* Can't process packets because the session hasn't finished negotiating */

    errSecAuthNeeded             = -25330,  /* Auth is needed before the requested action can be performed.  An array of
                                               constraints to be fulfilled is passed inside error.userInfo's 'cons' key. */
    errSecDeviceIDNeeded         = -25332,  /* Cannot send IDS messages without having our own IDS ID. */
    errSecIDSNotRegistered       = -25333,  /* IDS is not set up or devices are not registered/available within an IDS account. */
    errSecFailedToSendIDSMessage = -25334,  /* Failed to send IDS message. */
    errSecDeviceIDNoMatch        = -25335,  /* The provided device ID does not match any device IDs in the ids account. */
    errSecPeersNotAvailable      = -25336,  /* No peers in the circle are available/online. */

// Guard for CFNetwork

const char *cssmErrorString(CSSM_RETURN error)

OSStatus SecKeychainErrFromOSStatus(OSStatus osStatus)