AuthorizationTagsPriv.h   [plain text]

 * Copyright (c) 2003-2004,2011-2014 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
 * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
 * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
 * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
 * compliance with the License. Please obtain a copy of the License at
 * and read it before using this
 * file.
 * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
 * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
 * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
 * limitations under the License.

 *  AuthorizationTagsPriv.h -- private Authorization tags


	@header AuthorizationTagsPriv
	Version 1.0 10/2003

	This header contains private details for authorization services.

 * meta-rightname prefixes that configure authorization for policy changes 

	@defined kConfigRightAdd
	meta-rightname for prefix adding rights.
#define kAuthorizationConfigRightAdd	"config.add."
	@defined kConfigRightModify
	meta-rightname prefix for modifying rights.
#define kAuthorizationConfigRightModify	"config.modify."
	@defined kConfigRightRemove
	meta-rightname prefix for removing rights.
#define kAuthorizationConfigRightRemove	"config.remove."
	@defined kConfigRight
	meta-rightname prefix.
#define kConfigRight					"config."

 * Other rights

/*! @defined kAuthorizationRightScreensaver
    the right requested to unlock the screen 
#define kAuthorizationRightScreensaver "system.login.screensaver"

	the right used to invoke the right mechanisms to (re)create a login
#define LOGIN_KC_CREATION_RIGHT	"system.keychain.create.loginkc"

 * Miscellaneous rules

	@defined kRuleIsRoot
	canned rule for daemon to daemon convincing (see AuthorizationDB.h for 
    public ones)
#define kAuthorizationRuleIsRoot				"is-root"

 * Rule classes 

/*!	@defined kAuthorizationRuleClass
	Specifying rule class 
#define kAuthorizationRuleClass					"class"

/*! @defined kAuthorizationRuleClassUser
	Specifying user class
#define kAuthorizationRuleClassUser				"user"

/*! @defined kAuthorizationRuleClassMechanisms
	Specifying evaluate-mechanisms class
#define kAuthorizationRuleClassMechanisms		"evaluate-mechanisms"

 * Rule attributes to specify above classes 

/*! @defined kAuthorizationRuleParameterGroup
	string, group specification for user rules. 
#define kAuthorizationRuleParameterGroup		"group"

/*! @defined kAuthorizationRuleParameterKofN
	number, k specification for k-of-n
#define kAuthorizationRuleParameterKofN			"k-of-n"

/*! @defined kAuthorizationRuleParameterRules
	rules specification for rule delegation (incl. k-of-n)
#define kAuthorizationRuleParameterRules		"rules"

/*! @defined kAuthorizationRuleParameterMechanisms
	mechanism specification, a sequence of mechanisms to be evaluated 
#define kAuthorizationRuleParameterMechanisms	"mechanisms"

/*! @defined kAuthorizationRightParameterTimeout
	Timeout if any when a remembered right expires.
	Special values:
	- not specified retains previous behavior: most privileged, credential-
	- zero grants the right once (can be achieved with zero credential 
      timeout, needed?)
	- all other values are interpreted as number of seconds since granted.
#define kAuthorizationRightParameterTimeout	"timeout-right"

/*! @defined kAuthorizationRuleParameterCredentialTimeout
	Timeout if any for the use of cached credentials when authorizing rights.
	- not specified allows for any credentials regardless of age; rights 
      will be remembered in authorizations, removing a credential does not 
      stop it from granting this right, specifying a zero timeout for the 
      right will delegate it back to requiring a credential.
	- all other values are interpreted as number of seconds since the 
      credential was created
	- zero only allows for the use of credentials created "now" 
      (this is deprecated by means of specifying zero for kRightTimeout)
#define kAuthorizationRuleParameterCredentialTimeout		"timeout"

/*!	@defined kAuthorizationRuleParameterCredentialShared
	boolean that indicates whether credentials acquired during 
    authorization are added to the shared pool.
#define kAuthorizationRuleParameterCredentialShared		"shared"

/*! @defined kAuthorizationRuleParameterAllowRoot
	boolean that indicates whether to grant a right purely because the 
    caller is root 
#define kAuthorizationRuleParameterAllowRoot		"allow-root"

/*! @defined kAuthorizationRuleParameterCredentialSessionOwner
	boolean that indicates whether to grant a right based on a valid 
    session-owner credential 
#define kAuthorizationRuleParameterCredentialSessionOwner		"session-owner"

/*! @defined kAuthorizationRuleParameterDefaultPrompt
	dictionary of localization-name and localized prompt pairs 
#define kAuthorizationRuleParameterDefaultPrompt	"default-prompt"

/*! @defined kAuthorizationRuleParameterDefaultButton
 dictionary of localization-name and localized button name pairs 
#define kAuthorizationRuleParameterDefaultButton	"default-button"

/*! @defined kAuthorizationRuleParameterDescription
    string, default description of right.  Usually localized versions are 
    added using the AuthorizationDBSet call (@see AuthorizationDB.h). 
#define kAuthorizationRuleParameterDescription      "description"

/*! @defined kAuthorizationRuleParameterButton
 string, name of the default button.  Usually localized versions are 
 added using the AuthorizationDBSet call (@see AuthorizationDB.h). 
#define kAuthorizationRuleParameterButton      "button"

/*! @defined kAuthorizationRuleParameterAuthenticateUser
	boolean that indicates whether to authenticate the user requesting 
#define kAuthorizationRuleParameterAuthenticateUser		"authenticate-user"

/*! @defined kAuthorizationRuleParameterExtractPassword
	boolean that indicates that the password should be extracted to the context
#define kAuthorizationRuleParameterExtractPassword		"extract-password"

/*! @defined kAuthorizationRuleParameterEntitled
 boolean that indicates whether to grant a right based on the entitlement
#define kAuthorizationRuleParameterEntitled             "entitled"

/*! @defined kAuthorizationRuleParameterEntitledAndGroup
 boolean that indicates whether to grant a right base on the entitlement 
 and if the user is a member of kAuthorizationRuleParameterGroup
#define kAuthorizationRuleParameterEntitledAndGroup		"entitled-group"

/*! @defined kAuthorizationRuleParameterVPNEntitledAndGroup
 boolean that indicates whether to grant a right base on the VPN entitlement
 and if the user is a member of kAuthorizationRuleParameterGroup
#define kAuthorizationRuleParameterVPNEntitledAndGroup		"vpn-entitled-group"

/*! @defined kAuthorizationRuleParameterRequireAppleSigned
 boolean require the caller to be signed by apple
#define kAuthorizationRuleParameterRequireAppleSigned		"require-apple-signed"

/*! @defined kAuthorizationRuleParameterPasswordOnly
 boolean, default false - if true, all alternative authentication methods
 like smart cards are disabled for this rule, only password is allowed
#define kAuthorizationRuleParameterPasswordOnly		"password-only"

 * Hints for internal Authorization use

/* passed between securityd and agent */
#define AGENT_HINT_SUGGESTED_USER "suggested-user"
#define AGENT_HINT_SUGGESTED_USER_LONG "suggested-realname"
#define AGENT_HINT_REQUIRE_USER_IN_GROUP "require-user-in-group"
#define AGENT_HINT_AUTHORIZE_RIGHT "authorize-right"
#define AGENT_HINT_CLIENT_PID "client-pid"
#define AGENT_HINT_CUSTOM_PID "custom-pid"
#define AGENT_HINT_CLIENT_UID "client-uid"
#define AGENT_HINT_CLIENT_VALIDITY "client-signature-validity"
#define AGENT_HINT_CREATOR_PID "creator-pid"
#define AGENT_HINT_CREATOR_AUDIT_TOKEN "creator-audit-token"
#define AGENT_HINT_CLIENT_TYPE "client-type"
#define AGENT_HINT_CLIENT_PATH "client-path"
#define AGENT_HINT_CLIENT_NAME "client-name"
#define AGENT_HINT_TRIES "tries"
#define AGENT_HINT_RETRY_REASON "reason"
#define AGENT_HINT_AUTHORIZE_RULE "authorize-rule"
#define AGENT_HINT_TOKEN_NAME "token-name"
#define AGENT_HINT_PROCESS_SIGNED "process-apple-signed"
#define AGENT_HINT_PROCESS_FROM_APPLE "process-firstparty-signed"
#define AGENT_HINT_SHOW_RESET "show-reset"
#define AGENT_HINT_PASSWORD_ONLY "password-only"

// Public Key Hash from certificate used for login
#define AGENT_HINT_TOKEN_HASH "token-hash"

/* passed by loginwindow to securityd and agent */
#define AGENT_HINT_IMMEDIATE_LAUNCH "immediate-agent"

/* keychain panels */
// ACLowner etc. code identity panel

// Application Path is needed at this stage for identifying the application 
// for which the ACL entry is about to be updated
#define AGENT_HINT_APPLICATION_PATH "application-path"
#define AGENT_HINT_ACL_TAG "acl-tag"
#define AGENT_HINT_GROUPKEY "group-key"
#define AGENT_HINT_ACL_MISMATCH "acl-mismatch"
#define AGENT_HINT_KEYCHAIN_ITEM_NAME "keychain-item-name"
#define AGENT_HINT_KEYCHAIN_PATH "keychain-path"
#define AGENT_HINT_KEYCHAIN_CHECK "keychain-check-pwd"
#define AGENT_HINT_WINDOW_LEVEL "window-level"

/* Login Keychain Creation hint keys */
#define AGENT_HINT_ATTR_NAME "loginKCCreate:attributeName"
#define AGENT_HINT_LOGIN_KC_NAME "loginKCCreate:pathName"
#define AGENT_HINT_LOGIN_KC_EXISTS_IN_KC_FOLDER "loginKCCreate:exists"
#define AGENT_HINT_LOGIN_KC_USER_NAME "loginKCCreate:userName"
#define AGENT_HINT_LOGIN_KC_CUST_STR1 "loginKCCreate:customStr1"
#define AGENT_HINT_LOGIN_KC_CUST_STR2 "loginKCCreate:customStr2"
#define AGENT_HINT_LOGIN_KC_USER_HAS_OTHER_KCS_STR "loginKCCreate:moreThanOneKeychainExists"

#define AGENT_HINT_IGNORE_SESSION "ignore-session-state"
#define AGENT_HINT_NO_UI_EXPECTED "no-ui-expected"

/* Keychain synchronization */
// iDisk keychain blob metainfo dictionary; follows "defaults" naming

 * Context values for specific internal clients

/* passed from mechanisms to loginwindow */
#define kAuthorizationEnvironmentTokenSubserviceID "token-subservice-uid"

// remote home directory specification
#define AGENT_CONTEXT_AFP_DIR	"afp_dir"
// home directory (where it's locally mounted)
#define AGENT_CONTEXT_HOME		"home"
#define AGENT_CONTEXT_UID			"uid"
#define AGENT_CONTEXT_GID			"gid"
// kerberos principal; decoded from auth-authority specification
#define AGENT_CONTEXT_KERBEROSPRINCIPAL	"kerberos-principal"
// tell loginwindow where we're mounted
// (this should really be equal to our homedirectory according to HOME
#define AGENT_CONTEXT_MOUNTPOINT	"mountpoint"

/* authorization context passed from agent to securityd */
#define AGENT_USERNAME "username"
#define AGENT_PASSWORD "password"
#define AGENT_CONTEXT_NEW_PASSWORD "new-password"
#define AGENT_CONTEXT_AUTO_LOGIN "auto-login"
#define AGENT_CONTEXT_USER_CONSENT "user-consent"

// Allow the user to choose to display their password
#define AGENT_HINT_ALLOW_SHOW_PASSWORD "show-add-password"

#define AGENT_HINT_SHOW_ADD_TO_KEYCHAIN "show-add-to-keychain"
#define AGENT_CONTEXT_RESET_PASSWORD "reset-password"

/* can be in hints or context */
#define AGENT_ADD_TO_KEYCHAIN "add-to-keychain"

#define AGENT_CONTEXT_AUTHENTICATION_FAILURE "authentication-failure"

/* keychain panels */
// ACLowner etc. code identity panel
#define AGENT_CONTEXT_REMEMBER_ACTION   "remember-action"
#define AGENT_CONTEXT_ALLOW   "allow"

/* Authorization Hints Providers */
#define AGENT_CONTEXT_AP_USER_NAME "ap-user-name"
#define AGENT_CONTEXT_AP_TOKEN "ap-token"
#define AGENT_CONTEXT_AP_PAM_SERVICE_NAME "ap-pam-service-name"
#define AGENT_CONTEXT_AP_PAM_ERROR_MESSAGE "ap-pam-error-message"

/* ID of smartcard which was used for authentication */
#define AGENT_CONTEXT_AUTH_TOKEN_ID "authenticated-token-id"

/* LocalAuthentication specific */
#define AGENT_CONTEXT_LACONTEXT "la-context"