security.1   [plain text]

.\"Modified from man(1) of FreeBSD, the NetBSD mdoc.template, and mdoc.samples.
.\"See Also:
.\"man mdoc.samples for a complete listing of options
.\"man mdoc for the short list of editing options
.Dd Tue May 06 2003               \" DATE 
.Dt security 1      \" Program name and manual section number 
.Os Darwin
.Sh NAME                 \" Section Header - required - don't modify 
.Nm security
.\" The following lines are read in generating the apropos(man -k) database. Use only key
.\" words here as the database is built based on the words here and in the .ND line. 
.\" Use .Nm macro to designate other names for the documented program.
.Nd Command line interface to keychains and Security.framework
.Sh SYNOPSIS             \" Section Header - required - don't modify
.Op Fl hilqv             \" [-hilqv]
.Op Fl p Ar prompt       \" [-p prompt] 
.Op Ar command           \" [command]
.Op Ar command_options   \" [command_options]
.Op Ar command_args      \" [command_args]
.Sh DESCRIPTION          \" Section Header - required - don't modify
A simple command line interface which lets you administer Keychains,
manipulate keys and certificates, and do just about anything the
Security framework is capable of from the command line.  New commands
are constantly being added over time.
By default
will execute the
.Ar command
supplied and report if anything went wrong.
If the
.Fl i
.Fl p
options are provided,
will enter interactive mode and allow the user to enter multiple commands on stdin.  When EOF is read from stdin
will exit.
Here is a complete list of the options available:
.Bl -tag -width -indent
.It Fl h
If no arguments are specified show a list of all commands.  If arguments are provided show usage for each the specified commands.  This options is basically the same as the
.Nm help
.It Fl i
in interactive mode.  A prompt 
.Li security>
by default
will be displayed and the user will be able to type commands on stdin until an EOF is encountered.
.It Fl l
exits run
.Dl "/usr/bin/leaks -nocontext"
on itself to see if the command(s) you executed leaks.
.It Fl p Ar prompt
This option implies the
.Fl i
option but changes the default prompt to the argument specified instead.
.It Fl q
Will make
less verbose.
.It Fl v
Will make
more verbose.
.El                      \" Ends the list
provides a rich variety of commands
.Po Ar command
in the
, each of which often has a wealth of options, to allow access to
the broad functionality provided by the Security framework.  However,
you don't have to master every detail for
to be useful to you.
Here are brief descriptions of all the
.Bl -tag -width find-internet-password -compact
.It Nm help
Show all commands. Or show usage for a command.
.It Nm list-keychains
Display or manipulate the keychain search list.
.It Nm default-keychain
Display or set the default keychain.
.It Nm login-keychain
Display or set the login keychain.
.It Nm create-keychain
Create keychains and add them to the search list.
.It Nm delete-keychain
Delete keychains and remove them from the search list.
.It Nm lock-keychain
Lock the specified keychain.
.It Nm unlock-keychain
Unlock the specified keychain.
.It Nm set-keychain-settings
Set Nm settings for a keychain.
.It Nm show-keychain-info
Show the settings for keychain.
.It Nm dump-keychain
Dump the contents of one or more keychains.
.It Nm create-keypair
Create an assymetric keypair.
.It Nm add-internet-password
Add an internet password item.
.It Nm add-certificates
Add certificates to a keychain.
.It Nm find-internet-password
Find an internet password item.
.It Nm find-certificate
Find a certificate item.
.It Nm create-db
Create an db using the DL.
.It Nm import
Import item(s) into a keychain.
.It Nm export
Export item(s) from a keychain.
.It Nm install-mds
Install (or re-install) the MDS database.
.It Nm leaks
.Pa /usr/bin/leaks
on this proccess.
.It Nm verify-cert
Verify certificate(s).
This section describes the
.Ar command_options
that are available across all
.Bl -tag -width -indent
.It Fl h
Show a usage message for the specified command.  This option is
basically the same as the
.Ar help
Here (finally) are details on all the
commands and the options each accepts.
.Bl -item
.Nm help
.Op Fl h
.Bl -item -offset -indent
Show all commands. Or show usage for a command.
.Nm list-keychains
.Op Fl h
.Op Fl d Ar user Ns | Ns Ar system Ns | Ns Ar common
.Op Fl s Op Ar keychain...
.Bl -item -offset -indent
Display or set the keychain search list.
.Bl -tag -compact -width -indent
.It Fl d Ar user Ns | Ns Ar system Ns | Ns Ar common
Specify the preferences domain to be used.
.It Fl s
Set the search list to the specified keychains
.Nm default-keychain
.Op Fl h
.Op Fl d Ar user Ns | Ns Ar system Ns | Ns Ar common
.Op Fl s Op Ar keychain
.Bl -item -offset -indent
Display or set the default keychain.
.Bl -tag -compact -width -indent
.It Fl d Ar user Ns | Ns Ar system Ns | Ns Ar common
Specify the preferences domain to be used.
.It Fl s
Set the default keychain to the specified
.Ar keychain Ns .
Unset it if no keychain is specified.
.Nm login-keychain
.Op Fl h
.Op Fl d Ar user Ns | Ns Ar system Ns | Ns Ar common
.Op Fl s Op Ar keychain
.Bl -item -offset -indent
Display or set the login keychain.
.Bl -tag -compact -width -indent
.It Fl d Ar user Ns | Ns Ar system Ns | Ns Ar common
Specify the preferences domain to be used.
.It Fl s
Set the login keychain to the specified
.Ar keychain Ns .
Unset it if no keychain is specified.
.Nm create-keychain
.Op Fl hP
.Op Fl p Ar password
.Op Ar keychain...
.Bl -item -offset -indent
Create keychains and add them to the search list.  If no keychains are specified the user is prompted for one.
Use of the -p option is insecure.
.Bl -tag -compact -width -indent-indent
.It Fl P
Prompt the user for a password using the SecurityAgent.
.It Fl p Ar password
.Ar password
as the password for the keychains being created.
If neither
.Fl P
.Fl p Ar password
are specified the user is prompted for a password.
.Nm delete-keychain
.Op Fl h
.Op Ar keychain...
.Bl -item -offset -indent
Delete keychains and remove them from the search list.
.Nm lock-keychain
.Op Fl h
.Op Fl a Ns | Ns Ar keychain
.Bl -item -offset -indent
.Ar keychain Ns
\&. Or the default is none is specified.  If the
.Fl a
options is specified all keychains are locked.
.Nm unlock-keychain
.Op Fl hu
.Op Fl p Ar password
.Op Ar keychain
.Bl -item -offset -indent
.Ar keychain Ns
\&. Or the default is none is specified.
.Nm set-keychain-settings
.Op Fl hlu
.Op Fl t Ar timeout
.Op Ar keychain
.Bl -item -offset -indent
Set settings for
.Ar keychain Ns
\&. Or the default is none is specified.
.Bl -tag -compact -width -indent-indent
.It Fl l 
Lock keychain when the system sleeps
.It Fl u 
Lock keychain after certain period of time specified using
.Fl t Ns
.It Fl t Ar timeout
Automatically lock keychain after
.Ar timeout
seconds of inactivity.
.Nm show-keychain-info
.Op Fl h
.Bl -item -offset -indent
Show the settings for keychain.
.Nm dump-keychain
.Op Fl adhir
.Bl -item -offset -indent
Dump the contents of one or more keychains.
.Bl -tag -compact -width -indent-indent
.It Fl a
Dump acl of items.
.It Fl d
Dump cleartext data of items.
.It Fl i
Interactive acl editing mode.
.It Fl r
Dump raw (possibly ciphertext) data of items.
.Nm create-keypair
.Op Fl h
.Op Fl a Ar alg
.Op Fl s Ar size
.Op Fl f Ar from_date
.Op Fl t Ar to_date
.Op Fl v Ar days
.Op Fl k Ar keychain
.Op Fl n Ar name
.Op Fl A Ns | Ns Fl T Ar app1:app2:...
.Bl -item -offset -indent
Create an asymmetric keypair.
.Nm add-internet-password
.Op Fl h
.Op Fl a Ar account_name
.Op Fl d Ar security_domain
.Op Fl p Ar path
.Op Fl P Ar port
.Op Fl r Ar protocol
.Op Fl s Ar server_name
.Op Fl t Ar authentication_type
.Op Fl w Ar password_data
.Op Ar keychain
.Bl -item -offset -indent
Add an internet password item.
.Nm add-certificates
.Op Fl h
.Op Fl k Ar keychain
.Ar file...
.Bl -item -offset -indent
Add certficates contained in the specified
.Ar files
to the default keychain.  The files must contain one DER encoded X509 certificate each.
.Bl -tag -compact -width -indent-indent
.It Fl k Ar keychain
.Ar keychain
rather than the default keychain.
.Nm find-internet-password
.Op Fl gh
.Op Fl a Ar account_name
.Op Fl d Ar security_domain
.Op Fl p Ar path
.Op Fl P Ar port
.Op Fl r Ar protocol
.Op Fl s Ar server_name
.Op Fl t Ar authentication_type
.Op Ar keychain...
.Bl -item -offset -indent
Find an internet password item.
.Nm find-certificate
.Op Fl ahmp
.Op Fl e Ar email_address
.Op Ar keychain...
.Bl -item -offset -indent
Find a certificate item.  If no
.Ar keychain
arguments are provided,
will search the default search list.
.Bl -tag -compact -width -indent
.It Fl a
Find all matching certificates, not just the first one.
.It Fl g Ar dl Ns | Ns Ar cspdl
Use the AppleDL (default) or AppleCspDL
.It Fl e Ar email_address
Match on "email_address" when searching.
.It Fl m
Show the email addresses in the certificate.
.It Fl p
Output certificate in pem form.  The default is to dump the attributes and keychain the cert is in.
.Sy Examples
.Bl -tag -width -indent
.Dl security> find-certificate -a -p > allcerts.pem
Exports all certificates from all keychains into a pem file called allcerts.pem.
.Dl security> find-certificate -a -e -p > certs.pem
Exports all certificates from all keychains with the email address into a pem file called certs.pem.
.Nm create-db
.Op Fl aho0
.Op Fl g Ar dl Ns | Ns Ar cspdl
.Op Fl m Ar mode
.Op Ar name
.Bl -item -offset -indent
Create an db using the DL.  If
.Ar name
isn't provided
will prompt the user to type a name.
.Bl -tag -compact -width -indent-indent
.It Fl a
Turn off autocommit
.It Fl g Ar dl Ns | Ns Ar cspdl
Use the AppleDL (default) or AppleCspDL
.It Fl m Ar mode
Set the file permissions to
.Ar mode Ns
.It Fl o
Force using openparams argument
.It Fl 0
Force using version 0 openparams
.Sy Examples
.Bl -tag -width -indent
.Dl security> create-db -m 0644 test.db
.Dl security> create-db -g cspdl -a test2.db
.\"new import/export commands.
.Nm export
.Op Fl k Ar keychain
.Op Fl t Ar item_type
.Op Fl f Ar item_format
.Op Fl w
.Op Fl p Ar item_format
.Op Fl P Ar passphrase
.Op Fl o Ar outfile
.Bl -item -offset -indent
Export one or more items from a keychain to one of a number of external representations.  If
.Ar keychain
isn't provided, items will be exported from the user's default keychain.
.Bl -tag -compact -width -indent-indent
.It Fl k Ar keychain
Specify keychain from which item(s) will be exported. 
.It Fl t Ar item_type
Specify the type of items to export. Possible types are certs, allKeys, pubKeys, privKeys, identities, and all. The default is all. An identity consists of both a certificate and the corresponding provate key. 
.It Fl f Ar item_format
Specify the format of the exported data. Possible formats are openssl, bsafe, pkcs7, pkcs8, pkcs12, x509, and pemseq. The default is pemseq if more than one item is being exported. The default is openssl if one key is being exported. The default is x509 if one certificate is being exported.
.It Fl w
Specifies that private keys are to be wrapped on export. 
.It Fl p 
Specifies that PEM armour is to be applied to the output data.
.It Fl P Ar passphrase
Specify the wrapping passphrase immediately. The default is to obtain a secure passphrase via GUI.
Use of the -P option is unsecure.
.It Fl o Ar outfile
Write the output data to 
.Ar outfile Ns
\&. Default is to write data to stdout. 
.Sy Examples
.Bl -tag -width -indent
.Dl security> export -k login.keychain -t certs -o /tmp/certs.pem
.Dl security> export -k newcert.keychain -t identities -f pkcs12 -o /tmp/mycerts.p12
.Nm import
.Op Fl k Ar keychain
.Op Fl t Ar item_type
.Op Fl f Ar item_format
.Op Fl w
.Op Fl P Ar passphrase
.Bl -item -offset -indent
Import one or more items from 
.Ar inputfile Ns
\& into a keychain. If
.Ar keychain
isn't provided, items will be imported into the user's default keychain.
.Bl -tag -compact -width -indent-indent
.It Fl k Ar keychain
Specify keychain into which item(s) will be imported. 
.It Fl t Ar item_type
Specify the type of items to import. Possible types are cert, pub, priv, session, cert, and agg. Pub, priv, and session refer to keys; agg is one of the aggregate types (pkcs12 and PEM sequence). The command can often figure out what item_type an item contains based in the filename and/or item_format.
.It Fl f Ar item_format
Specify the format of the exported data. Possible formats are openssl, bsafe, raw, pkcs7, pkcs8, pkcs12, x509, and pemseq. The command can often figure out what format an item is in based in the filename and/or item_type. 
.It Fl w
Specifies that private keys are wrapped and must be unwrapped on import. 
.It Fl P Ar passphrase
Specify the unwrapping passphrase immediately. The default is to obtain a secure passphrase via GUI.
Use of the -P option is unsecure.
.Sy Examples
.Bl -tag -width -indent
.Dl security> import /tmp/certs.pem -k 
.Dl security> import /tmp/mycerts.p12 -t agg -k newcert.keychain
.Dl security> import /tmp/mycerts.p12 -f pkcs12 -k newcert.keychain
.\"end of new import/export commands.
.Nm install-mds
.Bl -item -offset -indent
Install (or re-install) the Module Directory Services (MDS) database. This is a system tool which is not normally used by users. There are no options. 
.Nm leaks
.Op Fl h
.Op Fl cycles
.Op Fl nocontext
.Op Fl nostacks
.Op Fl exclude Ar symbol
.Bl -item -offset -indent
.Li /usr/bin/leaks
on this proccess.  This is to help find memory leaks after running
certain commands.
.Bl -tag -compact -width -indent-indent
.It Fl cycles
Use a stricter algorithm (See
.Xr leaks 1
for details).
.It Fl nocontext
Withhold the hex dumps of the leaked memory.
.It Fl nostacks
Don't show stack traces of leaked memory.
.It Fl exclude Ar symbol
Ignore leaks called from
.Ar symbol Ns .
.Nm verify-cert
.Op Fl c Ar certFile
.Op Fl r Ar rootCertFile
.Op Fl p Ar policy
.Op Fl d Ar date
.Op Fl n Ar name
.Op Fl L
.Op Fl q
.Op Fl C
.Bl -item -offset -indent
Verify one or more certificates.
.Bl -tag -compact -width -indent-indent
.It Fl c Ar certFile
Certificate to verify, in DER or PEM format. Can be specified more than once; leaf certificate has to be specified first.
.It Fl r Ar rootCertFile
Root certificate, in DER or PEM format. Can be specified more than once. If not specified, the system anchor certificates are used.
.It Fl p Ar policy
Specify verification policy (ssl, smime, codeSign, IPSec, basic, eap, appleID, timestamping, revocation). Default is basic.
.It Fl d Ar date
Date to set for verification. Specified in the format of YYYY-MM-DD-hh:mm:ss (time optional). e.g: 2016-04-25-15:59:59 for April 25, 2016 at 3:59:59 pm in GMT
.It Fl n Ar name
Specify name for the policy (ssl, IPSec, smime).
.It Fl L
Use local certificates only. If an issuing CA certificate is missing, this option will avoid accessing the network to fetch it.
.It Fl q
Quiet, no stdout or stderr.
.It Fl C
Set to client-side. Otherwise, defaults to server.
.Sy Examples
.Bl -tag -width -indent
.Dl security> verify-cert -r serverbasic.crt
.Sh ENVIRONMENT      \" May not be needed
.Bl -tag -width -indent
.It Ev MallocStackLogging
When using the
.Nm leaks
command or the
.Fl l
option it's probably a good idea to set this environment variable before
is started.  Doing so will allow leaks to display symbolic backtraces.
.Bl -tag -width -indent
.It Pa ~/Library/Preferences/
Propertylist file containing the current users default keychain and keychain search list.
.It Pa /Library/Preferences/
Propertylist file containing the system default keychain and keychain search list.  This is used by processes started at boottime, or those requesting to use the system search domain, such as system daemons.
.It Pa /Library/Preferences/
Propertylist file containing the a common keychain search list which is appended to every users searchlist and to the system search list as well.
.\" List links in ascending order by section, alphabetically within a section.
.\" Please do not reference files that do not exist without filing a bug report
.Xr certtool 1 ,
.Xr leaks 1
.\" .Xr systemkeychain 8 
was first introduced in Mac OS X version 10.3
.An "Michael Brouwer"
still needs a lot more commands before it can be considered complete.
In particular it should someday supersede both the
.Li certtool
.Li systemkeychain