DER_Decode.h   [plain text]

 * Copyright (c) 2005-2016 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
 * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
 * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
 * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
 * compliance with the License. Please obtain a copy of the License at
 * and read it before using this
 * file.
 * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
 * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
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 * limitations under the License.

 * DER_Decode.h - DER decoding routines
#ifndef	_DER_DECODE_H_
#define _DER_DECODE_H_

#include <libDER/libDER.h>
#include <stdbool.h>


 * Decoding one item consists of extracting its tag, a pointer
 * to the actual content, and the length of the content. Those
 * three are represented by a DERDecodedInfo.
typedef struct {
	DERTag		tag;
	DERItem		content;
} DERDecodedInfo;

 * Basic decoding primitive. Only works with:
 *  -- definite length encoding 
 *  -- one-byte tags 
 *  -- max content length fits in a DERSize
 * No malloc or copy of the contents is performed; the returned 
 * content-> is a pointer into the incoming der data.
DERReturn DERDecodeItem(
	const DERItem	*der,			/* data to decode */
	DERDecodedInfo	*decoded);		/* RETURNED */

 *  Basic decoding primitive. Allows for decoding with a partial buffer.
 *  if allowPartialBuffer is true. A partial buffer would normally fail
 *  because the encoded length would be greater than the size of the buffer passed in.
 *  Only works with:
 *  -- definite length encoding
 *  -- one-byte tags (unless DER_MULTIBYTE_TAGS is defined)
 *  -- max content length fits in a DERSize
 * No malloc or copy of the contents is performed; the returned
 * content-> is a pointer into the incoming der data.
DERReturn DERDecodeItemPartialBuffer(
    const DERItem        *der,                        /* data to decode */
    DERDecodedInfo        *decoded,       /* RETURNED */
    bool allowPartialBuffer);

 * Given a BIT_STRING, in the form of its raw content bytes, 
 * obtain the number of unused bits and the raw bit string bytes.
DERReturn DERParseBitString(
	const DERItem	*contents,
	DERItem			*bitStringBytes,	/* RETURNED */
	DERByte			*numUnusedBits);	/* RETURNED */

 * Given a BOOLEAN, in the form of its raw content bytes, 
 * obtain it's value.
DERReturn DERParseBoolean(
    const DERItem	*contents,
    bool			*value);	/* RETURNED */

DERReturn DERParseBooleanWithDefault(
    const DERItem	*contents,
    bool			defaultValue,
    bool			*value);	/* RETURNED */
 * Given a positive INTEGER, in the form of its raw content bytes,
 * obtain it's value as a 32 bit or 64 bit quantity.
 * Returns DR_BufOverflow if the value is too large to fit in the return type

DERReturn DERParseInteger(
	const DERItem	*contents,
	uint32_t        *value);	/* RETURNED */

DERReturn DERParseInteger64(
    const DERItem   *contents,
    uint64_t        *value);        /* RETURNED */

 * Sequence/set decode support.
/* state representing a sequence or set being decoded */
typedef struct {
	DERByte	*nextItem;
	DERByte	*end;
} DERSequence;

 * To decode a set or sequence, call DERDecodeSeqInit or
 * DERDecodeSeqContentInit once, then call DERDecodeSeqNext to 
 * get each enclosed item. 
 * DERDecodeSeqNext returns DR_EndOfSequence when no more
 * items are available. 
 * Use this to parse the top level sequence's tag and content length.
DERReturn DERDecodeSeqInit(
	const DERItem	*der,			/* data to decode */
	DERTag			*tag,			/* RETURNED tag of sequence/set. This will be
									 *    either ASN1_CONSTR_SEQUENCE or 
									 *    ASN1_CONSTR_SET. */
	DERSequence		*derSeq);		/* RETURNED, to use in DERDecodeSeqNext */
 * Use this to start in on decoding a sequence's content, when 
 * the top-level tag and content have already been decoded. 
DERReturn DERDecodeSeqContentInit(
	const DERItem	*content,
	DERSequence		*derSeq);		/* RETURNED, to use in DERDecodeSeqNext */

/* obtain the next decoded item in a sequence or set */
DERReturn DERDecodeSeqNext(
	DERSequence		*derSeq,
	DERDecodedInfo	*decoded);		/* RETURNED */
 * High level sequence decode.

 * Per-item decode options.
/* Explicit default, no options */
#define DER_DEC_NO_OPTS		0x0000

/* This item optional, can be skipped during decode */
#define DER_DEC_OPTIONAL	0x0001	

/* Skip the tag check; accept anything. */
#define DER_DEC_ASN_ANY		0x0002	

/* Skip item, no write to DERDecodedInfo (but tag check still performed) */
#define DER_DEC_SKIP		0x0004		

/* Save full DER encoding in DERDecodedInfo, including tag and length. Normally
 * only the content is saved. */
#define DER_DEC_SAVE_DER	0x0008

 * High level sequence parse, starting with top-level tag and content.
 * Top level tag must be ASN1_CONSTR_SEQUENCE - if it's not, and that's 
 * OK, use DERParseSequenceContent().
 * These never return DR_EndOfSequence - if an *unexpected* end of sequence
 * occurs, return DR_IncompleteSeq.
 * Results of the decoding of one item are placed in a DERItem whose address 
 * is the dest arg plus the offset value in the associated DERItemSpec. 
 * Items which are optional (DER_DEC_OPTIONAL) and which are not found, 
 * leave their associated DERDecodedInfos unmodified.
 * Processing of a sequence ends on detection of any error or after the
 * last DERItemSpec is processed. 
 * The sizeToZero argument, if nonzero, indicates the number of bytes
 * starting at dest to zero before processing the sequence. This is 
 * generally desirable, particularly if there are any DER_DEC_OPTIONAL
 * items in the sequence; skipped optional items are detected by the 
 * caller via a NULL; if this hasn't been
 * explicitly zeroed (generally, by passing a nonzero value of sizeToZero),
 * skipped items can't be detected. 
DERReturn DERParseSequence(
	const DERItem			*der,
	DERShort				numItems,		/* size of itemSpecs[] */
	const DERItemSpec		*itemSpecs,
	void					*dest,			/* DERDecodedInfo(s) here RETURNED */
	DERSize					sizeToZero);	/* optional */
/* high level sequence parse, starting with sequence's content */
DERReturn DERParseSequenceContent(
	const DERItem			*content,
	DERShort				numItems,		/* size of itemSpecs[] */
	const DERItemSpec		*itemSpecs,
	void					*dest,			/* DERDecodedInfo(s) here RETURNED */
	DERSize					sizeToZero);	/* optional */


#endif	/* _DER_DECODE_H_ */