notes   [plain text]

leaf cert
not before 		20060417191040Z		19:10:40 Apr 17, 2006
not after  		20160414191040Z		19:10:40 Apr 14, 2016

root cert
not before 		20060417190954Z		19:10:40 Apr 17, 2006
not after  		20160414190954Z		19:10:40 Apr 14, 2016

CRL: not valid until well after leaf cert was created, valid for 10 years, revocation
	12 hours after CRL is created

$ makeCrl -s crlTestLeaf.cer -i crlTestRoot.cer -o crl.crl -n 315360000 -r 43200
...wrote 282 bytes to crl.crl.
this update 	20060417210558Z		21:05:58 Apr 17, 2006
next update 	20160414210558Z		21:05:58 Apr 14, 2016
cert revoked 	20060418090558Z		09:05:58 Apr 18, 2006

Test cert at revoke + 1 ==> fail				20060418090559Z
Test cert at revoke - 1 ==> OK					20060418090557Z
Test cert at create with CRL ==> OK 			20060417191040Z (before revocation, before CRL)
Test cert at create w/o CRL ==> OK				20060417191040Z
Test cert at create-1 w/o CRL - not yet valid	20060417191039Z
Test cert at not after w/o CRL - OK				20160414191040Z
Test cert at not after + 1 - fail				20160414191041Z

Cert generated from CA in enclosed keychain, crlKeychain.keychaain, pwd = crlKeychain