superblob.h   [plain text]

// SuperBlob - a typed bag of Blobs
#ifndef _H_SUPERBLOB
#define _H_SUPERBLOB

#include <security_utilities/blob.h>
#include <map>
#include <vector>

namespace Security {

// A SuperBlob is a Blob that contains multiple sub-Blobs of varying type.
// The SuperBlob is contiguous and contains a directory of its sub-blobs.
// A Maker is included.
// SuperBlobCore lets you define your own SuperBlob type. To just use a generic
// SuperBlob, use SuperBlob<> below.
template <class _BlobType, uint32_t _magic, class _Type>
class SuperBlobCore: public Blob<_BlobType, _magic> {
	class Maker; friend class Maker;
	typedef _Type Type;
	// echoes from parent BlobCore (the C++ type system is too restrictive here)
	typedef BlobCore::Offset Offset;
	template <class BlobType> BlobType *at(Offset offset) { return BlobCore::at<BlobType>(offset); }
	template <class BlobType> const BlobType *at(Offset offset) const { return BlobCore::at<BlobType>(offset); }
	void setup(size_t size, unsigned count)
	{ this->initialize(size); this->mCount = count; }

	struct Index {
		Endian<Type> type;			// type of sub-Blob
		Endian<Offset> offset;		// starting offset
	bool validateBlob(size_t maxSize = 0) const;
	unsigned count() const { return mCount; }

	// access by index number
	Type type(unsigned n) const { assert(n < mCount); return mIndex[n].type; }
	const BlobCore *blob(unsigned n) const
		{ assert(n < mCount); return mIndex[n].offset ? at<const BlobCore>(mIndex[n].offset) : NULL; }
	template <class BlobType>
	const BlobType *blob(unsigned n) const { return BlobType::specific(blob(n)); }

	// access by index type (assumes unique types)
	const BlobCore *find(Type type) const;
	template <class BlobType>
	const BlobType *find(Type type) const { return BlobType::specific(find(type)); }
	Endian<uint32_t> mCount;		// number of sub-Blobs following
	Index mIndex[0];				// <count> IndexSlot structures
	// followed by sub-Blobs, packed and ordered in an undefined way

template <class _BlobType, uint32_t _magic, class _Type>
inline bool SuperBlobCore<_BlobType, _magic, _Type>::validateBlob(size_t maxSize /* = 0 */) const
	unsigned count = mCount;
	size_t ixLimit = sizeof(SuperBlobCore) + count * sizeof(Index);	// end of index vector
	if (!BlobCore::validateBlob(_magic, ixLimit, maxSize))
		return false;
	for (const Index *ix = mIndex + count - 1; ix >= mIndex; ix--) {
		Offset offset = ix->offset;
		if (offset)																		// if non-null
			if (offset < ixLimit														// offset not too small
				|| offset + sizeof(BlobCore) > this->length()							// fits Blob header (including length field)
				|| offset + at<const BlobCore>(offset)->length() > this->length())	// fits entire blob
				return false;
	return true;

// A generic SuperBlob ready for use. You still need to specify a magic number.
template <uint32_t _magic, class _Type = uint32_t>
class SuperBlob : public SuperBlobCore<SuperBlob<_magic, _Type>, _magic, _Type> {

template <class _BlobType, uint32_t _magic, class _Type>
const BlobCore *SuperBlobCore<_BlobType, _magic, _Type>::find(Type type) const
	for (unsigned slot = 0; slot < mCount; slot++)
		if (mIndex[slot].type == type)
			return mIndex[slot].offset ? at<const BlobCore>(mIndex[slot].offset) : NULL;
	return NULL;	// not found

// A SuperBlob::Maker simply assembles multiple Blobs into a single, indexed
// super-blob. Just add() sub-Blobs by type and call make() to get
// the result, malloc'ed. A Maker is not resettable.
// Maker can repeatedly make SuperBlobs from the same (cached) inputs.
// It can also tell you how big its output will be, given established contents
// plus (optional) additional sizes of blobs yet to come.
template <class _BlobType, uint32_t _magic, class _Type>
class SuperBlobCore<_BlobType, _magic, _Type>::Maker {
	Maker() { }
	Maker(const Maker &src)
		for (typename BlobMap::iterator it = mPieces.begin(); it != mPieces.end(); ++it)
			mPieces.insert(make_pair(it->first, it->second->clone()));

		for (typename BlobMap::iterator it = mPieces.begin(); it != mPieces.end(); ++it)
	void add(Type type, BlobCore *blob);		// takes ownership of blob
	void add(const _BlobType *blobs);			// copies all blobs
	void add(const Maker &maker);				// ditto
	bool contains(Type type) const				// see if we have this type already
		{ return mPieces.find(type) != mPieces.end(); }
	BlobCore *get(Type type) const
			typename BlobMap::const_iterator it = mPieces.find(type);
			return (it == mPieces.end()) ? NULL : it->second;
//	size_t size(size_t size1 = 0, ...) const;	// size with optional additional blob sizes
	size_t size(const std::vector<size_t> &sizes, size_t size1 = 0, ...) const; // same with array-of-sizes input
	_BlobType *make() const;					// create (malloc) and return SuperBlob
	_BlobType *operator () () const { return make(); }

	typedef std::map<Type, BlobCore *> BlobMap;
	BlobMap mPieces;

// Add a Blob to a SuperBlob::Maker.
// This takes ownership of the blob, which must have been malloc'ed.
// Any previous value set for this Type will be freed immediately.
template <class _BlobType, uint32_t _magic, class _Type>
void SuperBlobCore<_BlobType, _magic, _Type>::Maker::add(Type type, BlobCore *blob)
	pair<typename BlobMap::iterator, bool> r = mPieces.insert(make_pair(type, blob));
	if (!r.second) {	// already there
		secdebug("superblob", "Maker %p replaces type=%d", this, type);
		r.first->second = blob;

template <class _BlobType, uint32_t _magic, class _Type>
void SuperBlobCore<_BlobType, _magic, _Type>::Maker::add(const _BlobType *blobs)
	for (uint32_t ix = 0; ix < blobs->mCount; ix++)
		this->add(blobs->mIndex[ix].type, blobs->blob(ix)->clone());

template <class _BlobType, uint32_t _magic, class _Type>
void SuperBlobCore<_BlobType, _magic, _Type>::Maker::add(const Maker &maker)
	for (typename BlobMap::const_iterator it = maker.mPieces.begin(); it != maker.mPieces.end(); ++it)
		this->add(it->first, it->second->clone());

// Calculate the size the new SuperBlob would have, given the contents of the Maker
// so far, plus additional blobs with the sizes given.
template <class _BlobType, uint32_t _magic, class _Type>
size_t SuperBlobCore<_BlobType, _magic, _Type>::Maker::size(const std::vector<size_t> &sizes, size_t size1, ...) const
	// count established blobs
	size_t count = mPieces.size();
	size_t total = 0;
	for (auto it = mPieces.begin(); it != mPieces.end(); ++it)
		total += it->second->length();
	// add more blobs from the sizes array
	for (auto it = sizes.begin(); it != sizes.end(); ++it)
		total += *it;
	count += sizes.size();

	// add more blobs from individual sizes specified
	if (size1) {
		va_list args;
		va_start(args, size1);
		do {
			total += size1;
			size1 = va_arg(args, size_t);
		} while (size1);

	return sizeof(SuperBlobCore) + count * sizeof(Index) + total;

// Finish SuperBlob construction and return the new, malloc'ed, SuperBlob.
// This can be done repeatedly.
template <class _BlobType, uint32_t _magic, class _Type>
_BlobType *SuperBlobCore<_BlobType, _magic, _Type>::Maker::make() const
	Offset pc = (Offset)(sizeof(SuperBlobCore) + mPieces.size() * sizeof(Index));
	Offset total = (Offset)size(vector<size_t>(), 0);
	_BlobType *result = (_BlobType *)malloc(total);
	if (!result)
	result->setup(total, (unsigned)mPieces.size());
	unsigned n = 0;
	for (typename BlobMap::const_iterator it = mPieces.begin(); it != mPieces.end(); ++it) {
		result->mIndex[n].type = it->first;
		result->mIndex[n].offset = pc;
		memcpy(result->template at<unsigned char>(pc), it->second, it->second->length());
		pc += it->second->length();
	secdebug("superblob", "Maker %p assembles %ld blob(s) into %p (size=%d)",
		this, mPieces.size(), result, total);
	return result;

}	// Security

#endif //_H_SUPERBLOB