SecCmsContentInfo.h   [plain text]

 *  Copyright (c) 2004,2011,2014 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
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    @header SecCmsContentInfo.h
    @Copyright (c) 2004,2011,2014 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.

    @availability 10.4 and later
    @abstract Interfaces of the CMS implementation.
    @discussion The functions here implement functions for creating and
                accessing ContentInfo objects that are part of Cryptographic
                Message Syntax (CMS) objects as described in rfc3369.


#include <Security/SecCmsBase.h>

#if defined(__cplusplus)
extern "C" {

/*! @functiongroup ContentInfo accessors */
    @abstract Get content's contentInfo (if it exists).
    @param cinfo A ContentInfo object of which we want to get the child contentInfo.
    @result The child ContentInfo object, or NULL if there is none.
    @discussion This function requires a ContentInfo object which is usually created by decoding and SecCmsMessage using a SecCmsDecoder.
    @availability 10.4 and later
extern SecCmsContentInfoRef
SecCmsContentInfoGetChildContentInfo(SecCmsContentInfoRef cinfo);

    @abstract Get pointer to inner content
    @discussion needs to be casted...
extern void *
SecCmsContentInfoGetContent(SecCmsContentInfoRef cinfo);

    @abstract Get pointer to innermost content
    @discussion This is typically only called by SecCmsMessageGetContent().
SecCmsContentInfoGetInnerContent(SecCmsContentInfoRef cinfo);

    @abstract Find out and return the inner content type.
extern SECOidTag
SecCmsContentInfoGetContentTypeTag(SecCmsContentInfoRef cinfo);

    @abstract Find out and return the inner content type.
    @discussion Caches pointer to lookup result for future reference.
extern CSSM_OID *
SecCmsContentInfoGetContentTypeOID(SecCmsContentInfoRef cinfo);

    @abstract Find out and return the content encryption algorithm tag.
extern SECOidTag
SecCmsContentInfoGetContentEncAlgTag(SecCmsContentInfoRef cinfo);

    @abstract Find out and return the content encryption algorithm.
    @discussion Caches pointer to lookup result for future reference.
extern SECAlgorithmID *
SecCmsContentInfoGetContentEncAlg(SecCmsContentInfoRef cinfo);

/*! @functiongroup Message construction */
    @abstract Set a ContentInfos content to a Data
    @param cmsg A Message object to which the cinfo object belongs.
    @param cinfo A ContentInfo object of which we want set the content.
    @param data A pointer to a CSSM_DATA object or NULL if data will be provided during SecCmsEncoderUpdate calls.
    @param detached True if the content is to be deattched from the CMS message rather than included within it.
    @result A result code. See "SecCmsBase.h" for possible results.
    @discussion This function requires a ContentInfo object which can be made by creating a SecCmsMessage object.  If the call succeeds the passed in data will be owned by the reciever.  The data->Data must have been allocated using the cmsg's SecArenaPool if it is present.
    @availability 10.4 and later
extern OSStatus
SecCmsContentInfoSetContentData(SecCmsMessageRef cmsg, SecCmsContentInfoRef cinfo, CSSM_DATA_PTR data, Boolean detached);

    @abstract Set a ContentInfos content to a SignedData.
    @param cmsg A Message object to which the cinfo object belongs.
    @param cinfo A ContentInfo object of which we want set the content.
    @param sigd A SignedData object to set as the content of the cinfo object.
    @result A result code. See "SecCmsBase.h" for possible results.
    @discussion This function requires a ContentInfo object which can be made by creating a SecCmsMessage object and a SignedData which can be made by calling SecCmsSignedDataCreate().  If the call succeeds the passed in SignedData object will be owned by the reciever.  The Message object of the SignedData object must be the same as cmsg.
    @availability 10.4 and later
extern OSStatus
SecCmsContentInfoSetContentSignedData(SecCmsMessageRef cmsg, SecCmsContentInfoRef cinfo, SecCmsSignedDataRef sigd);

    @abstract Set a ContentInfos content to a EnvelopedData.
    @param cmsg A Message object to which the cinfo object belongs.
    @param cinfo A ContentInfo object of which we want set the content.
    @param envd A EnvelopedData object to set as the content of the cinfo object.
    @result A result code. See "SecCmsBase.h" for possible results.
    @discussion This function requires a ContentInfo object which can be made by creating a SecCmsMessage object and a EnvelopedData which can be made by calling SecCmsEnvelopedDataCreate().  If the call succeeds the passed in EnvelopedData object will be owned by the reciever.  The Message object of the EnvelopedData object must be the same as cmsg.
    @availability 10.4 and later
extern OSStatus
SecCmsContentInfoSetContentEnvelopedData(SecCmsMessageRef cmsg, SecCmsContentInfoRef cinfo, SecCmsEnvelopedDataRef envd);

    @abstract Set a ContentInfos content to a DigestedData.
    @param cmsg A Message object to which the cinfo object belongs.
    @param cinfo A ContentInfo object of which we want set the content.
    @param digd A DigestedData object to set as the content of the cinfo object.
    @result A result code. See "SecCmsBase.h" for possible results.
    @discussion This function requires a ContentInfo object which can be made by creating a SecCmsMessage object and a DigestedData which can be made by calling SecCmsDigestedDataCreate().  If the call succeeds the passed in DigestedData object will be owned by the reciever.  The Message object of the DigestedData object must be the same as cmsg.
    @availability 10.4 and later
extern OSStatus
SecCmsContentInfoSetContentDigestedData(SecCmsMessageRef cmsg, SecCmsContentInfoRef cinfo, SecCmsDigestedDataRef digd);

    @abstract Set a ContentInfos content to a EncryptedData.
    @param cmsg A Message object to which the cinfo object belongs.
    @param cinfo A ContentInfo object of which we want set the content.
    @param encd A EncryptedData object to set as the content of the cinfo object.
    @result A result code. See "SecCmsBase.h" for possible results.
    @discussion This function requires a ContentInfo object which can be made by creating a SecCmsMessage object and a EncryptedData which can be made by calling SecCmsEncryptedDataCreate().  If the call succeeds the passed in EncryptedData object will be owned by the reciever.  The Message object of the EncryptedData object must be the same as cmsg.
    @availability 10.4 and later
extern OSStatus
SecCmsContentInfoSetContentEncryptedData(SecCmsMessageRef cmsg, SecCmsContentInfoRef cinfo, SecCmsEncryptedDataRef encd);

SecCmsContentInfoSetContentOther(SecCmsMessageRef cmsg, SecCmsContentInfoRef cinfo, CSSM_DATA_PTR data, Boolean detached, const CSSM_OID *eContentType);

extern OSStatus
SecCmsContentInfoSetContentEncAlg(SecArenaPoolRef pool, SecCmsContentInfoRef cinfo,
				    SECOidTag bulkalgtag, CSSM_DATA_PTR parameters, int keysize);

extern OSStatus
SecCmsContentInfoSetContentEncAlgID(SecArenaPoolRef pool, SecCmsContentInfoRef cinfo,
				    SECAlgorithmID *algid, int keysize);

extern void
SecCmsContentInfoSetBulkKey(SecCmsContentInfoRef cinfo, SecSymmetricKeyRef bulkkey);

extern SecSymmetricKeyRef
SecCmsContentInfoGetBulkKey(SecCmsContentInfoRef cinfo);

extern int
SecCmsContentInfoGetBulkKeySize(SecCmsContentInfoRef cinfo);

#if defined(__cplusplus)