kc-20-item-change-label.m   [plain text]

//  keychain_test.m
//	Keychain item access control example
//  Created by Perry Kiehtreiber on Wed Jun 19 2002
//	Modified by Ken McLeod, Mon Apr 21 2003 -- added "always allow" ACL support
//							Wed Jul 28 2004 -- add test code for persistent ref SPI
//							Mon Aug 02 2004 -- add test code to change label attributes
//	To build and run this example:
//		cc -framework Security -framework Foundation keychain_test.m ; ./a.out
//  Copyright (c) 2003-2005 Apple Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved.


#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>

#include <Security/SecBase.h>
#include <Security/SecKeychain.h>
#include <Security/SecKeychainItem.h>
#include <Security/SecKeychainItemPriv.h>
#include <Security/SecKeychainSearch.h>
#include <Security/SecAccess.h>
#include <Security/SecTrustedApplication.h>
#include <Security/SecACL.h>

#import "testmore.h"
#import "testenv.h"
#import "testleaks.h"

SecAccessRef createAccess(NSString *accessLabel, BOOL allowAny)
	SecAccessRef access=nil;
	NSArray *trustedApplications=nil;
	if (!allowAny) // use default access ("confirm access")
		// make an exception list of applications you want to trust, which
		// are allowed to access the item without requiring user confirmation
		SecTrustedApplicationRef myself, someOther;
		ok_status(SecTrustedApplicationCreateFromPath(NULL, &myself),
			"create trusted app for self");
			&someOther), "create trusted app for Mail.app");
		trustedApplications = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:(id)myself,
			(id)someOther, nil];

		(CFArrayRef)trustedApplications, &access), "SecAccessCreate");

	if (allowAny)
		// change access to be wide-open for decryption ("always allow access")
		// get the access control list for decryption operations
		CFArrayRef aclList=nil;
		// get the first entry in the access control list
		SecACLRef aclRef=(SecACLRef)CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(aclList, 0);
		CFArrayRef appList=nil;
		CFStringRef promptDescription=nil;
		ok_status(SecACLCopySimpleContents(aclRef, &appList,
			&promptDescription, &promptSelector), "SecACLCopySimpleContents");

		// modify the default ACL to not require the passphrase, and have a
		// nil application list
		ok_status(SecACLSetSimpleContents(aclRef, NULL, promptDescription,
			&promptSelector), "SecACLSetSimpleContents");

		if (appList) CFRelease(appList);
		if (promptDescription) CFRelease(promptDescription);
		if (aclList) CFRelease(aclList);

	return access;

void addApplicationPassword(SecKeychainRef keychain, NSString *password,
	NSString *account, NSString *service, BOOL allowAny)
    SecKeychainItemRef item = nil;
    const char *serviceUTF8 = [service UTF8String];
    const char *accountUTF8 = [account UTF8String];
    const char *passwordUTF8 = [password UTF8String];
	// use the service string as the name of this item for display purposes
	NSString *itemLabel = service;
	const char *itemLabelUTF8 = [itemLabel UTF8String];

	const char *sysKeychainPath = "/Library/Keychains/System.keychain";	
	status = SecKeychainOpen(sysKeychainPath, &keychain);
	if (status) { NSLog(@"SecKeychainOpen returned %d", status); return; }
	status = SecKeychainSetPreferenceDomain(kSecPreferencesDomainSystem);
	if (status) { NSLog(@"SecKeychainSetPreferenceDomain returned %d", status); return; }

	// create initial access control settings for the item
	SecAccessRef access = createAccess(itemLabel, allowAny);

    // Below is the lower-layer equivalent to the
    // SecKeychainAddGenericPassword() function; it does the same thing
    // (except specify the access controls) set up attribute vector
    // (each attribute consists of {tag, length, pointer})
	SecKeychainAttribute attrs[] = {
		{ kSecLabelItemAttr, strlen(itemLabelUTF8), (char *)itemLabelUTF8 },
		{ kSecAccountItemAttr, strlen(accountUTF8), (char *)accountUTF8 },
		{ kSecServiceItemAttr, strlen(serviceUTF8), (char *)serviceUTF8 }
	SecKeychainAttributeList attributes =
	{ sizeof(attrs) / sizeof(attrs[0]), attrs };

		&attributes, strlen(passwordUTF8), passwordUTF8, keychain, access,
		&item), "SecKeychainItemCreateFromContent");

	if (access) CFRelease(access);
	if (item) CFRelease(item);

void addInternetPassword(SecKeychainRef keychain, NSString *password,
	NSString *account, NSString *server, NSString *path,
	SecProtocolType protocol, int port, BOOL allowAny)
    SecKeychainItemRef item = nil;
	const char *pathUTF8 = [path UTF8String];
    const char *serverUTF8 = [server UTF8String];
    const char *accountUTF8 = [account UTF8String];
    const char *passwordUTF8 = [password UTF8String];
	// use the server string as the name of this item for display purposes
	NSString *itemLabel = server;
	const char *itemLabelUTF8 = [itemLabel UTF8String];

	const char *sysKeychainPath = "/Library/Keychains/System.keychain";
	status = SecKeychainOpen(sysKeychainPath, &keychain);
	if (status) { NSLog(@"SecKeychainOpen returned %d", status); return 1; }
	status = SecKeychainSetPreferenceDomain(kSecPreferencesDomainSystem);
	if (status) { NSLog(@"SecKeychainSetPreferenceDomain returned %d", status); return 1; }

	// create initial access control settings for the item
	SecAccessRef access = createAccess(itemLabel, allowAny);

    // below is the lower-layer equivalent to the
    // SecKeychainAddInternetPassword() function; it does the same
    // thing (except specify the access controls) set up attribute
    // vector (each attribute consists of {tag, length, pointer})
	SecKeychainAttribute attrs[] = {
		{ kSecLabelItemAttr, strlen(itemLabelUTF8), (char *)itemLabelUTF8 },
		{ kSecAccountItemAttr, strlen(accountUTF8), (char *)accountUTF8 },
		{ kSecServerItemAttr, strlen(serverUTF8), (char *)serverUTF8 },
		{ kSecPortItemAttr, sizeof(int), (int *)&port },
		{ kSecProtocolItemAttr, sizeof(SecProtocolType),
			(SecProtocolType *)&protocol },
		{ kSecPathItemAttr, strlen(pathUTF8), (char *)pathUTF8 }
	SecKeychainAttributeList attributes =
	{ sizeof(attrs) / sizeof(attrs[0]), attrs };

		&attributes, strlen(passwordUTF8), passwordUTF8, keychain, access,
		&item), "SecKeychainItemCreateFromContent");

//*** code to test persistent reference SPI
	CFDataRef persistentRef = NULL;
	SecKeychainItemRef item2 = NULL;
	status = SecKeychainItemCopyPersistentReference(item, &persistentRef);
	if (!status)
		NSLog(@"Created persistent reference for item %@:\n%@", item,
		status = SecKeychainItemFromPersistentReference(persistentRef, &item2);
		if (!status)
			NSLog(@"SUCCESS: Got item from persistent reference (%@)", item2);
			NSLog(@"ERROR: unable to reconsitute item (%d)", status);
		NSLog(@"ERROR: unable to create persistent reference (%d)", status);
	//[(NSData*)pref writeToFile:@"/tmp/persistentData" atomically:YES];
	if (item2) CFRelease(item2);
	if (persistentRef) CFRelease(persistentRef);
//*** end persistent reference test code

	if (access) CFRelease(access);
	if (item) CFRelease(item);

void testLabelChange(SecKeychainRef keychain)
    // Find each generic password item in any keychain whose label
    // is "sample service", and modify the existing label attribute
    // by adding a " [label]" suffix.  (Note that if the Keychain
    // Access app is running, you may need to quit and relaunch it to
    // see the changes, due to notification bugs.)

	const char *searchString = "sample service";
	const char *labelSuffix = " [label]";

	const char *sysKeychainPath = "/Library/Keychains/System.keychain";
	status = SecKeychainOpen(sysKeychainPath, &keychain);
	if (status) { NSLog(@"SecKeychainOpen returned %d", status); return 0; }
	status = SecKeychainSetPreferenceDomain(kSecPreferencesDomainSystem);
	if (status) { NSLog(@"SecKeychainSetPreferenceDomain returned %d", status); return 0; }

	SecKeychainSearchRef searchRef = nil;
	SecKeychainAttribute sAttrs[] =
	{ { kSecServiceItemAttr, strlen(searchString), (char*)searchString } };
	SecKeychainAttributeList sAttrList =
	{ sizeof(sAttrs) / sizeof(sAttrs[0]), sAttrs };
		kSecGenericPasswordItemClass, &sAttrList, &searchRef),

	SecKeychainItemRef foundItemRef = NULL;
	int count;
	for (count = 0; count < 2; ++count)
		ok_status(SecKeychainSearchCopyNext(searchRef, &foundItemRef),

		// get the item's label attribute (allocated for us by
		// SecKeychainItemCopyContent, must free later...)
		SecKeychainAttribute itemAttrs[] = { { kSecLabelItemAttr, 0, NULL } };
		SecKeychainAttributeList itemAttrList =
		{ sizeof(itemAttrs) / sizeof(itemAttrs[0]), itemAttrs };

		ok_status(SecKeychainItemCopyContent(foundItemRef, NULL, &itemAttrList,
			NULL, NULL), "get label");

		// malloc enough space to hold our new label string
		// (length = old label string + suffix string + terminating NULL)
		CFIndex newLen = itemAttrs[0].length + strlen(labelSuffix);
		char *p = (char*) malloc(newLen);
		memcpy(p, itemAttrs[0].data, itemAttrs[0].length);
		memcpy(p + itemAttrs[0].length, labelSuffix, strlen(labelSuffix));

		// set up the attribute we want to change with its new value
		SecKeychainAttribute newAttrs[] = { { kSecLabelItemAttr, newLen, p } };
		SecKeychainAttributeList newAttrList =
		{ sizeof(newAttrs) / sizeof(newAttrs[0]), newAttrs };

		// modify the attribute
		ok_status(SecKeychainItemModifyContent(foundItemRef, &newAttrList,
			0, NULL), "modify label PR-3751523");

		// free the memory we allocated for the new label string

		// free the memory in the itemAttrList structure which was
		// allocated by SecKeychainItemCopyContent
		ok_status(SecKeychainItemFreeContent(&itemAttrList, NULL),

		if (foundItemRef)

	is_status(SecKeychainSearchCopyNext(searchRef, &foundItemRef),
		errSecItemNotFound, "SecKeychainSearchCopyNext at end");

	if (searchRef) CFRelease(searchRef);

void tests(void)
	SecKeychainRef keychain = NULL;
	ok_status(SecKeychainCreate("login.keychain", 4, "test", NO, NULL,
		&keychain), "SecKeychainCreate");

	NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];

	// add some example passwords to the keychain
	addApplicationPassword(keychain, @"sample password",
		@"sample account", @"sample service", NO);
	addApplicationPassword(keychain, @"sample password",
		@"different account", @"sample service", NO);
	addApplicationPassword(keychain, @"sample password",
		@"sample account", @"sample unprotected service", YES);
	addInternetPassword(keychain, @"sample password",
		@"sample account", @"samplehost.apple.com",
		@"cgi-bin/bogus/testpath", kSecProtocolTypeHTTP, 8080, NO);

	// test searching and changing item label attributes

	[pool release];

	SKIP: {
		skip("no keychain", 1, keychain);
	    ok_status(SecKeychainDelete(keychain), "SecKeychainDelete");


int main(int argc, char * const *argv)
	tests_begin(argc, argv);



	return 0;