codesigdb.cpp   [plain text]

 * Copyright (c) 2003-2009,2012 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
 * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
 * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
 * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
 * compliance with the License. Please obtain a copy of the License at
 * and read it before using this
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 * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
 * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
 * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
 * limitations under the License.

// codesigdb - code-hash equivalence database
#include "codesigdb.h"
#include "process.h"
#include "server.h"
#include "agentquery.h"
#include <security_utilities/memutils.h>
#include <security_utilities/logging.h>
#include <Security/SecRequirementPriv.h>

// Construct a CodeSignatures objects


// (Re)open the equivalence database.
// This is useful to switch to database in another volume.
void CodeSignatures::open(const char *path)

// Basic Identity objects
CodeSignatures::Identity::Identity() : mState(untried)
{ }

{ }

// Verify signature matches.
// This ends up getting called when a CodeSignatureAclSubject is validated.
// The OSXVerifier describes what we require of the client code; the process represents
// the requesting client; and the context gives us access to the ACL and its environment
// in case we want to, well, creatively rewrite it for some reason. 
bool CodeSignatures::verify(Process &process,
	const OSXVerifier &verifier, const AclValidationContext &context)
	secdebug("codesign", "start verify");

	StLock<Mutex> _(process);
	SecCodeRef code = process.currentGuest();
	if (!code) {
		secdebug("codesign", "no code base: fail");
		return false;
	if (SecRequirementRef requirement = verifier.requirement()) {
		// If the ACL contains a code signature (requirement), we won't match against unsigned code at all.
		// The legacy hash is ignored (it's for use by pre-Leopard systems).
		secdebug("codesign", "CS requirement present; ignoring legacy hashes");
		switch (OSStatus rc = SecCodeCheckValidity(code, kSecCSDefaultFlags, requirement)) {
		case noErr:
			secdebug("codesign", "CS verify passed");
			return true;
		case errSecCSUnsigned:
			secdebug("codesign", "CS verify against unsigned binary failed");
			return false;
			secdebug("codesign", "CS verify failed OSStatus=%d", int32_t(rc));
			return false;
	switch (matchSignedClientToLegacyACL(process, code, verifier, context)) {
	case noErr:						// handled, allow access
		return true;
 	case errSecCSUnsigned: {		// unsigned client, complete legacy case
 		secdebug("codesign", "no CS requirement - using legacy hash");

		 * We should stop supporting this case for binanaries
		 * built for modern OS/SDK, user should ad-hoc sign
		 * their binaries in that case.
		 * <rdar://problem/20546287>
		Identity &clientIdentity = process;
		try {
			if (clientIdentity.getHash() == CssmData::wrap(verifier.legacyHash(), SHA1::digestLength)) {
				secdebug("codesign", "direct match: pass");
				return true;
		} catch (...) {
			secdebug("codesign", "exception getting client code hash: fail");
			return false;
		return false;
	default:						// client unsuitable, reject this match
		return false;

// See if we can rewrite the ACL from legacy to Code Signing form without losing too much security.
// Returns true if the present validation should succeed (we probably rewrote the ACL).
// Returns false if the present validation shouldn't succeed based on what we did here (we may still
// have rewritten the ACL, in principle).
// Note that these checks add nontrivial overhead to ACL processing. We want to eventually phase
// this out, or at least make it an option that doesn't run all the time - perhaps an "extra legacy
// effort" per-client mode bit.
static string trim(string s, char delimiter)
	string::size_type p = s.rfind(delimiter);
	if (p != string::npos)
		s = s.substr(p + 1);
	return s;

static string trim(string s, char delimiter, string suffix)
	s = trim(s, delimiter);
	int preLength = s.length() - suffix.length();
	if (preLength > 0 && s.substr(preLength) == suffix)
		s = s.substr(0, preLength);
	return s;

OSStatus CodeSignatures::matchSignedClientToLegacyACL(Process &process,
	SecCodeRef code, const OSXVerifier &verifier, const AclValidationContext &context)
	// Check whether we seem to be matching a legacy .Mac ACL against a member of the .Mac group
	if (SecurityServerAcl::looksLikeLegacyDotMac(context)) {
		CFRef<SecRequirementRef> dotmac;
		MacOSError::check(SecRequirementCreateGroup(CFSTR("dot-mac"), NULL, kSecCSDefaultFlags, &dotmac.aref()));
		if (SecCodeCheckValidity(code, kSecCSDefaultFlags, dotmac) == noErr) {
			secdebug("codesign", "client is a dot-mac application; update the ACL accordingly");

			// create a suitable AclSubject (this is the above-the-API-line way)
			CFRef<CFDataRef> reqdata;
			MacOSError::check(SecRequirementCopyData(dotmac, kSecCSDefaultFlags, &reqdata.aref()));
			RefPointer<CodeSignatureAclSubject> subject = new CodeSignatureAclSubject(NULL, "group://dot-mac");
			subject->add((const BlobCore *)CFDataGetBytePtr(reqdata));

			// add it to the ACL and pass the access check (we just quite literally did it above)
			SecurityServerAcl::addToStandardACL(context, subject);
			return noErr;

	// Get best names for the ACL (legacy) subject and the (signed) client
	CFRef<CFDictionaryRef> info;
	MacOSError::check(SecCodeCopySigningInformation(code, kSecCSSigningInformation, &info.aref()));
	CFStringRef signingIdentity = CFStringRef(CFDictionaryGetValue(info, kSecCodeInfoIdentifier));
	if (!signingIdentity)		// unsigned
		return errSecCSUnsigned;

	string bundleName;	// client
	if (CFDictionaryRef infoList = CFDictionaryRef(CFDictionaryGetValue(info, kSecCodeInfoPList)))
		if (CFStringRef name = CFStringRef(CFDictionaryGetValue(infoList, kCFBundleNameKey)))
			bundleName = trim(cfString(name), '.');
	if (bundleName.empty())	// fall back to signing identifier
		bundleName = trim(cfString(signingIdentity), '.');

	string aclName = trim(verifier.path(), '/', ".app");	// ACL
	secdebug("codesign", "matching signed client \"%s\" against legacy ACL \"%s\"",
		bundleName.c_str(), aclName.c_str());
	// Check whether we're matching a signed APPLE application against a legacy ACL by the same name
	if (bundleName == aclName) {
		const unsigned char reqData[] = {		// "anchor apple", version 1 blob, embedded here
			0xfa, 0xde, 0x0c, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x10,
			0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x03
		CFRef<SecRequirementRef> apple;
		MacOSError::check(SecRequirementCreateWithData(CFTempData(reqData, sizeof(reqData)),
			kSecCSDefaultFlags, &apple.aref()));
		switch (OSStatus rc = SecCodeCheckValidity(code, kSecCSDefaultFlags, apple)) {
		case noErr:
				secdebug("codesign", "withstands strict scrutiny; quietly adding new ACL");
				RefPointer<OSXCode> wrap = new OSXCodeWrap(code);
				RefPointer<AclSubject> subject = new CodeSignatureAclSubject(OSXVerifier(wrap));
				SecurityServerAcl::addToStandardACL(context, subject);
				return noErr;
			secdebug("codesign", "validation fails with rc=%d, rejecting", int32_t(rc));
			return rc;
		secdebug("codesign", "does not withstand strict scrutiny; ask the user");
		QueryCodeCheck query;
		if (!query(verifier.path().c_str())) {
			secdebug("codesign", "user declined equivalence: cancel the access");
		RefPointer<OSXCode> wrap = new OSXCodeWrap(code);
		RefPointer<AclSubject> subject = new CodeSignatureAclSubject(OSXVerifier(wrap));
		SecurityServerAcl::addToStandardACL(context, subject);
		return noErr;

	// not close enough to even ask - this can't match
	return errSecCSReqFailed;