SecEncryptTransform.h   [plain text]

 * Copyright (c) 2010-2011,2013 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
 * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
 * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
 * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
 * compliance with the License. Please obtain a copy of the License at
 * and read it before using this
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 * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
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 @header SecEncryptTransform

 This file defines a SecTransform that will do both asynchronous and synchronous
 The key that is supplied to the SecTransform determines the type of encryption
 to be used.
#if !defined(__SEC_ENCRYPT_TRANSFORM__)

#include <CoreFoundation/CoreFoundation.h>
#include <Security/SecKey.h>
#include "SecTransform.h"

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {


	/*! @abstract Indicates that no padding will be used when encrypting or decrypting. */
	extern const CFStringRef kSecPaddingNoneKey;
	/*! Indicates that PKCS1 padding will be used when encrypting or decrypting. */
	extern const CFStringRef kSecPaddingPKCS1Key;
	/*! Indicates that PKCS5 padding will be used when encrypting or decrypting. */
	extern const CFStringRef kSecPaddingPKCS5Key;
	/*! Indicates that PKCS7 padding will be used when encrypting or decrypting. */
	extern const CFStringRef kSecPaddingPKCS7Key;
    /*! Indicates that PKCS7 padding will be used when encrypting or decrypting. */
    extern const CFStringRef kSecPaddingOAEPKey
	/*! Indicates that no mode will be used when encrypting or decrypting. */
	extern const CFStringRef kSecModeNoneKey;
	/*! Indicates that ECB mode will be used when encrypting or decrypting. */
	extern const CFStringRef kSecModeECBKey;
    /*! Indicates that CBC mode will be used when encrypting or decrypting. */
	extern const CFStringRef kSecModeCBCKey;
	/*! Indicates that CFB mode will be used when encrypting or decrypting. */
	extern const CFStringRef kSecModeCFBKey;
	/*! Indicates that OFB mode will be used when encrypting or decrypting. */
	extern const CFStringRef kSecModeOFBKey;
		This attribute holds the encryption key for the transform. (ReadOnly)
	extern const CFStringRef kSecEncryptKey;

		Key for setting padding.
		This key is optional.  If you do not supply a value for this key,
	 	an appropriate value will be supplied for you.
	extern const CFStringRef kSecPaddingKey;

		Key for setting an initialization vector.
		This key is optional.  If you do not supply a
	 	value for this key, an appropriate value will be supplied for you.
	extern const CFStringRef kSecIVKey;

     Specifies the encryption mode.
     This key is optional.  If you do not supply this key,
     an appropriate value will be supplied for you.
	extern const CFStringRef kSecEncryptionMode;
     Specifies the OAEP message length.
     This should be set to a CFNumberRef when the padding is set to OAEP,
     and a specific messages size is desired.   If unset the minimum padding
     will be added.   It is ignored when the padding mode is not OAEP.
	extern const CFStringRef kSecOAEPMessageLengthAttributeName
     Specifies the OAEP encoding paramaters
     This should be set to a CFDataRef when the padding is set to OAEP.
     If unset a zero length CFDataRef is used.   It is ignored by non
     OAEP padding modes.
    extern const CFStringRef kSecOAEPEncodingParametersAttributeName
     Specifies the OAEP MGF1 digest algorithm.
     This should be set to a digest algorithm when the padding is set to OAEP.
     If unset SHA1 is used.   It is ifnored by non OAEP padding modes.
    extern const CFStringRef kSecOAEPMGF1DigestAlgorithmAttributeName

	 @function SecEncryptTransformCreate
	 @abstract			Creates an encryption SecTransform  object.
	 @param keyRef			The key for the encryption operation
	 @param error		A pointer to a CFErrorRef.  This pointer will be set
	 if an error occurred.  This value may be NULL if you
	 do not want an error returned.
	 @result				A pointer to a SecTransformRef object.  This object must
	 be released with CFRelease when you are done with
	 it.  This function will return NULL if an error
	 @discussion			This function creates a transform which encrypts data.
	SecTransformRef SecEncryptTransformCreate(SecKeyRef keyRef,
											  CFErrorRef* error)
	 @function SecDecryptTransformCreate
	 @abstract			Creates an encryption SecTransform  object.
	 @param keyRef			The key for the operation
	 @param error		A pointer to a CFErrorRef.  This pointer will be set
	 if an error occurred.  This value may be NULL if you
	 do not want an error returned.
	 @result				A pointer to a SecTransformRef object.  This object must
	 be released with CFRelease when you are done with
	 it.  This function will return NULL if an error
	 @discussion			This function creates a transform which encrypts data.
	SecTransformRef SecDecryptTransformCreate(SecKeyRef keyRef,
											  CFErrorRef* error)
	@function SecDecryptTransformGetTypeID
	@abstract			Returns the CFTypeID for a decrypt transform.
	@return			the CFTypeID

	CFTypeID SecDecryptTransformGetTypeID()

	@function SecEncryptTransformGetTypeID
	@abstract			Returns the CFTypeID for a decrypt transform.
	@return			the CFTypeID

	CFTypeID SecEncryptTransformGetTypeID()


#ifdef __cplusplus

#endif /* ! __SEC_ENCRYPT_TRANSFORM__ */