# test variations of {cert,net}fetchEnable globals allowUnverified = false crlNetFetchEnable = false certNetFetchEnable = false useSystemAnchors = false end # # everthing supplied locally, but the CRLs might be out of date # Enable net-based refresh # test = test1 echo Everything supplied explicitly, enabling CRL refresh crlNetFetchEnable = true cert = ghoo.cer cert = JITC_Class3Mail_CA.crt root = JITC_Class3_root_CA.cer verifyTime = 20030601000000 crlDb = c3MailCaCrl.db end # # We have local CRLs; ensure we can get everything locally # test = test2 echo Everything supplied explicitly, disable net access crlNetFetchEnable = false cert = ghoo.cer cert = JITC_Class3Mail_CA.crt root = JITC_Class3_root_CA.cer crlDb = c3MailCaCrl.db end # # get intermediate cert from net # test = test3 echo force intermediate cert fetch from net certNetFetchEnable = true cert = ghoo.cer # cert = JITC_Class3Mail_CA.crt root = JITC_Class3_root_CA.cer crlDb = c3MailCaCrl.db end # # get CRLs from net # test = test4 echo force CRL fetch from net certNetFetchEnable = true crlNetFetchEnable = true cert = ghoo.cer cert = JITC_Class3Mail_CA.crt root = JITC_Class3_root_CA.cer #crlDb = c3MailCaCrl.db end # # get everything except anchor from net # test = test5 echo Everything except leaf and anchor from net certNetFetchEnable = true crlNetFetchEnable = true cert = ghoo.cer #cert = JITC_Class3Mail_CA.crt root = JITC_Class3_root_CA.cer #crlDb = c3MailCaCrl.db end # # get everything from net # test = test6 echo Everything from net certNetFetchEnable = true crlNetFetchEnable = true cert = ghoo.cer #cert = JITC_Class3Mail_CA.crt #root = JITC_Class3_root_CA.cer #crlDb = c3MailCaCrl.db error = CSSMERR_TP_INVALID_ANCHOR_CERT end