SecTrustSettingsPriv.h   [plain text]

 * Copyright (c) 2007-2008,2010,2012 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
 * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
 * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
 * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
 * compliance with the License. Please obtain a copy of the License at
 * and read it before using this
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 * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
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 * limitations under the License.

 * SecTrustSettingsPriv.h - TrustSettings SPI functions.

#include <CoreFoundation/CoreFoundation.h>
#include <Security/SecPolicy.h>
#include <Security/SecCertificate.h>
#include <Security/SecTrustSettings.h>

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

 * A TrustSettings Record contains the XML encoding of a CFDictionary. This dictionary
 * currently contains two name/value pairs:
 * key = kTrustRecordVersion,   value = SInt32 version number
 * key = kTrustRecordTrustList, value = CFDictionary
 * Each key/value pair of the CFDictionary associated with key kTrustRecordTrustList
 * consists of:
 * -- key   = the ASCII representation (with alpha characters in upper case) of the
 *            cert's SHA1 digest.
 * -- value = a CFDictionary representing one cert. 
 * Key/value pairs in the per-cert dictionary are as follows:
 * -- key = kTrustRecordIssuer, value = non-normalized issuer as CFData
 * -- key = kTrustRecordSerialNumber, value = serial number as CFData
 * -- key = kTrustRecordModDate, value = CFDateRef of the last modification 
			date of the per-cert entry.
 * -- key = kTrustRecordTrustSettings, value = array of dictionaries. The
 *          dictionaries are as described in the API in SecUserTrust.h
 *			although we store the values differently (see below). 
 *			As written to disk, this key/value is always present although
 *			the usageConstraints array may be empty. 
 * A usageConstraints dictionary is like so (all elements are optional). These key 
 * strings are defined in SecUserTrust.h.
 * key = kSecTrustSettingsPolicy		value = policy OID as CFData
 * key = kSecTrustSettingsApplication	value = application path as CFString
 * key = kSecTrustSettingsPolicyString	value = CFString, policy-specific
 * key = kSecTrustSettingsAllowedError	value = CFNumber, an SInt32 CSSM_RETURN 
 * key = kSecTrustSettingsResult		value = CFNumber, an SInt32 SecTrustSettingsResult
 * key = kSecTrustSettingsKeyUsage		value = CFNumber, an SInt32 key usage
 * key = kSecTrustSettingsModifyDate	value = CFDate, last modification 
 * Keys in the top-level dictionary
#define kTrustRecordVersion				CFSTR("trustVersion")
#define kTrustRecordTrustList			CFSTR("trustList")

 * Keys in the per-cert dictionary in the TrustedRootList record. 
/* value = non-normalized issuer as CFData */
#define kTrustRecordIssuer				CFSTR("issuerName")

/* value = serial number as CFData */
#define kTrustRecordSerialNumber		CFSTR("serialNumber")

/* value = CFDateRef representation of modification date */
#define kTrustRecordModDate				CFSTR("modDate")

 * value = array of CFDictionaries as used in public API
 * Not present for a cert which has no usage Constraints (i.e.
 * "wide open" unrestricted, kSecTrustSettingsResultTrustRoot as
 * the default SecTrustSettingsResult).
#define kTrustRecordTrustSettings		CFSTR("trustSettings")

 * Version of the top-level dictionary.
enum {
	kSecTrustRecordVersionInvalid	= 0,	/* should never be seen on disk */
	kSecTrustRecordVersionCurrent	= 1

 * Key for the (optional) default entry in a TrustSettings record. This
 * appears in place of the cert's hash string, and corresponds to 
 * kSecTrustSettingsDefaultRootCertSetting at the public API.
 * If you change this, make sure it has characters other than those 
 * appearing in a normal cert hash string (0..9 and A..F).
#define kSecTrustRecordDefaultRootCert		CFSTR("kSecTrustRecordDefaultRootCert")

 * The location of the system root keychain and its associated TrustSettings. 
 * These are immutable; this module never modifies either of them.
#define SYSTEM_ROOT_STORE_PATH			"/System/Library/Keychains/SystemRootCertificates.keychain"
#define SYSTEM_TRUST_SETTINGS_PATH		"/System/Library/Keychains/SystemTrustSettings.plist"

 * The local admin cert store.
#define ADMIN_CERT_STORE_PATH			"/Library/Keychains/System.keychain"

 * Per-user and local admin TrustSettings are stored in this directory. 
 * Per-user settings are of the form <uuid>.plist.
#define TRUST_SETTINGS_PATH				"/Library/Trust Settings"
#define ADMIN_TRUST_SETTINGS			"Admin.plist"

 * Additional values for the SecTrustSettingsDomain enum.
enum {
	 * This indicates a TrustSettings that exists only in memory; it
	 * can't be written to disk. 
	kSecTrustSettingsDomainMemory = 100

typedef struct __SecTrustSettings *SecTrustSettingsRef;

CFTypeID SecTrustSettingsGetTypeID(void);
OSStatus SecTrustSettingsCreateFromExternal(SecTrustSettingsDomain domain,
    CFDataRef external, SecTrustSettingsRef *ts);
SecTrustSettingsRef SecTrustSettingsCreate(SecTrustSettingsDomain domain,
    bool create, bool trim);
CFDataRef SecTrustSettingsCopyExternal(SecTrustSettingsRef ts);
void SecTrustSettingsSet(SecCertificateRef certRef,
    CFTypeRef trustSettingsDictOrArray);

 * Fundamental routine used to ascertain status of one cert.
 * Returns true in *foundMatchingEntry if a trust setting matching
 * specific constraints was found for the cert. Returns true in 
 * *foundAnyEntry if any entry was found for the cert, even if it
 * did not match the specified constraints. The TP uses this to 
 * optimize for the case where a cert is being evaluated for
 * one type of usage, and then later for another type. If
 * foundAnyEntry is false, the second evaluation need not occur. 
 * Returns the domain in which a setting was found in *foundDomain. 
 * Allowed errors applying to the specified cert evaluation 
 * are returned in a mallocd array in *allowedErrors and must
 * be freed by caller. 
OSStatus SecTrustSettingsEvaluateCertificate(
	SecCertificateRef certificate,
	SecPolicyRef policy,
	SecTrustSettingsKeyUsage	keyUsage,			/* optional */
	bool						isSelfSignedCert,	/* for checking default setting */
	/* RETURNED values */
	SecTrustSettingsDomain		*foundDomain,
	CFArrayRef					*allowedErrors,	/* RETURNED */
	SecTrustSettingsResult		*resultType,		/* RETURNED */
	bool						*foundMatchingEntry,/* RETURNED */
	bool						*foundAnyEntry);	/* RETURNED */

 * Add a cert's TrustSettings to a non-persistent TrustSettings record.
 * Primarily intended for use in creating a system TrustSettings record
 * (which is itself immutable via this module). 
 * The settingsIn argument is an external representation of a TrustSettings
 * record, obtianed from this function or from 
 * SecTrustSettingsCreateExternalRepresentation().
 * If settingsIn is NULL, a new (empty) TrustSettings will be created. 
 * The certRef and trustSettingsDictOrArray arguments are as in 
 * SecTrustSettingsSetTrustSettings(). May be NULL, when e.g. creating 
 * a new and empty TrustSettings record. 
 * The external representation is written to the settingOut argument,
 * which must eventually be CFReleased by the caller. 
OSStatus SecTrustSettingsSetTrustSettingsExternal(
	CFDataRef			settingsIn,					/* optional */
	SecCertificateRef	certRef,					/* optional */
	CFTypeRef			trustSettingsDictOrArray,	/* optional */
	CFDataRef			*settingsOut);				/* RETURNED */

#ifdef __cplusplus