SecPasswordGenerate.h   [plain text]

 * Copyright (c) 2000-2004,2013-2014 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
 * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
 * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
 * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
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 @header SecPasswordGenerate
 SecPassword implements logic to use the system facilities for acquiring a password,
 optionally stored and retrieved from the user's keychain.


#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

#include <CoreFoundation/CoreFoundation.h>
#include <Security/SecBase.h>

typedef uint32_t SecPasswordType;
enum {
    kSecPasswordTypeSafari = 0,
    kSecPasswordTypeiCloudRecovery = 1,
    kSecPasswordTypeWifi = 2,
    kSecPasswordTypePIN = 3

// Keys for external dictionaries with password generation requirements we read from plist.
extern CFStringRef kSecPasswordDefaultForType

extern CFStringRef kSecPasswordMinLengthKey
extern CFStringRef kSecPasswordMaxLengthKey
extern CFStringRef kSecPasswordAllowedCharactersKey
extern CFStringRef kSecPasswordRequiredCharactersKey

extern CFStringRef kSecPasswordDisallowedCharacters
extern CFStringRef kSecPasswordCantStartWithChars
extern CFStringRef kSecPasswordCantEndWithChars
extern CFStringRef kSecPasswordContainsNoMoreThanNSpecificCharacters
extern CFStringRef kSecPasswordContainsAtLeastNSpecificCharacters
extern CFStringRef kSecPasswordContainsNoMoreThanNConsecutiveIdenticalCharacters
extern CFStringRef kSecPasswordCharacters
extern CFStringRef kSecPasswordCharacterCount
extern CFStringRef kSecPasswordGroupSize
extern CFStringRef kSecPasswordNumberOfGroups
extern CFStringRef kSecPasswordSeparator

    @function SecPasswordCopyDefaultPasswordLength
    @abstract Returns the default length/number of tuples of a defaultly generated password
    @param type: default password types kSecPasswordTypeSafari, kSecPasswordTypeiCloudRecovery, kSecPasswordTypeWifi, kSecPasswordTypePIN
    @param error: An error code will be returned if an unrecognized password type is passed to the routine.
    @result Dictionary consisting of length of tuple and number of tuples or a NULL if the passed type isn't recognized.
CFDictionaryRef SecPasswordCopyDefaultPasswordLength(SecPasswordType type, CFErrorRef *error)

 @function SecPasswordIsPasswordWeak
 @abstract Evalutes the weakness of a passcode. This function can take any type of passcode.  Currently
    the function evaluates passcodes with only ASCII characters
 @param passcode a string of any length and type (4 digit PIN, complex passcode) 
 @result True if the password is weak, False if the password is strong.

bool SecPasswordIsPasswordWeak(CFStringRef passcode)

@function SecPasswordIsPasswordWeak2
@abstract Evalutes the weakness of a passcode. This function can take any type of passcode.  Currently
the function evaluates passcodes with only ASCII characters
@param passcode a string of any length and type (4 digit PIN, complex passcode)
@param isSimple is to indicate whether we're evaluating a 4 digit PIN or a complex passcode
@result True if the password is weak, False if the password is strong.
bool SecPasswordIsPasswordWeak2(bool isSimple, CFStringRef passcode)
 @function SecPasswordGenerate.  Supports generating passwords for Safari, iCloud, Personal
 Hotspot clients.  Will also generate 4 digit pins.
 @abstract Returns a generated password based on a set of constraints
 @param type: type of password to generate. Pass enum types
 kSecPasswordTypeSafari, kSecPasswordTypeiCloudRecovery, kSecPasswordTypeWifi, or kSecPasswordTypePIN
 @param error: An error code will be returned if an error is encountered.  Check SecBase.h for the list of codes.
 @param passwordRequirements: a dictionary containing a set of password requirements.
 ex: password type 'safari' requires at least: minLength, maxLength, string
 of allowed characters, required characters
 @return NULL or a CFStringRef password

 *Note: This parameters is not required if kSecPasswordTypeiCloudRecovery or kSecPasswordTypePIN is supplied as the type.
 If kSecPasswordTypeSafari or kSecPasswordTypeWifi is supplied, you must include these dictionary key/value pairs:
 kSecPasswordMinLengthKey / CFNumberRef
 kSecPasswordMaxLengthKey / CFNumberRef
 kSecPasswordAllowedCharactersKey / CFStringRef
 kSecPasswordRequiredCharactersKey / CFArrayRef of CFCharacterSetRefs
 *Note: *If you would like a custom password type, file a bug in Sec Utilities requesting
 a new type along with generation specifications (ex. should contain one upper case, one lower case etc)
 *Note: Be sure to release the returned password when done using it.
CF_RETURNS_RETAINED CFStringRef SecPasswordGenerate(SecPasswordType type, CFErrorRef *error, CFDictionaryRef passwordRequirements)

#ifdef __cplusplus