SecCMS.h   [plain text]

 * Copyright (c) 2008-2010,2012-2013 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
 * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
 * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
 * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
 * compliance with the License. Please obtain a copy of the License at
 * and read it before using this
 * file.
 * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
 * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
 * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
 * limitations under the License.

	@header SecCMS

#include <CoreFoundation/CoreFoundation.h>
#include <Security/SecIdentity.h>
#include <Security/SecPolicy.h>
#include <Security/SecTrust.h>



extern const void * kSecCMSBulkEncryptionAlgorithm;
extern const void * kSecCMSSignDigest;
extern const void * kSecCMSSignDetached;
extern const void * kSecCMSSignHashAlgorithm;
extern const void * kSecCMSCertChainMode;
extern const void * kSecCMSAdditionalCerts;
extern const void * kSecCMSSignedAttributes;
extern const void * kSecCMSSignDate;
extern const void * kSecCMSAllCerts;

extern const void * kSecCMSEncryptionAlgorithmDESCBC;
extern const void * kSecCMSEncryptionAlgorithmAESCBC;
extern const void * kSecCMSHashingAlgorithmMD5;
extern const void * kSecCMSCertChainModeNone;

	@function SecCMSVerifyCopyDataAndAttributes
    @abstract verify a signed data cms blob.
    @param message the cms message to be parsed
    @param detached_contents to pass detached contents (optional)
    @param policy specifies policy or array thereof should be used (optional).  
	if none is passed the blob will **not** be verified and only 
	the attached contents will be returned.
    @param trustref (output/optional) if specified, the trust chain built during 
        verification will not be evaluated but returned to the caller to do so.
	@param attached_contents (output/optional) return a copy of the attached 
    @param signed_attributes (output/optional) return a copy of the signed
        attributes as a CFDictionary from oids (CFData) to values
        (CFArray of CFData).
    @result A result code.  See "Security Error Codes" (SecBase.h).
        errSecDecode not a CMS message we can parse,
        errSecAuthFailed bad signature, or untrusted signer if caller doesn't
        ask for trustref,
        errSecParam garbage in, garbage out.
OSStatus SecCMSVerifyCopyDataAndAttributes(CFDataRef message, CFDataRef detached_contents,
    CFTypeRef policy, SecTrustRef *trustref,
    CFDataRef *attached_contents, CFDictionaryRef *signed_attributes);

	@function SecCMSVerify
    @abstract same as SecCMSVerifyCopyDataAndAttributes, for binary compatibility.
OSStatus SecCMSVerify(CFDataRef message, CFDataRef detached_contents,
    CFTypeRef policy, SecTrustRef *trustref, CFDataRef *attached_contents);

/* Return an array of certificates contained in message, if message is of the
   type SignedData and has no signers, return NULL otherwise.   Not that if
   the message is properly formed but has no certificates an empty array will
   be returned. */
CFArrayRef SecCMSCertificatesOnlyMessageCopyCertificates(CFDataRef message);

/* Create a degenerate PKCS#7 containing a cert or a CFArray of certs. */
CFDataRef SecCMSCreateCertificatesOnlyMessage(CFTypeRef cert_or_array_thereof);
CFDataRef SecCMSCreateCertificatesOnlyMessageIAP(SecCertificateRef cert);

	@function SecCMSSignDataAndAttributes
    @abstract create a signed data cms blob.
    @param identity signer
    @param data message to be signed
    @param detached sign detached or not
	@param signed_data (output) return signed message.
    @param signed_attributes (input/optional) signed attributes to insert
        as a CFDictionary from oids (CFData) to value (CFData).
    @result A result code.  See "Security Error Codes" (SecBase.h).
        errSecParam garbage in, garbage out.
OSStatus SecCMSSignDataAndAttributes(SecIdentityRef identity, CFDataRef data, 
    bool detached, CFMutableDataRef signed_data, CFDictionaryRef signed_attributes);

	@function SecCMSSignDigestAndAttributes
    @abstract create a detached signed data cms blob for a SHA-1 hash.
    @param identity signer
    @param digest SHA-1 digest of message to be signed
	@param signed_data (output) return signed message.
    @param signed_attributes (input/optional) signed attributes to insert
        as a CFDictionary from oids (CFData) to value (CFData).
    @result A result code.  See "Security Error Codes" (SecBase.h).
        errSecParam garbage in, garbage out.
OSStatus SecCMSSignDigestAndAttributes(SecIdentityRef identity, CFDataRef digest, 
    CFMutableDataRef signed_data, CFDictionaryRef signed_attributes);

	@function SecCMSCreateSignedData
    @abstract create a signed data cms blob.
    @param identity signer
    @param data SHA-1 digest or message to be signed
    @param parameters (input/optional) specify algorithm, detached, digest
    @param signed_attributes (input/optional) signed attributes to insert
        as a CFDictionary from oids (CFData) to value (CFData).
    @param signed_data (output) return signed message.
    @result A result code.  See "Security Error Codes" (SecBase.h).
        errSecParam garbage in, garbage out.
OSStatus SecCMSCreateSignedData(SecIdentityRef identity, CFDataRef data, 
    CFDictionaryRef parameters, CFDictionaryRef signed_attributes,
    CFMutableDataRef signed_data);

    @function SecCMSCreateEnvelopedData
    @abstract create a enveloped cms blob for recipients
    @param recipients SecCertificateRef for each recipient
    @param params CFDictionaryRef with encryption parameters
    @param data Data to be encrypted
    @param enveloped_data (output) return enveloped message.
    @result A result code.  See "Security Error Codes" (SecBase.h).
        errSecParam garbage in, garbage out.
OSStatus SecCMSCreateEnvelopedData(CFTypeRef recipient_or_cfarray_thereof, 
    CFDictionaryRef params, CFDataRef data, CFMutableDataRef enveloped_data);

    @function SecCMSDecryptEnvelopedData
    @abstract open an enveloped cms blob. expects recipients identity in keychain.
    @param message Eveloped message
    @param data (output) return decrypted message.
    @param recipient (output/optional) return addressed recipient
    @result A result code.  See "Security Error Codes" (SecBase.h).
        errSecParam garbage in, garbage out.
OSStatus SecCMSDecryptEnvelopedData(CFDataRef message, 
    CFMutableDataRef data, SecCertificateRef *recipient);

OSStatus SecCMSVerifySignedData(CFDataRef message, CFDataRef detached_contents,
    CFTypeRef policy, SecTrustRef *trustref, CFArrayRef additional_certificates,
    CFDataRef *attached_contents, CFDictionaryRef *message_attributes);


#endif /* !_SECURITY_SECCMS_H_ */