CharScanner.hpp   [plain text]

#ifndef INC_CharScanner_hpp__
#define INC_CharScanner_hpp__

/* ANTLR Translator Generator
 * Project led by Terence Parr at
 * Software rights:
 * $Id: //depot/code/org.antlr/release/antlr-2.7.7/lib/cpp/antlr/CharScanner.hpp#2 $

#include <antlr/config.hpp>

#include <map>

#include <ctype.h>
#include <cctype>

#if ( _MSC_VER == 1200 )
// VC6 seems to need this
// note that this is not a standard C++ include file.
# include <stdio.h>

#include <antlr/TokenStream.hpp>
#include <antlr/RecognitionException.hpp>
#include <antlr/SemanticException.hpp>
#include <antlr/MismatchedCharException.hpp>
#include <antlr/InputBuffer.hpp>
#include <antlr/BitSet.hpp>
#include <antlr/LexerSharedInputState.hpp>

namespace antlr {

class ANTLR_API CharScanner;


// Apparently, neither strcasecmp nor stricmp is standard, and Codewarrior
// on the mac has neither...
inline int strcasecmp(const char *s1, const char *s2)
	while (true)
		char  c1 = tolower(*s1++),
				c2 = tolower(*s2++);
		if (c1 < c2) return -1;
		if (c1 > c2) return 1;
		if (c1 == 0) return 0;

/** Functor for the literals map
class ANTLR_API CharScannerLiteralsLess : public ANTLR_USE_NAMESPACE(std)binary_function<ANTLR_USE_NAMESPACE(std)string,ANTLR_USE_NAMESPACE(std)string,bool> {
	const CharScanner* scanner;
	CharScannerLiteralsLess() {} // not really used, definition to appease MSVC
	CharScannerLiteralsLess(const CharScanner* theScanner)
	: scanner(theScanner)
	bool operator() (const ANTLR_USE_NAMESPACE(std)string& x,const ANTLR_USE_NAMESPACE(std)string& y) const;
// defaults are good enough..
	//	CharScannerLiteralsLess(const CharScannerLiteralsLess&);
	//	CharScannerLiteralsLess& operator=(const CharScannerLiteralsLess&);

/** Superclass of generated lexers
class ANTLR_API CharScanner : public TokenStream {
	typedef RefToken (*factory_type)();
	CharScanner(InputBuffer& cb, bool case_sensitive );
	CharScanner(InputBuffer* cb, bool case_sensitive );
	CharScanner(const LexerSharedInputState& state, bool case_sensitive );

	virtual ~CharScanner()

	virtual int LA(unsigned int i);

	virtual void append(char c)
		if (saveConsumedInput)
			size_t l = text.length();

			if ((l%256) == 0)


	virtual void append(const ANTLR_USE_NAMESPACE(std)string& s)
		if( saveConsumedInput )
			text += s;

	virtual void commit()

	/** called by the generated lexer to do error recovery, override to
	 * customize the behaviour.
	virtual void recover(const RecognitionException& ex, const BitSet& tokenSet)

	virtual void consume()
		if (inputState->guessing == 0)
			int c = LA(1);
			if (caseSensitive)
				// use input.LA(), not LA(), to get original case
				// CharScanner.LA() would toLower it.

			// RK: in a sense I don't like this automatic handling.
			if (c == '\t')

	/** Consume chars until one matches the given char */
	virtual void consumeUntil(int c)
			int la_1 = LA(1);
			if( la_1 == EOF_CHAR || la_1 == c )

	/** Consume chars until one matches the given set */
	virtual void consumeUntil(const BitSet& set)
			int la_1 = LA(1);
			if( la_1 == EOF_CHAR || set.member(la_1) )

	/// Mark the current position and return a id for it
	virtual unsigned int mark()
		return inputState->getInput().mark();
	/// Rewind the scanner to a previously marked position
	virtual void rewind(unsigned int pos)

	/// See if input contains character 'c' throw MismatchedCharException if not
	virtual void match(int c)
		int la_1 = LA(1);
		if ( la_1 != c )
			throw MismatchedCharException(la_1, c, false, this);

	/** See if input contains element from bitset b
	 * throw MismatchedCharException if not
	virtual void match(const BitSet& b)
		int la_1 = LA(1);

		if ( !b.member(la_1) )
			throw MismatchedCharException( la_1, b, false, this );

	/** See if input contains string 's' throw MismatchedCharException if not
	 * @note the string cannot match EOF
	virtual void match( const char* s )
		while( *s != '\0' )
			// the & 0xFF is here to prevent sign extension lateron
			int la_1 = LA(1), c = (*s++ & 0xFF);

			if ( la_1 != c )
				throw MismatchedCharException(la_1, c, false, this);

	/** See if input contains string 's' throw MismatchedCharException if not
	 * @note the string cannot match EOF
	virtual void match(const ANTLR_USE_NAMESPACE(std)string& s)
		size_t len = s.length();

		for (size_t i = 0; i < len; i++)
			// the & 0xFF is here to prevent sign extension lateron
			int la_1 = LA(1), c = (s[i] & 0xFF);

			if ( la_1 != c )
				throw MismatchedCharException(la_1, c, false, this);

	/** See if input does not contain character 'c'
	 * throw MismatchedCharException if not
	virtual void matchNot(int c)
		int la_1 = LA(1);

		if ( la_1 == c )
			throw MismatchedCharException(la_1, c, true, this);

	/** See if input contains character in range c1-c2
	 * throw MismatchedCharException if not
	virtual void matchRange(int c1, int c2)
		int la_1 = LA(1);

		if ( la_1 < c1 || la_1 > c2 )
			throw MismatchedCharException(la_1, c1, c2, false, this);


	virtual bool getCaseSensitive() const
		return caseSensitive;

	virtual void setCaseSensitive(bool t)
		caseSensitive = t;

	virtual bool getCaseSensitiveLiterals() const=0;

	/// Get the line the scanner currently is in (starts at 1)
	virtual int getLine() const
		return inputState->line;

	/// set the line number
	virtual void setLine(int l)
		inputState->line = l;

	/// Get the column the scanner currently is in (starts at 1)
	virtual int getColumn() const
		return inputState->column;
	/// set the column number
	virtual void setColumn(int c)
		inputState->column = c;

	/// get the filename for the file currently used
	virtual const ANTLR_USE_NAMESPACE(std)string& getFilename() const
		return inputState->filename;
	/// Set the filename the scanner is using (used in error messages)
	virtual void setFilename(const ANTLR_USE_NAMESPACE(std)string& f)
		inputState->filename = f;

	virtual bool getCommitToPath() const
		return commitToPath;

	virtual void setCommitToPath(bool commit)
		commitToPath = commit;

	/** return a copy of the current text buffer */
	virtual const ANTLR_USE_NAMESPACE(std)string& getText() const
		return text;

	virtual void setText(const ANTLR_USE_NAMESPACE(std)string& s)
		text = s;

	virtual void resetText()
		text = "";
		inputState->tokenStartColumn = inputState->column;
		inputState->tokenStartLine = inputState->line;

	virtual RefToken getTokenObject() const
		return _returnToken;

	/** Used to keep track of line breaks, needs to be called from
	 * within generated lexers when a \n \r is encountered.
	virtual void newline()
		inputState->column = 1;

	/** Advance the current column number by an appropriate amount according
	 * to the tabsize. This method needs to be explicitly called from the
	 * lexer rules encountering tabs.
	virtual void tab()
		int c = getColumn();
		int nc = ( ((c-1)/tabsize) + 1) * tabsize + 1;      // calculate tab stop
		setColumn( nc );
	/// set the tabsize. Returns the old tabsize
	int setTabsize( int size )
		int oldsize = tabsize;
		tabsize = size;
		return oldsize;
	/// Return the tabsize used by the scanner
	int getTabSize() const
		return tabsize;

	/** Report exception errors caught in nextToken() */
	virtual void reportError(const RecognitionException& e);

	/** Parser error-reporting function can be overridden in subclass */
	virtual void reportError(const ANTLR_USE_NAMESPACE(std)string& s);

	/** Parser warning-reporting function can be overridden in subclass */
	virtual void reportWarning(const ANTLR_USE_NAMESPACE(std)string& s);

	virtual InputBuffer& getInputBuffer()
		return inputState->getInput();

	virtual LexerSharedInputState getInputState()
		return inputState;

	/** set the input state for the lexer.
	 * @note state is a reference counted object, hence no reference */
	virtual void setInputState(LexerSharedInputState state)
		inputState = state;

	/// Set the factory for created tokens
	virtual void setTokenObjectFactory(factory_type factory)
		tokenFactory = factory;

	/** Test the token text against the literals table
	 * Override this method to perform a different literals test
	virtual int testLiteralsTable(int ttype) const
		ANTLR_USE_NAMESPACE(std)map<ANTLR_USE_NAMESPACE(std)string,int,CharScannerLiteralsLess>::const_iterator i = literals.find(text);
		if (i != literals.end())
			ttype = (*i).second;
		return ttype;

	/** Test the text passed in against the literals table
	 * Override this method to perform a different literals test
	 * This is used primarily when you want to test a portion of
	 * a token
	virtual int testLiteralsTable(const ANTLR_USE_NAMESPACE(std)string& txt,int ttype) const
		ANTLR_USE_NAMESPACE(std)map<ANTLR_USE_NAMESPACE(std)string,int,CharScannerLiteralsLess>::const_iterator i = literals.find(txt);
		if (i != literals.end())
			ttype = (*i).second;
		return ttype;

	/// Override this method to get more specific case handling
	virtual int toLower(int c) const
		// test on EOF_CHAR for buggy (?) STLPort tolower (or HPUX tolower?)
		// also VC++ 6.0 does this. (see fix 422 (is reverted by this fix)
		// this one is more structural. Maybe make this configurable.
		return (c == EOF_CHAR ? EOF_CHAR : tolower(c));

	/** This method is called by YourLexer::nextToken() when the lexer has
	 *  hit EOF condition.  EOF is NOT a character.
	 *  This method is not called if EOF is reached during
	 *  syntactic predicate evaluation or during evaluation
	 *  of normal lexical rules, which presumably would be
	 *  an IOException.  This traps the "normal" EOF condition.
	 *  uponEOF() is called after the complete evaluation of
	 *  the previous token and only if your parser asks
	 *  for another token beyond that last non-EOF token.
	 *  You might want to throw token or char stream exceptions
	 *  like: "Heh, premature eof" or a retry stream exception
	 *  ("I found the end of this file, go back to referencing file").
	virtual void uponEOF()

	/// Methods used to change tracing behavior
	virtual void traceIndent();
	virtual void traceIn(const char* rname);
	virtual void traceOut(const char* rname);

	static const int EOF_CHAR = EOF;
	enum {
	ANTLR_USE_NAMESPACE(std)string text; ///< Text of current token
 	/// flag indicating wether consume saves characters
	bool saveConsumedInput;
	factory_type tokenFactory;				///< Factory for tokens
	bool caseSensitive; 						///< Is this lexer case sensitive
	ANTLR_USE_NAMESPACE(std)map<ANTLR_USE_NAMESPACE(std)string,int,CharScannerLiteralsLess> literals; // set by subclass

	RefToken _returnToken;		///< used to return tokens w/o using return val

	/// Input state, gives access to input stream, shared among different lexers
	LexerSharedInputState inputState;

	/** Used during filter mode to indicate that path is desired.
	 * A subsequent scan error will report an error as usual
	 * if acceptPath=true;
	bool commitToPath;

	int tabsize; 	///< tab size the scanner uses.

	/// Create a new RefToken of type t
	virtual RefToken makeToken(int t)
		RefToken tok = tokenFactory();
		return tok;

	/** Tracer class, used when -traceLexer is passed to antlr
	class Tracer {
		CharScanner* parser;
		const char* text;

		Tracer(const Tracer& other); 					// undefined
		Tracer& operator=(const Tracer& other); 	// undefined
		Tracer( CharScanner* p,const char* t )
		: parser(p), text(t)

	int traceDepth;
	CharScanner( const CharScanner& other ); 			  		// undefined
	CharScanner& operator=( const CharScanner& other );	// undefined

	static const int NO_CHAR = 0;
	enum {
		NO_CHAR = 0

inline int CharScanner::LA(unsigned int i)
	int c = inputState->getInput().LA(i);

	if ( caseSensitive )
		return c;
		return toLower(c);	// VC 6 tolower bug caught in toLower.

inline bool CharScannerLiteralsLess::operator() (const ANTLR_USE_NAMESPACE(std)string& x,const ANTLR_USE_NAMESPACE(std)string& y) const
	if (scanner->getCaseSensitiveLiterals())
		return ANTLR_USE_NAMESPACE(std)less<ANTLR_USE_NAMESPACE(std)string>()(x,y);
		return (stricmp(x.c_str(),y.c_str())<0);
		return (strcasecmp(x.c_str(),y.c_str())<0);


#endif //INC_CharScanner_hpp__