walkers.h   [plain text]

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// walkers - facilities for traversing and manipulating recursive data structures
// Very briefly, this facility allows for deep traversals of (potentially) recursive
// data structures through templated structure "walkers." Standard operations include
// deep copying to a contiguous memory buffer, size calculation, deep freeing, reconstitution
// after relocation (e.g. via IPC), and others. You can add other operations (e.g. scattered deep
// copy, debug dumping, etc.) by defining operations classes and applying them to the
// existing walkers. You can also extend the reach of the facility to new data structures
// by writing appropriate walker functions for them.
// NOTE: We no longer have a default walker for flat structures. You must define
// a walk(operate, foo * &) function for every data type encountered during a walk
// or you will get compile-time errors.
// For more detailed rules and regulations, see the accompanying documentation.
#ifndef _H_WALKERS
#define _H_WALKERS

#include <security_utilities/alloc.h>
#include <security_utilities/memstreams.h>
#include <security_cdsa_utilities/cssmdata.h>
#include <security_utilities/debugging.h>
#include <set>

namespace Security {
namespace DataWalkers {


# define DEBUGWALK(who)	secdebug("walkers", "walk " who " %s@%p (%ld)", \
									Debug::typeName(addr).c_str(), addr, size)
# define DEBUGWALK(who)	/* nothing */

// SizeWalker simply walks a structure and calculates how many bytes
// CopyWalker would use to make a flat copy. This is naturally at least
// the sum of all relevant sizes, but can be more due to alignment and
// counting overhead.
class SizeWalker : public LowLevelMemoryUtilities::Writer::Counter {
    template <class T>
	void operator () (T &obj, size_t size = sizeof(T)) { }

    template <class T>
    void operator () (T *addr, size_t size = sizeof(T))
    { DEBUGWALK("size"); LowLevelMemoryUtilities::Writer::Counter::insert(size); }
	void blob(void *addr, size_t size)
	{ (*this)(addr, size); }

    void reserve(size_t space)
    { LowLevelMemoryUtilities::Writer::Counter::insert(space); }
    static const bool needsRelinking = false;
    static const bool needsSize = true;

// CopyWalker makes a deep, flat copy of a structure. The result will work
// just like the original (with all elements recursively copied), except that
// it occupies contiguous memory.
class CopyWalker : public LowLevelMemoryUtilities::Writer {
    CopyWalker() { }
    CopyWalker(void *base) : LowLevelMemoryUtilities::Writer(base) { }
    template <class T>
	void operator () (T &obj, size_t size = sizeof(T))
	{ }

    template <class T>
    void operator () (T * &addr, size_t size = sizeof(T))
        if (addr)
            addr = reinterpret_cast<T *>(LowLevelMemoryUtilities::Writer::operator () (addr, size));
	template <class T>
	void blob(T * &addr, size_t size)
	{ (*this)(addr, size); }
    static const bool needsRelinking = true;
    static const bool needsSize = true;

// Walk a structure and apply a constant linear shift to all pointers
// encountered. This is useful when a structure and its deep components
// have been linearly shifted by something (say, an IPC transit).
class ReconstituteWalker {
    ReconstituteWalker(off_t offset) : mOffset(offset) { }
    ReconstituteWalker(void *ptr, void *base)
    : mOffset(LowLevelMemoryUtilities::difference(ptr, base)) { }

    template <class T>
	void operator () (T &obj, size_t size = sizeof(T))
	{ }

    template <class T>
    void operator () (T * &addr, size_t size = 0)
        if (addr)
            addr = LowLevelMemoryUtilities::increment<T>(addr, (ptrdiff_t)mOffset);
	template <class T>
	void blob(T * &addr, size_t size)
	{ (*this)(addr, size); }
    static const bool needsRelinking = true;
    static const bool needsSize = false;
    off_t mOffset;

// Make an element-by-element copy of a structure. Each pointer followed
// uses a separate allocation for its pointed-to storage.
class ChunkCopyWalker {
    ChunkCopyWalker(Allocator &alloc = Allocator::standard()) : allocator(alloc) { }
    Allocator &allocator;
    template <class T>
	void operator () (T &obj, size_t size = sizeof(T))
	{ }

    template <class T>
    void operator () (T * &addr, size_t size = sizeof(T))
        T *copy = reinterpret_cast<T *>(allocator.malloc(size));
        T *copy = allocator.malloc<T>(size);
        memcpy(copy, addr, size);
        addr = copy;
	template <class T>
	void blob(T * &addr, size_t size)
	{ (*this)(addr, size); }
    static const bool needsRelinking = true;
    static const bool needsSize = true;

// Walk a structure and call an Allocator to separate free each node.
// This is safe for non-trees (i.e. shared subsidiary nodes); such will
// only be freed once.
class ChunkFreeWalker {
    ChunkFreeWalker(Allocator &alloc = Allocator::standard()) : allocator(alloc) { }
    Allocator &allocator;
    template <class T>
	void operator () (T &obj, size_t size = 0)
	{ }

	template <class T>
    void operator () (T *addr, size_t size = 0)
	void blob(void *addr, size_t size)
	{ (*this)(addr, 0); }

    void free();
    ~ChunkFreeWalker() { free(); }
    static const bool needsRelinking = false;
    static const bool needsSize = false;

    std::set<void *> freeSet;

// Stand-alone operations for a single structure web.
// These simply create, use, and discard their operator objects internally.
template <class T>
size_t size(T obj)
    SizeWalker w;
    walk(w, obj);
    return w;

// Special version for const pointer's
template <class T>
size_t size(const T *obj)
{ return size(const_cast<T *>(obj)); }

template <class T>
T *copy(const T *obj, void *addr)
    if (obj == NULL)
        return NULL;
    CopyWalker w(addr);
	walk(w, const_cast<T * &>(obj));
	return const_cast<T *>(obj);

template <class T>
T *copy(const T *obj, Allocator &alloc, size_t size)
    if (obj == NULL)
        return NULL;
    return copy(obj, alloc.malloc(size));

template <class T>
T *copy(const T *obj, Allocator &alloc = Allocator::standard())
    return obj ? copy(obj, alloc, size(obj)) : NULL;

template <class T>
void relocate(T *obj, T *base)
	if (obj) {
		ReconstituteWalker w(LowLevelMemoryUtilities::difference(obj, base));
		walk(w, base);

// chunkCopy and chunkFree can take pointer and non-pointer arguments.
// Don't try to declare the T arguments const (overload resolution will
// mess you over if you try). Just take const and nonconst Ts and take
// the const away internally.
template <class T>
typename Nonconst<T>::Type *chunkCopy(T *obj, Allocator &alloc = Allocator::standard())
	if (obj) {
		ChunkCopyWalker w(alloc);
		return walk(w, unconst_ref_cast<T *>(obj));
	} else
		return NULL;

template <class T>
T chunkCopy(T obj, Allocator &alloc = Allocator::standard())
	ChunkCopyWalker w(alloc);
	walk(w, obj);
	return obj;

template <class T>
void chunkFree(T *obj, Allocator &alloc = Allocator::standard())
    if (obj) {
		ChunkFreeWalker w(alloc);
		walk(w, unconst_ref_cast<T *>(obj));

template <class T>
void chunkFree(const T &obj, Allocator &alloc = Allocator::standard())
	ChunkFreeWalker w(alloc);
	walk(w, obj);

// Copier combines SizeWalker and CopyWalker into one operational package.
// this is useful if you need both the copy and its size (and don't want
// to re-run size()). Copier (like copy()) only applies to one object.
template <class T>
class Copier {
    Copier(const T *obj, Allocator &alloc = Allocator::standard()) : allocator(alloc)
        if (obj == NULL) {
            mValue = NULL;
            mLength = 0;
        } else {
            mLength = size(const_cast<T *>(obj));
            mValue = reinterpret_cast<T *>(alloc.malloc(mLength));
			mValue = alloc.malloc<T>(mLength);
            mValue = copy(obj, mValue);
    Copier(const T *obj, uint32 count, Allocator &alloc = Allocator::standard())
		: allocator(alloc)
        if (obj == NULL) {
            mValue = NULL;
            mLength = 0;
        } else {
            SizeWalker sizer;
            sizer.reserve(sizeof(T) * count);	// initial vector size
            for (uint32 n = 0; n < count; n++)
                walk(sizer, const_cast<T &>(obj[n]));	// dependent data sizes
            mLength = sizer;
            mValue = reinterpret_cast<T *>(alloc.malloc(mLength));
            mValue = alloc.malloc<T>(mLength);
            CopyWalker copier(LowLevelMemoryUtilities::increment(mValue, sizeof(T) * count));
            for (uint32 n = 0; n < count; n++) {
                mValue[n] = obj[n];
                walk(copier, mValue[n]);

    Allocator &allocator;

    ~Copier() { allocator.free(mValue); }
	T *value() const		{ return mValue; }
    operator T *() const	{ return value(); }
    size_t length() const	{ return mLength; }
    T *keep() { T *result = mValue; mValue = NULL; return result; }	
    T *mValue;
    size_t mLength;

} // end namespace DataWalkers
} // end namespace Security

#endif //_H_WALKERS