asn1-defs.tex   [plain text]

% file: .../doc/asn1-defs.tex

% $Header: /cvs/root/Security/SecuritySNACCRuntime/doc/Attic/asn1-defs.tex,v 2001/05/18 23:14:10 mb Exp $
% $Log: asn1-defs.tex,v $
% Revision  2001/05/18 23:14:10  mb
% Move from private repository to open source repository
% Revision  1999/03/16 18:05:51  aram
% Originals from SMIME Free Library.
% Revision 1.1  1997/01/01 22:47:47  rj
% first check-in

\chapter{The Module Data Structure ASN.1 Definition}

The ASN.1 modules are parsed into an internal data structure.  The
data structure was initially defined in ASN.1 with the idea that if
we needed to write a parsed module to disk, the ASN.1 encoding
routines could be used.  No file format was needed so the ASN.1 was
merely an exercise.

This procedure highlighted the problem with circular links and index
like links in ASN.1 data structures.  BER does not support this type
of linking; to handle it, the offending links can be made optional
and not encoded.  After decoding, these links need to be
re-established.  See the type table data structure for a format
suitable for writing to files.

The following is the ASN.1 definition of the Module data structure.
The C translation (as generated by an early version of Snacc) can be
found in {\ufn \dots/compiler/core/asn1module.h}\footnote{
  The {\ufn asn1module.h} that is produced by a current version of Snacc cannot be compiled because its type definitions are in the wrong order.
  This may be caused by the {\ASN --\,--snacc cTypeName} compiler directives, since one of the affected types is BasicTypeChoiceId, but i'm not really sure.
-- .../asn1specs/asn1module.asn1
-- This module describes the data structure used to represent the
-- compiled ASN.1.
-- Using ASN.1 for the internal data structure allows writing
-- (encoding) to disk for storage (not done yet due to recursive
--  refs back to the module)
-- Mike Sample 91/08/29
-- Modifed 92/05  MS


-- exports everything
-- imports nothing

    creationTime INTEGER,
    modules ModuleList

ModuleList ::= SEQUENCE OF Module

Module ::= SEQUENCE
    status ENUMERATED { mod-ok(0), mod-not-linked(1), mod-error(2) },
    modId      ModuleId,
    tagDefault ENUMERATED { explicit-tags(0), implicit-tags(1) },
    exportStatus  ENUMERATED { exports-all(0), exports-nothing(1),
                               exports-some(2) },
    imports    ImportModuleList,
    typeDefs   TypeDefList,
    valueDefs  ValueDefList,
    hasAnys    BOOLEAN,

    asn1SrcFileName MyString,
    cHdrFileName    MyString,
    cSrcFileName    MyString,
    cxxHdrFileName  MyString,
    cxxSrcFileName  MyString

    cxxname		MyString, -- META

    idlFileName		MyString, -- IDL
    idlname		MyString -- IDL

ModuleId ::= SEQUENCE
    name MyString,
    oid  OBJECT IDENTIFIER OPTIONAL --snacc cTypeName:"OID" isPtr:"TRUE"

ImportModuleList ::= SEQUENCE OF ImportModule

ImportModule ::= SEQUENCE
    modId       ModuleId,
    importElmts ImportElmtList,
    moduleRef   Module, --snacc isEncDec:"FALSE"
    lineNo INTEGER

ImportElmtList ::= SEQUENCE OF ImportElmt

ImportElmt ::= SEQUENCE
    resolvedRef CHOICE
        type  [0] TypeDef,  -- not encoded
        value [1] ValueDef  -- not encoded
     } OPTIONAL,
    name MyString,
    privateScope BOOLEAN, -- true if from MODNAME.TYPE ref
    lineNo INTEGER

TypeDefList ::= SEQUENCE OF TypeDef

OidOrInt ::= CHOICE
    intId INTEGER

    anyIdName MyString,
    id OidOrInt

AnyRefList ::= SEQUENCE OF AnyRef

TypeDef ::= SEQUENCE
    exported     BOOLEAN,
    recursive    BOOLEAN,
    isPdu    BOOLEAN,
    localRefCount     INTEGER,
    importRefCount     INTEGER,
    tmpRefCount    INTEGER,
    visited      BOOLEAN,
    definedName  MyString,
    type         Type,
    cTypeDefInfo CTDI,
    cxxTypeDefInfo CxxTDI,
    attrList     AttributeList,
    refList      TypeDefList,
    anyRefs      AnyRefList

    tclass INTEGER, -- swap this for the BER_CLASS enum from basetypes.h
    form  INTEGER,  -- swap this for the BER_FORM enum
    code  INTEGER,
    explicit BOOLEAN,
    valueRef Value

    optional   BOOLEAN,
    implicit   BOOLEAN,
    tags       TagList,
    defaultVal [0] IMPLICIT NamedValue OPTIONAL,
    subtypes   [1] Subtype OPTIONAL,
    basicType  [2] BasicType,
    lineNo     INTEGER,
    cTypeRefInfo CTRI,
    cxxTypeRefInfo CxxTRI,
    attrList   AttributeList

TagList ::= SEQUENCE OF Tag

AttributeList ::= SEQUENCE OF MyString

NamedNumberList ::= ValueDefList

-- BasicTypes with NULL need no more info that which type it is
-- (this is known from the choice id)

BasicType ::= CHOICE
    unknown         [0]  IMPLICIT NULL,
    boolean         [1]  IMPLICIT NULL,
    integer         [2]  IMPLICIT NamedNumberList,
    bitString       [3]  IMPLICIT NamedNumberList,
    octetString     [4]  IMPLICIT NULL,
    null            [5]  IMPLICIT NULL,
    oid             [6]  IMPLICIT NULL,
    real            [7]  IMPLICIT NULL,
    enumerated      [8]  IMPLICIT NamedNumberList,
    sequence        [9]  IMPLICIT NamedTypeList,
    sequenceOf      [10] IMPLICIT Type,
    set             [11] IMPLICIT NamedTypeList,
    setOf           [12] IMPLICIT Type,
    choice          [13] IMPLICIT NamedTypeList,
    selection       [14] IMPLICIT SelectionType,
    componentsOf    [15] IMPLICIT Type, --  [Resolved](local/import) type ref
    any             [16] IMPLICIT NULL,
    anyDefinedBy    [17] IMPLICIT AnyDefinedByType,
    localTypeRef    [19] IMPLICIT TypeRef,
    importTypeRef   [20] IMPLICIT TypeRef,
    macroType       [21] MacroType,
    macroDef        [22] IMPLICIT MacroDef --snacc isPtr:"FALSE"

MacroDef ::= MyString -- just keep the text for now

MacroType ::= CHOICE
    rosOperation    [0] IMPLICIT RosOperationMacroType,
    rosError        [1] IMPLICIT RosErrorMacroType,
    rosBind         [2] IMPLICIT RosBindMacroType,
    rosUnbind       [3] IMPLICIT RosBindMacroType,
    rosAse          [4] IMPLICIT RosAseMacroType,
    rosAc           [5] IMPLICIT RosAcMacroType,
    mtsasExtension  [6] IMPLICIT MtsasExtensionMacroType,
    mtsasExtensions [7] IMPLICIT MtsasExtensionsMacroType,
    mtsasExtensionAttribute [8] IMPLICIT MtsasExtensionAttributeMacroType,
    mtsasToken      [9] IMPLICIT MtsasTokenMacroType,
    mtsasTokenData [10] IMPLICIT MtsasTokenDataMacroType,
    mtsasSecurityCategory [11] IMPLICIT MtsasSecurityCategoryMacroType,
    asnObject       [12] IMPLICIT AsnObjectMacroType,
    asnPort         [13] IMPLICIT AsnPortMacroType,
    asnRefine       [14] IMPLICIT AsnRefineMacroType,
    asnAbstractBind      [15] IMPLICIT AsnAbstractBindMacroType,
    asnAbstractUnbind    [16] IMPLICIT AsnAbstractBindMacroType,
    asnAbstractOperation [17] IMPLICIT RosOperationMacroType,
    asnAbstractError     [18] IMPLICIT RosErrorMacroType,
    afAlgorithm     [19] IMPLICIT Type,
    afEncrypted     [20] IMPLICIT Type,
    afProtected     [21] IMPLICIT Type,
    afSignature     [22] IMPLICIT Type,
    afSigned        [23] IMPLICIT Type,
    snmpObjectType  [24] IMPLICIT SnmpObjectTypeMacroType

AnyDefinedByType ::= SEQUENCE
    fieldName MyString,   -- name of field that its defined by
    link NamedType OPTIONAL  -- REFERENCE not encoded

SelectionType ::= SEQUENCE
    fieldName MyString,   -- name of field in choice
    typeRef   Type,      -- [Resolved](local/import) type ref
    link NamedType OPTIONAL -- REFERENCE not encoded

NamedTypeList ::= SEQUENCE OF NamedType

NamedType ::= SEQUENCE
    fieldName  MyString, -- may be empty or NULL str
    type       Type

TypeRef ::= SEQUENCE
    typeName    MyString,
    moduleName  MyString, -- used for "modname.type" refs (may be null)
    module      Module,   --snacc isEncDec:"FALSE"
    link        TypeDef   --snacc isEncDec:"FALSE"

RosOperationMacroType ::= SEQUENCE
    arguments NamedType,
    result    NamedType,
    errors    [0] IMPLICIT TypeOrValueList OPTIONAL,
    linkedOps [1] IMPLICIT TypeOrValueList OPTIONAL

ValueList ::= SEQUENCE OF Value

TypeOrValueList ::= SEQUENCE OF TypeOrValue

TypeOrValue ::= CHOICE
    type  [0] IMPLICIT Type,
    value [1] IMPLICIT Value


RosErrorMacroType ::= SEQUENCE
    parameter NamedType

RosBindMacroType ::= SEQUENCE
    argument NamedType,
    result   NamedType,
    error    NamedType

RosAseMacroType  ::= SEQUENCE
    operations       ValueList,
    consumerInvokes  ValueList,
    supplierInvokes  ValueList

RosAcMacroType ::= SEQUENCE
    nonRoElements       ValueList,
    bindMacroType       Type,
    unbindMacroType     Type,
    remoteOperations    Value,
    operationsOf        ValueList,
    initiatorConsumerOf ValueList,
    responderConsumerOf ValueList,
    abstractSyntaxes    OidList

MtsasExtensionMacroType ::=  SEQUENCE
    elmtType              [0] IMPLICIT NamedType OPTIONAL,
    defaultValue          [1] IMPLICIT Value    OPTIONAL,
    criticalForSubmission [2] IMPLICIT BOOLEAN  OPTIONAL,
    criticalForTransfer   [3] IMPLICIT BOOLEAN  OPTIONAL,
    criticalForDelivery   [4] IMPLICIT BOOLEAN  OPTIONAL

MtsasExtensionsMacroType ::= SEQUENCE
    extensions ValueList

MtsasExtensionAttributeMacroType ::= SEQUENCE
    type Type OPTIONAL

MtsasTokenMacroType ::= SEQUENCE
    type Type OPTIONAL

MtsasTokenDataMacroType ::= SEQUENCE
    type Type OPTIONAL

MtsasSecurityCategoryMacroType ::= SEQUENCE
    type Type OPTIONAL

AsnObjectMacroType ::= SEQUENCE
   ports  AsnPortList OPTIONAL

AsnPortList ::= SEQUENCE OF AsnPort

AsnPort ::= SEQUENCE
    portValue Value,
    portType  ENUMERATED
         consumer-port (0),
         supplier-port (1),
         symmetric-port (2)

AsnPortMacroType ::= SEQUENCE
    abstractOps     [0] IMPLICIT TypeOrValueList OPTIONAL,
    consumerInvokes [1] IMPLICIT TypeOrValueList OPTIONAL,
    supplierInvokes [2] IMPLICIT TypeOrValueList OPTIONAL

AsnRefineMacroType ::= INTEGER

AsnAbstractBindMacroType ::= SEQUENCE
    ports [0] IMPLICIT AsnPortList OPTIONAL,
    type  [1] IMPLICIT Type OPTIONAL

SnmpObjectTypeMacroType ::= SEQUENCE
   syntax Type,
   access ENUMERATED
       { snmp-read-only (0), snmp-read-write (1),
         snmp-write-only (2), snmp-not-accessible (3)},
   status ENUMERATED
       { snmp-mandatory (0), snmp-optional (1),
         snmp-obsolete (2), snmp-deprecated (3)},
   description [0] IMPLICIT Value OPTIONAL,
   reference   [1] IMPLICIT Value OPTIONAL,
   index       [2] IMPLICIT TypeOrValueList OPTIONAL,
   defVal      [3] IMPLICIT Value OPTIONAL

Subtype ::= CHOICE
    single [0] SubtypeValue,
    and    [1] IMPLICIT SubtypeList,
    or     [2] IMPLICIT SubtypeList,
    not    [3] Subtype

SubtypeList ::= SEQUENCE OF Subtype

SubtypeValue ::= CHOICE
    singleValue       [0] IMPLICIT Value,
    contained         [1] IMPLICIT Type,
    valueRange        [2] IMPLICIT ValueRangeSubtype,
    permittedAlphabet [3] Subtype, -- only valuerange or singleval
    sizeConstraint    [4] Subtype, -- only single value ints or val range
    innerSubtype      [5] IMPLICIT InnerSubtype

ValueRangeSubtype ::= SEQUENCE
    lowerEndInclusive BOOLEAN,
    upperEndInclusive BOOLEAN,
    lowerEndValue Value,
    upperEndValue Value

InnerSubtype ::= SEQUENCE
    constraintType ENUMERATED { full-ct (0), partial-ct (1), single-ct (2) },
    constraints ConstraintList

ConstraintList ::= SEQUENCE OF Constraint

Constraint ::= SEQUENCE
    fieldRef MyString,  -- not used if in single-ct, may be null
    presenceConstraint ENUMERATED
        present-ct (0),
        absent-ct (1),
        empty-ct (2),
        optional-ct (3)
    valueConstraints Subtype

ValueDefList ::= SEQUENCE OF ValueDef

ValueDef ::= SEQUENCE
   exported    BOOLEAN,
   definedName MyString,
   value       Value

Value ::= SEQUENCE
    type    Type OPTIONAL,
    valueType  INTEGER,  -- holds one of choiceId's def'd for BasicType
    basicValue BasicValue,
    lineNo     INTEGER

BasicValue ::= CHOICE
    unknown          [0]  IMPLICIT NULL,
    empty            [1]  IMPLICIT NULL,
    integer          [2]  IMPLICIT INTEGER,
    specialInteger   [3]  IMPLICIT SpecialIntegerValue,
    longInteger      [4]  IMPLICIT INTEGER,  -- put LONG before INTGEGER
    boolean          [5]  IMPLICIT BOOLEAN,
    real             [6]  IMPLICIT REAL,
    specialReal      [7]  IMPLICIT SpecialRealValue,
    asciiText        [8]  IMPLICIT OCTET STRING,
    asciiHex         [9]  IMPLICIT OCTET STRING,
    asciiBitString   [10] IMPLICIT OCTET STRING,
    oid              [11] IMPLICIT OBJECT IDENTIFIER,
    linkedOid        [12] IMPLICIT OBJECT IDENTIFIER, --snacc cTypeName:"OID"
    berValue         [13] IMPLICIT OCTET STRING,
    perValue         [14] IMPLICIT OCTET STRING,
    namedValue       [15] IMPLICIT NamedValue,
    null             [16] IMPLICIT NULL,
    localValueRef    [17] IMPLICIT ValueRef,
    importValueRef   [18] IMPLICIT ValueRef,
    valueNotation    [19] IMPLICIT OCTET STRING

SpecialIntegerValue ::= ENUMERATED { min-int (0), max-int (1) }
SpecialRealValue ::= ENUMERATED { minus-infinity-real (0), plus-infinity-real (1) }

ValueRef ::= SEQUENCE
    valueName  MyString,
    moduleName MyString, -- used for "modname.value" refs (may be null)
    link       ValueDef, --snacc isEncDec:"FALSE"
    module     Module    --snacc isEncDec:"FALSE"

NamedValue ::= SEQUENCE
   fieldName MyString, -- may be null
   value     Value

NamedValueList ::= SEQUENCE OF NamedValue

CTypeId  ::= ENUMERATED { c-choice (0), c-list (1), c-any (2), c-anydefinedby (3),
                          c-lib (4), c-struct (5), c-typeref (6), c-no-type (7),
                         c-typedef (8) }

-- C Type Def Info - info used for routine naming
-- and referencing from other types
    asn1TypeId         INTEGER, --snacc cTypeName:"enum BasicTypeChoiceId"
    cTypeId            CTypeId,
    cTypeName          MyString,
    isPdu              BOOLEAN,
    isEncDec           BOOLEAN, -- if false, no routines are gen
                                -- and not included in encodings
    isPtrForTypeDef    BOOLEAN,
    isPtrForTypeRef    BOOLEAN,
    isPtrInChoice      BOOLEAN,
    isPtrForOpt        BOOLEAN,

               -- defines these names, used by references
    optTestRoutineName MyString, -- routine/macro to check whether
                                 -- opt type is present
    defaultFieldName   MyString, -- base for generating field names

    printRoutineName   MyString,
    encodeRoutineName  MyString,
    decodeRoutineName  MyString,
    freeRoutineName    MyString,

    genPrintRoutine    BOOLEAN,
    genEncodeRoutine   BOOLEAN,
    genDecodeRoutine   BOOLEAN,
    genFreeRoutine     BOOLEAN,
    genTypeDef         BOOLEAN

-- CTRI (C Type Ref Info) is used for generating C typedefinitions
-- from the ASN.1 types info
    cTypeId CTypeId,
    cFieldName MyString,
    cTypeName  MyString,
    isPtr BOOLEAN,
--    isEndCType BOOLEAN,        -- false for struct/union def
    cNamedElmts CNamedElmts OPTIONAL,      -- for C_LIB bits/int/enums
    choiceIdValue INTEGER,     -- enum value of this c field
    choiceIdSymbol MyString,   -- this fields sym in choiceId enum
    choiceIdEnumName MyString,
    choiceIdEnumFieldName MyString,
    optTestRoutineName MyString, -- these names are gained from refd type def
    printRoutineName   MyString,   -- or are over-ridden snacc attribute comment
    encodeRoutineName  MyString,
    decodeRoutineName  MyString,
    freeRoutineName    MyString,
    isEncDec           BOOLEAN -- whether part of enc value

CNamedElmts ::= SEQUENCE OF CNamedElmt

CNamedElmt ::= SEQUENCE
    name MyString,
    value INTEGER

    asn1TypeId         INTEGER, --snacc cTypeName:"enum BasicTypeChoiceId"
    className          MyString,
    isPdu              BOOLEAN,
    isEnc              BOOLEAN,
    isPtrForTypeDef    BOOLEAN,
    isPtrForOpt        BOOLEAN,
    isPtrInChoice      BOOLEAN,
    isPtrInSetAndSeq   BOOLEAN,
    isPtrInList        BOOLEAN,
    optTestRoutineName MyString,
    defaultFieldName   MyString -- base for generating field names

    isEnc BOOLEAN,
    className MyString,
    fieldName MyString,
    isPtr BOOLEAN,
    namedElmts CNamedElmts,
    choiceIdSymbol MyString,
    choiceIdValue INTEGER,
    optTestRoutineName MyString

    asn1TypeId         INTEGER, --snacc cTypeName:"enum BasicTypeChoiceId"
    typeName           MyString,
    isPdu              BOOLEAN,
    isEnc              BOOLEAN,
    isPtrForTypeDef    BOOLEAN,
    isPtrForOpt        BOOLEAN,
    isPtrInChoice      BOOLEAN,
    isPtrInSetAndSeq   BOOLEAN,
    isPtrInList        BOOLEAN,
    optTestRoutineName MyString,
    defaultFieldName   MyString -- base for generating field names

    isEnc BOOLEAN,
    typeName MyString,
    fieldName MyString,
    isPtr BOOLEAN,
    namedElmts CNamedElmts,
    choiceIdSymbol MyString,
    choiceIdValue INTEGER,
    optTestRoutineName MyString

-- use snacc compiler directives to overide the builtin types.
-- All strings used in module data struct are null terminated so
-- can just use a char *
-- Note the snacc comments before the PrintableString
-- bind with the MyString TypeDef and the ones after PrintableString
-- bind with the PrintableString Type ref.

MyString ::= --snacc isPtrForTypeDef:"FALSE"
             --snacc isPtrForTypeRef:"FALSE"
             --snacc isPtrInChoice:"FALSE"
             --snacc isPtrForOpt:"FALSE"
             --snacc optTestRoutineName:"MYSTRING_NON_NULL"
             --snacc genPrintRoutine:"FALSE"
             --snacc genEncodeRoutine:"FALSE"
             --snacc genDecodeRoutine:"FALSE"
             --snacc genFreeRoutine:"FALSE"
             --snacc printRoutineName:"printMyString"
             --snacc encodeRoutineName:"EncMyString"
             --snacc decodeRoutineName:"DecMyString"
             --snacc freeRoutineName:"FreeMyString"
             PrintableString --snacc cTypeName:"char *"


\chapter{The Type Table (TBL) Data Structure ASN.1 Definition}

The following is the type table data structure that Snacc uses for
type table values.  Using ASN.1 gives a representation suitable for
saving tables to files or sending them over a network to reconfigure a
device (e.g. SNMP mib).

This file is actually compiled by Snacc to compile itself.
For bootstrapping purposes, an initial version is included in the distribution.

-- .../asn1specs/tbl.asn1
--  TBL types describe ASN.1 data structures.
--  These can be used in generic, interpretive encoders/decoders.
--  Interpretive decoders are typically slower, but don't eat memory
--  with type-specific encoding and decoding code.
--  The tbl types can also be sent over the network
--  and allow dynamic re-configuration of encoders/decoders.
--  This definition is fairly small so it should be reasonable easy
--  to understand.  To learn more about semantics of this data
--  struct, look in snacc/tbl-tools/print-tbl/pasn1.c.
--  Copyright Mike Sample and UBC, 1992, 1993


-- imports nothing
-- exports nothing

TBL ::= --snacc isPdu:"TRUE" -- SEQUENCE
   totalNumModules  INTEGER,  -- these totals can help allocation
   totalNumTypeDefs INTEGER,  -- when decoding (ie use arrays)
   totalNumTypes    INTEGER,
   totalNumTags     INTEGER,
   totalNumStrings  INTEGER,
   totalLenStrings  INTEGER,
   modules SEQUENCE OF TBLModule

    name     [0] IMPLICIT PrintableString,
    isUseful [2] IMPLICIT BOOLEAN, -- true if useful types module
    typeDefs [3] IMPLICIT SEQUENCE OF TBLTypeDef

   typeDefId TBLTypeDefId,
   typeName  PrintableString OPTIONAL, -- I have forgotten why this is opt!
   type      TBLType

   typeId    [0] IMPLICIT TBLTypeId,
   optional  [1] IMPLICIT BOOLEAN,
   content   [3] TBLTypeContent,
   fieldName [4] IMPLICIT PrintableString OPTIONAL

TBLTypeContent ::= CHOICE
   primType [0] IMPLICIT NULL,
   elmts    [1] IMPLICIT SEQUENCE OF TBLType,
   typeRef  [2] IMPLICIT TBLTypeRef

    typeDef TBLTypeDefId,
    implicit BOOLEAN

    tbl-boolean (0),
    tbl-integer (1),
    tbl-bitstring (2),
    tbl-octetstring (3),
    tbl-null (4),
    tbl-oid (5),
    tbl-real (6),
    tbl-enumerated (7),
    tbl-sequence (8),
    tbl-set (9),
    tbl-sequenceof (10),
    tbl-setof (11),
    tbl-choice (12),
    tbl-typeref (13)


    tclass TBLTagClass,
    code INTEGER (0..MAX)

TBLTagClass ::=  ENUMERATED { universal (0), application (1),
                             context (2), private (3)}



\chapter{\label{edex-files}ASN.1 Files for the Editor Example}

The files can be found in {\ufn \dots/tcl-example/}.

--\,-- file: edex0.asn1\\
--\,-- SnaccEd example, simple types module\\
EdEx-Simple DEFINITIONS ::=\\
RainbowColor ::= INTEGER\\
  \>red(0), orange(1), yellow(2), green(3), blue(4), indigo(5), violet(6)\\
DayOfTheWeek ::= ENUMERATED\\
  \>sunday(0), monday(1), tuesday(2), wednesday(3), thursday(4), friday(5), saturday(6)\\
Hand ::= BIT STRING\\
  \>thumb(0), forefinger(1), middle-finger(2), ring-finger(3), little-finger(4)\\
victory Hand ::= \{ forefinger, middle-finger \}\\

--\,-- file: edex1.asn1\\
--\,-- SnaccEd example, structured types module\\
EdEx-Structured DEFINITIONS ::=\\
IMPORTS RainbowColor, DayOfTheWeek, Hand FROM EdEx-Simple;\\
  red INTEGER,\\
  green INTEGER,\\
  blue INTEGER\-\\
Coordinate ::= CHOICE\\
  cartesian [0] SEQUENCE \{ x REAL, y REAL \},\\
  polar [1] SEQUENCE \{ angle REAL, distance REAL \}\-\\
File ::= SET\\
  name [0] PrintableString,\\
  contents [1] OCTET STRING,\\
  checksum [2] INTEGER OPTIONAL,\\
  read-only [3] BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE\-\\
Directory ::= SET\\
  name PrintableString,\\
  files SET OF File\-\\
Simple ::= SET\\
  null   [0] NULL,\\
  bool   [1] BOOLEAN,\\
  day    [2] DayOfTheWeek,\\
  int    [3] INTEGER,\\
  color  [4] RainbowColor,\\
  real   [5] REAL,\\
  bits   [6] Hand,\\
  str    [7] OCTET STRING,\\
  optstr [8] OCTET STRING OPTIONAL\-\\
Structured ::= SET\\
  coord [0] Coordinate,\\
  color [1] CHOICE \{ rainbow RainbowColor, rgb RGBColor \}\-\\
Various ::= SET\\
  simple [0] Simple,\\
  struct [1] Structured,\\
  recursion [2] Various OPTIONAL\-\\