snacc-util.h   [plain text]

 * compiler/core/snacc_util.h
 * Copyright (C) 1992 Michael Sample and the University of British Columbia
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * $Header: /cvs/root/Security/SecuritySNACCRuntime/compiler/core/Attic/snacc-util.h,v 1.1 2001/06/20 21:27:59 dmitch Exp $
 * $Log: snacc-util.h,v $
 * Revision 1.1  2001/06/20 21:27:59  dmitch
 * Adding missing snacc compiler files.
 * Revision  1999/03/16 18:06:52  aram
 * Originals from SMIME Free Library.
 * Revision 1.3  1995/07/25 19:41:46  rj
 * changed `_' to `-' in file names.
 * Revision 1.2  1994/09/01  00:46:41  rj
 * snacc_config.h's 2nd last macro, PrintErrLoc(), got here.
 * Revision 1.1  1994/08/28  09:49:41  rj
 * first check-in. for a list of changes to the snacc-1.1 distribution please refer to the ChangeLog.

#define PrintErrLoc( fileName, lineNo)\
			fprintf (stderr, "file \"%s\", line %d: ", fileName, lineNo)

 * macro to allocate room for str & null & put in give STR*
#define SETUP_STR( strPtr, string)\
    (strPtr)->str = Malloc (strlen (string) + 1);\
    strcpy ((strPtr)->str, string);\
    (strPtr)->len = strlen (string) + 1

 * Create a new list type such that each elmt has space
 * to hold a pointer
#define NEWLIST()	AsnListNew (sizeof (void *))

 *    macro to append an element to the end of linked list
 *    - helps on left recursion when order must be maintained
 *  be careful of calling context if list is null
 *  that is, make sure the change to list is not lost.
#define APPEND( elmt, list) \
    void **tmpPtr;\
    if ((list) == NULL)\
        (list) = NEWLIST();\
    tmpPtr = (void **) AsnListAppend ((AsnList *)list);\
    *tmpPtr = (void *) (elmt);\

 * like APPEND except puts elmt at head of  list
#define PREPEND( elmt, list) \
    void **tmpPtr;\
    if ((list) == NULL)\
        (list) = NEWLIST();\
    tmpPtr = (void **)AsnListPrepend ((AsnList *)list);\
    *tmpPtr = (void *) (elmt);\

void SetupType PROTO ((Type **t, enum BasicTypeChoiceId typeId, unsigned long lineNum));

void SetupMacroType PROTO ((Type **t, enum MacroTypeChoiceId macroTypeId, unsigned long lineNum));

void SetupValue PROTO ((Value **v, enum BasicValueChoiceId valId, unsigned long lineNum));

void AddPrivateImportElmt PROTO ((Module *m, char *name, char *refModuleName, long int lineNo));

ImportElmt *LookupImportElmtInModule PROTO ((Module *m, char *name, ImportModule **importModule));

ImportElmt *LookupImportElmtInImportElmtList PROTO ((ImportElmtList *importElmtList, char *name));

ImportModule *LookupImportModule PROTO ((Module *m, char *importModuleName));

TypeDef *LookupType PROTO ((TypeDefList *t, char *typeName));

Module *LookupModule PROTO ((ModuleList *m, char *modName, OID *oid));

NamedType *LookupFieldInType PROTO ((Type *t, char *fieldName));

Type *GetType PROTO ((Type *t));

Type *ParanoidGetType PROTO ((Type *t));

enum BasicTypeChoiceId GetBuiltinType PROTO ((Type *t));

NamedNumberList *GetNamedElmts PROTO ((Type *t));

NamedNumberList *GetAllNamedElmts PROTO ((Type *t));

Type *GetParent PROTO ((Type *ancestor, Type *child));

ValueDef *LookupValue PROTO ((ValueDefList *v, char *valueName));

Value *GetValue PROTO ((Value *v));

int CompareOids PROTO ((OID *oid1, OID *oid2));

int HasNamedElmts PROTO ((Type *t));

int TagsAreIdentical PROTO ((TagList *t1, TagList *t2));

int HasDefaultTag PROTO ((Type *t));

int IsPrimitiveByDefOrRef PROTO ((Type *t));

int IsPrimitiveByDef PROTO ((Type *t));

int IsDefinedByLibraryType PROTO ((Type *t));

int IsTypeRef PROTO ((Type *t));

int IsNewType PROTO ((Type *t));

int IsTailOptional PROTO ((NamedTypeList *e));

int NextIsTailOptional PROTO ((NamedTypeList *e));

int AllElmtsOptional PROTO ((NamedTypeList *e));

AnyRefList **GetAnyRefListHndl PROTO ((Type *t));

void AppendSubtype PROTO ((Subtype **s, Subtype *newSubtype, enum SubtypeChoiceId op));