kim_types.h   [plain text]

 * Copyright 2005-2006 Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
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 * Export of this software from the United States of America may
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 * It is the responsibility of any person or organization contemplating
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 * WITHIN THAT CONSTRAINT, permission to use, copy, modify, and
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#ifndef KIM_TYPES_H
#define KIM_TYPES_H

#include <stdint.h>

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

 * \defgroup kim_types_reference KIM Types and Constants
 * @{

 * The KIM Error type.
typedef int32_t     kim_error;

 * No error value for the kim_error type.  
#define KIM_NO_ERROR ((kim_error) 0)

 * A time value represented in seconds since January 1, 1970.
typedef int64_t     kim_time;

 * A duration represented in seconds.
typedef int64_t     kim_lifetime;

 * An quantity, usually used to return the number of elements in an array.
typedef uint64_t    kim_count;

 * A boolean value.  0 means false, all other values mean true.
typedef int         kim_boolean;

 * A comparison between two sortable objects.
 * \li Less than 0 means the first object is less than the second.
 * \li 0 means the two objects are identical.
 * \li Greater than 0 means the first object is greater than the second.
 * \note Convenience macros are provided for interpreting #kim_comparison
 * values to improve code readability.
 * See #kim_comparison_is_less_than(), #kim_comparison_is_equal_to() and 
 * #kim_comparison_is_greater_than()
typedef int         kim_comparison;

 * Convenience macro for interpreting #kim_comparison.
#define kim_comparison_is_less_than(c)    (c < 0)

 * Convenience macro for interpreting #kim_comparison.
#define kim_comparison_is_equal_to(c)        (c == 0) 

 * Convenience macro for interpreting #kim_comparison.
#define kim_comparison_is_greater_than(c) (c > 0)

 * The KIM String type.  See \ref kim_string_overview for more information.
typedef const char *kim_string;

struct kim_identity_opaque;
 * A KIM Principal object.  See \ref kim_identity_overview for more information.
typedef struct kim_identity_opaque *kim_identity;

struct kim_options_opaque;
 * A KIM Options object.  See \ref kim_options_overview for more information.
typedef struct kim_options_opaque *kim_options;

struct kim_selection_hints_opaque;
 * A KIM Selection Hints object.  See \ref kim_selection_hints_overview for more information.
typedef struct kim_selection_hints_opaque *kim_selection_hints;

struct kim_preferences_opaque;
 * A KIM Preferences object.  See \ref kim_preferences_overview for more information.
typedef struct kim_preferences_opaque *kim_preferences;

struct kim_ccache_iterator_opaque;
 * A KIM CCache Iterator object.  See \ref kim_credential_cache_collection for more information.
typedef struct kim_ccache_iterator_opaque *kim_ccache_iterator;

struct kim_ccache_opaque;
 * A KIM CCache object.  See \ref kim_ccache_overview for more information.
typedef struct kim_ccache_opaque *kim_ccache;

struct kim_credential_iterator_opaque;
 * A KIM Credential Iterator object.  See \ref kim_credential_iterator for more information.
typedef struct kim_credential_iterator_opaque *kim_credential_iterator;

struct kim_credential_opaque;
 * A KIM Credential object.  See \ref kim_credential_overview for more information.
typedef struct kim_credential_opaque *kim_credential;


#ifdef __cplusplus

#endif /* KIM_TYPES_H */