scalb.c   [plain text]

 * Copyright (c) 2002 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
 * The contents of this file constitute Original Code as defined in and
 * are subject to the Apple Public Source License Version 1.1 (the
 * "License").  You may not use this file except in compliance with the
 * License.  Please obtain a copy of the License at
 * and read it before using this file.
 * This Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
 * distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
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*                                                                              *
*     File:    scalb.c                                                         *
*                                                                              *
*     Contains: C source code for implementation of the IEEE-754 scalb         *
*     function for double format on PowerPC platforms.                         *
*                                                                              *
*     Copyright © 1992-2001 Apple Computer, Inc.  All rights reserved.         *
*                                                                              *
*     Written by Jon Okada, started on December 1992.                          *
*     Modified by A. Sazegari (ali) for MathLib v3.                            *
*     Modified and ported by Robert A. Murley (ram) for Mac OS X.              *
*                                                                              *
*     A MathLib v4 file.                                                       *
*                                                                              *
*     Change History ( most recent first ):                                    *
*                                                                              *
*     06 Nov 01  ram   commented out warning about Intel architectures.        *
*     10 Oct 01  ram   changed compiler errors to warnings.                    *
*     10 Sep 01  ali   added macros to detect PowerPC and correct compiler.    *
*     09 Sep 01  ali   added more comments.                                    *
*     28 Aug 01  ram   added #ifdef __ppc__.                                   *
*     16 Jul 01  ram   replaced DblInHex typedef with hexdouble.               *
*     28 May 97  ali   made a speed improvement for large n,                   *
*                      removed scalbl.                                         *
*     12 Dec 92  JPO   First created.                                          *
*                                                                              *
*     W A R N I N G:                                                           *
*     These routines require a 64-bit double precision IEEE-754 model.         *
*     They are written for PowerPC only and are expecting the compiler         *
*     to generate the correct sequence of multiply-add fused instructions.     *
*                                                                              *
*     These routines are not intended for 32-bit Intel architectures.          *
*                                                                              *
*     A version of gcc higher than 932 is required.                            *
*                                                                              *
*     GCC compiler options:                                                    *
*            optimization level 3 (-O3)                                        *
*            -fschedule-insns -finline-functions -funroll-all-loops            *
*                                                                              *

// Put definition of __DARWIN_ALIAS() in sys/cdefs.h in scope
#define __DARWIN_UNIX03 1
#include "sys/cdefs.h"

#include       "fp_private.h"

static const double twoTo1023  = 0x1.0p+1023;
static const double twoToM1022 = 0x1.0p-1022;
static const double twoTo127  = 0x1.0p+127;
static const double twoToM126 = 0x1.0p-126;

       Function scalbn
      Returns its argument x scaled by the factor 2^m.  NaNs, signed 
       zeros, and infinities are propagated by this function regardless 
       of the value of n.
      Exceptions:  OVERFLOW/INEXACT or UNDERFLOW/INEXACT may occur;
                      INVALID for signaling NaN inputs (quiet NaN returned).

double scalbn ( double x, int n  )
      hexdouble xInHex;
      xInHex.i.lo = 0u;                        // init. low half of xInHex
      if ( n > 1023 ) 
       {                                        // large positive scaling
            if ( n > 2097 )                     // huge scaling
	    	register volatile double s, t, u;
		s = x * twoTo1023;
		t = s * twoTo1023;
		u = t * twoTo1023;
		return u;
            while ( n > 1023 ) 
              {                                 // scale reduction loop
                  x *= twoTo1023;               // scale x by 2^1023
                  n -= 1023;                    // reduce n by 1023
      else if ( n < -1022 ) 
       {                                        // large negative scaling
            if ( n < -2098 )                    // huge negative scaling
	    	register volatile double s, t, u;
		s = x * twoToM1022;
		t = s * twoToM1022;
		u = t * twoToM1022;
		return u;
            while ( n < -1022 ) 
              {                                 // scale reduction loop
                  x *= twoToM1022;              // scale x by 2^( -1022 )
                  n += 1022;                    // incr n by 1022

       if ( -127 < n && n < 128 )
*      -126 <= n <= -127; convert n to single scale factor.                    *
*	Allows a store-forward to execute successfully 			       *
            hexsingle XInHex;
            XInHex.lval = ( ( uint32_t ) ( n + 127 ) ) << 23;
            return ( x * XInHex.fval );
*      -1022 <= n <= 1023; convert n to double scale factor.                   *

      xInHex.i.hi = ( ( uint32_t ) ( n + 1023 ) ) << 20;
      return ( x * xInHex.d );

double scalbln ( double x, long int n  )
    int m;
    // Clip n
    if (unlikely(n > 2097))
        m = 2098;
    else if (unlikely(n < -2098))
        m = -2099;
        m = n;
    return scalbn(x, m);

float scalbnf ( float x, int n  )
      hexsingle xInHex;
      if ( n > 127 ) 
       {                                        // large positive scaling
            if ( n > 276 )                      // huge scaling
	    	register volatile float s, t, u;
		s = x * twoTo127;
		t = s * twoTo127;
		u = t * twoTo127;
		return u;
            while ( n > 127 ) 
              {                                 // scale reduction loop
                  x *= twoTo127;                // scale x by 2^127
                  n -= 127;                     // reduce n by 127
      else if ( n < -126 ) 
       {                                        // large negative scaling
            if ( n < -277 )                     // huge negative scaling
	    	register volatile float s, t, u;
		s = x * twoToM126;
		t = s * twoToM126;
		u = t * twoToM126;
		return u;
            while ( n < -126 ) 
              {                                 // scale reduction loop
                  x *= twoToM126;               // scale x by 2^( -126 )
                  n += 126;                     // incr n by 126

*      -126 <= n <= 127; convert n to float scale factor.                      *

      xInHex.lval = ( ( uint32_t ) ( n + 127 ) ) << 23;
      // Force the fetch for xInHex.fval to the next cycle to avoid Store/Load hazard.

      return ( x * xInHex.fval );

float scalblnf ( float x, long int n  )
    int m;
    // Clip n
    if (unlikely(n > 276))
        m = 277;
    else if (unlikely(n < -277))
        m = -278;
        m = n;
    return scalbnf(x, m);

// POSIX mandated signature for "scalb"
extern double scalb ( double, double )  __DARWIN_ALIAS(scalb);
double scalb ( double x, double n )
	int m;
	if ( n > 2098.0 )
		m = 2098.0;
	else if ( n < -2099.0 )
		m = -2099.0;
	else m = (int) n;
	return scalbn( x, m ); 