xmm_misc.c   [plain text]

 *  xmm_misc.c
 *  xmmLibm
 *  Created by Ian Ollmann on 8/18/05.
 *  Copyright 2005 Apple Computer. All rights reserved.

#include "xmmLibm_prefix.h"
#include "math.h"

double __inf ( void )
      return __builtin_inf();


*     No other functions are called by these routines outside of fpmacros.c.  *

unsigned int __math_errhandling ( void )
    return (MATH_ERREXCEPT); // return the bitmask indicating the error discipline(s) in use.

int __isfinited( double x )
    x = __builtin_fabs(x);
    return x < __builtin_inf();

int __isfinitef( float x )
    x = __builtin_fabsf(x);
    return x < __builtin_inff();

int __isfinite( long double x )
    x = __builtin_fabsl(x);
    return x < __builtin_infl();

int finite( double x )
	return __isfinited(  x );

int __isinfd( double x )
    x = __builtin_fabs(x);
    return x == __builtin_inf();

int __isinff( float x )
    x = __builtin_fabsf(x);
    return x == __builtin_inff();

int __isinf( long double x )
    x = __builtin_fabsl(x);
    return x == __builtin_infl();

int __isnand( double x )
    return x != x;

int __isnanf( float x )
    return x != x;

int __isnan( long double x )
    return x != x;

int __isnormald( double x )
    x = __builtin_fabs(x);
    return 0x1.0p-1022 <= x && x < __builtin_inf();

int __isnormalf( float x )
    x = __builtin_fabsf(x);
    return 0x1.0p-126f <= x && x < __builtin_inff();

int __isnormal( long double x )
    x = __builtin_fabsl(x);
    return 0x1.0p-16382L <= x && x < __builtin_infl();

int __signbitd( double x )
    xDouble xx = DOUBLE_2_XDOUBLE(x);
    return 1 & _mm_movemask_pd( xx );

int __signbitf( float x )
    xFloat xx = FLOAT_2_XFLOAT(x);
    return 1 & _mm_movemask_ps( xx );

int __signbitl( long double x )
        long double ld;
            uint64_t    mantissa;
            uint16_t     sexp __attribute__ ((packed));

    return u.parts.sexp >> 15;

int __fpclassifyd( double x )
    x = __builtin_fabs(x);
    if( EXPECT_FALSE( x == 0.0 ) )
        return FP_ZERO;
    if( EXPECT_FALSE( x < 0x1.0p-1022 ) )
        return FP_SUBNORMAL;
    if( EXPECT_TRUE( x < __builtin_inf() ) )
        return FP_NORMAL;
    if( EXPECT_TRUE( x == __builtin_inf() ) )
        return FP_INFINITE;

    return FP_NAN;

int __fpclassifyf( float x )
    x = __builtin_fabs(x);
    if( EXPECT_FALSE( x == 0.0f ) )
        return FP_ZERO;
    if( EXPECT_FALSE( x < 0x1.0p-126f ) )
        return FP_SUBNORMAL;
    if( EXPECT_TRUE( x < __builtin_inff() ) )
        return FP_NORMAL;
    if( EXPECT_TRUE( x == __builtin_inff() ) )
        return FP_INFINITE;

    return FP_NAN;

int __fpclassify( long double x )
    x = __builtin_fabsl(x);
    if( EXPECT_FALSE( x == 0.0L ) )
        return FP_ZERO;
    if( EXPECT_FALSE( x < 0x1.0p-16382L ) )
        return FP_SUBNORMAL;
    if( EXPECT_TRUE( x < __builtin_infl() ) )
        return FP_NORMAL;
    if( EXPECT_TRUE( x == __builtin_infl() ) )
        return FP_INFINITE;

    return FP_NAN;

float __inff( void )
    return __builtin_inff();

long double __infl( void )
    return __builtin_infl();

float __nan( void )
    return __builtin_nan("");