complex.h   [plain text]

 * Copyright (c) 2002 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
 * The contents of this file constitute Original Code as defined in and
 * are subject to the Apple Public Source License Version 1.1 (the
 * "License").  You may not use this file except in compliance with the
 * License.  Please obtain a copy of the License at
 * and read it before using this file.
 * This Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
 * distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
 * License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
 * under the License.

*                                                                              *
*     File:  complex.h	                                                       *
*                                                                              *
*     Contains: prototypes and macros germane to C99 complex math.	           *
*                                                                              *
#ifndef __COMPLEX__
#define __COMPLEX__

#include "sys/cdefs.h" /* For definition of __DARWIN_UNIX03 et al */

#undef complex
#define complex _Complex
#undef _Complex_I
#define _Complex_I (__extension__ 1.0iF) /* constant expression of type const float _Complex */
#undef I
#define I _Complex_I
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

extern double complex cacos( double complex );
extern double complex casin( double complex );
extern double complex catan( double complex );

extern double complex ccos( double complex );
extern double complex csin( double complex );
extern double complex ctan( double complex );

extern double complex cacosh( double complex );
extern double complex casinh( double complex );
extern double complex catanh( double complex );

extern double complex ccosh( double complex );
extern double complex csinh( double complex );
extern double complex ctanh( double complex );

extern double complex cexp( double complex );
extern double complex clog( double complex );

extern double cabs( double complex );
extern double complex cpow( double complex, double complex );
extern double complex csqrt( double complex );

extern double carg( double complex );
extern double cimag( double complex );
extern double complex conj( double complex );
extern double complex cproj( double complex );
extern double creal( double complex );

#if defined(__ppc__) || defined(__ppc64__)
#if (!defined(__WANT_LONG_DOUBLE_FORMAT__))
#if defined(__APPLE_CC__) && defined(__LONG_DOUBLE_128__)
#elif defined(__i386__) || defined( __x86_64__ )
#elif defined(__arm__)
#define __LIBMLDBL_COMPAT(sym) /* NOTHING */
#error Unknown Architecture

#if ( __WANT_LONG_DOUBLE_FORMAT__ - 0L == 128L )
#define __LIBMLDBL_COMPAT(sym) __asm("_" __STRING(sym) "$LDBL128")
#elif ( __WANT_LONG_DOUBLE_FORMAT__ - 0L == 64L )
#define __LIBMLDBL_COMPAT(sym) /* NOTHING */
#define __LIBMLDBL_COMPAT(sym) /* NOTHING */

extern long double complex cacosl( long double complex ) __LIBMLDBL_COMPAT(cacosl);
extern long double complex casinl( long double complex ) __LIBMLDBL_COMPAT(casinl);
extern long double complex catanl( long double complex ) __LIBMLDBL_COMPAT(catanl);

extern long double complex ccosl( long double complex ) __LIBMLDBL_COMPAT(ccosl);
extern long double complex csinl( long double complex ) __LIBMLDBL_COMPAT(csinl);
extern long double complex ctanl( long double complex ) __LIBMLDBL_COMPAT(ctanl);

extern long double complex cacoshl( long double complex ) __LIBMLDBL_COMPAT(cacoshl);
extern long double complex casinhl( long double complex ) __LIBMLDBL_COMPAT(casinhl);
extern long double complex catanhl( long double complex ) __LIBMLDBL_COMPAT(catanhl);

extern long double complex ccoshl( long double complex ) __LIBMLDBL_COMPAT(ccoshl);
extern long double complex csinhl( long double complex ) __LIBMLDBL_COMPAT(csinhl);
extern long double complex ctanhl( long double complex ) __LIBMLDBL_COMPAT(ctanhl);

extern long double complex cexpl( long double complex ) __LIBMLDBL_COMPAT(cexpl);
extern long double complex clogl( long double complex ) __LIBMLDBL_COMPAT(clogl);

extern long double cabsl( long double complex ) __LIBMLDBL_COMPAT(cabsl);
extern long double complex cpowl( long double complex, long double complex ) __LIBMLDBL_COMPAT(cpowl);
extern long double complex csqrtl( long double complex ) __LIBMLDBL_COMPAT(csqrtl);

extern long double cargl( long double complex ) __LIBMLDBL_COMPAT(cargl);
extern long double cimagl( long double complex ) __LIBMLDBL_COMPAT(cimagl);
extern long double complex conjl( long double complex ) __LIBMLDBL_COMPAT(conjl);
extern long double complex cprojl( long double complex ) __LIBMLDBL_COMPAT(cprojl);
extern long double creall( long double complex ) __LIBMLDBL_COMPAT(creall);

extern float complex cacosf( float complex );
extern float complex casinf( float complex );
extern float complex catanf( float complex );

extern float complex ccosf( float complex );
extern float complex csinf( float complex );
extern float complex ctanf( float complex );

extern float complex cacoshf( float complex );
extern float complex casinhf( float complex );
extern float complex catanhf( float complex );

extern float complex ccoshf( float complex );
extern float complex csinhf( float complex );
extern float complex ctanhf( float complex );

extern float complex cexpf( float complex );
extern float complex clogf( float complex );

extern float cabsf( float complex );
extern float complex cpowf( float complex, float complex );
extern float complex csqrtf( float complex );

extern float cargf( float complex );
extern float cimagf( float complex );
extern float complex conjf( float complex );
extern float complex cprojf( float complex );
extern float crealf( float complex );

#ifdef __cplusplus

#endif /* __COMPLEX__ */