asl_msg.c   [plain text]

 * Copyright (c) 2009-2010 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
 * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
 * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
 * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
 * compliance with the License. Please obtain a copy of the License at
 * and read it before using this
 * file.
 * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
 * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
 * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
 * limitations under the License.

#include <string.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <regex.h>
#include <syslog.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <asl.h>
#include <asl_private.h>
#include <asl_core.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <libkern/OSAtomic.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include "asl_msg.h"

#define TOKEN_NULL  0
#define TOKEN_OPEN  1
#define TOKEN_CLOSE 2
#define TOKEN_WORD  3
#define TOKEN_INT   4

#define MFMT_RAW 0
#define MFMT_STD 1
#define MFMT_BSD 2
#define MFMT_XML 3
#define MFMT_STR 4
#define MFMT_MSG 5

#define TFMT_SEC 0
#define TFMT_UTC 1
#define TFMT_LCL 2

#define XML_TAG_KEY 0
#define XML_TAG_STRING 1
#define XML_TAG_DATA 2

#define forever for(;;)

#define streq(A, B) (strcmp(A, B) == 0)
#define streq_len(A, B, C) (strncmp(A, B, C) == 0)
#define strneq(A, B) (strcmp(A, B) != 0)
#define strcaseeq(A, B) (strcasecmp(A, B) == 0)
#define strcaseneq(A, B) (strcasecmp(A, B) != 0)

#define ASL_KEY_OPTION "ASLOption"


#define AUX_0_TIME      0x00000001
#define AUX_0_TIME_NSEC 0x00000002
#define AUX_0_HOST      0x00000004
#define AUX_0_SENDER    0x00000008
#define AUX_0_FACILITY  0x00000010
#define AUX_0_PID       0x00000020
#define AUX_0_UID       0x00000040
#define AUX_0_GID       0x00000080
#define AUX_0_MSG       0x00000100
#define AUX_0_OPTION    0x00000200
#define AUX_0_LEVEL     0x00000400

/* character encoding lengths */
static const uint8_t char_encode_len[128] =
	2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3,
	1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
	1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1,
	1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 3

static const char *cvis_7_13 = "abtnvfr";

extern time_t asl_parse_time(const char *in);

/* from asl_util.c */
int asl_is_utf8(const char *str);
uint8_t *asl_b64_encode(const uint8_t *buf, size_t len);

static const char *ASLStandardKey[] =

static const char *MTStandardKey[] =

static uint16_t
_asl_msg_std_key(const char *s, uint32_t len)
	if ((len > 18) && (streq_len(s, "", 18)))
		if (streq(s + 18, "domain")) return ASL_MT_KEY_DOMAIN;
		else if (streq(s + 18, "domain_scope")) return ASL_MT_KEY_SCOPE;
		else if (streq(s + 18, "result")) return ASL_MT_KEY_RESULT;
		else if (streq(s + 18, "signature")) return ASL_MT_KEY_SIG;
		else if (streq(s + 18, "signature2")) return ASL_MT_KEY_SIG2;
		else if (streq(s + 18, "signature3")) return ASL_MT_KEY_SIG3;
		else if (streq(s + 18, "success")) return ASL_MT_KEY_SUCCESS;
		else if (streq(s + 18, "uuid")) return ASL_MT_KEY_UUID;
		else if (streq(s + 18, "value")) return ASL_MT_KEY_VAL;
		else if (streq(s + 18, "value2")) return ASL_MT_KEY_VAL2;
		else if (streq(s + 18, "value3")) return ASL_MT_KEY_VAL3;
		else if (streq(s + 18, "value4")) return ASL_MT_KEY_VAL4;
		else if (streq(s + 18, "value5")) return ASL_MT_KEY_VAL5;

		return 0;

	switch (len)
		case 3:
			if streq(s, ASL_KEY_PID) return ASL_STD_KEY_PID;
			else if streq(s, ASL_KEY_UID) return ASL_STD_KEY_UID;
			else if streq(s, ASL_KEY_GID) return ASL_STD_KEY_GID;
		case 4:
			if streq(s, ASL_KEY_TIME) return ASL_STD_KEY_TIME;
			else if streq(s, ASL_KEY_HOST) return ASL_STD_KEY_HOST;
		case 5:
			if streq(s, ASL_KEY_LEVEL) return ASL_STD_KEY_LEVEL;
		case 6:
			if streq(s, ASL_KEY_SENDER) return ASL_STD_KEY_SENDER;
			else if streq(s, ASL_KEY_REF_PID) return ASL_STD_KEY_REF_PID;
		case 7:
			if streq(s, ASL_KEY_MSG) return ASL_STD_KEY_MESSAGE;
			else if streq(s, ASL_KEY_SESSION) return ASL_STD_KEY_SESSION;
			else if streq(s, ASL_KEY_READ_UID) return ASL_STD_KEY_READ_UID;
			else if streq(s, ASL_KEY_READ_GID) return ASL_STD_KEY_READ_GID;
			else if streq(s, ASL_KEY_REF_PROC) return ASL_STD_KEY_REF_PROC;
		case 8:
		case 9:
			if streq(s, ASL_KEY_OPTION) return ASL_STD_KEY_OPTION;
		case 11:
			if streq(s, ASL_KEY_TIME_NSEC) return ASL_STD_KEY_NANO;
		case 12:
			if streq(s, ASL_KEY_MSG_ID) return ASL_STD_KEY_MSG_ID;
		case 13:
			if streq(s, ASL_KEY_EXPIRE_TIME) return ASL_STD_KEY_EXPIRE;
			return 0;

	return 0;

static asl_msg_t *
	asl_msg_t *out;
	int i;

	out = calloc(1, sizeof(asl_msg_t));
	if (out == NULL) return NULL;

	for (i = 0; i < ASL_MSG_PAGE_SLOTS; i++)
		out->key[i] = ASL_MSG_SLOT_FREE;
		out->val[i] = ASL_MSG_SLOT_FREE;

	return out;

static const char *
_asl_msg_slot_key(asl_msg_t *page, uint32_t slot)
	const char *out;
	uint16_t x;

	if (page == NULL) return NULL;
	if (slot >= ASL_MSG_PAGE_SLOTS) return NULL;

	if (page->key[slot] == ASL_MSG_SLOT_FREE) return NULL;

	switch (page->key[slot] & ASL_MSG_KV_MASK)
			return page->data + page->key[slot];
			if ((page->key[slot] > ASL_STD_KEY_BASE) && (page->key[slot] <= ASL_STD_KEY_LAST))
				x = page->key[slot] - ASL_STD_KEY_BASE - 1;
				return ASLStandardKey[x];
			else if ((page->key[slot] > ASL_MT_KEY_BASE) && (page->key[slot] <= ASL_MT_KEY_LAST))
				x = page->key[slot] - ASL_MT_KEY_BASE - 1;
				return MTStandardKey[x];

			return NULL;
			x = page->key[slot] & ASL_MSG_OFFSET_MASK;
			memcpy(&out, page->data + x, sizeof(char *));
			return out;

	return NULL;

static const char *
_asl_msg_slot_val(asl_msg_t *page, uint32_t slot)
	const char *out;
	uint16_t x, type;

	if (page == NULL) return NULL;
	if (slot >= ASL_MSG_PAGE_SLOTS) return NULL;

	if (page->val[slot] == ASL_MSG_SLOT_FREE) return NULL;

	type = page->val[slot] & ASL_MSG_KV_MASK;

	if (type == ASL_MSG_KV_INLINE)
		return page->data + page->val[slot];
	else if (type == ASL_MSG_KV_EXTERN)
		x = page->val[slot] & ASL_MSG_OFFSET_MASK;
		memcpy(&out, page->data + x, sizeof(char *));
		return out;

	return NULL;

 * asl_new: create a new log message.
asl_msg_t *
asl_msg_new(uint32_t type)
	asl_msg_t *out;

	out = _asl_msg_make_page();
	if (out == NULL) return NULL;

	out->type = type;
	out->refcount = 1;

	return out;

asl_msg_t *
asl_msg_retain(asl_msg_t *msg)
	int32_t new;

	if (msg == NULL) return NULL;

	new = OSAtomicIncrement32Barrier(&msg->refcount);
	assert(new >= 1);

	return msg;

static void
_asl_msg_free(asl_msg_t *page)
	uint32_t i;
	char *p;

	if (page == NULL) return;

	for (i = 0; i < ASL_MSG_PAGE_SLOTS; i++)
		if ((page->key[i] & ASL_MSG_KV_MASK) == ASL_MSG_KV_EXTERN)
			memcpy(&p, page->data + (page->key[i] & ASL_MSG_OFFSET_MASK), sizeof(char *));

		if ((page->val[i] & ASL_MSG_KV_MASK) == ASL_MSG_KV_EXTERN)
			memcpy(&p, page->data + (page->val[i] & ASL_MSG_OFFSET_MASK), sizeof(char *));


asl_msg_release(asl_msg_t *msg)
	int32_t new;
	asl_msg_t *next;

	if (msg == NULL) return;

	new = OSAtomicDecrement32Barrier(&msg->refcount);
	assert(new >= 0);

	if (new > 0) return;

	while (msg != NULL)
		next = msg->next;
		msg = next;

static uint32_t
_asl_msg_index(asl_msg_t *msg, const char *key, uint32_t *oslot, asl_msg_t **opage)
	uint32_t i, len, slot;
	uint16_t kx;
	asl_msg_t *page;
	const char *kp;

	if (msg == NULL) return IndexNull;
	if (key == NULL) return IndexNull;

	i = 0;
	slot = 0;
	if (oslot != NULL) *oslot = slot;

	page = msg;
	if (opage != NULL) *opage = page;

	len = strlen(key);
	kx = _asl_msg_std_key(key, len);

		if (page->key[slot] != ASL_MSG_SLOT_FREE)
			if (kx != 0)
				if (page->key[slot] == kx) return i;
			else if ((page->key[slot] & ASL_MSG_KV_MASK) == ASL_MSG_KV_DICT)
				/* page->key[slot] is a dictionary key, but key is not (kx == 0) so skip this slot */
			else if ((page->key[slot] & ASL_MSG_KV_MASK) == ASL_MSG_KV_EXTERN)
				memcpy(&kp, page->data + (page->key[slot] & ASL_MSG_OFFSET_MASK), sizeof(char *));
				if (streq(key, kp)) return i;
				kp = page->data + page->key[slot];
				if (streq(key, kp)) return i;

		if (oslot != NULL) *oslot = slot;

		if (slot >= ASL_MSG_PAGE_SLOTS)
			if (page->next == NULL) return IndexNull;

			slot = 0;
			if (oslot != NULL) *oslot = slot;

			page = page->next;
			if (opage != NULL) *opage = page;

	return IndexNull;

 * asl_msg_key: iterate over entries
 * initial value of n should be 0
 * after that, the value of n should be previously returned value
 * sets the pointers for the next key, value, and op in the msgionary
 * returns IndexNull when there are no more entries
static uint32_t
_asl_msg_fetch_internal(asl_msg_t *msg, uint32_t n, const char **keyout, const char **valout, uint32_t *opout, asl_msg_t **outpage, uint32_t *outslot)
	uint32_t slot;
	asl_msg_t *page;

	if (msg == NULL) return IndexNull;
	if (outpage != NULL) *outpage = NULL;
	if (outslot != NULL) *outslot = IndexNull;

	slot = n;
	page = msg;

	while (slot >= ASL_MSG_PAGE_SLOTS)
		if (page->next == NULL) return IndexNull;
		page = page->next;

	while (page->key[slot] == ASL_MSG_SLOT_FREE)

		if (slot >= ASL_MSG_PAGE_SLOTS)
			if (page->next == NULL) return IndexNull;
			page = page->next;
			slot = 0;


	if (keyout != NULL) *keyout = _asl_msg_slot_key(page, slot);
	if (valout != NULL) *valout = _asl_msg_slot_val(page, slot);
	if (opout != NULL) *opout = page->op[slot];

	if (outpage != NULL) *outpage = page;
	if (outslot != NULL) *outslot = slot;

	return n;

asl_msg_fetch(asl_msg_t *msg, uint32_t n, const char **keyout, const char **valout, uint32_t *opout)
	return _asl_msg_fetch_internal(msg, n, keyout, valout, opout, NULL, NULL);

static int
_asl_msg_new_key_val_op(asl_msg_t *msg, const char *key, const char *val, uint32_t op)
	uint32_t slot, keylen, vallen, total;
	uint16_t kx;
	asl_msg_t *page, *last;
	char *extkey, *extval;

	if (msg == NULL) return -1;
	if (key == NULL) return -1;

	extkey = NULL;
	extval = NULL;

	keylen = strlen(key);
	kx = _asl_msg_std_key(key, keylen);

	if (kx == 0) keylen++;
	else keylen = 0;

	total = keylen;

	vallen = 0;
	if (val != NULL)
		vallen = strlen(val) + 1;
		total += vallen;

	/* check if one or both of key and value must be "external" (in its own malloced space) */
	if (keylen > ASL_MSG_PAGE_DATA_SIZE)
		extkey = strdup(key);
		keylen = sizeof(char *);

	if (vallen > ASL_MSG_PAGE_DATA_SIZE)
		extval = strdup(val);
		vallen = sizeof(char *);

	total = keylen + vallen;
	if ((total > ASL_MSG_PAGE_DATA_SIZE) && (extval == NULL) && (keylen > 0))
		extval = strdup(val);
		vallen = sizeof(char *);
		total = keylen + vallen;

	if ((total > ASL_MSG_PAGE_DATA_SIZE) && (extkey == NULL))
		extkey = strdup(key);
		keylen = sizeof(char *);
		total = keylen + vallen;

	if (total > ASL_MSG_PAGE_DATA_SIZE)
		/* can't happen, but... */
		if (extkey != NULL) free(extkey);
		if (extval != NULL) free(extval);
		return -1;

	/* find a page with space for the key and value and a free slot*/
	slot = 0;
	last = msg;

	for (page = msg; page != NULL; page = page->next)
		last = page;

		if (total <= (ASL_MSG_PAGE_DATA_SIZE - page->data_size))
			/* check for a free slot */
			for (slot = 0; (slot < ASL_MSG_PAGE_SLOTS) && (page->key[slot] != ASL_MSG_SLOT_FREE); slot++);
			if (slot < ASL_MSG_PAGE_SLOTS) break;

	if (page == NULL)
		/* allocate a new page and attach it */
		page = _asl_msg_make_page();
		if (page == NULL)
			if (extkey != NULL) free(extkey);
			if (extval != NULL) free(extval);
			return -1;

		last->next = page;
		slot = 0;

	/* copy key or external key pointer into page data */
	if (kx != 0)
		page->key[slot] = kx;
	else if (extkey == NULL)
		page->key[slot] = page->data_size;
		memcpy(page->data + page->data_size, key, keylen);
		page->key[slot] = page->data_size | ASL_MSG_KV_EXTERN;
		memcpy(page->data + page->data_size, &extkey, keylen);

	page->data_size += keylen;

	/* copy val or external val pointer into page data */
	page->val[slot] = ASL_MSG_SLOT_FREE;

	if (val != NULL)
		if (extval == NULL)
			page->val[slot] = page->data_size;
			memcpy(page->data + page->data_size, val, vallen);
			page->val[slot] = page->data_size | ASL_MSG_KV_EXTERN;
			memcpy(page->data + page->data_size, &extval, vallen);

		page->data_size += vallen;

	/* set op */
	page->op[slot] = op;

	/* update page count */

	return 0;

 * Most of the code in asl_msg_set_key_val_op is concerned with trying to re-use
 * space in an asl_msg_t page when given a new value for an existing key.
 * If the key is new, we just call _asl_msg_new_key_val_op.
 * Note that queries can have duplicate keys, so for ASL_TYPE_QUERY we just
 * call through to _asl_msg_new_key_val_op.
static int
_asl_msg_set_kvo(asl_msg_t *msg, const char *key, const char *val, uint32_t op)
	uint32_t i, slot, newexternal;
	asl_msg_t *page;
	uint32_t intvallen, extvallen, newvallen;
	char *intval, *extval, *newval;

	if (msg == NULL) return -1;
	if (key == NULL) return -1;

	slot = IndexNull;
	page = NULL;

	if ((msg->type == ASL_TYPE_QUERY) || (IndexNull == _asl_msg_index(msg, key, &slot, &page)))
		/* add key */
		return _asl_msg_new_key_val_op(msg, key, val, op);

	intval = NULL;
	intvallen = 0;

	extval = NULL;
	extvallen = 0;

	if (page->val[slot] != ASL_MSG_SLOT_FREE)
		if ((page->val[slot] & ASL_MSG_KV_MASK) == ASL_MSG_KV_EXTERN)
			i = page->val[slot] & ASL_MSG_OFFSET_MASK;
			memcpy(&extval, page->data + i, sizeof(char *));
			extvallen = sizeof(char *);
			intval = page->data + page->val[slot];
			intvallen = strlen(intval) + 1;

	/* replace val and op for existing entry */

	/* easy case  - remove val */
	if (val == NULL)
		if (extval != NULL) free(extval);
		page->val[slot] = ASL_MSG_SLOT_FREE;
		if (op != IndexNull) page->op[slot] = op;
		return 0;

	/* trivial case - internal val doesn't change */
	if ((intval != NULL) && (streq(val, intval)))
		if (op != IndexNull) page->op[slot] = op;
		return 0;

	/* trivial case - external val doesn't change */
	if ((extval != NULL) && (streq(val, extval)))
		if (op != IndexNull) page->op[slot] = op;
		return 0;

	 * special case: we generally don't compress out holes in the data
	 * space, but if this is the last string in the currently used data space
	 * we can just back up the data_size and reset page->val[slot]
	i = page->val[slot] & ASL_MSG_OFFSET_MASK;
	if ((intval != NULL) && ((i + intvallen) == page->data_size))
		page->val[slot] = ASL_MSG_SLOT_FREE;
		page->data_size -= intvallen;
		intval = NULL;
		intvallen = 0;
	else if ((extval != NULL) && ((i + extvallen) == page->data_size))
		page->val[slot] = ASL_MSG_SLOT_FREE;
		page->data_size -= extvallen;
		extval = NULL;
		extvallen = 0;

	/* val changes - see if it needs to be external */
	newvallen = strlen(val) + 1;
	newexternal = 0;

	if (newvallen > ASL_MSG_PAGE_DATA_SIZE)
		newexternal = 1;
		newvallen = sizeof(char *);

	/* check if there is room to change val in place */
	if (((extval != NULL) && (newvallen <= extvallen)) || ((extval == NULL) && (newvallen <= intvallen)))
		if (extval != NULL) free(extval);
		extval = NULL;

		/* we can re-use the space of the old value */
		i = page->val[slot] & ASL_MSG_OFFSET_MASK;

		if (newexternal == 1)
			/* create an external val and copy in the new pointer */
			newval = strdup(val);
			if (newval == NULL) return -1;

			page->val[slot] = i | ASL_MSG_KV_EXTERN;
			memcpy(page->data + i, &newval, sizeof(char *));
			/* new internal value */
			page->val[slot] = i;
			memcpy(page->data + i, val, newvallen);

		if (op != IndexNull) page->op[slot] = op;
		return 0;

	/* we're done with the old value if it is external - free it now */
	if (extval != NULL) free(extval);
	extval = NULL;

	if (newvallen <= (ASL_MSG_PAGE_DATA_SIZE - page->data_size))
		/* can't re-use the old space, but there's room on the page */
		i = page->data_size;
		page->data_size += newvallen;

		if (newexternal == 1)
			/* create an external val and copy in the new pointer */
			newval = strdup(val);
			if (newval == NULL) return -1;

			page->val[slot] = i | ASL_MSG_KV_EXTERN;
			memcpy(page->data + i, &newval, sizeof(char *));
			/* new internal value */
			page->val[slot] = i;
			memcpy(page->data + i, val, newvallen);

		if (op != IndexNull) page->op[slot] = op;
		return 0;


	/* no room on this page - free up existing entry and treat this as a new entry */
	if ((page->key[slot] & ASL_MSG_KV_MASK) == ASL_MSG_KV_EXTERN)
		memcpy(&extval, page->data + (page->key[slot] & ASL_MSG_OFFSET_MASK), sizeof(char *));

	page->key[slot] = ASL_MSG_SLOT_FREE;
	page->val[slot] = ASL_MSG_SLOT_FREE;
	page->op[slot] = 0;

	return _asl_msg_new_key_val_op(msg, key, val, op);

asl_msg_set_key_val_op(asl_msg_t *msg, const char *key, const char *val, uint32_t op)
	char *special, buf[512];
	uint32_t i, len;
	int status;

	/* Special case handling */
	special = NULL;

	/* convert "Level" values to "0" through "7" */
	if (streq(key, ASL_KEY_LEVEL))
		if (val == NULL) val = "7";
		else if ((val[0] >= '0') && (val[0] <= '7') && (val[1] == '\0')) /* do nothing */;
		else if (strcaseeq(val, ASL_STRING_EMERG)) val = "0";
		else if (strcaseeq(val, ASL_STRING_ALERT)) val = "1";
		else if (strcaseeq(val, ASL_STRING_CRIT)) val = "2";
		else if (strcaseeq(val, ASL_STRING_ERR)) val = "3";
		else if (strcaseeq(val, ASL_STRING_WARNING)) val = "4";
		else if (strcaseeq(val, ASL_STRING_NOTICE)) val = "5";
		else if (strcaseeq(val, ASL_STRING_INFO)) val = "6";
		else if (strcaseeq(val, ASL_STRING_DEBUG)) val = "7";
		else val = "7";

	/* strip trailing newlines from "Message" values */
	if ((streq(key, ASL_KEY_MSG)) && (val != NULL))
		len = strlen(val);
		i = len;
		while ((i > 0) && (val[i - 1] == '\n')) i--;
		if (i == 0) val = NULL;
		else if (i < len)
			/* use buf if it is big enough, else malloc a temporary buffer */
			if (i < sizeof(buf))
				memcpy(buf, val, i);
				buf[i] = 0;
				val = (const char *)buf;
				special = malloc(i + 1);
				if (special == NULL) return -1;
				memcpy(special, val, i);
				special[i] = 0;
				val = (const char *)special;

	status = _asl_msg_set_kvo(msg, key, val, op);

	if (special != NULL) free(special);
	return status;

asl_msg_set_key_val(asl_msg_t *msg, const char *key, const char *val)
	return asl_msg_set_key_val_op(msg, key, val, 0);

 * asl_msg_unset
 * Frees external key and val strings, but does not try to reclaim data space.
asl_msg_unset(asl_msg_t *msg, const char *key)
	uint32_t i, slot;
	asl_msg_t *page;
	char *ext;

	if (msg == NULL) return;
	if (key == NULL) return;

	slot = IndexNull;
	page = NULL;

	i = _asl_msg_index(msg, key, &slot, &page);
	if (i == IndexNull) return;

	if ((page->key[slot] & ASL_MSG_KV_MASK) == ASL_MSG_KV_EXTERN)
		memcpy(&ext, page->data + (page->key[slot] & ASL_MSG_OFFSET_MASK), sizeof(char *));

	if ((page->val[slot] & ASL_MSG_KV_MASK) == ASL_MSG_KV_EXTERN)
		memcpy(&ext, page->data + (page->val[slot] & ASL_MSG_OFFSET_MASK), sizeof(char *));

	page->key[slot] = ASL_MSG_SLOT_FREE;
	page->val[slot] = ASL_MSG_SLOT_FREE;
	page->op[slot] = 0;


asl_msg_lookup(asl_msg_t *msg, const char *key, const char **valout, uint32_t *opout)
	uint32_t i, slot;
	asl_msg_t *page;

	slot = IndexNull;
	page = NULL;

	i = _asl_msg_index(msg, key, &slot, &page);
	if (i == IndexNull) return -1;

	if (valout != NULL) *valout = _asl_msg_slot_val(page, slot);
	if (opout != NULL) *opout =  page->op[slot];

	return 0;

asl_msg_type(asl_msg_t *msg)
	if (msg == NULL) return 0;
	return msg->type;

asl_msg_count(asl_msg_t *msg)
	uint32_t total;

	total = 0;

	for (; msg != NULL; msg = msg->next) total += msg->count;
	return total;

 * Compare messages
static int
_asl_msg_equal(asl_msg_t *a, asl_msg_t *b)
	uint32_t x, oa, ob;
	const char *key, *va, *vb;

	if (asl_msg_count(a) != asl_msg_count(b)) return 0;

	key = NULL;
	va = NULL;
	oa = 0;

	for (x = asl_msg_fetch(a, 0, &key, &va, &oa); x != IndexNull; x = asl_msg_fetch(a, x, &key, &va, &oa))
		if (asl_msg_lookup(b, key, &vb, &ob) != 0) return 0;
		if (strcmp(va, vb)) return 0;
		if ((a->type == ASL_TYPE_QUERY) && (oa != ob)) return 0;

	return 1;

static int
_asl_isanumber(const char *s)
	int i;

	if (s == NULL) return 0;

	i = 0;
	if ((s[0] == '-') || (s[0] == '+')) i = 1;

	if (s[i] == '\0') return 0;

	for (; s[i] != '\0'; i++)
		if (!isdigit(s[i])) return 0;

	return 1;

static int
_asl_msg_basic_test(uint32_t op, const char *q, const char *m, uint32_t n)
	int cmp;
	uint32_t t;
	int64_t nq, nm;
	int rflags;
	regex_t rex;

	t = op & ASL_QUERY_OP_TRUE;

	/* NULL value from query or message string fails */
	if ((q == NULL) || (m == NULL)) return (t & ASL_QUERY_OP_NOT_EQUAL);

		/* greater than or less than make no sense in substring search */
		if ((t == ASL_QUERY_OP_GREATER) || (t == ASL_QUERY_OP_LESS)) return 0;

		memset(&rex, 0, sizeof(regex_t));

		if (op & ASL_QUERY_OP_CASEFOLD) rflags |= REG_ICASE;

		/* A bad reqular expression matches nothing */
		if (regcomp(&rex, q, rflags) != 0) return (t & ASL_QUERY_OP_NOT_EQUAL);

		cmp = regexec(&rex, m, 0, NULL, 0);

		if (t == ASL_QUERY_OP_NOT_EQUAL) return (cmp != 0);
		return (cmp == 0);

		if (_asl_isanumber(q) == 0) return (t == ASL_QUERY_OP_NOT_EQUAL);
		if (_asl_isanumber(m) == 0) return (t == ASL_QUERY_OP_NOT_EQUAL);

		nq = atoll(q);
		nm = atoll(m);

		switch (t)
			case ASL_QUERY_OP_EQUAL: return (nm == nq);
			case ASL_QUERY_OP_GREATER: return (nm > nq);
			case ASL_QUERY_OP_GREATER_EQUAL: return (nm >= nq);
			case ASL_QUERY_OP_LESS: return (nm < nq);
			case ASL_QUERY_OP_LESS_EQUAL: return (nm <= nq);
			case ASL_QUERY_OP_NOT_EQUAL: return (nm != nq);
			default: return (t == ASL_QUERY_OP_NOT_EQUAL);

	cmp = 0;
		if (n == 0) cmp = strcasecmp(m, q);
		else cmp = strncasecmp(m, q, n);
		if (n == 0) cmp = strcmp(m, q);
		else cmp = strncmp(m, q, n);

	switch (t)
		case ASL_QUERY_OP_EQUAL: return (cmp == 0);
		case ASL_QUERY_OP_GREATER: return (cmp > 0);
		case ASL_QUERY_OP_GREATER_EQUAL: return (cmp >= 0);
		case ASL_QUERY_OP_LESS: return (cmp < 0);
		case ASL_QUERY_OP_LESS_EQUAL: return (cmp <= 0);
		case ASL_QUERY_OP_NOT_EQUAL: return (cmp != 0);

	return (t == ASL_QUERY_OP_NOT_EQUAL);

static int
_asl_msg_test_substring(uint32_t op, const char *q, const char *m)
	uint32_t t, i, d, lm, lq, match, newop;

	t = op & ASL_QUERY_OP_TRUE;

	lm = 0;
	if (m != NULL) lm = strlen(m);

	lq = 0;
	if (q != NULL) lq = strlen(q);

	/* NULL is a substring of any string */
	if (lq == 0) return (t & ASL_QUERY_OP_EQUAL);

	/* A long string is defined to be not equal to a short string */
	if (lq > lm) return (t == ASL_QUERY_OP_NOT_EQUAL);

	/* greater than or less than make no sense in substring search */
	if ((t == ASL_QUERY_OP_GREATER) || (t == ASL_QUERY_OP_LESS)) return 0;

	 * We scan the string doing an equality test.
	 * If the input test is equality, we stop as soon as we hit a match.
	 * Otherwise we keep scanning the whole message string.
	newop = op & 0xff0;

	match = 0;
	d = lm - lq;
	for (i = 0; i <= d; i++)
		if (_asl_msg_basic_test(newop, q, m + i, lq) != 0)
			if (t & ASL_QUERY_OP_EQUAL) return 1;

	/* If the input test was for equality, no matches were found */
	if (t & ASL_QUERY_OP_EQUAL) return 0;

	/* The input test was for not equal.  Return true if no matches were found */
	return (match == 0);

static int
_asl_msg_test_prefix(uint32_t op, const char *q, const char *m)
	uint32_t lm, lq, t;

	t = op & ASL_QUERY_OP_TRUE;

	lm = 0;
	if (m != NULL) lm = strlen(m);

	lq = 0;
	if (q != NULL) lq = strlen(q);

	/* NULL is a prefix of any string */
	if (lq == 0) return (t & ASL_QUERY_OP_EQUAL);

	/* A long string is defined to be not equal to a short string */
	if (lq > lm) return (t == ASL_QUERY_OP_NOT_EQUAL);

	/* Compare two equal-length strings */
	return _asl_msg_basic_test(op, q, m, lq);

static int
_asl_msg_test_suffix(uint32_t op, const char *q, const char *m)
	uint32_t lm, lq, d, t;

	t = op & ASL_QUERY_OP_TRUE;

	lm = 0;
	if (m != NULL) lm = strlen(m);

	lq = 0;
	if (q != NULL) lq = strlen(q);

	/* NULL is a suffix of any string */
	if (lq == 0) return (t & ASL_QUERY_OP_EQUAL);

	/* A long string is defined to be not equal to a short string */
	if (lq > lm) return (t == ASL_QUERY_OP_NOT_EQUAL);

	/* Compare two equal-length strings */
	d = lm - lq;
	return _asl_msg_basic_test(op, q, m + d, lq);

 * Splits out prefix, suffix, and substring tests.
 * Sends the rest to _asl_msg_basic_test().
static int
_asl_msg_test_expression(uint32_t op, const char *q, const char *m)
	uint32_t t;

	t = op & ASL_QUERY_OP_TRUE;
	if (t == ASL_QUERY_OP_TRUE) return 1;

		if (op & ASL_QUERY_OP_SUFFIX) return _asl_msg_test_substring(op, q, m);
		return _asl_msg_test_prefix(op, q, m);
	if (op & ASL_QUERY_OP_SUFFIX) return _asl_msg_test_suffix(op, q, m);

	return _asl_msg_basic_test(op, q, m, 0);

 * Special case for comparing time values.
 * If both inputs are time strings, this compares the time
 * value in seconds.  Otherwise it just does normal matching.
static int
_asl_msg_test_time_expression(uint32_t op, const char *q, const char *m)
	time_t tq, tm;
	uint32_t t;

	if ((op & ASL_QUERY_OP_PREFIX) || (op & ASL_QUERY_OP_SUFFIX) || (op & ASL_QUERY_OP_REGEX)) return _asl_msg_test_expression(op, q, m);
	if ((q == NULL) || (m == NULL)) return _asl_msg_test_expression(op, q, m);

	tq = asl_parse_time(q);
	if (tq < 0) return _asl_msg_test_expression(op, q, m);

	tm = asl_parse_time(m);
	if (tm < 0) return _asl_msg_test_expression(op, q, m);

	t = op & ASL_QUERY_OP_TRUE;

	switch (t)
			return 0;
			if (tm == tq) return 1;
			return 0;
			if (tm > tq) return 1;
			return 0;
			if (tm >= tq) return 1;
			return 0;
			if (tm < tq) return 1;
			return 0;
			if (tm <= tq) return 1;
			return 0;
			if (tm != tq) return 1;
			return 0;
			return 1;

	return 0;

/* test a query against a message */
static int
_asl_msg_test(asl_msg_t *q, asl_msg_t *m)
	uint32_t i, t, x, op;
	int cmp;
	const char *kq, *vq, *vm;

	 * Check each simple expression (key op val) separately.
	 * The query suceeds (returns 1) if all simple expressions
	 * succeed (i.e. AND the simple expressions).

	kq = NULL;
	vq = NULL;
	op = 0;

	for (x = asl_msg_fetch(q, 0, &kq, &vq, &op); x != IndexNull; x = asl_msg_fetch(q, x, &kq, &vq, &op))
		/* Find query key in the message */
		vm = NULL;
		i = asl_msg_lookup(m, kq, &vm, NULL);

		/* ASL_QUERY_OP_TRUE tests if key is present in the message */
		t = op & ASL_QUERY_OP_TRUE;
		if (t == ASL_QUERY_OP_TRUE)
			if (i != 0) return 0;

		/* ASL_QUERY_OP_FALSE tests if the key is NOT present in the message */
		if (t == ASL_QUERY_OP_FALSE)
			if (i == 0) return 0;

		if (i != 0)
			/* the message does NOT have query key - fail unless we are testing not equal */
			if (t == ASL_QUERY_OP_NOT_EQUAL) continue;
			return 0;

		cmp = 1;
		if (streq(kq, ASL_KEY_TIME))
			cmp = _asl_msg_test_time_expression(op, vq, vm);
			cmp = _asl_msg_test_expression(op, vq, vm);

		if (cmp == 0) return 0;

	return 1;

asl_msg_cmp(asl_msg_t *a, asl_msg_t *b)

	if (a == NULL) return 0;
	if (b == NULL) return 0;

	if (a->type == b->type) return _asl_msg_equal(a, b);
	if (a->type == ASL_TYPE_QUERY) return _asl_msg_test(a, b);
	return _asl_msg_test(b, a);

static void
_asl_encode_char(char *buf, uint32_t *cursor, uint32_t c, uint32_t encode, uint32_t encode_space)
	char *p;
	int meta;

	meta = 0;

	p = buf + *cursor;

	/* NUL is not allowed */
	if (c == 0) return;

	/* Meta chars get \M prefix */
	if (c >= 128)
		/* except meta-space, which is \240 */
		if (c == 160)
			*p++ = '\\';
			*p++ = '2';
			*p++ = '4';
			*p++ = '0';
			*p = '\0';
			*cursor = *cursor + 4;

		*p++ = '\\';
		*p++ = 'M';
		*p = '\0';
		*cursor = *cursor + 2;
		c &= 0x7f;
		meta = 1;

	/* space is either ' ' or \s */
	if (c == 32)
		if (encode_space == 0)
			*p++ = ' ';
			*p = '\0';
			*cursor = *cursor + 1;

		*p++ = '\\';
		*p++ = 's';
		*p = '\0';
		*cursor = *cursor + 2;

	/* \ is escaped */
	if ((meta == 0) && (c == 92))
		*p++ = '\\';
		*p++ = c;
		*p = '\0';
		*cursor = *cursor + 2;

	/* [ and ] are escaped in ASL encoding */
	if ((encode == ASL_ENCODE_ASL) && (meta == 0) && ((c == 91) || (c == 93)))
		*p++ = '\\';
		*p++ = c;
		*p = '\0';
		*cursor = *cursor + 2;

	/* DEL is \^? */
	if (c == 127)
		if (meta == 0)
			*p++ = '\\';
			*cursor = *cursor + 1;

		*p++ = '^';
		*p++ = '?';
		*p = '\0';
		*cursor = *cursor + 2;

	/* 33-126 are printable (add a '-' prefix for meta) */
	if ((c >= 33) && (c <= 126))
		if (meta == 1)
			*p++ = '-';
			*cursor = *cursor + 1;

		*p++ = c;
		*p = '\0';
		*cursor = *cursor + 1;

	/* non-meta BEL, BS, HT, NL, VT, NP, CR (7-13) are \a, \b, \t, \n, \v, \f, and \r */
	if ((meta == 0) && (c >= 7) && (c <= 13))
		*p++ = '\\';
		*p++ = cvis_7_13[c - 7];
		*p = '\0';
		*cursor = *cursor + 2;

	/* 0 - 31 are ^@ - ^_ (non-meta get a leading \) */
	if ((c >= 0) && (c <= 31))
		if (meta == 0)
			*p++ = '\\';
			*cursor = *cursor + 1;

		*p++ = '^';
		*p++ = 64 + c;
		*p = '\0';
		*cursor = *cursor + 2;


static uint32_t
_asl_append_string_length(const char *s, uint32_t encode, uint32_t escspace)
	uint32_t i, n, spextra, outlen;
	uint8_t c;

	if (s == NULL) return 0;

	outlen = 0;

	if (encode == ASL_ENCODE_NONE)
		/* no encoding - just need enough space for the string */
		return strlen(s);
	else if (encode == ASL_ENCODE_SAFE)
		/* minor encoding to reduce the likelyhood of spoof attacks */
		n = 0;
		for (i = 0; s[i] != '\0'; i++)
			c = s[i];
			if ((c == 10) || (c == 13) || (c == 8)) n++;

		return n;

	spextra = 0;
	if (escspace != 0) spextra = 1;

	n = 0;
	for (i = 0; s[i] != '\0'; i++)
		c = s[i];

		if (c >= 128)
			n += 4;
		else if ((c == 91) || (c == 93))
			if (encode == ASL_ENCODE_ASL) n += 2;
			else n += 1;
			n += char_encode_len[c];
			if (c == 32) n += spextra;

	return n;

 * Append a string using the requested encoding to a buffer.
static void
_asl_append_string(char *buf, uint32_t bufsize, uint32_t *cursor, const char *s, uint32_t encode, uint32_t escspace)
	uint32_t i, n, spextra;
	uint8_t c;
	char *p;

	if (buf == NULL) return;
	if (cursor == NULL) return;
	if (s == NULL) return;

	if (encode == ASL_ENCODE_NONE)
		/* no encoding - just use enough space and copy the string */

		n = strlen(s);
		if (n == 0) return;

		assert((*cursor + n) < bufsize);

		memcpy(buf + *cursor, s, n);
		*cursor = *cursor + n;

	else if (encode == ASL_ENCODE_SAFE)
		 * Minor encoding to reduce the likelyhood of spoof attacks.
		 * - append a tab after newlines
		 * - translate \r to newline & append a tab
		 * - map backspace to ^H
		 * Note that there may be UTF-8 characters that could be used in a spoof
		 * attack that we don't check.  Caveat Reador.
		n = 0;
		for (i = 0; s[i] != '\0'; i++)
			c = s[i];
			if ((c == 10) || (c == 13) || (c == 8)) n++;

		if (n == 0) return;

		assert((*cursor + n) < bufsize);

		p = buf + *cursor;

		for (i = 0; s[i] != '\0'; i++)
			c = s[i];
			if ((c == 10) || (c == 13))
				*p++ = '\n';
				*p++ = '\t';
				*cursor = *cursor + 2;
			else if (c == 8)
				*p++ = '^';
				*p++ = 'H';
				*cursor = *cursor + 2;
				*p++ = c;
				*cursor = *cursor + 1;


	spextra = 0;

	if (escspace != 0) spextra = 1;

	n = 0;
	for (i = 0; s[i] != '\0'; i++)
		c = s[i];

		if (c >= 128)
			n += 4;
		else if ((c == 91) || (c == 93))
			if (encode == ASL_ENCODE_ASL) n += 2;
			else n += 1;
			n += char_encode_len[c];
			if (c == 32) n += spextra;

	if (n == 0) return;

	assert((*cursor + n) < bufsize);

	for (i = 0; s[i] != '\0'; i++)
		c = s[i];
		_asl_encode_char(buf, cursor, c, encode, escspace);

static uint32_t
_asl_append_xml_string_length(const char *s)
	uint32_t i, n;
	uint8_t c;

	if (s == NULL) return 0;

	n = 0;
	for (i = 0; s[i] != '\0'; i++)
		c = s[i];

		 * XML wants &amp; &lt; &gt; &quot; and &apos;
		 * We use &#xnn; for control chars.
		 * Everything else just gets printed "as is" (we know the input is UTF8)
		if (c == '&') n += 5;
		else if (c == '<') n += 4;
		else if (c == '>') n += 4;
		else if (c == '"') n += 6;
		else if (c == '\'') n += 6;
		else if (iscntrl(c)) n += 6;
		else n += 1;

	return n;

static int
_asl_append_xml_string(char *buf, uint32_t bufsize, uint32_t *cursor, const char *s)
	uint32_t i, n;
	uint8_t c;
	char tmp[8], *p;

	if (buf == NULL) return -1;
	if (cursor == NULL) return -1;
	if (s == NULL) return -1;

	n = 0;
	for (i = 0; s[i] != '\0'; i++)
		c = s[i];

		 * XML wants &amp; &lt; &gt; &quot; and &apos;
		 * We use &#xnn; for control chars.
		 * Everything else just gets printed "as is" (we know the input is UTF8)
		if (c == '&') n += 5;
		else if (c == '<') n += 4;
		else if (c == '>') n += 4;
		else if (c == '"') n += 6;
		else if (c == '\'') n += 6;
		else if (iscntrl(c)) n += 6;
		else n += 1;

	if (n == 0) return 0;

	assert((*cursor + n) < bufsize);
	p = buf + *cursor;

	for (i = 0; s[i] != '\0'; i++)
		c = s[i];

		if (c == '&')
			memcpy(p, "&amp;", 5);
			p += 5;
			*cursor = *cursor + 5;
		else if (c == '<')
			memcpy(p, "&lt;", 4);
			p += 4;
			*cursor = *cursor + 4;
		else if (c == '>')
			memcpy(p, "&gt;", 4);
			p += 4;
			*cursor = *cursor + 4;
		else if (c == '"')
			memcpy(p, "&quot;", 6);
			p += 6;
			*cursor = *cursor + 6;
		else if (c == '\'')
			memcpy(p, "&apos;", 6);
			p += 6;
			*cursor = *cursor + 6;
		else if (iscntrl(c))
			snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "&#x%02hhx;", c);
			memcpy(p, tmp, 6);
			p += 6;
			*cursor = *cursor + 6;
			*p++ = c;
			*cursor = *cursor + 1;

	return 0;

static uint32_t
_asl_append_xml_tag_length(int tag, const char *s)
	uint32_t len, slen;

	len = 0;

	if (tag == XML_TAG_KEY)
		len += 14; /* "\t\t<key>" + "</key>\n" */
		len += _asl_append_xml_string_length(s);
	else if (tag == XML_TAG_STRING)
		len += 20; /* "\t\t<string>" + "</string>\n" */
		len += _asl_append_xml_string_length(s);
	else if (tag == XML_TAG_DATA)
		len += 16; /* "\t\t<data>" + "</data>\n" */
		slen = strlen(s);
		len += ((len + 2) / 3) * 4;

	return len;

/* called from asl_format_message */
static void
_asl_append_xml_tag(char *buf, uint32_t bufsize, uint32_t *cursor, int tag, const char *s)
	char *b64;

	if (buf == NULL) return;
	if (cursor == NULL) return;

	if (tag == XML_TAG_KEY)
		_asl_append_string(buf, bufsize, cursor, "\t\t<key>", ASL_ENCODE_NONE, 0);
		_asl_append_xml_string(buf, bufsize, cursor, s);
		_asl_append_string(buf, bufsize, cursor, "</key>\n", ASL_ENCODE_NONE, 0);
	else if (tag == XML_TAG_STRING)
		_asl_append_string(buf, bufsize, cursor, "\t\t<string>", ASL_ENCODE_NONE, 0);
		_asl_append_xml_string(buf, bufsize, cursor, s);
		_asl_append_string(buf, bufsize, cursor, "</string>\n", ASL_ENCODE_NONE, 0);
	else if (tag == XML_TAG_DATA)
		_asl_append_string(buf, bufsize, cursor, "\t\t<data>", ASL_ENCODE_NONE, 0);
		b64 = (char *)asl_b64_encode((uint8_t *)s, strlen(s));
		if (b64 != NULL)
			_asl_append_string(buf, bufsize, cursor, b64, ASL_ENCODE_NONE, 0);

		_asl_append_string(buf, bufsize, cursor, "</data>\n", ASL_ENCODE_NONE, 0);

static uint32_t
_asl_append_op_length(uint32_t op)
	uint32_t i;

	if (op == ASL_QUERY_OP_NULL) return 1;

	i = 0;

	if (op & ASL_QUERY_OP_CASEFOLD) i++;
	if (op & ASL_QUERY_OP_REGEX) i++;
	if (op & ASL_QUERY_OP_NUMERIC) i++;
	if (op & ASL_QUERY_OP_PREFIX) i++;
	if (op & ASL_QUERY_OP_SUFFIX) i++;

	switch (op & ASL_QUERY_OP_TRUE)
			i += 2;

	if (i == 0) return 1;
	return i;

static void
_asl_append_op(char *buf, uint32_t bufsize, uint32_t *cursor, uint32_t op)
	char opstr[8];
	uint32_t i;

	if (buf == NULL) return;
	if (cursor == NULL) return;

	if (op == ASL_QUERY_OP_NULL)
		_asl_append_string(buf, bufsize, cursor, ".", ASL_ENCODE_NONE, 0);

	i = 0;
	if (op & ASL_QUERY_OP_CASEFOLD) opstr[i++] = 'C';

	if (op & ASL_QUERY_OP_REGEX) opstr[i++] = 'R';

	if (op & ASL_QUERY_OP_NUMERIC) opstr[i++] = 'N';

		if (op & ASL_QUERY_OP_SUFFIX) opstr[i++] = 'S';
		else opstr[i++] = 'A';
	if (op & ASL_QUERY_OP_SUFFIX) opstr[i++] = 'Z';

	switch (op & ASL_QUERY_OP_TRUE)
			opstr[i++] = '=';
			opstr[i++] = '>';
			opstr[i++] = '>';
			opstr[i++] = '=';
			opstr[i++] = '<';
			opstr[i++] = '<';
			opstr[i++] = '=';
			opstr[i++] = '!';
			opstr[i++] = 'T';

	if (i == 0)
		_asl_append_string(buf, bufsize, cursor,  ".", ASL_ENCODE_NONE, 0);

	opstr[i] = '\0';
	_asl_append_string(buf, bufsize, cursor, opstr, ASL_ENCODE_NONE, 0);

static char *
_asl_time_string(int fmt, const char *str)
	time_t tick;
	struct tm *stm;
	char *ltime;
	char *out;
	char ltbuf[32];
	out = NULL;

	tick = 0;
	if (str != NULL) tick = asl_parse_time(str);

	if (fmt == TFMT_SEC)
		asprintf(&out, "%lu", tick);
		return out;

	if (fmt == TFMT_UTC)
		stm = gmtime(&tick);
		asprintf(&out, "%d.%02d.%02d %02d:%02d:%02d UTC", stm->tm_year + 1900, stm->tm_mon + 1, stm->tm_mday, stm->tm_hour, stm->tm_min, stm->tm_sec);
		return out;

	if (fmt == TFMT_LCL)
		ltime = ctime_r(&tick, ltbuf);
		if (ltime == NULL) return NULL;
		ltime[19] = '\0';
		asprintf(&out, "%s", ltime + 4);
		return out;

	return NULL;

/* called from asl_format_message */
static char *
_asl_msg_to_string_time_fmt(asl_msg_t *msg, uint32_t *len, int tf)
	uint32_t i, x, count, bufsize, cursor;
	char *buf, *timestr;
	const char *key, *val;

	*len = 0;

	if (msg == NULL) return NULL;

	timestr = NULL;
	buf = NULL;

	count = asl_msg_count(msg);

	if (count == 0) return NULL;

	key = NULL;
	val = NULL;

	/* first pass: determine output string length */
	bufsize = 0;
	i = 0;

	for (x = asl_msg_fetch(msg, 0, &key, &val, NULL); x != IndexNull; x = asl_msg_fetch(msg, x, &key, &val, NULL))
		if (key == NULL) continue;

		if (i > 0) bufsize += 1; /* " " */

		/* "[" */
		bufsize += 1;

		bufsize += _asl_append_string_length(key, ASL_ENCODE_ASL, 1);

		if ((tf != TFMT_SEC) && (!strcmp(key, ASL_KEY_TIME)))
			timestr = _asl_time_string(tf, val);
			if (timestr != NULL)
				/* " " */
				bufsize += 1;
				bufsize += _asl_append_string_length(timestr, ASL_ENCODE_ASL, 0);
		else if (val != NULL)
			/* " " */
			bufsize += 1;
			bufsize += _asl_append_string_length(val, ASL_ENCODE_ASL, 0);

		/* "]" */
		bufsize += 1;


	/* "\n\0" */
	bufsize += 2;

	/* allocate the output string */
	buf = malloc(bufsize);
	if (buf == NULL) return NULL;

	cursor = 0;
	i = 0;

	/* second pass: construct the output string */

	for (x = asl_msg_fetch(msg, 0, &key, &val, NULL); x != IndexNull; x = asl_msg_fetch(msg, x, &key, &val, NULL))
		if (key == NULL) continue;

		if (i > 0)
			assert(cursor < bufsize);
			buf[cursor++] = ' ';

		assert(cursor < bufsize);
		buf[cursor++] = '[';

		_asl_append_string(buf, bufsize, &cursor, key, ASL_ENCODE_ASL, 1);

		if ((tf != TFMT_SEC) && (!strcmp(key, ASL_KEY_TIME)))
			if (timestr != NULL)
				assert(cursor < bufsize);
				buf[cursor++] = ' ';
				_asl_append_string(buf, bufsize, &cursor, timestr, ASL_ENCODE_ASL, 0);
		else if (val != NULL)
			assert(cursor < bufsize);
			buf[cursor++] = ' ';
			_asl_append_string(buf, bufsize, &cursor, val, ASL_ENCODE_ASL, 0);

		assert(cursor < bufsize);
		buf[cursor++] = ']';


	assert((cursor + 1) < bufsize);
	buf[cursor++] = '\n';
	buf[cursor] = '\0';

	*len = bufsize;
	return buf;

static uint32_t
_msg_length_helper(uint32_t *i, uint32_t type, const char *key, const char *val, uint32_t op)
	uint32_t outlen;

	outlen = 0;

	if (*i > 0) outlen = 1; /* " " */
	*i = *i + 1;

	/* "[" */
	outlen += 1;

	if (type == ASL_TYPE_QUERY)
		outlen += _asl_append_op_length(op);

		/* " " */
		outlen += 1;

	outlen += _asl_append_string_length(key, ASL_ENCODE_ASL, 1);

	if (val != NULL)
		/* " " */
		outlen += 1;
		outlen += _asl_append_string_length(val, ASL_ENCODE_ASL, 0);

	/* "]" */
	outlen += 1;

	return outlen;

__private_extern__ uint32_t
_asl_msg_string_length_aux(asl_msg_t *msg, asl_msg_aux_t *aux)
	uint32_t i, x, slot, op, outlen, auxbits, type;
	char *s;
	const char *key, *val;
	asl_msg_t *page;

	s = NULL;
	type = ASL_TYPE_MSG;

	outlen = 0;
	if ((msg != NULL) && (msg->type == ASL_TYPE_QUERY))
		type = ASL_TYPE_QUERY;
		outlen = 2; /* "Q " */
		if (asl_msg_count(msg) == 0) return outlen + 1;

	auxbits = 0;

	key = NULL;
	val = NULL;
	op = 0;
	i = 0;

	/* process aux keys */
	if ((aux != NULL) && (aux->type == ASL_MSG_TYPE_AUX_0))
		if (aux->data.aux0->level != NULL)
			outlen += _msg_length_helper(&i, type, ASL_KEY_LEVEL, aux->data.aux0->level, op);
			auxbits |= AUX_0_LEVEL;

		if (aux->data.aux0->time != NULL)
			outlen += _msg_length_helper(&i, type, ASL_KEY_TIME, aux->data.aux0->time, op);
			auxbits |= AUX_0_TIME;

		if (aux->data.aux0->nano != NULL)
			outlen += _msg_length_helper(&i, type, ASL_KEY_TIME_NSEC, aux->data.aux0->nano, op);
			auxbits |= AUX_0_TIME_NSEC;

		if (aux->data.aux0->host != NULL)
			outlen += _msg_length_helper(&i, type, ASL_KEY_HOST, aux->data.aux0->host, op);
			auxbits |= AUX_0_HOST;

		if (aux->data.aux0->sender != NULL)
			outlen += _msg_length_helper(&i, type, ASL_KEY_SENDER, aux->data.aux0->sender, op);
			auxbits |= AUX_0_SENDER;

		if (aux->data.aux0->facility != NULL)
			outlen += _msg_length_helper(&i, type, ASL_KEY_FACILITY, aux->data.aux0->facility, op);
			auxbits |= AUX_0_FACILITY;

		if (aux->data.aux0->pid != NULL)
			outlen += _msg_length_helper(&i, type, ASL_KEY_PID, aux->data.aux0->pid, op);
			auxbits |= AUX_0_PID;

		if (aux->data.aux0->uid != NULL)
			outlen += _msg_length_helper(&i, type, ASL_KEY_UID, aux->data.aux0->uid, op);
			auxbits |= AUX_0_UID;

		if (aux->data.aux0->gid != NULL)
			outlen += _msg_length_helper(&i, type, ASL_KEY_GID, aux->data.aux0->gid, op);
			auxbits |= AUX_0_GID;

		if (aux->data.aux0->message != NULL)
			outlen += _msg_length_helper(&i, type, ASL_KEY_MSG, aux->data.aux0->message, op);
			auxbits |= AUX_0_MSG;

		if (aux->data.aux0->option != NULL)
			outlen += _msg_length_helper(&i, type, ASL_KEY_OPTION, aux->data.aux0->option, op);
			auxbits |= AUX_0_OPTION;

	page = NULL;
	slot = IndexNull;

	for (x = _asl_msg_fetch_internal(msg, 0, &key, &val, &op, &page, &slot); x != IndexNull; x = _asl_msg_fetch_internal(msg, x, &key, &val, &op, &page, &slot))
		if ((key == NULL) || (page == NULL) || (slot == IndexNull)) continue;

		/* ignore in msg if an override value was supplied in aux */
		if ((page->key[slot] == ASL_STD_KEY_LEVEL) && (auxbits & AUX_0_LEVEL)) continue;
		if ((page->key[slot] == ASL_STD_KEY_TIME) && (auxbits & AUX_0_TIME)) continue;
		if ((page->key[slot] == ASL_STD_KEY_NANO) && (auxbits & AUX_0_TIME_NSEC)) continue;
		if ((page->key[slot] == ASL_STD_KEY_HOST) && (auxbits & AUX_0_HOST)) continue;
		if ((page->key[slot] == ASL_STD_KEY_SENDER) && (auxbits & AUX_0_SENDER)) continue;
		if ((page->key[slot] == ASL_STD_KEY_FACILITY) && (auxbits & AUX_0_FACILITY)) continue;
		if ((page->key[slot] == ASL_STD_KEY_PID) && (auxbits & AUX_0_PID)) continue;
		if ((page->key[slot] == ASL_STD_KEY_UID) && (auxbits & AUX_0_UID)) continue;
		if ((page->key[slot] == ASL_STD_KEY_GID) && (auxbits & AUX_0_GID)) continue;
		if ((page->key[slot] == ASL_STD_KEY_MESSAGE) && (auxbits & AUX_0_MSG)) continue;
		if ((page->key[slot] == ASL_STD_KEY_OPTION) && (auxbits & AUX_0_OPTION)) continue;

		outlen += _msg_length_helper(&i, type, key, val, op);

	if (outlen > 0) outlen++; /* trailing NUL */

	return outlen;

asl_msg_string_length(asl_msg_t *msg)
	return _asl_msg_string_length_aux(msg, NULL);

static void
_msg_to_string_buffer_helper(uint32_t *i, uint32_t type, char *buf, uint32_t bufsize, uint32_t *cursor, const char *key, const char *val, uint32_t op)
	if (*i > 0)
		assert(*cursor < bufsize);
		buf[*cursor] = ' ';
		*cursor = *cursor + 1;

	*i = *i + 1;

	assert(*cursor < bufsize);
	buf[*cursor] = '[';
	*cursor = *cursor + 1;

	if (type == ASL_TYPE_QUERY)
		_asl_append_op(buf, bufsize, cursor, op);

		assert(*cursor < bufsize);
		buf[*cursor] = ' ';
		*cursor = *cursor + 1;

	_asl_append_string(buf, bufsize, cursor, key, ASL_ENCODE_ASL, 1);

	if (val != NULL)
		assert(*cursor < bufsize);
		buf[*cursor] = ' ';
		*cursor = *cursor + 1;

		_asl_append_string(buf, bufsize, cursor, val, ASL_ENCODE_ASL, 0);

	assert(*cursor < bufsize);
	buf[*cursor] = ']';
	*cursor = *cursor + 1;

__private_extern__ uint32_t
_asl_msg_to_string_buffer_aux(asl_msg_t *msg, asl_msg_aux_t *aux, char *buf, uint32_t bufsize)
	uint32_t i, x, slot, op, cursor, auxbits, type;
	char *s;
	const char *key, *val;
	asl_msg_t *page;

	cursor = 0;

	if (buf == NULL) return -1;

	s = NULL;
	type = ASL_TYPE_MSG;

	if ((msg != NULL) && (msg->type == ASL_TYPE_QUERY))
		type = ASL_TYPE_QUERY;
		assert((cursor + 1) < bufsize);
		buf[cursor++] = 'Q';
		buf[cursor++] = ' ';
		if (asl_msg_count(msg) == 0) 
			assert(cursor < bufsize);
			buf[cursor] = '\0';
			return 0;

	auxbits = 0;

	key = NULL;
	val = NULL;
	op = 0;
	i = 0;

	/* process aux keys */
	if ((aux != NULL) && (aux->type == ASL_MSG_TYPE_AUX_0))
		if (aux->data.aux0->level != NULL)
			_msg_to_string_buffer_helper(&i, type, buf, bufsize, &cursor, ASL_KEY_LEVEL, aux->data.aux0->level, op);
			auxbits |= AUX_0_LEVEL;

		if (aux->data.aux0->time != NULL)
			_msg_to_string_buffer_helper(&i, type, buf, bufsize, &cursor, ASL_KEY_TIME, aux->data.aux0->time, op);
			auxbits |= AUX_0_TIME;

		if (aux->data.aux0->nano != NULL)
			_msg_to_string_buffer_helper(&i, type, buf, bufsize, &cursor, ASL_KEY_TIME_NSEC, aux->data.aux0->nano, op);
			auxbits |= AUX_0_TIME_NSEC;

		if (aux->data.aux0->host != NULL)
			_msg_to_string_buffer_helper(&i, type, buf, bufsize, &cursor, ASL_KEY_HOST, aux->data.aux0->host, op);
			auxbits |= AUX_0_HOST;

		if (aux->data.aux0->sender != NULL)
			_msg_to_string_buffer_helper(&i, type, buf, bufsize, &cursor, ASL_KEY_SENDER, aux->data.aux0->sender, op);
			auxbits |= AUX_0_SENDER;

		if (aux->data.aux0->facility != NULL)
			_msg_to_string_buffer_helper(&i, type, buf, bufsize, &cursor, ASL_KEY_FACILITY, aux->data.aux0->facility, op);
			auxbits |= AUX_0_FACILITY;

		if (aux->data.aux0->pid != NULL)
			_msg_to_string_buffer_helper(&i, type, buf, bufsize, &cursor, ASL_KEY_PID, aux->data.aux0->pid, op);
			auxbits |= AUX_0_PID;

		if (aux->data.aux0->uid != NULL)
			_msg_to_string_buffer_helper(&i, type, buf, bufsize, &cursor, ASL_KEY_UID, aux->data.aux0->uid, op);
			auxbits |= AUX_0_UID;

		if (aux->data.aux0->gid != NULL)
			_msg_to_string_buffer_helper(&i, type, buf, bufsize, &cursor, ASL_KEY_GID, aux->data.aux0->gid, op);
			auxbits |= AUX_0_GID;

		if (aux->data.aux0->message != NULL)
			_msg_to_string_buffer_helper(&i, type, buf, bufsize, &cursor, ASL_KEY_MSG, aux->data.aux0->message, op);
			auxbits |= AUX_0_MSG;

		if (aux->data.aux0->option != NULL)
			_msg_to_string_buffer_helper(&i, type, buf, bufsize, &cursor, ASL_KEY_OPTION, aux->data.aux0->option, op);
			auxbits |= AUX_0_OPTION;

	page = NULL;
	slot = IndexNull;

	for (x = _asl_msg_fetch_internal(msg, 0, &key, &val, &op, &page, &slot); x != IndexNull; x = _asl_msg_fetch_internal(msg, x, &key, &val, &op, &page, &slot))
		if ((key == NULL) || (page == NULL) || (slot == IndexNull)) continue;

		/* ignore in msg if an override value was supplied in aux */
		if ((page->key[slot] == ASL_STD_KEY_LEVEL) && (auxbits & AUX_0_LEVEL)) continue;
		if ((page->key[slot] == ASL_STD_KEY_TIME) && (auxbits & AUX_0_TIME)) continue;
		if ((page->key[slot] == ASL_STD_KEY_NANO) && (auxbits & AUX_0_TIME_NSEC)) continue;
		if ((page->key[slot] == ASL_STD_KEY_HOST) && (auxbits & AUX_0_HOST)) continue;
		if ((page->key[slot] == ASL_STD_KEY_SENDER) && (auxbits & AUX_0_SENDER)) continue;
		if ((page->key[slot] == ASL_STD_KEY_FACILITY) && (auxbits & AUX_0_FACILITY)) continue;
		if ((page->key[slot] == ASL_STD_KEY_PID) && (auxbits & AUX_0_PID)) continue;
		if ((page->key[slot] == ASL_STD_KEY_UID) && (auxbits & AUX_0_UID)) continue;
		if ((page->key[slot] == ASL_STD_KEY_GID) && (auxbits & AUX_0_GID)) continue;
		if ((page->key[slot] == ASL_STD_KEY_MESSAGE) && (auxbits & AUX_0_MSG)) continue;
		if ((page->key[slot] == ASL_STD_KEY_OPTION) && (auxbits & AUX_0_OPTION)) continue;

		_msg_to_string_buffer_helper(&i, type, buf, bufsize, &cursor, key, val, op);

	assert(cursor < bufsize);
	buf[cursor] = '\0';

	return 0;

asl_msg_to_string_buffer(asl_msg_t *msg, char *buf, uint32_t bufsize)
	return _asl_msg_to_string_buffer_aux(msg, NULL, buf, bufsize);

char *
asl_msg_to_string(asl_msg_t *in, uint32_t *len)
	uint32_t status, outlen;
	char *out;

	*len = 0;

	if (in == NULL) return NULL;

	out = NULL;
	outlen = _asl_msg_string_length_aux(in, NULL);
	if (outlen == 0) return NULL;

	out = malloc(outlen);
	if (out == NULL) return NULL;

	status = _asl_msg_to_string_buffer_aux(in, NULL, out, outlen);
	if (status != 0)
		return NULL;

	*len = outlen;
	return out;

static uint32_t
_asl_msg_op_from_string(char *o)
	uint32_t op, i;


	if (o == NULL) return op;

	for (i = 0; o[i] != '\0'; i++)
		if (o[i] == '.') return ASL_QUERY_OP_NULL;
		if (o[i] == 'C') op |= ASL_QUERY_OP_CASEFOLD;
		if (o[i] == 'R') op |= ASL_QUERY_OP_REGEX;
		if (o[i] == 'N') op |= ASL_QUERY_OP_NUMERIC;
		if (o[i] == 'S') op |= ASL_QUERY_OP_SUBSTRING;
		if (o[i] == 'A') op |= ASL_QUERY_OP_PREFIX;
		if (o[i] == 'Z') op |= ASL_QUERY_OP_SUFFIX;
		if (o[i] == '<') op |= ASL_QUERY_OP_LESS;
		if (o[i] == '>') op |= ASL_QUERY_OP_GREATER;
		if (o[i] == '=') op |= ASL_QUERY_OP_EQUAL;
		if (o[i] == '!') op |= ASL_QUERY_OP_NOT_EQUAL;
		if (o[i] == 'T') op |= ASL_QUERY_OP_TRUE;

	return op;

static char *
_asl_msg_get_next_word(char **p, uint32_t *tt, uint32_t spacedel)
	char *str, *out, c, oval;
	uint32_t i, len, n, outlen;

	*tt = TOKEN_NULL;

	if (p == NULL) return NULL;
	if (*p == NULL) return NULL;
	if (**p == '\0') return NULL;

	/* skip one space if it's there (word separator) */
	if (**p == ' ') (*p)++;

	/* skip leading white space */
	if (spacedel != 0)
		while ((**p == ' ') || (**p == '\t')) (*p)++;

	if (**p == '\0') return NULL;
	if (**p == '\n') return NULL;

	str = *p;

	/* opening [ */
	if (**p == '[')
		*tt = TOKEN_OPEN;

		out = malloc(2);
		if (out == NULL) return NULL;

		out[0] = '[';
		out[1] = '\0';
		return out;

	/* scan for token and calulate it's length (input and decoded output len) */
	len = 0;
	outlen = 0;

		c = str[len];

		/* stop scanning when we hit a delimiter */
		if (((spacedel != 0) && (c == ' ')) || (c == ']') || (c == '\0')) break;

		if (c == '\\')
			c = str[len];
			if ((c == 'a') || (c == 'b') || (c == 't') || (c == 'n') || (c == 'v') || (c == 'f') || (c == 'r') || (c == 's') || (c == '[') || (c == '\\') || (c == ']'))
			else if (c == '^')
				if (str[++len] == '\0') return NULL;
			else if (c == 'M')
				if (str[++len] == '\0') return NULL;
				if (str[++len] == '\0') return NULL;
			else if ((c >= '0') && (c <= '3'))
				if (str[++len] == '\0') return NULL;
				if (str[++len] == '\0') return NULL;
				return NULL;


	(*p) += len;

	if ((len == 0) && (**p == ']'))
		*tt = TOKEN_CLOSE;
		out = malloc(2);
		if (out == NULL) return NULL;

		out[0] = ']';
		out[1] = '\0';
		return out;

	*tt = TOKEN_INT;

	out = malloc(outlen + 1);
	if (out == NULL) return NULL;

	n = 0;
	for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
		c = str[i];

		if (c == '\\')
			*tt = TOKEN_WORD;

			c = str[i];
			if (c == 'a')
				out[n++] = '\a';
			else if (c == 'b')
				out[n++] = '\b';
			else if (c == 't')
				out[n++] = '\t';
			else if (c == 'n')
				out[n++] = '\n';
			else if (c == 'v')
				out[n++] = '\v';
			else if (c == 'f')
				out[n++] = '\f';
			else if (c == 'r')
				out[n++] = '\r';
			else if (c == 's')
				out[n++] = ' ';
			else if (c == '[')
				out[n++] = '[';
			else if (c == '\\')
				out[n++] = '\\';
			else if (c == ']')
				out[n++] = ']';
			else if (c == '^')
				if (str[i] == '?') out[n++] = 127;
				else out[n++] = str[i] - 64;
			else if (c == 'M')
				c = str[i];
				if (c == '^')
					if (str[i] == '?') out[n++] = 255;
					else out[n++] = str[i] + 64;
				else if (c == '-')
					out[n++] = str[i] + 128;
					*tt = TOKEN_NULL;
					return NULL;

			else if ((c >= '0') && (c <= '3'))
				oval = (c - '0') * 64;

				c = str[i];
				if ((c < '0') || (c > '7'))
					*tt = TOKEN_NULL;
					return NULL;

				oval += ((c - '0') * 8);

				c = str[i];
				if ((c < '0') || (c > '7'))
					*tt = TOKEN_NULL;
					return NULL;

				oval += (c - '0');

				out[n++] = oval;
				*tt = TOKEN_NULL;
				return NULL;

			if ((c < '0') || (c > '9')) *tt = TOKEN_WORD;
			out[n++] = c;

	out[n] = '\0';

	return out;

asl_msg_t *
asl_msg_from_string(const char *buf)
	uint32_t tt, type, op;
	char *k, *v, *o, *p;
	asl_msg_t *out;

	if (buf == NULL) return NULL;

	type = ASL_TYPE_MSG;
	p = (char *)buf;

	k = _asl_msg_get_next_word(&p, &tt, 1);
	if (k == NULL) return NULL;

	if (streq(k, "Q"))
		type = ASL_TYPE_QUERY;

		k = _asl_msg_get_next_word(&p, &tt, 1);
	else if (tt == TOKEN_INT)
		/* Leading integer is a string length - skip it */
		k = _asl_msg_get_next_word(&p, &tt, 1);
		if (k == NULL) return NULL;

	out = asl_msg_new(ASL_TYPE_MSG);
	if (out == NULL) return NULL;

	out->type = type;

	while (k != NULL)

		if (tt != TOKEN_OPEN)
			return NULL;


		/* get op for query type */
		if (type == ASL_TYPE_QUERY)
			o = _asl_msg_get_next_word(&p, &tt, 1);
			if ((o == NULL) || (tt != TOKEN_WORD))
				if (o != NULL) free(o);
				return NULL;

			op = _asl_msg_op_from_string(o);

		k = _asl_msg_get_next_word(&p, &tt, 1);
		if (tt == TOKEN_INT) tt = TOKEN_WORD;
		if ((k == NULL) || (tt != TOKEN_WORD))
			if (k != NULL) free(k);
			return NULL;

		v = _asl_msg_get_next_word(&p, &tt, 0);
		if (tt == TOKEN_INT) tt = TOKEN_WORD;
		if (v == NULL)
			asl_msg_set_key_val_op(out, k, NULL, op);

		if (tt == TOKEN_CLOSE)
			asl_msg_set_key_val_op(out, k, NULL, op);
		else if (tt == TOKEN_WORD)
			asl_msg_set_key_val_op(out, k, v, op);
			if (k != NULL) free(k);
			if (v != NULL) free(v);
			return NULL;

		if (k != NULL) free(k);
		if (v != NULL) free(v);

		if (tt != TOKEN_CLOSE)
			k = _asl_msg_get_next_word(&p, &tt, 1);
			if (k == NULL) break;

			if (tt != TOKEN_CLOSE)
				return NULL;


		k = _asl_msg_get_next_word(&p, &tt, 1);
		if (k == NULL) break;

	return out;

char *
asl_list_to_string(asl_search_result_t *list, uint32_t *outlen)
	uint32_t i, len, newlen;
	char *msgbuf, *out;

	if (list == NULL) return NULL;
	if (list->count == 0) return NULL;
	if (list->msg == NULL) return NULL;

	out = NULL;
	asprintf(&out, "%u\n", list->count);
	if (out == NULL) return NULL;
	*outlen = strlen(out) + 1;

	for (i = 0; i < list->count; i++)
		len = 0;
		msgbuf = asl_msg_to_string(list->msg[i], &len);
		if (msgbuf == NULL)
			*outlen = 0;
			return NULL;

		newlen = *outlen + len;
		out = reallocf(out, newlen);
		if (out == NULL)
			*outlen = 0;
			return NULL;

		memmove((out + *outlen - 1), msgbuf, len);
		out[newlen - 2] = '\n';
		out[newlen - 1] = '\0';
		*outlen = newlen;


	return out;

asl_search_result_t *
asl_list_from_string(const char *buf)
	uint32_t i, n;
	const char *p;
	asl_search_result_t *out;
	asl_msg_t *m;

	if (buf == NULL) return NULL;
	p = buf;

	n = atoi(buf);
	if (n == 0) return NULL;

	out = (asl_search_result_t *)calloc(1, sizeof(asl_search_result_t));
	if (out == NULL) return NULL;

	out->msg = (asl_msg_t **)calloc(n, sizeof(asl_msg_t *));
	if (out->msg == NULL)
		return NULL;

	for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
		p = strchr(p, '\n');
		if (p == NULL)
			return NULL;


		m = asl_msg_from_string(p);
		if (m == NULL)
			return NULL;

		out->msg[i] = (asl_msg_t *)m;
		out->count += 1;

	return out;

static const char *
_asl_level_string(int level)
	if (level == ASL_LEVEL_EMERG) return ASL_STRING_EMERG;
	if (level == ASL_LEVEL_ALERT) return ASL_STRING_ALERT;
	if (level == ASL_LEVEL_CRIT) return ASL_STRING_CRIT;
	if (level == ASL_LEVEL_ERR) return ASL_STRING_ERR;
	if (level == ASL_LEVEL_INFO) return ASL_STRING_INFO;
	if (level == ASL_LEVEL_DEBUG) return ASL_STRING_DEBUG;
	return "Unknown";

 * format a message for printing
 * out parameter len returns string length including trailing NUL
char *
asl_format_message(asl_msg_t *msg, const char *mfmt, const char *tfmt, uint32_t text_encoding, uint32_t *len)
	char *buf, *tstr, *k, c[2], skey[512];
	const char *hstr, *sstr, *pstr, *mstr, *lstr, *rprc, *rpid, *v, *key, *val;
	int i, j, l, mf, tf, paren, oval, level;
	uint32_t x, cursor, bufsize;

	buf = NULL;
	*len = 0;

	if (msg == NULL) return NULL;

	mf = MFMT_RAW;
	tf = TFMT_SEC;

	if (mfmt == NULL) mf = MFMT_RAW;
	else if (!strcmp(mfmt, ASL_MSG_FMT_RAW)) mf = MFMT_RAW;
	else if (!strcmp(mfmt, ASL_MSG_FMT_STD)) mf = MFMT_STD;
	else if (!strcmp(mfmt, ASL_MSG_FMT_BSD)) mf = MFMT_BSD;
	else if (!strcmp(mfmt, ASL_MSG_FMT_XML)) mf = MFMT_XML;
	else if (!strcmp(mfmt, ASL_MSG_FMT_MSG)) mf = MFMT_MSG;
	else mf = MFMT_STR;

	if (tfmt == NULL) tf = TFMT_SEC;
	else if (!strcmp(tfmt, ASL_TIME_FMT_SEC)) tf = TFMT_SEC;
	else if (!strcmp(tfmt, ASL_TIME_FMT_UTC)) tf = TFMT_UTC;
	else if (!strcmp(tfmt, ASL_TIME_FMT_LCL)) tf = TFMT_LCL;

	if (mf == MFMT_RAW)
		return _asl_msg_to_string_time_fmt(msg, len, tf);

	if (mf == MFMT_MSG)
		mstr = NULL;
		if (asl_msg_lookup(msg, ASL_KEY_MSG, &mstr, NULL) != 0) return NULL;

		bufsize = _asl_append_string_length(mstr, text_encoding, 0);
		bufsize += 2; /* \n\0 */

		buf = malloc(bufsize);
		if (buf == NULL) return NULL;

		cursor = 0;
		_asl_append_string(buf, bufsize, &cursor, mstr, text_encoding, 0);

		buf[cursor++] = '\n';
		buf[cursor] = '\0';

		*len = bufsize;
		return buf;

	if ((mf == MFMT_STD) || (mf == MFMT_BSD))
		/* BSD:  Mth dd hh:mm:ss host sender[pid]: message */
		/* BSD:  Mth dd hh:mm:ss host sender[pid] (refproc[refpid]): message */
		/* STD:  Mth dd hh:mm:ss host sender[pid] <Level>: message */
		/* STD:  Mth dd hh:mm:ss host sender[pid] (refproc[refpid]) <Level>: message */

		v = NULL;
		hstr = NULL;
		sstr = NULL;
		pstr = NULL;
		mstr = NULL;
		lstr = NULL;
		rprc = NULL;
		rpid = NULL;

		asl_msg_lookup(msg, ASL_KEY_TIME, &v, NULL);
		tstr = _asl_time_string(tf, v);

		asl_msg_lookup(msg, ASL_KEY_HOST, &hstr, NULL);
		asl_msg_lookup(msg, ASL_KEY_SENDER, &sstr, NULL);
		asl_msg_lookup(msg, ASL_KEY_PID, &pstr, NULL);
		asl_msg_lookup(msg, ASL_KEY_MSG, &mstr, NULL);

		asl_msg_lookup(msg, ASL_KEY_REF_PROC, &rprc, NULL);
		asl_msg_lookup(msg, ASL_KEY_REF_PID, &rpid, NULL);

		level = 7;

		if (mf == MFMT_STD)
			asl_msg_lookup(msg, ASL_KEY_LEVEL, &lstr, NULL);
			if (lstr != NULL) level = atoi(lstr);

			lstr = _asl_level_string(level);

		if (hstr == NULL) hstr = "unknown";
		if (sstr == NULL) sstr = "unknown";

		/* first pass: calculate output line length */
		bufsize = 0;

		if (tstr == NULL) bufsize++;
		else bufsize += _asl_append_string_length(tstr, ASL_ENCODE_NONE, 0);

		/* " " */

		bufsize += _asl_append_string_length(hstr, text_encoding, 0);

		/* " " */

		bufsize += _asl_append_string_length(sstr, text_encoding, 0);

		if ((pstr != NULL) && (strcmp(pstr, "-1")))
			/* "[" + "]" */
			bufsize += 2;
			bufsize += _asl_append_string_length(pstr, ASL_ENCODE_NONE, 0);

		if ((rprc != NULL) || (rpid != NULL)) bufsize += 3; /* " (" + ")" */

		if (rprc != NULL) bufsize += _asl_append_string_length(rprc, text_encoding, 0);
		if (rpid != NULL)
			/* "[" + "]" */
			bufsize += 2;
			bufsize += _asl_append_string_length(rpid, ASL_ENCODE_NONE, 0);

		if (mf == MFMT_STD)
			/* " <" + ">" */
			bufsize += 3;
			bufsize += _asl_append_string_length(lstr, ASL_ENCODE_NONE, 0);

		/* ": " */
		bufsize += 2;

		if (mstr != NULL) bufsize += _asl_append_string_length(mstr, text_encoding, 0);

		/* "\n\0" */
		bufsize += 2;

		/* second pass: construct the output line */

		buf = malloc(bufsize);
		if (buf == NULL) return NULL;

		cursor = 0;

		if (tstr == NULL)
			buf[cursor++] = '0';
			_asl_append_string(buf, bufsize, &cursor, tstr, ASL_ENCODE_NONE, 0);

		buf[cursor++] = ' ';

		_asl_append_string(buf, bufsize, &cursor, hstr, text_encoding, 0);

		buf[cursor++] = ' ';

		_asl_append_string(buf, bufsize, &cursor, sstr, text_encoding, 0);

		if ((pstr != NULL) && (strcmp(pstr, "-1")))
			buf[cursor++] = '[';
			_asl_append_string(buf, bufsize, &cursor, pstr, ASL_ENCODE_NONE, 0);
			buf[cursor++] = ']';

		if ((rprc != NULL) || (rpid != NULL))
			buf[cursor++] = ' ';
			buf[cursor++] = '(';

		if (rprc != NULL) _asl_append_string(buf, bufsize, &cursor, rprc, text_encoding, 0);
		if (rpid != NULL)
			buf[cursor++] = '[';
			_asl_append_string(buf, bufsize, &cursor, rpid, ASL_ENCODE_NONE, 0);
			buf[cursor++] = ']';

		if ((rprc != NULL) || (rpid != NULL)) buf[cursor++] = ')';

		if (mf == MFMT_STD)
			buf[cursor++] = ' ';
			buf[cursor++] = '<';
			_asl_append_string(buf, bufsize, &cursor, _asl_level_string(level), ASL_ENCODE_NONE, 0);
			buf[cursor++] = '>';

		buf[cursor++] = ':';
		buf[cursor++] = ' ';

		if (mstr != NULL) _asl_append_string(buf, bufsize, &cursor, mstr, text_encoding, 0);

		buf[cursor++] = '\n';
		buf[cursor++] = '\0';

		*len = bufsize;
		return buf;

	if (mf == MFMT_XML)
		/* first pass: calculate output line length */
		tstr = NULL;
		bufsize = 0;

		bufsize += 8; /* "\t<dict>\n" */

		for (x = asl_msg_fetch(msg, 0, &key, &val, NULL); x != IndexNull; x = asl_msg_fetch(msg, x, &key, &val, NULL))
			if (asl_is_utf8(key) == 1)
				bufsize += _asl_append_xml_tag_length(XML_TAG_KEY, key);
				if (!strcmp(key, ASL_KEY_TIME))
					tstr = _asl_time_string(tf, val);
					bufsize += _asl_append_xml_tag_length(XML_TAG_STRING, tstr);
					if (asl_is_utf8(val) == 1) bufsize += _asl_append_xml_tag_length(XML_TAG_STRING, val);
					else bufsize += _asl_append_xml_tag_length(XML_TAG_DATA, val);

		bufsize += 10; /* "\t</dict>\n\0" */

		/* second pass: construct the output line */

		buf = malloc(bufsize);
		if (buf == NULL) return NULL;

		cursor = 0;

		_asl_append_string(buf, bufsize, &cursor, "\t<dict>\n", ASL_ENCODE_NONE, 0);

		for (x = asl_msg_fetch(msg, 0, &key, &val, NULL); x != IndexNull; x = asl_msg_fetch(msg, x, &key, &val, NULL))
			if (asl_is_utf8(key) == 1)
				_asl_append_xml_tag(buf, bufsize, &cursor, XML_TAG_KEY, key);
				if (!strcmp(key, ASL_KEY_TIME))
					_asl_append_xml_tag(buf, bufsize, &cursor, XML_TAG_STRING, tstr);
					if (asl_is_utf8(val) == 1) _asl_append_xml_tag(buf, bufsize, &cursor, XML_TAG_STRING, val);
					else _asl_append_xml_tag(buf, bufsize, &cursor, XML_TAG_DATA, val);

		_asl_append_string(buf, bufsize, &cursor, "\t</dict>\n", ASL_ENCODE_NONE, 0);

		buf[cursor] = '\0';

		if (tstr != NULL) free(tstr);

		*len = bufsize;
		return buf;

	/* custom format */

	c[1] = '\0';

	 * We need enough space to copy any keys found in mfmt.
	 * The key obviously can't be longer than strlen(mfmt),
	 * in fact, keys must be shorter, since there's at least a '$'
	 * in front of the key, so we allocate a buffer with strlen(mfmt).
	 * If strlen(mfmt) <= sizeof(skey), we use skey to avoid a malloc.

	x = strlen(mfmt);
	if (x <= sizeof(skey))
		k = skey;
		k = malloc(x);
		if (k == NULL) return NULL;

	/* first pass: calculate output line length */

	tstr = NULL;
	bufsize = 0;

	for (i = 0; mfmt[i] != '\0'; i++)
		if (mfmt[i] == '$')
			paren = 0;

			if (mfmt[i] == '(')
				paren = 1;

			l = 0;

			for (j = i; mfmt[j] != '\0'; j++)
				c[0] = '\0';
				if (mfmt[j] == '\\') c[0] = mfmt[++j];
				else if ((paren == 1) && (mfmt[j] ==')')) break;
				else if (mfmt[j] != ' ') c[0] = mfmt[j];

				if (c[0] == '\0') break;

				k[l] = c[0];
				k[l + 1] = '\0';

			if (paren == 1) j++;
			i = j;
			if (l > 0)
				v = NULL;

				if (asl_msg_lookup(msg, k, &v, NULL) == 0)
					if (!strcmp(k, ASL_KEY_TIME))
						tstr = _asl_time_string(tf, v);
						bufsize += _asl_append_string_length(tstr, ASL_ENCODE_NONE, 0);
						bufsize += _asl_append_string_length(v, ASL_ENCODE_NONE, 0);

		if (mfmt[i] == '\\')
			if (mfmt[i] == '$') bufsize++;
			else if (mfmt[i] == 'e') bufsize += 2;
			else if (mfmt[i] == 's') bufsize++;
			else if (mfmt[i] == 'a') bufsize += 2;
			else if (mfmt[i] == 'b') bufsize += 2;
			else if (mfmt[i] == 'f') bufsize += 2;
			else if (mfmt[i] == 'n') bufsize += 2;
			else if (mfmt[i] == 'r') bufsize += 2;
			else if (mfmt[i] == 't') bufsize += 2;
			else if (mfmt[i] == 'v') bufsize += 2;
			else if (mfmt[i] == '\'') bufsize += 2;
			else if (mfmt[i] == '\\') bufsize += 2;
			else if (isdigit(mfmt[i]))
				oval = mfmt[i] - '0';
				if (isdigit(mfmt[i+1]))
					oval = (oval * 8) + (mfmt[i] - '0');
					if (isdigit(mfmt[i+1]))
						oval = (oval * 8) + (mfmt[i] - '0');

				c[0] = oval;
				bufsize += _asl_append_string_length(c, ASL_ENCODE_NONE, 0);

		if (mfmt[i] == '\0') break;
		c[0] = mfmt[i];
		bufsize += _asl_append_string_length(c, ASL_ENCODE_NONE, 0);

	bufsize += 2; /* "\n\0" */

	/* second pass: construct the output line */

	buf = malloc(bufsize);
	if (buf == NULL) return NULL;

	cursor = 0;

	for (i = 0; mfmt[i] != '\0'; i++)
		if (mfmt[i] == '$')
			paren = 0;

			if (mfmt[i] == '(')
				paren = 1;

			l = 0;

			for (j = i; mfmt[j] != '\0'; j++)
				c[0] = '\0';
				if (mfmt[j] == '\\') c[0] = mfmt[++j];
				else if ((paren == 1) && (mfmt[j] ==')')) break;
				else if (mfmt[j] != ' ') c[0] = mfmt[j];

				if (c[0] == '\0') break;

				k[l] = c[0];
				k[l + 1] = '\0';

			if (paren == 1) j++;
			i = j;
			if (l > 0)
				v = NULL;

				if (asl_msg_lookup(msg, k, &v, NULL) == 0)
					if (!strcmp(k, ASL_KEY_TIME))
						_asl_append_string(buf, bufsize, &cursor, tstr, ASL_ENCODE_NONE, 0);
						_asl_append_string(buf, bufsize, &cursor, v, ASL_ENCODE_NONE, 0);

		if (mfmt[i] == '\\')
			if (mfmt[i] == '$') _asl_append_string(buf, bufsize, &cursor, "$", ASL_ENCODE_NONE, 0);
			else if (mfmt[i] == 'e') _asl_append_string(buf, bufsize, &cursor, "\e", ASL_ENCODE_NONE, 0);
			else if (mfmt[i] == 's') _asl_append_string(buf, bufsize, &cursor, " ", ASL_ENCODE_NONE, 0);
			else if (mfmt[i] == 'a') _asl_append_string(buf, bufsize, &cursor, "\a", ASL_ENCODE_NONE, 0);
			else if (mfmt[i] == 'b') _asl_append_string(buf, bufsize, &cursor, "\b", ASL_ENCODE_NONE, 0);
			else if (mfmt[i] == 'f') _asl_append_string(buf, bufsize, &cursor, "\f", ASL_ENCODE_NONE, 0);
			else if (mfmt[i] == 'n') _asl_append_string(buf, bufsize, &cursor, "\n", ASL_ENCODE_NONE, 0);
			else if (mfmt[i] == 'r') _asl_append_string(buf, bufsize, &cursor, "\r", ASL_ENCODE_NONE, 0);
			else if (mfmt[i] == 't') _asl_append_string(buf, bufsize, &cursor, "\t", ASL_ENCODE_NONE, 0);
			else if (mfmt[i] == 'v') _asl_append_string(buf, bufsize, &cursor, "\v", ASL_ENCODE_NONE, 0);
			else if (mfmt[i] == '\'') _asl_append_string(buf, bufsize, &cursor, "\'", ASL_ENCODE_NONE, 0);
			else if (mfmt[i] == '\\') _asl_append_string(buf, bufsize, &cursor, "\\", ASL_ENCODE_NONE, 0);
			else if (isdigit(mfmt[i]))
				oval = mfmt[i] - '0';
				if (isdigit(mfmt[i+1]))
					oval = (oval * 8) + (mfmt[i] - '0');
					if (isdigit(mfmt[i+1]))
						oval = (oval * 8) + (mfmt[i] - '0');
				c[0] = oval;
				_asl_append_string(buf, bufsize, &cursor, c, ASL_ENCODE_NONE, 0);

		if (mfmt[i] == '\0') break;
		c[0] = mfmt[i];
		_asl_append_string(buf, bufsize, &cursor, c, ASL_ENCODE_NONE, 0);

	buf[cursor++] = '\n';
	buf[cursor] = '\0';

	if (tstr != NULL) free(tstr);
	if (k != skey) free(k);

	*len = bufsize;
	return buf;

const char *
asl_key(aslmsg msg, uint32_t n)
	uint32_t slot, i;
	asl_msg_t *page;

	i = 0;
	for (page = (asl_msg_t *)msg; page != NULL; page = page->next)
		for (slot = 0; slot < ASL_MSG_PAGE_SLOTS; slot++)
			if (page->key[slot] != ASL_MSG_SLOT_FREE)
				if (i == n) return _asl_msg_slot_key(page, slot);

	return NULL;

asl_new(uint32_t type)
	return (aslmsg)asl_msg_new(type);

asl_set(aslmsg msg, const char *key, const char *value)
	return asl_msg_set_key_val_op((asl_msg_t *)msg, key, value, IndexNull);

asl_set_query(aslmsg msg, const char *key, const char *value, uint32_t op)
	return asl_msg_set_key_val_op((asl_msg_t *)msg, key, value, op);

asl_unset(aslmsg msg, const char *key)
	asl_msg_unset((asl_msg_t *)msg, key);
	return 0;

const char *
asl_get(aslmsg msg, const char *key)
	const char *val;
	int status;

	val = NULL;
	status = asl_msg_lookup((asl_msg_t *)msg, key, &val, NULL);
	if (status != 0) return NULL;
	return val;

asl_free(aslmsg msg)
	asl_msg_release((asl_msg_t *)msg);

/* aslresponse */

 * aslresponse_next: Iterate over responses returned from asl_search()
 * a: a response returned from asl_search();
 * returns: The next log message (an aslmsg) or NULL on failure
aslresponse_next(aslresponse r)
	asl_search_result_t *res;
	asl_msg_t *m;

	res = (asl_search_result_t *)r;
	if (res == NULL) return NULL;

	if (res->curr >= res->count) return NULL;
	m = res->msg[res->curr];

	return (aslmsg)m;

 * aslresponse_free: Free a response returned from asl_search() 
 * a: a response returned from asl_search()
aslresponse_free(aslresponse r)
	asl_search_result_t *res;
	uint32_t i;

	res = (asl_search_result_t *)r;
	if (res == NULL) return;

	for (i = 0; i < res->count; i++) asl_msg_release(res->msg[i]);