scalable_malloc.c   [plain text]

 * Copyright (c) 1999, 2006 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
 * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
 * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
 * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
 * compliance with the License. Please obtain a copy of the License at
 * and read it before using this
 * file.
 * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
 * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
 * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
 * limitations under the License.

/* Author: Bertrand Serlet, August 1999 */

#include "scalable_malloc.h"
#include "malloc_printf.h"
#include "_simple.h"

#include <pthread_internals.h>

#include <unistd.h>
#include <libc.h>
#include <mach/vm_statistics.h>
#include <mach/mach_init.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>

/*********************	DEFINITIONS	************************/

#define DEBUG_MALLOC	0	// set to one to debug malloc itself

#define DEBUG_CLIENT	0	// set to one to help debug a nasty memory smasher

# define INLINE
# define CHECK_LOCKED(szone, fun)						\
do {										\
    if (__is_threaded && TRY_LOCK(szone->lock)) {				\
	malloc_printf("*** lock was not set %p in %s\n", szone->lock, fun);	\
    }										\
} while (0)
# define INLINE	__inline__
# define ALWAYSINLINE __attribute__((always_inline))
# define CHECK_LOCKED(szone, fun)	{}

 * Access to global variables is slow, so optimise our handling of vm_page_size
 * and vm_page_shift.
#define _vm_page_size 	vm_page_size	/* to get to the originals */
#define _vm_page_shift	vm_page_shift
#define vm_page_size	4096		/* our normal working sizes */
#define vm_page_shift	12

typedef unsigned short msize_t; // a size in multiples of SHIFT_SMALL_QUANTUM or SHIFT_TINY_QUANTUM

typedef union {
 	void 	   *p;
 	uintptr_t 	u;
} ptr_union;

typedef struct {
	ptr_union previous;
	ptr_union next;
} free_list_t;

typedef struct {
    uintptr_t 	address_and_num_pages;
    // this type represents both an address and a number of pages
    // the low bits are the number of pages; the high bits are the address
    // note that the exact number of bits used for depends on the page size
    // also, this cannot represent pointers larger than 1 << (vm_page_shift * 2)
} compact_range_t;

typedef unsigned char	grain_t;

#define CHECK_REGIONS			(1 << 31)


/*********************	DEFINITIONS for tiny	************************/

 * Memory in the Tiny range is allocated from regions (heaps) pointed to by the szone's tiny_regions
 * pointer.
 * Each region is laid out as a heap, followed by a header block, all within
 * a 1MB (2^20) block.  This means there are 64520 16-byte blocks and the header is
 * 16138 bytes, making the total 1048458 bytes, leaving 118 bytes unused.
 * The header block is arranged:
 * 0xfc080
 * 	header bits
 * 0xfe001
 *	0xffffffff pad word
 * 0xfe005
 *	in-use bits
 * 0xfff86
 *	pad word (not written)
 * 0xfff8a-0xfffff
 *	unused
 * Each bitfield comprises NUM_TINY_BLOCKS bits, and refers to the corresponding TINY_QUANTUM block
 * within the heap.
 * The bitfields are used to encode the state of memory within the heap.  The header bit indicates
 * that the corresponding quantum is the first quantum in a block (either in use or free).  The
 * in-use bit is set for the header if the block has been handed out (allocated).  If the header
 * bit is not set, the in-use bit is invalid.
 * The szone maintains an array of 32 freelists, each of which is used to hold 
 * free objects of the corresponding quantum size.
 * A free block is laid out depending on its size, in order to fit all free
 * blocks in 16 bytes, on both 32 and 64 bit platforms.  One quantum blocks do
 * not store their size in the block, instead relying on the header information
 * to determine their size.  Blocks of two or more quanta have room to store
 * their size in the block, and store it both after the 'next' pointer, and in
 * the last 2 bytes of the block.
 * 1-quantum block
 * Offset (32-bit mode)	(64-bit mode)
 * 0x0          0x0      : previous
 * 0x4          0x08     : next
 * end          end
 * >1-quantum block
 * Offset (32-bit mode)	(64-bit mode)
 * 0x0          0x0      : previous
 * 0x4          0x08     : next
 * 0x8          0x10     : size (in quantum counts)
 * end - 2      end - 2  : size (in quantum counts)
 * end          end
 * All fields are pointer-sized, except for the size which is an unsigned short.

#define SHIFT_TINY_QUANTUM			4	// Required for AltiVec

#define FOLLOWING_TINY_PTR(ptr,msize)		(((unsigned char *)(ptr)) + ((msize) << SHIFT_TINY_QUANTUM))

#define NUM_TINY_SLOTS				32	// number of slots for free-lists

#define NUM_TINY_BLOCKS				64520
#define SHIFT_TINY_CEIL_BLOCKS			16 // ceil(log2(NUM_TINY_BLOCKS))

 * Enough room for the data, followed by the bit arrays (2-bits per block) plus 2 words of padding
 * as our bitmap operators overflow, plus rounding to the nearest page.
#define TINY_REGION_SIZE	((NUM_TINY_BLOCKS * TINY_QUANTUM + TINY_HEADER_SIZE + vm_page_size - 1) & ~ (vm_page_size - 1))

 * Beginning and end pointers for a region's heap.
#define TINY_REGION_ADDRESS(region)		((void *)(region))

 * Locate the heap base for a pointer known to be within a tiny region.
#define TINY_REGION_FOR_PTR(_p)			((void *)((uintptr_t)(_p) & ~((1 << TINY_BLOCKS_ALIGN) - 1)))

 * Convert between byte and msize units.

#ifdef __LP64__
# define TINY_FREE_SIZE(ptr)			(((msize_t *)(ptr))[8])
# define TINY_FREE_SIZE(ptr)			(((msize_t *)(ptr))[4])
#define TINY_PREVIOUS_MSIZE(ptr)		((msize_t *)(ptr))[-1]

 * Locate the block header for a pointer known to be within a tiny region.
#define TINY_BLOCK_HEADER_FOR_PTR(_p)		((void *)((uintptr_t)TINY_REGION_FOR_PTR(_p) + TINY_HEADER_START))

 * Locate the inuse map for a given block header pointer.
#define TINY_INUSE_FOR_HEADER(_h)		((void *)((uintptr_t)(_h) + (NUM_TINY_BLOCKS >> 3) + 4))

 * Compute the bitmap index for a pointer known to be within a tiny region.
#define TINY_INDEX_FOR_PTR(_p) 			(((uintptr_t)(_p) >> SHIFT_TINY_QUANTUM) & (NUM_TINY_CEIL_BLOCKS - 1))

#define TINY_CACHE	1	// This governs a last-free cache of 1 that bypasses the free-list

#warning TINY_CACHE turned off

/*********************	DEFINITIONS for small	************************/

 * Memory in the Small range is allocated from regions (heaps) pointed to by the szone's small_regions
 * pointer.
 * Each region is laid out as a heap, followed by the metadata array, all within an 8MB (2^23) block.
 * The array is arranged as an array of shorts, one for each SMALL_QUANTUM in the heap.
 * This means there are 16320 512-blocks and the array is 16320*2 bytes, which totals 8388480, leaving
 * 128 bytes unused.
 * The MSB of each short is set for the first quantum in a free block.  The low 15 bits encode the
 * block size (in SMALL_QUANTUM units), or are zero if the quantum is not the first in a block.
 * The szone maintains an array of 32 freelists, each of which is used to hold free objects
 * of the corresponding quantum size.
 * A free block is laid out as:
 * Offset (32-bit mode)	(64-bit mode)
 * 0x0          0x0      : previous
 * 0x4          0x08     : next
 * 0x8          0x10     : size (in quantum counts)
 * end - 2		end - 2  : size (in quantum counts)
 * end			end
 * All fields are pointer-sized, except for the size which is an unsigned short.

#define SMALL_IS_FREE				(1 << 15)

#define	SMALL_QUANTUM				(1 << SHIFT_SMALL_QUANTUM) // 512 bytes

#define FOLLOWING_SMALL_PTR(ptr,msize)		(((unsigned char *)(ptr)) + ((msize) << SHIFT_SMALL_QUANTUM))

#define NUM_SMALL_SLOTS				32	// number of slots for free-lists

 * We can only represent up to 1<<15 for msize; but we choose to stay even below that to avoid the
 * convention msize=0 => msize = (1<<15)
#define NUM_SMALL_BLOCKS			16320
#define SHIFT_SMALL_CEIL_BLOCKS			14 // ceil(log2(NUM_SMALL_BLOCKs))
#define SMALL_REGION_SIZE			((NUM_SMALL_BLOCKS * SMALL_QUANTUM + SMALL_ARRAY_SIZE + vm_page_size - 1) & ~ (vm_page_size - 1))	// data + meta data

#define SMALL_PREVIOUS_MSIZE(ptr)		((msize_t *)(ptr))[-1]

 * Convert between byte and msize units.

#define SMALL_REGION_ADDRESS(region)		((unsigned char *)region)

 * Locate the heap base for a pointer known to be within a small region.
#define SMALL_REGION_FOR_PTR(_p)		((void *)((uintptr_t)(_p) & ~((1 << SMALL_BLOCKS_ALIGN) - 1)))

 * Locate the metadata base for a pointer known to be within a small region.
#define SMALL_META_HEADER_FOR_PTR(_p)		((msize_t *)((uintptr_t)SMALL_REGION_FOR_PTR(_p) + SMALL_HEADER_START))

 * Compute the metadata index for a pointer known to be within a small region.
#define SMALL_META_INDEX_FOR_PTR(_p)	       (((uintptr_t)(_p) >> SHIFT_SMALL_QUANTUM) & (NUM_SMALL_CEIL_BLOCKS - 1))

 * Find the metadata word for a pointer known to be within a small region.

 * Determine whether a pointer known to be within a small region points to memory which is free.

 * Extract the msize value for a pointer known to be within a small region.

#define PROTECT_SMALL				0	// Should be 0: 1 is too slow for normal use

#define SMALL_CACHE	1
#warning SMALL_CACHE turned off

/*********************  DEFINITIONS for large and huge  ***********************/

#define LARGE_THRESHOLD			(15 * 1024) // at or above this use "large"

#error LARGE_THRESHOLD should always be less than NUM_SMALL_SLOTS * SMALL_QUANTUM

#define VM_COPY_THRESHOLD		(40 * 1024)
    // When all memory is touched after a copy, vm_copy() is always a lose
    // But if the memory is only read, vm_copy() wins over memmove() at 3 or 4 pages (on a G3/300MHz)
    // This must be larger than LARGE_THRESHOLD

 * Given a large_entry, return the address of the allocated block.
#define LARGE_ENTRY_ADDRESS(entry)					\
    (void *)(((entry).address_and_num_pages >> vm_page_shift) << vm_page_shift)

 * Given a large entry, return the number of pages or bytes in the allocated block.
#define LARGE_ENTRY_NUM_PAGES(entry)					\
    ((entry).address_and_num_pages & (vm_page_size - 1))
#define LARGE_ENTRY_SIZE(entry)						\
    (LARGE_ENTRY_NUM_PAGES(entry) << vm_page_shift)

 * Compare a pointer with a large entry.
#define LARGE_ENTRY_MATCHES(entry,ptr)					\
    ((((entry).address_and_num_pages - (uintptr_t)(ptr)) >> vm_page_shift) == 0)

#define LARGE_ENTRY_IS_EMPTY(entry)	(((entry).address_and_num_pages) == 0)

typedef compact_range_t large_entry_t;
typedef vm_range_t huge_entry_t;

 * Definitions for region hash

typedef void * region_t;

#define INITIAL_NUM_REGIONS 63  // Must be odd to hash well

/*********************	zone itself	************************/

typedef struct {
    malloc_zone_t	basic_zone;
    pthread_lock_t	lock;
    unsigned		debug_flags;
    void		*log_address;

    /* Regions for tiny objects */
    size_t num_tiny_regions;
    size_t num_tiny_regions_allocated;
    region_t *tiny_regions;  // hashed by location
    region_t *last_tiny_region;
    void		*last_tiny_free; // low SHIFT_TINY_QUANTUM indicate the msize
    unsigned		tiny_bitmap; // cache of the 32 free lists
    free_list_t		*tiny_free_list[NUM_TINY_SLOTS]; // 31 free lists for 1*TINY_QUANTUM to 31*TINY_QUANTUM plus 1 for larger than 32*SMALL_QUANTUM
    size_t		tiny_bytes_free_at_end; // the last free region in the last block is treated as a big block in use that is not accounted for
    unsigned		num_tiny_objects;
    size_t		num_bytes_in_tiny_objects;

    /* Regions for small objects */
    size_t num_small_regions;
    size_t num_small_regions_allocated;
    region_t *small_regions;  // hashed by location
    region_t *last_small_region;
    void		*last_small_free; // low SHIFT_SMALL_QUANTUM indicate the msize
    unsigned		small_bitmap; // cache of the free list
    free_list_t		*small_free_list[NUM_SMALL_SLOTS];
    size_t		small_bytes_free_at_end; // the last free region in the last block is treated as a big block in use that is not accounted for
    unsigned		num_small_objects;
    size_t		num_bytes_in_small_objects;

    /* large objects: vm_page_shift <= log2(size) < 2 *vm_page_shift */
    unsigned		num_large_objects_in_use;
    unsigned		num_large_entries;
    large_entry_t	*large_entries; // hashed by location; null entries don't count
    size_t		num_bytes_in_large_objects;
    /* huge objects: log2(size) >= 2 *vm_page_shift */
    unsigned		num_huge_entries;
    huge_entry_t	*huge_entries;
    size_t		num_bytes_in_huge_objects;

    /* Initial region list */
    region_t	initial_tiny_regions[INITIAL_NUM_REGIONS];
    region_t	initial_small_regions[INITIAL_NUM_REGIONS];
} szone_t;

#define SZONE_PAGED_SIZE	((sizeof(szone_t) + vm_page_size - 1) & ~ (vm_page_size - 1))

static void		szone_sleep(void);
__private_extern__ void malloc_error_break(void);

// msg prints after fmt, ...
static void		szone_error(szone_t *szone, const char *msg, const void *ptr, const char *fmt, ...) __printflike(4, 5);

static void		protect(void *address, size_t size, unsigned protection, unsigned debug_flags);
static void		*allocate_pages(szone_t *szone, size_t size, unsigned char align, unsigned debug_flags, int vm_page_label);
static void		deallocate_pages(szone_t *szone, void *addr, size_t size, unsigned debug_flags);
static kern_return_t	_szone_default_reader(task_t task, vm_address_t address, vm_size_t size, void **ptr);

static INLINE void	free_list_checksum(szone_t *szone, free_list_t *ptr, const char *msg) ALWAYSINLINE;
static INLINE void	free_list_set_checksum(szone_t *szone, free_list_t *ptr) ALWAYSINLINE;
static INLINE uintptr_t free_list_checksum_ptr(void *p) ALWAYSINLINE;
static INLINE void * free_list_unchecksum_ptr(ptr_union ptr) ALWAYSINLINE;
static unsigned		free_list_count(const free_list_t *ptr);

static INLINE msize_t	get_tiny_meta_header(const void *ptr, boolean_t *is_free) ALWAYSINLINE;
static INLINE void	set_tiny_meta_header_in_use(const void *ptr, msize_t msize) ALWAYSINLINE;
static INLINE void	set_tiny_meta_header_middle(const void *ptr) ALWAYSINLINE;
static INLINE void	set_tiny_meta_header_free(const void *ptr, msize_t msize) ALWAYSINLINE;
static INLINE boolean_t	tiny_meta_header_is_free(const void *ptr) ALWAYSINLINE;
static INLINE void	*tiny_previous_preceding_free(void *ptr, msize_t *prev_msize) ALWAYSINLINE;
static void	tiny_free_list_add_ptr(szone_t *szone, void *ptr, msize_t msize);
static void	tiny_free_list_remove_ptr(szone_t *szone, void *ptr, msize_t msize);
static INLINE region_t *tiny_region_for_ptr_no_lock(szone_t *szone, const void *ptr) ALWAYSINLINE;
static INLINE void	tiny_free_no_lock(szone_t *szone, region_t *region, void *ptr, msize_t msize) ALWAYSINLINE;
static void		*tiny_malloc_from_region_no_lock(szone_t *szone, msize_t msize);
static INLINE boolean_t	try_realloc_tiny_in_place(szone_t *szone, void *ptr, size_t old_size, size_t new_size) ALWAYSINLINE;
static boolean_t	tiny_check_region(szone_t *szone, region_t region);
static kern_return_t	tiny_in_use_enumerator(task_t task, void *context, unsigned type_mask, szone_t *szone, memory_reader_t reader, vm_range_recorder_t recorder);
static void	*tiny_malloc_from_free_list(szone_t *szone, msize_t msize);
static INLINE void	*tiny_malloc_should_clear(szone_t *szone, msize_t msize, boolean_t cleared_requested) ALWAYSINLINE;
static INLINE void	free_tiny(szone_t *szone, void *ptr, region_t *tiny_region) ALWAYSINLINE;
static void		print_tiny_free_list(szone_t *szone);
static void		print_tiny_region(boolean_t verbose, region_t region, size_t bytes_at_end);
static boolean_t	tiny_free_list_check(szone_t *szone, grain_t slot);

static INLINE void	small_meta_header_set_is_free(msize_t *meta_headers, unsigned index, msize_t msize) ALWAYSINLINE;
static INLINE void	small_meta_header_set_in_use(msize_t *meta_headers, msize_t index, msize_t msize) ALWAYSINLINE;
static INLINE void	small_meta_header_set_middle(msize_t *meta_headers, msize_t index) ALWAYSINLINE;
static void		small_free_list_add_ptr(szone_t *szone, void *ptr, msize_t msize);
static void		small_free_list_remove_ptr(szone_t *szone, void *ptr, msize_t msize);
static INLINE region_t *small_region_for_ptr_no_lock(szone_t *szone, const void *ptr) ALWAYSINLINE;
static INLINE void	small_free_no_lock(szone_t *szone, region_t *region, void *ptr, msize_t msize) ALWAYSINLINE;
static void		*small_malloc_from_region_no_lock(szone_t *szone, msize_t msize);
static INLINE boolean_t	try_realloc_small_in_place(szone_t *szone, void *ptr, size_t old_size, size_t new_size) ALWAYSINLINE;
static boolean_t	szone_check_small_region(szone_t *szone, region_t region);
static kern_return_t	small_in_use_enumerator(task_t task, void *context, unsigned type_mask, szone_t *szone, memory_reader_t reader, vm_range_recorder_t recorder);
static void	*small_malloc_from_free_list(szone_t *szone, msize_t msize);
static INLINE void	*small_malloc_should_clear(szone_t *szone, msize_t msize, boolean_t cleared_requested) ALWAYSINLINE;
static INLINE void	*small_malloc_cleared_no_lock(szone_t *szone, msize_t msize) ALWAYSINLINE;
static INLINE void	free_small(szone_t *szone, void *ptr, region_t *small_region) ALWAYSINLINE;
static void		print_small_free_list(szone_t *szone);
static void		print_small_region(szone_t *szone, boolean_t verbose, region_t region, size_t bytes_at_end);
static boolean_t	small_free_list_check(szone_t *szone, grain_t grain);

static region_t * hash_lookup_region_no_lock(region_t *regions, size_t num_entries, region_t r);
static void hash_region_insert_no_lock(region_t *regions, size_t num_entries, region_t r);
static region_t * hash_regions_alloc_no_lock(szone_t *szone, size_t num_entries);
static region_t * hash_regions_grow_no_lock(szone_t *szone, region_t *regions, size_t old_size, size_t *new_size);

static void		large_debug_print(szone_t *szone);
static large_entry_t	*large_entry_for_pointer_no_lock(szone_t *szone, const void *ptr);
static void		large_entry_insert_no_lock(szone_t *szone, large_entry_t range);
static INLINE void	large_entries_rehash_after_entry_no_lock(szone_t *szone, large_entry_t *entry) ALWAYSINLINE;
static INLINE large_entry_t *large_entries_alloc_no_lock(szone_t *szone, unsigned num) ALWAYSINLINE;
static void		large_entries_free_no_lock(szone_t *szone, large_entry_t *entries, unsigned num, vm_range_t *range_to_deallocate);
static large_entry_t *	large_entries_grow_no_lock(szone_t *szone, vm_range_t *range_to_deallocate);
static vm_range_t	large_free_no_lock(szone_t *szone, large_entry_t *entry);
static kern_return_t	large_in_use_enumerator(task_t task, void *context, unsigned type_mask, vm_address_t large_entries_address, unsigned num_entries, memory_reader_t reader, vm_range_recorder_t recorder);
static huge_entry_t	*huge_entry_for_pointer_no_lock(szone_t *szone, const void *ptr);
static boolean_t	huge_entry_append(szone_t *szone, huge_entry_t huge);
static kern_return_t	huge_in_use_enumerator(task_t task, void *context, unsigned type_mask, vm_address_t huge_entries_address, unsigned num_entries, memory_reader_t reader, vm_range_recorder_t recorder);
static void		*large_and_huge_malloc(szone_t *szone, size_t num_pages);
static INLINE void	free_large_or_huge(szone_t *szone, void *ptr) ALWAYSINLINE;
static INLINE int	try_realloc_large_or_huge_in_place(szone_t *szone, void *ptr, size_t old_size, size_t new_size) ALWAYSINLINE;

static void		szone_free(szone_t *szone, void *ptr);
static INLINE void	*szone_malloc_should_clear(szone_t *szone, size_t size, boolean_t cleared_requested) ALWAYSINLINE;
static void		*szone_malloc(szone_t *szone, size_t size);
static void		*szone_calloc(szone_t *szone, size_t num_items, size_t size);
static void		*szone_valloc(szone_t *szone, size_t size);
static size_t		szone_size(szone_t *szone, const void *ptr);
static void		*szone_realloc(szone_t *szone, void *ptr, size_t new_size);
static unsigned		szone_batch_malloc(szone_t *szone, size_t size, void **results, unsigned count);
static void		szone_batch_free(szone_t *szone, void **to_be_freed, unsigned count);
static void		szone_destroy(szone_t *szone);
static size_t		szone_good_size(szone_t *szone, size_t size);

static boolean_t	szone_check_all(szone_t *szone, const char *function);
static boolean_t	szone_check(szone_t *szone);
static kern_return_t	szone_ptr_in_use_enumerator(task_t task, void *context, unsigned type_mask, vm_address_t zone_address, memory_reader_t reader, vm_range_recorder_t recorder);
static void		szone_print(szone_t *szone, boolean_t verbose);
static void		szone_log(malloc_zone_t *zone, void *log_address);
static void		szone_force_lock(szone_t *szone);
static void		szone_force_unlock(szone_t *szone);

static void		szone_statistics(szone_t *szone, malloc_statistics_t *stats);

static void		*frozen_malloc(szone_t *zone, size_t new_size);
static void		*frozen_calloc(szone_t *zone, size_t num_items, size_t size);
static void		*frozen_valloc(szone_t *zone, size_t new_size);
static void		*frozen_realloc(szone_t *zone, void *ptr, size_t new_size);
static void		frozen_free(szone_t *zone, void *ptr);
static void		frozen_destroy(szone_t *zone);

# define LOG(szone,ptr)							\
    (szone->log_address && (((uintptr_t)szone->log_address == -1) || (szone->log_address == (void *)(ptr))))
# define LOG(szone,ptr)		0

#define SZONE_LOCK(szone)						\
	do {								\
	    LOCK(szone->lock);						\
	} while (0)

#define SZONE_UNLOCK(szone)						\
	do {								\
	    UNLOCK(szone->lock);					\
	} while (0)

#define LOCK_AND_NOTE_LOCKED(szone,locked)				\
do {									\
    CHECK(szone, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__);					\
    locked = 1; SZONE_LOCK(szone);					\
} while (0)

# define CHECK(szone,fun)						\
    if ((szone)->debug_flags & CHECK_REGIONS) szone_check_all(szone, fun)
# define CHECK(szone,fun)	do {} while (0)

/*********************	VERY LOW LEVEL UTILITIES  ************************/

static void

    if (getenv("MallocErrorSleep")) {
	_malloc_printf(ASL_LEVEL_NOTICE, "*** sleeping to help debug\n");
	sleep(3600); // to help debug

// msg prints after fmt, ...
static __attribute__((noinline)) void
szone_error(szone_t *szone, const char *msg, const void *ptr, const char *fmt, ...)
    va_list ap;
    _SIMPLE_STRING b = _simple_salloc();

    if (szone) SZONE_UNLOCK(szone);
    if (b) {
	if (fmt) {
	    va_start(ap, fmt);
	    _simple_vsprintf(b, fmt, ap);
	if (ptr) {
	    _simple_sprintf(b, "*** error for object %p: %s\n", ptr, msg);
	} else {
	    _simple_sprintf(b, "*** error: %s\n", msg);
	malloc_printf("%s*** set a breakpoint in malloc_error_break to debug\n", _simple_string(b));
    } else {
	 * Should only get here if vm_allocate() can't get a single page of
	 * memory, implying _simple_asl_log() would also fail.  So we just
	 * print to the file descriptor.
	if (fmt) {
	    va_start(ap, fmt);
	    _malloc_vprintf(MALLOC_PRINTF_NOLOG, fmt, ap);
	if (ptr) {
	    _malloc_printf(MALLOC_PRINTF_NOLOG, "*** error for object %p: %s\n", ptr, msg);
	} else {
	    _malloc_printf(MALLOC_PRINTF_NOLOG, "*** error: %s\n", msg);
	_malloc_printf(MALLOC_PRINTF_NOLOG, "*** set a breakpoint in malloc_error_break to debug\n");
    szone_print(szone, 1);
    if (szone->debug_flags & SCALABLE_MALLOC_ABORT_ON_ERROR) abort();

static void
protect(void *address, size_t size, unsigned protection, unsigned debug_flags)
    kern_return_t	err;

    if (!(debug_flags & SCALABLE_MALLOC_DONT_PROTECT_PRELUDE)) {
	err = vm_protect(mach_task_self(), (vm_address_t)(uintptr_t)address - vm_page_size, vm_page_size, 0, protection);
	if (err) {
	    malloc_printf("*** can't protect(%p) region for prelude guard page at %p\n",
	      protection,address - (1 << vm_page_shift));
	err = vm_protect(mach_task_self(), (vm_address_t)(uintptr_t)address + size, vm_page_size, 0, protection);
	if (err) {
	    malloc_printf("*** can't protect(%p) region for postlude guard page at %p\n",
	      protection, address + size);

static void *
allocate_pages(szone_t *szone, size_t size, unsigned char align, unsigned debug_flags, int vm_page_label)
    // align specifies a desired alignment (as a log) or 0 if no alignment requested
    void            *vm_addr;
    uintptr_t		addr, aligned_address;
    boolean_t		add_guard_pages = debug_flags & SCALABLE_MALLOC_ADD_GUARD_PAGES;
    size_t		allocation_size = round_page(size);
    size_t		delta;
    if (align) add_guard_pages = 0; // too cumbersome to deal with that
    if (!allocation_size) allocation_size = 1 << vm_page_shift;
    if (add_guard_pages) allocation_size += 2 * (1 << vm_page_shift);
    if (align) allocation_size += (size_t)1 << align;
    vm_addr = mmap(0, allocation_size, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_ANON | MAP_PRIVATE, VM_MAKE_TAG(vm_page_label), 0);
    if ((uintptr_t)vm_addr == -1) {
    	szone_error(szone, "can't allocate region", NULL, "*** mmap(size=%lld) failed (error code=%d)\n", (long long)allocation_size, errno);
	    return NULL;
    addr = (uintptr_t)vm_addr;
    if (align) {
	aligned_address = (addr + ((uintptr_t)1 << align) - 1) & ~ (((uintptr_t)1 << align) - 1);
	if (aligned_address != addr) {
	    delta = aligned_address - addr;
	    if (munmap((void *)addr, delta) == -1)
		malloc_printf("*** freeing unaligned header failed with %d\n", errno);
	    addr = aligned_address;
	    allocation_size -= delta;
	if (allocation_size > size) {
	    if (munmap((void *)(addr + size), allocation_size - size) == -1)
		malloc_printf("*** freeing unaligned footer failed with %d\n", errno);
    if (add_guard_pages) {
	addr += (uintptr_t)1 << vm_page_shift;
	protect((void *)addr, size, 0, debug_flags);
    return (void *)addr;

static void
deallocate_pages(szone_t *szone, void *addr, size_t size, unsigned debug_flags)
    int	err;
    boolean_t add_guard_pages = debug_flags & SCALABLE_MALLOC_ADD_GUARD_PAGES;

    if (add_guard_pages) {
	addr -= 1 << vm_page_shift;
	size += 2 * (1 << vm_page_shift);
    err = munmap(addr, size);
    if ((err == -1) && szone)
	szone_error(szone, "Can't deallocate_pages region", addr, NULL);

static kern_return_t
_szone_default_reader(task_t task, vm_address_t address, vm_size_t size, void **ptr)
    *ptr = (void *)address;
    return 0;

/*********************	FREE LIST UTILITIES  ************************/

// A free list entry is comprised of a pair of pointers, previous and next.
// Because the free list entries are previously freed objects, there is a
// non-zero chance that a misbehaved program will write to an allocated object
// after it has called free() on the pointer.  This write would then potentially
// corrupt the previous and next pointers, leading to a crash.  In order to
// detect this case, we take advantage of the fact that pointers are known to
// be at least 16 byte aligned, and thus have at least 4 trailing zero bits.
// When an entry is added to the free list, the previous and next pointers are
// shifted right by 2 bits, and then have the high and low 2 bits set, to act
// as guard bits.  Before accessing a free list object, we verify that these
// bits are still set, and log an error if they are not.

static INLINE void
free_list_checksum(szone_t *szone, free_list_t *ptr, const char *msg)
    uintptr_t ptrs = ptr->previous.u & ptr->next.u;

#ifdef __LP64__
    ptrs = (ptrs << 2) | (ptrs >> (64-2));
    ptrs = (ptrs << 2) | (ptrs >> (32-2));
    if ((ptrs & 15) != 15)
    	szone_error(szone, "incorrect checksum for freed object "
	                "- object was probably modified after being freed.", ptr, NULL);

static INLINE uintptr_t
free_list_checksum_ptr(void *p) 
    ptr_union ptr;
    ptr.p = p;
#ifdef __LP64__
    return (ptr.u >> 2) | 0xC000000000000003ULL;
    return (ptr.u >> 2) | 0xC0000003U;

static INLINE void *
free_list_unchecksum_ptr(ptr_union ptr)
    uintptr_t u = (ptr.u >> 2) << 4;
    return (void *)u;

static INLINE void
free_list_set_checksum(szone_t *szone, free_list_t *ptr)
    ptr->previous.u = free_list_checksum_ptr(ptr->previous.p);
    ptr->next.u = free_list_checksum_ptr(ptr->next.p);

static unsigned
free_list_count(const free_list_t *ptr)
    unsigned	count = 0;

    while (ptr) {
        ptr = free_list_unchecksum_ptr(ptr->next);
    return count;

/* XXX inconsistent use of BITMAP32 and BITARRAY operations could be cleaned up */

#define BITMAP32_SET(bitmap,bit) 	(bitmap |= 1 << (bit))
#define BITMAP32_CLR(bitmap,bit)	(bitmap &= ~ (1 << (bit)))
#define BITMAP32_BIT(bitmap,bit) 	((bitmap >> (bit)) & 1)

/* returns bit # of least-significant one bit, starting at 0 (undefined if !bitmap) */
#define BITMAP32_CTZ(bitmap) (__builtin_ctz(bitmap))

/*********************	TINY FREE LIST UTILITIES	************************/

// We encode the meta-headers as follows:
// Each quantum has an associated set of 2 bits:
// block_header when 1 says this block is the beginning of a block
// in_use when 1 says this block is in use
// so a block in use of size 3 is 1-1 0-X 0-X
// for a free block TINY_FREE_SIZE(ptr) carries the size and the bits are 1-0 X-X X-X
// for a block middle the bits are 0-0

// Attention double evaluation for these
#define BITARRAY_SET(bits,index)	(bits[index>>3] |= (1 << (index & 7)))
#define BITARRAY_CLR(bits,index)	(bits[index>>3] &= ~(1 << (index & 7)))
#define BITARRAY_BIT(bits,index)	(((bits[index>>3]) >> (index & 7)) & 1)

// Following is for start<8 and end<=start+32
static void ALWAYSINLINE
bitarray_mclr(void *bits, unsigned start, unsigned end) {
    unsigned word = OSReadLittleInt32(bits, 0);
    unsigned mask = (0xFFFFFFFFU >> (31 - start)) >> 1;

    if (end > 31) {
        unsigned char *bytes = (unsigned char *)bits;
        bytes[4] &= ~((1 << (end - 32)) - 1);
    } else {
        mask |= (0xFFFFFFFF << end);
    OSWriteLittleInt32(bits, 0, word & mask);

 * Obtain the size of a free tiny block (in msize_t units).
static msize_t
get_tiny_free_size(const void *ptr)
    void *next_block = (void *)((uintptr_t)ptr + TINY_QUANTUM);
    void *region_end = TINY_REGION_END(TINY_REGION_FOR_PTR(ptr));

    // check whether the next block is outside the tiny region or a block header
    // if so, then the size of this block is one, and there is no stored size.
    if (next_block < region_end)
        unsigned char *next_header = TINY_BLOCK_HEADER_FOR_PTR(next_block);
        msize_t        next_index  = TINY_INDEX_FOR_PTR(next_block);
        if (!BITARRAY_BIT(next_header, next_index))
            return TINY_FREE_SIZE(ptr);
    return 1;

 * Get the size of the previous free block, which is stored in the last two
 * bytes of the block.  If the previous block is not free, then the result is
 * undefined.
static msize_t
get_tiny_previous_free_msize(const void *ptr)
    // check whether the previous block is in the tiny region and a block header
    // if so, then the size of the previous block is one, and there is no stored
    // size.
    if (ptr != TINY_REGION_FOR_PTR(ptr))
        void          *prev_block = (void *)((uintptr_t)ptr - TINY_QUANTUM);
        unsigned char *prev_header = TINY_BLOCK_HEADER_FOR_PTR(prev_block);
        msize_t        prev_index  = TINY_INDEX_FOR_PTR(prev_block);
        if (BITARRAY_BIT(prev_header, prev_index))
            return 1;
        return TINY_PREVIOUS_MSIZE(ptr);
    // don't read possibly unmapped memory before the beginning of the region
    return 0;

static INLINE msize_t
get_tiny_meta_header(const void *ptr, boolean_t *is_free)
    // returns msize and is_free
    // may return 0 for the msize component (meaning 65536)
    unsigned char	*block_header;
    unsigned char	*in_use;
    msize_t		index;
    unsigned		byte_index;

    block_header = TINY_BLOCK_HEADER_FOR_PTR(ptr);
    index = TINY_INDEX_FOR_PTR(ptr);
    byte_index = index >> 3;
    block_header += byte_index;
    index &= 7;
    *is_free = 0;
    if (!BITMAP32_BIT(*block_header, index))
        return 0;
    in_use = TINY_INUSE_FOR_HEADER(block_header);
    if (!BITMAP32_BIT(*in_use, index)) {
        *is_free = 1;
        return get_tiny_free_size(ptr);
    uint32_t	*addr = (uint32_t *)((uintptr_t)block_header & ~3);
    uint32_t	word0 = OSReadLittleInt32(addr, 0) >> index;
    uint32_t	word1 = OSReadLittleInt32(addr, 4) << (8 - index);
    uint32_t	bits = (((uintptr_t)block_header & 3) * 8);	// precision loss on LP64 OK here
    uint32_t	word = (word0 >> bits) | (word1 << (24 - bits));
    uint32_t	result = ffs(word >> 1);
    return result;

static INLINE void
set_tiny_meta_header_in_use(const void *ptr, msize_t msize)
    unsigned char	*block_header;
    unsigned char	*in_use;
    msize_t		index;
    unsigned		byte_index;
    msize_t		clr_msize;
    unsigned		end_bit;
    block_header = TINY_BLOCK_HEADER_FOR_PTR(ptr);
    index = TINY_INDEX_FOR_PTR(ptr);
    byte_index = index >> 3;
    if (msize >= 32)
	malloc_printf("set_tiny_meta_header_in_use() invariant broken %p %d\n", ptr, msize);
    if ((unsigned)index + (unsigned)msize > 0x10000)
	malloc_printf("set_tiny_meta_header_in_use() invariant broken (2) %p %d\n", ptr, msize);
    block_header += byte_index;
    index &= 7;
    BITMAP32_SET(*block_header, index); 
    in_use = TINY_INUSE_FOR_HEADER(block_header);
    BITMAP32_SET(*in_use, index); 
    clr_msize = msize-1;
    if (clr_msize) {
	byte_index = index >> 3;
	block_header += byte_index; in_use += byte_index;
	index &= 7;
	end_bit = index + clr_msize;
	bitarray_mclr(block_header, index, end_bit);
	bitarray_mclr(in_use, index, end_bit);
    BITARRAY_SET(block_header, index+clr_msize); // we set the block_header bit for the following block to reaffirm next block is a block
	boolean_t ff;
	msize_t	mf;
	mf = get_tiny_meta_header(ptr, &ff);
	if (msize != mf) {
	    malloc_printf("setting header for tiny in_use %p : %d\n", ptr, msize);
	    malloc_printf("reading header for tiny %p : %d %d\n", ptr, mf, ff);

static INLINE void
set_tiny_meta_header_middle(const void *ptr)
    // indicates this block is in the middle of an in use block
    unsigned char	*block_header;
    unsigned char	*in_use;
    msize_t		index;

    block_header = TINY_BLOCK_HEADER_FOR_PTR(ptr);
    in_use = TINY_INUSE_FOR_HEADER(block_header);
    index = TINY_INDEX_FOR_PTR(ptr);

    BITARRAY_CLR(block_header, index);
    BITARRAY_CLR(in_use, index); 

static INLINE void
set_tiny_meta_header_free(const void *ptr, msize_t msize)
    // !msize is acceptable and means 65536
    unsigned char	*block_header;
    unsigned char	*in_use;
    msize_t		index;

    block_header = TINY_BLOCK_HEADER_FOR_PTR(ptr);
    in_use = TINY_INUSE_FOR_HEADER(block_header);
    index = TINY_INDEX_FOR_PTR(ptr);

    if ((unsigned)index + (unsigned)msize > 0x10000) {
	malloc_printf("setting header for tiny free %p msize too large: %d\n", ptr, msize);
    BITARRAY_SET(block_header, index);
    BITARRAY_CLR(in_use, index); 
    // mark the end of this block if msize is > 1.  For msize == 0, the whole
    // region is free, so there is no following block. For msize == 1, there is
    // no space to write the size on 64 bit systems.  The size for 1 quantum
    // blocks is computed from the metadata bitmaps.
    if (msize > 1) {
        void	*follower = FOLLOWING_TINY_PTR(ptr, msize);
        TINY_PREVIOUS_MSIZE(follower) = msize;
        TINY_FREE_SIZE(ptr) = msize;
    if (msize == 0) {
        TINY_FREE_SIZE(ptr) = msize;
    boolean_t	ff;
    msize_t	mf = get_tiny_meta_header(ptr, &ff);
    if ((msize != mf) || !ff) {
	malloc_printf("setting header for tiny free %p : %u\n", ptr, msize);
	malloc_printf("reading header for tiny %p : %u %u\n", ptr, mf, ff);

static INLINE boolean_t
tiny_meta_header_is_free(const void *ptr)
    unsigned char	*block_header;
    unsigned char	*in_use;
    msize_t		index;

    block_header = TINY_BLOCK_HEADER_FOR_PTR(ptr);
    in_use = TINY_INUSE_FOR_HEADER(block_header);
    index = TINY_INDEX_FOR_PTR(ptr);
    if (!BITARRAY_BIT(block_header, index))
	return 0;
    return !BITARRAY_BIT(in_use, index);

static INLINE void *
tiny_previous_preceding_free(void *ptr, msize_t *prev_msize)
    // returns the previous block, assuming and verifying it's free
    unsigned char	*block_header;
    unsigned char	*in_use;
    msize_t		index;
    msize_t		previous_msize;
    msize_t		previous_index;
    void		*previous_ptr;

    block_header = TINY_BLOCK_HEADER_FOR_PTR(ptr);
    in_use = TINY_INUSE_FOR_HEADER(block_header);
    index = TINY_INDEX_FOR_PTR(ptr);
    if (!index)
        return NULL;
    if ((previous_msize = get_tiny_previous_free_msize(ptr)) > index)
        return NULL;
    previous_index = index - previous_msize;
    previous_ptr = (void *)(TINY_REGION_FOR_PTR(ptr) + TINY_BYTES_FOR_MSIZE(previous_index));
    if (!BITARRAY_BIT(block_header, previous_index))
        return NULL;
    if (BITARRAY_BIT(in_use, previous_index))
        return NULL;
    if (get_tiny_free_size(previous_ptr) != previous_msize)
        return NULL;
    // conservative check did match true check
    *prev_msize = previous_msize;
    return previous_ptr;

 * Adds an item to the proper free list, and also marks the meta-header of the 
 * block properly.
 * Assumes szone has been locked
static void
tiny_free_list_add_ptr(szone_t *szone, void *ptr, msize_t msize)
    grain_t	slot = (!msize || (msize >= NUM_TINY_SLOTS)) ? NUM_TINY_SLOTS - 1 : msize - 1;
    free_list_t	*free_ptr = ptr;
    free_list_t	*free_head = szone->tiny_free_list[slot];

    if (LOG(szone,ptr)) {
        malloc_printf("in %s, ptr=%p, msize=%d\n", __FUNCTION__, ptr, msize);
    if (((uintptr_t)ptr) & (TINY_QUANTUM - 1)) {
        szone_error(szone, "tiny_free_list_add_ptr: Unaligned ptr", ptr, NULL);
    set_tiny_meta_header_free(ptr, msize);
    if (free_head) {
        free_list_checksum(szone, free_head, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
        if (free_list_unchecksum_ptr(free_head->previous)) {
            szone_error(szone, "tiny_free_list_add_ptr: Internal invariant broken (free_head->previous)", ptr,
		"ptr=%p slot=%d free_head=%p previous=%p\n", ptr, slot, free_head, free_head->previous.p);
        if (! tiny_meta_header_is_free(free_head)) {
            szone_error(szone, "tiny_free_list_add_ptr: Internal invariant broken (free_head is not a free pointer)", ptr,
		"ptr=%p slot=%d free_head=%p\n", ptr, slot, free_head);
        free_head->previous.u = free_list_checksum_ptr(free_ptr);
    } else {
        BITMAP32_SET(szone->tiny_bitmap, slot);
    free_ptr->previous.p = NULL;
    free_ptr->next.p = free_head;
    free_list_set_checksum(szone, free_ptr);
    szone->tiny_free_list[slot] = free_ptr;

 * Removes the item pointed to by ptr in the proper free list. 
 * Assumes szone has been locked
static INLINE void
tiny_free_list_remove_ptr(szone_t *szone, void *ptr, msize_t msize)
    grain_t	slot = (!msize || (msize >= NUM_TINY_SLOTS)) ? NUM_TINY_SLOTS - 1 : msize - 1;
    free_list_t	*free_ptr = ptr, *next, *previous;
    free_list_checksum(szone, free_ptr, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__);

    next = free_list_unchecksum_ptr(free_ptr->next);
    previous = free_list_unchecksum_ptr(free_ptr->previous);

    if (LOG(szone,ptr)) {
        malloc_printf("In %s, ptr=%p, msize=%d\n", __FUNCTION__, ptr, msize);
    if (!previous) { 
    // The block to remove is the head of the free list
        if (szone->tiny_free_list[slot] != ptr) {
            szone_error(szone, "tiny_free_list_remove_ptr: Internal invariant broken (szone->tiny_free_list[slot])", ptr,
              "ptr=%p slot=%d msize=%d szone->tiny_free_list[slot]=%p\n",
              ptr, slot, msize, szone->tiny_free_list[slot]);
        szone->tiny_free_list[slot] = next;
        if (!next) BITMAP32_CLR(szone->tiny_bitmap, slot);
    } else {
        // We know free_ptr is already checksummed, so we don't need to do it
        // again.
        previous->next = free_ptr->next;
    if (next) {
        // We know free_ptr is already checksummed, so we don't need to do it
        // again.
        next->previous = free_ptr->previous;

 * tiny_region_for_ptr_no_lock - Returns the tiny region containing the pointer,
 * or NULL if not found.
static INLINE region_t *
tiny_region_for_ptr_no_lock(szone_t *szone, const void *ptr)
  return hash_lookup_region_no_lock(szone->tiny_regions,

static INLINE void
tiny_free_no_lock(szone_t *szone, region_t *region, void *ptr, msize_t msize)
    size_t	original_size = TINY_BYTES_FOR_MSIZE(msize);
    void	*next_block = ((char *)ptr + original_size);
    msize_t	previous_msize;
    void	*previous;
    msize_t	next_msize;
    free_list_t	*big_free_block;
    free_list_t	*after_next_block;
    free_list_t	*before_next_block;

    if (LOG(szone,ptr)) {
	malloc_printf("in tiny_free_no_lock(), ptr=%p, msize=%d\n", ptr, msize);
    if (! msize) {
	szone_error(szone, "trying to free tiny block that is too small", ptr,
	    "in tiny_free_no_lock(), ptr=%p, msize=%d\n", ptr, msize);
    // We try to coalesce this block with the preceeding one
    previous = tiny_previous_preceding_free(ptr, &previous_msize);
    if (previous) {
        if (LOG(szone, ptr) || LOG(szone,previous)) { 
            malloc_printf("in tiny_free_no_lock(), coalesced backwards for %p previous=%p\n", ptr, previous);
        // clear the meta_header since this is no longer the start of a block
        tiny_free_list_remove_ptr(szone, previous, previous_msize);
        ptr = previous;
        msize += previous_msize;
    // We try to coalesce with the next block
    if ((next_block < TINY_REGION_END(*region)) && tiny_meta_header_is_free(next_block)) {
        next_msize = get_tiny_free_size(next_block);
        if (LOG(szone, ptr) || LOG(szone, next_block)) {
            malloc_printf("in tiny_free_no_lock(), for ptr=%p, msize=%d coalesced forward=%p next_msize=%d\n",
              ptr, msize, next_block, next_msize);
        // If we are coalescing with the next block, and the next block is in
        // the last slot of the free list, then we optimize this case here to 
        // avoid removing next_block from the slot 31 and then adding ptr back
        // to slot 31.
        if (next_msize >= NUM_TINY_SLOTS) {
            msize += next_msize;
            big_free_block = (free_list_t *)next_block;
            free_list_checksum(szone, big_free_block, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
            after_next_block = free_list_unchecksum_ptr(big_free_block->next);
            before_next_block = free_list_unchecksum_ptr(big_free_block->previous);
            if (!before_next_block) {
                szone->tiny_free_list[NUM_TINY_SLOTS-1] = ptr;
            } else {
                before_next_block->next.u = free_list_checksum_ptr(ptr);
            if (after_next_block) {
                after_next_block->previous.u = free_list_checksum_ptr(ptr);
            // we don't need to checksum these since they are already checksummed
            ((free_list_t *)ptr)->previous = big_free_block->previous;
            ((free_list_t *)ptr)->next = big_free_block->next;
            // clear the meta_header to enable coalescing backwards
            set_tiny_meta_header_free(ptr, msize);
            goto tiny_free_ending;
        tiny_free_list_remove_ptr(szone, next_block, next_msize);
        set_tiny_meta_header_middle(next_block); // clear the meta_header to enable coalescing backwards
        msize += next_msize;
    // The tiny cache already scribbles free blocks as they go through the
    // cache, so we do not need to do it here.
    if ((szone->debug_flags & SCALABLE_MALLOC_DO_SCRIBBLE) && msize) {
	memset(ptr, 0x55, TINY_BYTES_FOR_MSIZE(msize));
    tiny_free_list_add_ptr(szone, ptr, msize);
    // When in proper debug mode we write on the memory to help debug memory smashers
    szone->num_bytes_in_tiny_objects -= original_size; // we use original_size and not msize to avoid double counting the coalesced blocks

// Allocates from the last region or a freshly allocated region
static void *
tiny_malloc_from_region_no_lock(szone_t *szone, msize_t msize)
    void            *last_block, *ptr, *aligned_address;
    unsigned char   *last_header;
    msize_t         last_msize, last_index;

    // Before anything we transform any remaining tiny_bytes_free_at_end into a
    // regular free block.  We take special care here to update the bitfield
    // information, since we are bypassing the normal free codepath.  If there
    // is more than one quanta worth of memory in tiny_bytes_free_at_end, then
    // there will be two block headers:
    // 1) header for the free space at end, msize = 1
    // 2) header inserted by set_tiny_meta_header_in_use after block
    // We must clear the second one so that when the free block's size is
    // queried, we do not think the block is only 1 quantum in size because
    // of the second set header bit.
    if (szone->tiny_bytes_free_at_end) {
        last_block = TINY_REGION_END(szone->last_tiny_region) - szone->tiny_bytes_free_at_end;
        last_msize = TINY_MSIZE_FOR_BYTES(szone->tiny_bytes_free_at_end);
        last_header = TINY_BLOCK_HEADER_FOR_PTR(last_block);
        last_index  = TINY_INDEX_FOR_PTR(last_block);
        if (last_index != (NUM_TINY_BLOCKS - 1))
            BITARRAY_CLR(last_header, last_index + 1);
        tiny_free_list_add_ptr(szone, last_block, last_msize);
        szone->tiny_bytes_free_at_end = 0;
    // time to create a new region
    aligned_address = allocate_pages(szone, TINY_REGION_SIZE, TINY_BLOCKS_ALIGN, 0, VM_MEMORY_MALLOC_TINY);
    if (!aligned_address) // out of memory!
        return NULL;
    // We set the padding after block_header to be all 1
    ((uint32_t *)(aligned_address + TINY_HEADER_START + (NUM_TINY_BLOCKS >> 3)))[0] = ~0;

    // Check to see if the hash ring of tiny regions needs to grow.  Try to
    // avoid the hash ring becoming too dense.
    if (szone->num_tiny_regions_allocated < (2 * szone->num_tiny_regions)) {
      region_t *new_regions;
      size_t new_size;
      new_regions = hash_regions_grow_no_lock(szone, szone->tiny_regions,
      // Do not deallocate the current tiny_regions allocation since someone may
	  // be iterating it.  Instead, just leak it.
      szone->tiny_regions = new_regions;
      szone->num_tiny_regions_allocated = new_size;
    // Insert the new region into the hash ring, and update malloc statistics
    szone->last_tiny_region = aligned_address;

    ptr = aligned_address; 
    set_tiny_meta_header_in_use(ptr, msize);
    szone->num_bytes_in_tiny_objects += TINY_BYTES_FOR_MSIZE(msize);
    // We put a header on the last block so that it appears in use (for coalescing, etc...)
    set_tiny_meta_header_in_use(ptr + TINY_BYTES_FOR_MSIZE(msize), 1);
    szone->tiny_bytes_free_at_end = TINY_BYTES_FOR_MSIZE(NUM_TINY_BLOCKS - msize);
    if (LOG(szone,ptr)) {
	malloc_printf("in tiny_malloc_from_region_no_lock(), ptr=%p, msize=%d\n", ptr, msize);
    return ptr;

static INLINE boolean_t
try_realloc_tiny_in_place(szone_t *szone, void *ptr, size_t old_size, size_t new_size)
    // returns 1 on success
    msize_t	index;
    msize_t	old_msize;
    unsigned	next_index;
    void	*next_block;
    boolean_t	is_free;
    msize_t	next_msize, coalesced_msize, leftover_msize;
    void	*leftover;

    index = TINY_INDEX_FOR_PTR(ptr);
    old_msize = TINY_MSIZE_FOR_BYTES(old_size);
    next_index = index + old_msize;
    if (next_index >= NUM_TINY_BLOCKS) {
	return 0;
    next_block = (char *)ptr + old_size;
    is_free = tiny_meta_header_is_free(next_block);
    if (!is_free) {
	return 0; // next_block is in use;
    next_msize = get_tiny_free_size(next_block);
    if (old_size + TINY_MSIZE_FOR_BYTES(next_msize) < new_size) {
	return 0; // even with next block, not enough
    tiny_free_list_remove_ptr(szone, next_block, next_msize);
    set_tiny_meta_header_middle(next_block); // clear the meta_header to enable coalescing backwards
    coalesced_msize = TINY_MSIZE_FOR_BYTES(new_size - old_size + TINY_QUANTUM - 1);
    leftover_msize = next_msize - coalesced_msize;
    if (leftover_msize) {
	leftover = next_block + TINY_BYTES_FOR_MSIZE(coalesced_msize);
	tiny_free_list_add_ptr(szone, leftover, leftover_msize);
    set_tiny_meta_header_in_use(ptr, old_msize + coalesced_msize);
    if (LOG(szone,ptr)) {
	malloc_printf("in try_realloc_tiny_in_place(), ptr=%p, msize=%d\n", ptr, old_msize + coalesced_msize);
    szone->num_bytes_in_tiny_objects += TINY_BYTES_FOR_MSIZE(coalesced_msize);
    CHECK(szone, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
    return 1;

static boolean_t
tiny_check_region(szone_t *szone, region_t region)
    uintptr_t   start, ptr, region_end;
    boolean_t   prev_free = 0;
    boolean_t   is_free;
    msize_t     msize;
    free_list_t *free_head;
    void        *follower, *previous, *next;

    /* establish region limits */
    start = (uintptr_t)TINY_REGION_ADDRESS(region);
    ptr = start;
    region_end = (uintptr_t)TINY_REGION_END(region);

     * The last region may have a trailing chunk which has not been converted into inuse/freelist
     * blocks yet.
    if (region == szone->last_tiny_region)
	    region_end -= szone->tiny_bytes_free_at_end;

     * Scan blocks within the region.
    while (ptr < region_end) {
	 * If the first block is free, and its size is 65536 (msize = 0) then the entire region is
	 * free.
	msize = get_tiny_meta_header((void *)ptr, &is_free);
	if (is_free && !msize && (ptr == start)) {
	    return 1;

	 * If the block's size is 65536 (msize = 0) then since we're not the first entry the size is
	 * corrupt.
	if (!msize) {
	    malloc_printf("*** invariant broken for tiny block %p this msize=%d - size is too small\n",
	      ptr, msize);
	    return 0;

	if (!is_free) {
	     * In use blocks cannot be more than 31 quanta large.
	    prev_free = 0;
	    if (msize > 31 * TINY_QUANTUM) {
		malloc_printf("*** invariant broken for %p this tiny msize=%d[%p] - size is too large\n",
		  ptr, msize, msize);
		return 0;
	    /* move to next block */
	    ptr += TINY_BYTES_FOR_MSIZE(msize);
	} else {
	     * Free blocks must have been coalesced, we cannot have a free block following another
	     * free block.
	    if (prev_free) {
		malloc_printf("*** invariant broken for free block %p this tiny msize=%d: two free blocks in a row\n",
		  ptr, msize);
		return 0;
	    prev_free = 1;
	     * Check the integrity of this block's entry in its freelist.
	    free_head = (free_list_t *)ptr;
	    free_list_checksum(szone, free_head, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
	    previous = free_list_unchecksum_ptr(free_head->previous);
	    next = free_list_unchecksum_ptr(free_head->next);
	    if (previous && !tiny_meta_header_is_free(previous)) {
		malloc_printf("*** invariant broken for %p (previous %p is not a free pointer)\n",
		  ptr, previous);
		return 0;
	    if (next && !tiny_meta_header_is_free(next)) {
		malloc_printf("*** invariant broken for %p (next in free list %p is not a free pointer)\n",
		  ptr, next);
		return 0;
	     * Check the free block's trailing size value.
	    follower = FOLLOWING_TINY_PTR(ptr, msize);
	    if (((uintptr_t)follower != region_end) && (get_tiny_previous_free_msize(follower) != msize)) {
		malloc_printf("*** invariant broken for tiny free %p followed by %p in region [%p-%p] "
		  "(end marker incorrect) should be %d; in fact %d\n",
		  ptr, follower, TINY_REGION_ADDRESS(region), region_end, msize, get_tiny_previous_free_msize(follower));
		return 0;
	    /* move to next block */
	    ptr = (uintptr_t)follower;
     * Ensure that we scanned the entire region
    if (ptr != region_end) {
	malloc_printf("*** invariant broken for region end %p - %p\n", ptr, region_end);
	return 0;
     * Check the trailing block's integrity.
    if (region == szone->last_tiny_region) {
	if (szone->tiny_bytes_free_at_end) {
	    msize = get_tiny_meta_header((void *)ptr, &is_free);
	    if (is_free || (msize != 1)) {
		malloc_printf("*** invariant broken for blocker block %p - %d %d\n", ptr, msize, is_free);
    return 1;

static kern_return_t
tiny_in_use_enumerator(task_t task, void *context, unsigned type_mask, szone_t *szone, memory_reader_t reader, vm_range_recorder_t recorder)
  size_t num_regions = szone->num_tiny_regions_allocated;
  void *last_tiny_free = szone->last_tiny_free;
  size_t index;
  region_t	*regions;
  vm_range_t		buffer[MAX_RECORDER_BUFFER];
  unsigned		count = 0;
  kern_return_t	err;
  region_t	region;
  vm_range_t		range;
  vm_range_t		admin_range;
  vm_range_t		ptr_range;
  unsigned char	*mapped_region;
  unsigned char	*block_header;
  unsigned char	*in_use;
  unsigned		block_index;
  unsigned		block_limit;
  boolean_t		is_free;
  msize_t		msize;
  void		*mapped_ptr;
  unsigned 		bit;
  vm_address_t last_tiny_free_ptr = 0;
  msize_t last_tiny_free_msize = 0;
  if (last_tiny_free) {
    last_tiny_free_ptr = (uintptr_t) last_tiny_free & ~(TINY_QUANTUM - 1);
    last_tiny_free_msize = (uintptr_t) last_tiny_free & (TINY_QUANTUM - 1);
  err = reader(task, (vm_address_t)szone->tiny_regions, sizeof(region_t) * num_regions, (void **)&regions);
  if (err) return err;
  for (index = 0; index < num_regions; ++index) {
    region = regions[index];
    if (region) {
      range.address = (vm_address_t)TINY_REGION_ADDRESS(region);
      range.size = (vm_size_t)TINY_REGION_SIZE;
      if (type_mask & MALLOC_ADMIN_REGION_RANGE_TYPE) {
        admin_range.address = range.address + TINY_HEADER_START;
        admin_range.size = TINY_HEADER_SIZE;
        recorder(task, context, MALLOC_ADMIN_REGION_RANGE_TYPE, &admin_range, 1);
        ptr_range.address = range.address;
        ptr_range.size = NUM_TINY_BLOCKS * TINY_QUANTUM;
        recorder(task, context, MALLOC_PTR_REGION_RANGE_TYPE, &ptr_range, 1);
      if (type_mask & MALLOC_PTR_IN_USE_RANGE_TYPE) {
        err = reader(task, range.address, range.size, (void **)&mapped_region);
        if (err)
          return err;
        block_header = (unsigned char *)(mapped_region + TINY_HEADER_START);
        in_use = TINY_INUSE_FOR_HEADER(block_header);
        block_index = 0;
        block_limit = NUM_TINY_BLOCKS;
        if (region == szone->last_tiny_region)
          block_limit -= TINY_MSIZE_FOR_BYTES(szone->tiny_bytes_free_at_end);
        while (block_index < block_limit) {
          vm_size_t block_offset = TINY_BYTES_FOR_MSIZE(block_index);
          is_free = !BITARRAY_BIT(in_use, block_index);
          if (is_free) {
            mapped_ptr = mapped_region + block_offset;
            // mapped_region, the address at which 'range' in 'task' has been
            // mapped into our process, is not necessarily aligned to 
            // TINY_BLOCKS_ALIGN.
            // Since the code in get_tiny_free_size() assumes the pointer came
            // from a properly aligned tiny region, and mapped_region is not
            // necessarily aligned, then do the size calculation directly.
            // If the next bit is set in the header bitmap, then the size is one
            // quantum.  Otherwise, read the size field.
            if (!BITARRAY_BIT(block_header, block_index+1))
              msize = TINY_FREE_SIZE(mapped_ptr);
              msize = 1;
            if (!msize)
          } else if (range.address + block_offset != last_tiny_free_ptr) {
            msize = 1; 
            bit = block_index + 1;
            while (! BITARRAY_BIT(block_header, bit)) {
              msize ++;
            buffer[count].address = range.address + block_offset;
            buffer[count].size = TINY_BYTES_FOR_MSIZE(msize);
            if (count >= MAX_RECORDER_BUFFER) {
              recorder(task, context, MALLOC_PTR_IN_USE_RANGE_TYPE, buffer, count);
              count = 0;
          } else {
            // Block is not free but it matches last_tiny_free_ptr so even
            // though it is not marked free in the bitmap, we treat it as if
            // it is and move on
            msize = last_tiny_free_msize;
          block_index += msize;
  if (count) {
    recorder(task, context, MALLOC_PTR_IN_USE_RANGE_TYPE, buffer, count);
  return 0;

static void *
tiny_malloc_from_free_list(szone_t *szone, msize_t msize)
    // Assumes we've locked the region
    free_list_t		*ptr;
    msize_t         this_msize;
    grain_t         slot = msize - 1;
    free_list_t		**free_list = szone->tiny_free_list;
    free_list_t		**the_slot = free_list + slot;
    free_list_t		*next;
    free_list_t		**limit;
    unsigned		bitmap;
    msize_t         leftover_msize;
    free_list_t		*leftover_ptr;

    // Assumes locked
    // Look for an exact match by checking the freelist for this msize.
    ptr = *the_slot;
    if (ptr) {
        next = free_list_unchecksum_ptr(ptr->next);
        if (next) {
            next->previous = ptr->previous;
        } else {
            BITMAP32_CLR(szone->tiny_bitmap, slot);
        *the_slot = next;
        this_msize = msize;
        if (LOG(szone, ptr)) {
            malloc_printf("in tiny_malloc_from_free_list(), exact match ptr=%p, this_msize=%d\n", ptr, this_msize);
        goto return_tiny_alloc;

    // Mask off the bits representing slots holding free blocks smaller than the
    // size we need.  If there are no larger free blocks, try allocating from
    // the free space at the end of the tiny region.
    bitmap = szone->tiny_bitmap & ~ ((1 << slot) - 1);
    if (!bitmap)
        goto try_tiny_malloc_from_end;
    slot = BITMAP32_CTZ(bitmap);
    limit = free_list + NUM_TINY_SLOTS - 1;
    free_list += slot;
    // Iterate over freelists looking for free blocks, starting at first list
    // which is not empty, and contains blocks which are large enough to satisfy
    // our request.
    while (free_list < limit) {
        ptr = *free_list;
        if (ptr) {
            next = free_list_unchecksum_ptr(ptr->next);
            *free_list = next;
            this_msize = get_tiny_free_size(ptr);
            if (next) {
                next->previous = ptr->previous;
            } else {
                BITMAP32_CLR(szone->tiny_bitmap, this_msize - 1);
            goto add_leftover_and_proceed;

    // We are now looking at the last slot, which contains blocks equal to, or
    // due to coalescing of free blocks, larger than 31 * tiny quantum size.
    // If the last freelist is not empty, and the head contains a block that is
    // larger than our request, then the remainder is put back on the free list.
    ptr = *limit;
    if (ptr) {
        free_list_checksum(szone, ptr, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
        this_msize = get_tiny_free_size(ptr);
        next = free_list_unchecksum_ptr(ptr->next);
        if (this_msize - msize >= NUM_TINY_SLOTS) {
            // the leftover will go back to the free list, so we optimize by
            // modifying the free list rather than a pop and push of the head
            leftover_msize = this_msize - msize;
            leftover_ptr = (free_list_t *)((unsigned char *)ptr + TINY_BYTES_FOR_MSIZE(msize));
            *limit = leftover_ptr;
            if (next) {
                next->previous.u = free_list_checksum_ptr(leftover_ptr);
            leftover_ptr->previous = ptr->previous;
            leftover_ptr->next = ptr->next;
            set_tiny_meta_header_free(leftover_ptr, leftover_msize);
            if (LOG(szone,ptr)) {
            malloc_printf("in tiny_malloc_from_free_list(), last slot ptr=%p, msize=%d this_msize=%d\n", ptr, msize, this_msize);
            this_msize = msize;
            goto return_tiny_alloc;
        if (next) {
            next->previous = ptr->previous;
        *limit = next;
        goto add_leftover_and_proceed;

    // Let's see if we can use szone->tiny_bytes_free_at_end
    if (szone->tiny_bytes_free_at_end >= TINY_BYTES_FOR_MSIZE(msize)) {
        ptr = (free_list_t *)(TINY_REGION_END(szone->last_tiny_region) - szone->tiny_bytes_free_at_end);
        szone->tiny_bytes_free_at_end -= TINY_BYTES_FOR_MSIZE(msize);
        if (szone->tiny_bytes_free_at_end) {
            // let's add an in use block after ptr to serve as boundary
            set_tiny_meta_header_in_use((unsigned char *)ptr + TINY_BYTES_FOR_MSIZE(msize), 1);
        this_msize = msize;
        if (LOG(szone, ptr)) {
            malloc_printf("in tiny_malloc_from_free_list(), from end ptr=%p, msize=%d\n", ptr, msize);
        goto return_tiny_alloc;
    return NULL;

    if (!this_msize || (this_msize > msize)) {
        leftover_msize = this_msize - msize;
        leftover_ptr = (free_list_t *)((unsigned char *)ptr + TINY_BYTES_FOR_MSIZE(msize));
        if (LOG(szone,ptr)) {
            malloc_printf("in tiny_malloc_from_free_list(), adding leftover ptr=%p, this_msize=%d\n", ptr, this_msize);
        tiny_free_list_add_ptr(szone, leftover_ptr, leftover_msize);
        this_msize = msize;
    szone->num_bytes_in_tiny_objects += TINY_BYTES_FOR_MSIZE(this_msize);
    if (LOG(szone,ptr)) {
	malloc_printf("in tiny_malloc_from_free_list(), ptr=%p, this_msize=%d, msize=%d\n", ptr, this_msize, msize);
    set_tiny_meta_header_in_use(ptr, this_msize);
    return ptr;

static INLINE void *
tiny_malloc_should_clear(szone_t *szone, msize_t msize, boolean_t cleared_requested)
    boolean_t	locked = 0;
    void	*ptr;

    if (!msize) {
	szone_error(szone, "invariant broken (!msize) in allocation (region)", NULL, NULL);
    ptr = szone->last_tiny_free;
    if ((((uintptr_t)ptr) & (TINY_QUANTUM - 1)) == msize) {
	// we have a candidate - let's lock to make sure
	LOCK_AND_NOTE_LOCKED(szone, locked);
	if (ptr == szone->last_tiny_free) {
	    szone->last_tiny_free = NULL;
	    CHECK(szone, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
	    ptr = (void *)((uintptr_t)ptr & ~ (TINY_QUANTUM - 1));
	    if (cleared_requested) {
		memset(ptr, 0, TINY_BYTES_FOR_MSIZE(msize));
	    if (LOG(szone,ptr)) {
		malloc_printf("in tiny_malloc_should_clear(), tiny cache ptr=%p, msize=%d\n", ptr, msize);
	    return ptr;
    // Except in rare occasions where we need to add a new region, we are going to end up locking, so we might as well lock right away to avoid doing unnecessary optimistic probes
    if (!locked) LOCK_AND_NOTE_LOCKED(szone, locked);
    ptr = tiny_malloc_from_free_list(szone, msize);
    if (ptr) {
	if (cleared_requested) {
	    memset(ptr, 0, TINY_BYTES_FOR_MSIZE(msize));
	return ptr;
    ptr = tiny_malloc_from_region_no_lock(szone, msize);
    // we don't clear because this freshly allocated space is pristine
    CHECK(szone, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
    return ptr;

static INLINE void
free_tiny(szone_t *szone, void *ptr, region_t *tiny_region)
    msize_t	msize;
    boolean_t	is_free;
    void *ptr2;

    // ptr is known to be in tiny_region
    ptr2 = szone->last_tiny_free;
    /* check that we don't already have this pointer in the cache */
    if (ptr == (void *)((uintptr_t)ptr2 & ~ (TINY_QUANTUM - 1))) {
	szone_error(szone, "double free", ptr, NULL);
#endif /* TINY_CACHE */
    msize = get_tiny_meta_header(ptr, &is_free);
    if (is_free) {
	szone_error(szone, "double free", ptr, NULL);
    if (!msize) {
	malloc_printf("*** szone_free() block in use is too large: %p\n", ptr);
    if (msize < TINY_QUANTUM) {	// to see if the bits fit in the last 4 bits
    if ((szone->debug_flags & SCALABLE_MALLOC_DO_SCRIBBLE) && msize)
        memset(ptr, 0x55, TINY_BYTES_FOR_MSIZE(msize));
    szone->last_tiny_free = (void *)(((uintptr_t)ptr) | msize);
	if (!ptr2) {
	    CHECK(szone, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
	msize = (uintptr_t)ptr2 & (TINY_QUANTUM - 1);
	ptr = (void *)(((uintptr_t)ptr2) & ~(TINY_QUANTUM - 1));
	tiny_region = tiny_region_for_ptr_no_lock(szone, ptr);
	if (!tiny_region) {
	    szone_error(szone, "double free (tiny cache)", ptr, NULL);
    tiny_free_no_lock(szone, tiny_region, ptr, msize);
    CHECK(szone, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__);

static void
print_tiny_free_list(szone_t *szone)
    grain_t	slot = 0;
    free_list_t	*ptr;
    _SIMPLE_STRING b = _simple_salloc();

    if (b) {
	_simple_sappend(b, "tiny free sizes: ");
	while (slot < NUM_TINY_SLOTS) {
	    ptr = szone->tiny_free_list[slot];
	    if (ptr) {
		_simple_sprintf(b, "%s%y[%d]; ", (slot == NUM_TINY_SLOTS-1) ? ">=" : "", (slot+1)*TINY_QUANTUM, free_list_count(ptr));
	_malloc_printf(MALLOC_PRINTF_NOLOG | MALLOC_PRINTF_NOPREFIX, "%s\n", _simple_string(b));

static void
print_tiny_region(boolean_t verbose, region_t region, size_t bytes_at_end)
    unsigned	counts[1024];
    unsigned	in_use = 0;
    uintptr_t	start = (uintptr_t)TINY_REGION_ADDRESS(region);
    uintptr_t	current = start;
    uintptr_t	limit =  (uintptr_t)TINY_REGION_END(region) - bytes_at_end;
    boolean_t	is_free;
    msize_t	msize;
    unsigned	ci;
    memset(counts, 0, 1024 * sizeof(unsigned));
    while (current < limit) {
	msize = get_tiny_meta_header((void *)current, &is_free);
	if (is_free & !msize && (current == start)) {
	    // first block is all free
	if (!msize) {
	    malloc_printf("*** error with %p: msize=%d\n", (void *)current, (unsigned)msize);
	if (!is_free) {
	    // block in use
	    if (msize > 32)
		malloc_printf("*** error at %p msize for in_use is %d\n", (void *)current, msize);
	    if (msize < 1024)
	current += TINY_BYTES_FOR_MSIZE(msize);
    if ((b = _simple_salloc()) != NULL) {
	_simple_sprintf(b, "Tiny region [%p-%p, %y]\t", (void *)start, TINY_REGION_END(region), (int)TINY_REGION_SIZE);
	_simple_sprintf(b, "In_use=%d ", in_use);
	if (bytes_at_end) _simple_sprintf(b, "untouched=%ly", bytes_at_end);
	if (verbose && in_use) {
	    _simple_sappend(b, "\n\tSizes in use: ");
	    for (ci = 0; ci < 1024; ci++)
		if (counts[ci])
		    _simple_sprintf(b, "%d[%d]", TINY_BYTES_FOR_MSIZE(ci), counts[ci]);
	_malloc_printf(MALLOC_PRINTF_NOLOG | MALLOC_PRINTF_NOPREFIX, "%s\n", _simple_string(b));

static boolean_t
tiny_free_list_check(szone_t *szone, grain_t slot)
    unsigned	count = 0;
    free_list_t	*ptr = szone->tiny_free_list[slot];
    free_list_t	*previous = NULL;
    boolean_t	is_free;

    while (ptr) {
        free_list_checksum(szone, ptr, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
        is_free = tiny_meta_header_is_free(ptr);
        if (! is_free) {
            malloc_printf("*** in-use ptr in free list slot=%d count=%d ptr=%p\n", slot, count, ptr);
            return 0;
        if (((uintptr_t)ptr) & (TINY_QUANTUM - 1)) {
            malloc_printf("*** unaligned ptr in free list slot=%d  count=%d ptr=%p\n", slot, count, ptr);
            return 0;
        if (!tiny_region_for_ptr_no_lock(szone, ptr)) {
            malloc_printf("*** ptr not in szone slot=%d  count=%d ptr=%p\n", slot, count, ptr);
            return 0;
        if (free_list_unchecksum_ptr(ptr->previous) != previous) {
            malloc_printf("*** previous incorrectly set slot=%d  count=%d ptr=%p\n", slot, count, ptr);
            return 0;
        previous = ptr;
        ptr = free_list_unchecksum_ptr(ptr->next);
    return 1;

/*********************	SMALL FREE LIST UTILITIES	************************/

 * Mark a block as free.  Only the first quantum of a block is marked thusly,
 * the remainder are marked "middle".
static INLINE void
small_meta_header_set_is_free(msize_t *meta_headers, unsigned index, msize_t msize)
    meta_headers[index] = msize | SMALL_IS_FREE;

 * Mark a block as in use.  Only the first quantum of a block is marked thusly,
 * the remainder are marked "middle".
static INLINE void
small_meta_header_set_in_use(msize_t *meta_headers, msize_t index, msize_t msize)
    meta_headers[index] = msize;

 * Mark a quantum as being the second or later in a block.
static INLINE void
small_meta_header_set_middle(msize_t *meta_headers, msize_t index)
    meta_headers[index] = 0;

// Adds an item to the proper free list
// Also marks the header of the block properly
// Assumes szone has been locked    
static void
small_free_list_add_ptr(szone_t *szone, void *ptr, msize_t msize)
    grain_t	slot = (msize <= NUM_SMALL_SLOTS) ? msize - 1 : NUM_SMALL_SLOTS - 1;
    free_list_t	*free_ptr = ptr;
    free_list_t	*free_head = szone->small_free_list[slot];
    void	*follower;

    if (LOG(szone,ptr)) {
        malloc_printf("in %s, ptr=%p, msize=%d\n", __FUNCTION__, ptr, msize);
    if (((uintptr_t)ptr) & (SMALL_QUANTUM - 1)) {
        szone_error(szone, "small_free_list_add_ptr: Unaligned ptr", ptr, NULL);
    if (free_head) {
        free_list_checksum(szone, free_head, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
        if (free_list_unchecksum_ptr(free_head->previous)) {
            szone_error(szone, "small_free_list_add_ptr: Internal invariant broken (free_head->previous)", ptr,
		"ptr=%p slot=%d free_head=%p previous=%p\n", ptr, slot, free_head, free_head->previous.p);
        if (!SMALL_PTR_IS_FREE(free_head)) {
            szone_error(szone, "small_free_list_add_ptr: Internal invariant broken (free_head is not a free pointer)", ptr,
		"ptr=%p slot=%d free_head=%p\n", ptr, slot, free_head);
        free_head->previous.u = free_list_checksum_ptr(free_ptr);
    } else {
        BITMAP32_SET(szone->small_bitmap, slot);
    free_ptr->previous.p = NULL;
    free_ptr->next.p = free_head;
    free_list_set_checksum(szone, free_ptr);
    szone->small_free_list[slot] = free_ptr;
    follower = ptr + SMALL_BYTES_FOR_MSIZE(msize);
    SMALL_PREVIOUS_MSIZE(follower) = msize;

// Removes item in the proper free list
// msize could be read, but all callers have it so we pass it in
// Assumes szone has been locked
static void
small_free_list_remove_ptr(szone_t *szone, void *ptr, msize_t msize)
    grain_t	slot = (msize <= NUM_SMALL_SLOTS) ? msize - 1 : NUM_SMALL_SLOTS - 1;
    free_list_t	*free_ptr = ptr, *next, *previous;
    free_list_checksum(szone, free_ptr, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__);

    next = free_list_unchecksum_ptr(free_ptr->next);
    previous = free_list_unchecksum_ptr(free_ptr->previous);

    if (LOG(szone,ptr)) {
        malloc_printf("In %s, ptr=%p, msize=%d\n", __FUNCTION__, ptr, msize);
    if (!previous) { 
    // The block to remove is the head of the free list
        if (szone->small_free_list[slot] != ptr) {
            szone_error(szone, "small_free_list_remove_ptr: Internal invariant broken (szone->small_free_list[grain])", ptr,
              "ptr=%p slot=%d msize=%d szone->small_free_list[slot]=%p\n",
              ptr, slot, msize, szone->small_free_list[slot]);
        szone->small_free_list[slot] = next;
        if (!next) BITMAP32_CLR(szone->small_bitmap, slot);
    } else {
        // We know free_ptr is already checksummed, so we don't need to do it
        // again.
        previous->next = free_ptr->next;
    if (next) {
        // We know free_ptr is already checksummed, so we don't need to do it
        // again.
        next->previous = free_ptr->previous;

static INLINE region_t *
small_region_for_ptr_no_lock(szone_t *szone, const void *ptr)
  return hash_lookup_region_no_lock(szone->small_regions,

static INLINE void
small_free_no_lock(szone_t *szone, region_t *region, void *ptr, msize_t msize)
    msize_t		*meta_headers = SMALL_META_HEADER_FOR_PTR(ptr);
    unsigned		index = SMALL_META_INDEX_FOR_PTR(ptr);
    size_t		original_size = SMALL_BYTES_FOR_MSIZE(msize);
    unsigned char	*next_block = ((unsigned char *)ptr + original_size);
    msize_t		next_index = index + msize;
    msize_t		previous_msize, next_msize;
    void		*previous;

    // Assumes locked
    if (LOG(szone,ptr)) {
	malloc_printf("in small_free_no_lock(), ptr=%p, msize=%d\n", ptr, msize);
    if (! msize) {
	szone_error(szone, "trying to free small block that is too small", ptr,
	    "in small_free_no_lock(), ptr=%p, msize=%d\n", ptr, msize);
    // We try to coalesce this block with the preceeding one
    if (index && (SMALL_PREVIOUS_MSIZE(ptr) <= index)) {
	previous_msize = SMALL_PREVIOUS_MSIZE(ptr);
	if (meta_headers[index - previous_msize] == (previous_msize | SMALL_IS_FREE)) {
	    previous = ptr - SMALL_BYTES_FOR_MSIZE(previous_msize);
	    // previous is really to be coalesced
	    if (LOG(szone, ptr) || LOG(szone,previous)) { 
		malloc_printf("in small_free_no_lock(), coalesced backwards for %p previous=%p\n", ptr, previous);
	    small_free_list_remove_ptr(szone, previous, previous_msize);
	    small_meta_header_set_middle(meta_headers, index);
	    ptr = previous;
	    msize += previous_msize;
	    index -= previous_msize;
    // We try to coalesce with the next block
    if ((next_block < SMALL_REGION_END(*region)) && (meta_headers[next_index] & SMALL_IS_FREE)) {
	// next block is free, we coalesce
	next_msize = meta_headers[next_index] & ~ SMALL_IS_FREE;
	if (LOG(szone,ptr)) malloc_printf("In small_free_no_lock(), for ptr=%p, msize=%d coalesced next block=%p next_msize=%d\n", ptr, msize, next_block, next_msize);
	small_free_list_remove_ptr(szone, next_block, next_msize);
	small_meta_header_set_middle(meta_headers, next_index);
	msize += next_msize;
    if (szone->debug_flags & SCALABLE_MALLOC_DO_SCRIBBLE) {
	if (!msize) {
	    szone_error(szone, "incorrect size information - block header was damaged", ptr, NULL);
	} else {
	    memset(ptr, 0x55, SMALL_BYTES_FOR_MSIZE(msize));
    small_free_list_add_ptr(szone, ptr, msize);
    small_meta_header_set_is_free(meta_headers, index, msize);
    szone->num_bytes_in_small_objects -= original_size; // we use original_size and not msize to avoid double counting the coalesced blocks

static void *
small_malloc_from_region_no_lock(szone_t *szone, msize_t msize)
    void		*last_block;
    void		*ptr;
    void 		*new_address;
    msize_t		*meta_headers;
    msize_t		index ;
    msize_t		msize_left;

    // Allocates from the last region or a freshly allocated region
    // Before anything we transform the small_bytes_free_at_end - if any - to a regular free block
    if (szone->small_bytes_free_at_end) {
      last_block = (void *)(SMALL_REGION_END(szone->last_small_region) - szone->small_bytes_free_at_end);
      small_free_list_add_ptr(szone, last_block, SMALL_MSIZE_FOR_BYTES(szone->small_bytes_free_at_end));
      *SMALL_METADATA_FOR_PTR(last_block) = SMALL_MSIZE_FOR_BYTES(szone->small_bytes_free_at_end) | SMALL_IS_FREE;
      szone->small_bytes_free_at_end = 0;
    // time to create a new region
    new_address = allocate_pages(szone, SMALL_REGION_SIZE, SMALL_BLOCKS_ALIGN,
                                 0, VM_MEMORY_MALLOC_SMALL);
    if (!new_address)
      return NULL;

    ptr = new_address;
    meta_headers = SMALL_META_HEADER_FOR_PTR(ptr);
    index = 0;
    // Check to see if the hash ring of small regions needs to grow.  Try to
    // avoid the hash ring becoming too dense.
    if (szone->num_small_regions_allocated < (2 * szone->num_small_regions)) {
      region_t *new_regions;
      size_t new_size;
      new_regions = hash_regions_grow_no_lock(szone, szone->small_regions,
      // Do not deallocate the current small_regions allocation since someone
	  // may be iterating it.  Instead, just leak it.
      szone->small_regions = new_regions;
      szone->num_small_regions_allocated = new_size;
    // Insert the new region into the hash ring, and update malloc statistics
    szone->last_small_region = new_address;
    // we bump the number of regions AFTER we have changes the regions pointer 
    // to enable finding a small region without taking the lock
    // FIXME: naive assumption assumes memory ordering coherence between this
    // and other CPUs.  This also applies to the near-identical code in
    // tiny_malloc_from_region_no_lock.
    small_meta_header_set_in_use(meta_headers, index, msize);
    msize_left = NUM_SMALL_BLOCKS - index;
    szone->num_bytes_in_small_objects += SMALL_BYTES_FOR_MSIZE(msize);
    // add a big free block
    index += msize; msize_left -= msize;
    meta_headers[index] = msize_left;
    szone->small_bytes_free_at_end = SMALL_BYTES_FOR_MSIZE(msize_left);
    return ptr;

static INLINE boolean_t
try_realloc_small_in_place(szone_t *szone, void *ptr, size_t old_size, size_t new_size)
    // returns 1 on success
    msize_t	*meta_headers = SMALL_META_HEADER_FOR_PTR(ptr);
    unsigned	index = SMALL_META_INDEX_FOR_PTR(ptr);
    msize_t	old_msize = SMALL_MSIZE_FOR_BYTES(old_size);
    msize_t	new_msize = SMALL_MSIZE_FOR_BYTES(new_size + SMALL_QUANTUM - 1);
    void	*next_block = (char *)ptr + old_size;
    unsigned	next_index = index + old_msize;
    msize_t	next_msize_and_free;
    msize_t	next_msize;
    msize_t	leftover_msize;
    void	*leftover;
    unsigned	leftover_index;

    if (next_index >= NUM_SMALL_BLOCKS) {
	return 0;
    if ((uintptr_t)next_block & (SMALL_QUANTUM - 1)) {
	szone_error(szone, "internal invariant broken in realloc(next_block)", next_block, NULL);
    if (meta_headers[index] != old_msize)
	malloc_printf("*** try_realloc_small_in_place incorrect old %d %d\n",
	  meta_headers[index], old_msize);
     * Look for a free block immediately afterwards.  If it's large enough, we can consume (part of)
     * it.
    next_msize_and_free = meta_headers[next_index];
    next_msize = next_msize_and_free & ~ SMALL_IS_FREE;
    if (!(next_msize_and_free & SMALL_IS_FREE) || (old_msize + next_msize < new_msize)) {
	return 0;
     * The following block is big enough; pull it from its freelist and chop off enough to satisfy
     * our needs.
    small_free_list_remove_ptr(szone, next_block, next_msize);
    small_meta_header_set_middle(meta_headers, next_index);
    leftover_msize = old_msize + next_msize - new_msize;
    if (leftover_msize) {
	/* there's some left, so put the remainder back */
	leftover = (unsigned char *)ptr + SMALL_BYTES_FOR_MSIZE(new_msize);
	small_free_list_add_ptr(szone, leftover, leftover_msize);
	leftover_index = index + new_msize;
	small_meta_header_set_is_free(meta_headers, leftover_index, leftover_msize);
	malloc_printf("*** realloc in place for %p exceeded msize=%d\n", new_msize);
    small_meta_header_set_in_use(meta_headers, index, new_msize);
    if (LOG(szone,ptr)) {
	malloc_printf("in szone_realloc(), ptr=%p, msize=%d\n", ptr, *SMALL_METADATA_FOR_PTR(ptr));
    szone->num_bytes_in_small_objects += SMALL_BYTES_FOR_MSIZE(new_msize - old_msize);
    CHECK(szone, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
    return 1;

static boolean_t
szone_check_small_region(szone_t *szone, region_t region)
    unsigned char	*ptr = SMALL_REGION_ADDRESS(region);
    msize_t		*meta_headers = SMALL_META_HEADER_FOR_PTR(ptr);
    unsigned char	*region_end = SMALL_REGION_END(region);
    msize_t		prev_free = 0;
    unsigned		index;
    msize_t		msize_and_free;
    msize_t		msize;
    free_list_t		*free_head;
    void            *previous, *next;
    msize_t		*follower;

    if (region == szone->last_small_region) region_end -= szone->small_bytes_free_at_end;
    while (ptr < region_end) {
	msize_and_free = meta_headers[index];
	if (!(msize_and_free & SMALL_IS_FREE)) {
	    // block is in use
	    msize = msize_and_free;
	    if (!msize) {
		malloc_printf("*** invariant broken: null msize ptr=%p num_small_regions=%d end=%p\n",
		  ptr, szone->num_small_regions, region_end);
		return 0;
	    if (msize > (LARGE_THRESHOLD / SMALL_QUANTUM)) {
		malloc_printf("*** invariant broken for %p this small msize=%d - size is too large\n",
		  ptr, msize_and_free);
		return 0;
	    ptr += SMALL_BYTES_FOR_MSIZE(msize);
	    prev_free = 0;
	} else {
	    // free pointer
	    msize = msize_and_free & ~ SMALL_IS_FREE;
	    free_head = (free_list_t *)ptr;
	    follower = (msize_t *)FOLLOWING_SMALL_PTR(ptr, msize);
	    if (!msize) {
		malloc_printf("*** invariant broken for free block %p this msize=%d\n", ptr, msize);
		return 0;
	    if (prev_free) {
		malloc_printf("*** invariant broken for %p (2 free in a row)\n", ptr);
		return 0;
	    free_list_checksum(szone, free_head, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
	    previous = free_list_unchecksum_ptr(free_head->previous);
	    next = free_list_unchecksum_ptr(free_head->next);
	    if (previous && !SMALL_PTR_IS_FREE(previous)) {
		malloc_printf("*** invariant broken for %p (previous %p is not a free pointer)\n",
		  ptr, free_head->previous);
		return 0;
	    if (next && !SMALL_PTR_IS_FREE(next)) {
		malloc_printf("*** invariant broken for %p (next is not a free pointer)\n", ptr);
		return 0;
	    if (SMALL_PREVIOUS_MSIZE(follower) != msize) {
		malloc_printf("*** invariant broken for small free %p followed by %p in region [%p-%p] "
		  "(end marker incorrect) should be %d; in fact %d\n",
		  ptr, follower, SMALL_REGION_ADDRESS(region), region_end, msize, SMALL_PREVIOUS_MSIZE(follower));
		return 0;
	    ptr = (unsigned char *)follower;
	    prev_free = SMALL_IS_FREE;
    return 1;

static kern_return_t
small_in_use_enumerator(task_t task, void *context, unsigned type_mask, szone_t *szone, memory_reader_t reader, vm_range_recorder_t recorder)
  size_t num_regions = szone->num_small_regions_allocated;
  void *last_small_free = szone->last_small_free; 
  size_t	index;
  region_t	*regions;
  vm_range_t		buffer[MAX_RECORDER_BUFFER];
  unsigned		count = 0;
  kern_return_t	err;
  region_t	region;
  vm_range_t		range;
  vm_range_t		admin_range;
  vm_range_t		ptr_range;
  unsigned char	*mapped_region;
  msize_t		*block_header;
  unsigned		block_index;
  unsigned		block_limit;
  msize_t		msize_and_free;
  msize_t		msize;
  vm_address_t last_small_free_ptr = 0;
  msize_t last_small_free_msize = 0;
  if (last_small_free) {
    last_small_free_ptr = (uintptr_t)last_small_free & ~(SMALL_QUANTUM - 1);
    last_small_free_msize = (uintptr_t)last_small_free & (SMALL_QUANTUM - 1);
  err = reader(task, (vm_address_t)szone->small_regions, sizeof(region_t) * num_regions, (void **)&regions);
  if (err) return err;
  for (index = 0; index < num_regions; ++index) {
    region = regions[index];
    if (region) {
      range.address = (vm_address_t)SMALL_REGION_ADDRESS(region);
      range.size = SMALL_REGION_SIZE;
      if (type_mask & MALLOC_ADMIN_REGION_RANGE_TYPE) {
        admin_range.address = range.address + SMALL_HEADER_START;
        admin_range.size = SMALL_ARRAY_SIZE;
        recorder(task, context, MALLOC_ADMIN_REGION_RANGE_TYPE, &admin_range, 1);
        ptr_range.address = range.address;
        ptr_range.size = NUM_SMALL_BLOCKS * SMALL_QUANTUM;
        recorder(task, context, MALLOC_PTR_REGION_RANGE_TYPE, &ptr_range, 1);
      if (type_mask & MALLOC_PTR_IN_USE_RANGE_TYPE) {
        err = reader(task, range.address, range.size, (void **)&mapped_region);
        if (err) return err;
        block_header = (msize_t *)(mapped_region + SMALL_HEADER_START);
        block_index = 0;
        block_limit = NUM_SMALL_BLOCKS;
        if (region == szone->last_small_region)
          block_limit -= SMALL_MSIZE_FOR_BYTES(szone->small_bytes_free_at_end);
        while (block_index < block_limit) {
          msize_and_free = block_header[block_index];
          msize = msize_and_free & ~ SMALL_IS_FREE;
          if (! (msize_and_free & SMALL_IS_FREE) &&
              range.address + SMALL_BYTES_FOR_MSIZE(block_index) != last_small_free_ptr) {
            // Block in use
            buffer[count].address = range.address + SMALL_BYTES_FOR_MSIZE(block_index);
            buffer[count].size = SMALL_BYTES_FOR_MSIZE(msize);
            if (count >= MAX_RECORDER_BUFFER) {
              recorder(task, context, MALLOC_PTR_IN_USE_RANGE_TYPE, buffer, count);
              count = 0;
          block_index += msize;
  if (count) {
    recorder(task, context, MALLOC_PTR_IN_USE_RANGE_TYPE, buffer, count);
  return 0;

static void *
small_malloc_from_free_list(szone_t *szone, msize_t msize)
    free_list_t		*ptr;
    msize_t         this_msize;
    grain_t         slot = (msize <= NUM_SMALL_SLOTS) ? msize - 1 : NUM_SMALL_SLOTS - 1;
    free_list_t		**free_list = szone->small_free_list;
    free_list_t     *next;
    free_list_t     **limit;
    unsigned        bitmap = szone->small_bitmap & ~ ((1 << slot) - 1);
    msize_t         leftover_msize;
    free_list_t     *leftover_ptr;
    msize_t         *meta_headers;
    unsigned        leftover_index;

    // Assumes locked
    // Mask off the bits representing slots holding free blocks smaller than the
    // size we need.  If there are no larger free blocks, try allocating from
    // the free space at the end of the tiny region.
    if (!bitmap) 
        goto try_small_from_end;
    slot = BITMAP32_CTZ(bitmap);
    limit = free_list + NUM_SMALL_SLOTS - 1;
    free_list += slot;

    // Iterate over freelists looking for free blocks, starting at first list
    // which is not empty, and contains blocks which are large enough to satisfy
    // our request.
    while (free_list < limit) {
        ptr = *free_list;
        if (ptr) {
            next = free_list_unchecksum_ptr(ptr->next);
            *free_list = next;
            this_msize = SMALL_PTR_SIZE(ptr);
            if (next) {
                next->previous = ptr->previous;
            } else {
                BITMAP32_CLR(szone->small_bitmap, this_msize - 1);
            goto add_leftover_and_proceed;

    // We are now looking at the last slot, which contains blocks equal to, or
    // due to coalescing of free blocks, larger than 31 * small quantum size.
    // If the last freelist is not empty, and the head contains a block that is
    // larger than our request, then the remainder is put back on the free list.
    // FIXME: This code doesn't have the optimization from the 'tiny' codepath 
    //        that optimizes for the this_msize >= 2 * num slots
    // FIXME: this code also seems somewhat bogus.  There's a check for
    //        this_msize >= msize, but by definition we can't ask for a small
    //        block larger than 31 small quanta, and every free block in this
    //        slot has to be at least that large.
    ptr = *limit;
    while (ptr) {
        free_list_checksum(szone, ptr, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
        next = free_list_unchecksum_ptr(ptr->next);
        this_msize = SMALL_PTR_SIZE(ptr);
        if (this_msize >= msize) {
            small_free_list_remove_ptr(szone, ptr, this_msize);
            goto add_leftover_and_proceed;
        ptr = next;
    // Let's see if we can use szone->small_bytes_free_at_end
    if (szone->small_bytes_free_at_end >= SMALL_BYTES_FOR_MSIZE(msize)) {
        ptr = (free_list_t *)(SMALL_REGION_END(szone->last_small_region) - szone->small_bytes_free_at_end);
        szone->small_bytes_free_at_end -= SMALL_BYTES_FOR_MSIZE(msize);
        if (szone->small_bytes_free_at_end) {
            // let's mark this block as in use to serve as boundary
            *SMALL_METADATA_FOR_PTR((unsigned char *)ptr + SMALL_BYTES_FOR_MSIZE(msize)) = SMALL_MSIZE_FOR_BYTES(szone->small_bytes_free_at_end);
        this_msize = msize;
        goto return_small_alloc;
    return NULL;
    if (this_msize > msize) {
        leftover_msize = this_msize - msize;
        leftover_ptr = (free_list_t *)((unsigned char *)ptr + SMALL_BYTES_FOR_MSIZE(msize));
        if (LOG(szone,ptr)) {
            malloc_printf("in small_malloc_from_free_list(), adding leftover ptr=%p, this_msize=%d\n", ptr, this_msize);
        small_free_list_add_ptr(szone, leftover_ptr, leftover_msize);
        meta_headers = SMALL_META_HEADER_FOR_PTR(leftover_ptr);
        leftover_index = SMALL_META_INDEX_FOR_PTR(leftover_ptr);
        small_meta_header_set_is_free(meta_headers, leftover_index, leftover_msize);
        this_msize = msize;
    szone->num_bytes_in_small_objects += SMALL_BYTES_FOR_MSIZE(this_msize);
    if (LOG(szone,ptr)) {
	malloc_printf("in small_malloc_from_free_list(), ptr=%p, this_msize=%d, msize=%d\n", ptr, this_msize, msize);
    *SMALL_METADATA_FOR_PTR(ptr) = this_msize;
    return ptr;

static INLINE void *
small_malloc_should_clear(szone_t *szone, msize_t msize, boolean_t cleared_requested)
    boolean_t	locked = 0;
    void	*ptr;
    ptr = (void *)szone->last_small_free;
    if ((((uintptr_t)ptr) & (SMALL_QUANTUM - 1)) == msize) {
	// we have a candidate - let's lock to make sure
	LOCK_AND_NOTE_LOCKED(szone, locked);
	if (ptr == (void *)szone->last_small_free) {
	    szone->last_small_free = NULL;
	    CHECK(szone, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
	    ptr = (void *)((uintptr_t)ptr & ~ (SMALL_QUANTUM - 1));
	    if (cleared_requested) {
		memset(ptr, 0, SMALL_BYTES_FOR_MSIZE(msize));
	    return ptr;
    // Except in rare occasions where we need to add a new region, we are going to end up locking,
    // so we might as well lock right away to avoid doing unnecessary optimistic probes
    if (!locked) LOCK_AND_NOTE_LOCKED(szone, locked);
    ptr = small_malloc_from_free_list(szone, msize);
    if (ptr) {
	if (cleared_requested) {
	    memset(ptr, 0, SMALL_BYTES_FOR_MSIZE(msize));
	return ptr;
    ptr = small_malloc_from_region_no_lock(szone, msize);
    // we don't clear because this freshly allocated space is pristine
    CHECK(szone, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
    return ptr;

// tries to allocate a small, cleared block
static INLINE void *
small_malloc_cleared_no_lock(szone_t *szone, msize_t msize)
    void	*ptr;

    // Assumes already locked
    ptr = small_malloc_from_free_list(szone, msize);
    if (ptr) {
	memset(ptr, 0, SMALL_BYTES_FOR_MSIZE(msize));
	return ptr;
    } else {
	ptr = small_malloc_from_region_no_lock(szone, msize);
	// we don't clear because this freshly allocated space is pristine
    return ptr;

static INLINE void
free_small(szone_t *szone, void *ptr, region_t *small_region)
    msize_t		msize = SMALL_PTR_SIZE(ptr);
    void		*ptr2;
    // ptr is known to be in small_region
    ptr2 = szone->last_small_free;
    /* check that we don't already have this pointer in the cache */
    if (ptr == (void *)((uintptr_t)ptr2 & ~ (SMALL_QUANTUM - 1))) {
	szone_error(szone, "double free", ptr, NULL);
    if (SMALL_PTR_IS_FREE(ptr)) {
	szone_error(szone, "double free", ptr, NULL);
    szone->last_small_free = (void *)(((uintptr_t)ptr) | msize);
    if (!ptr2) {
    msize = (uintptr_t)ptr2 & (SMALL_QUANTUM - 1);
    ptr = (void *)(((uintptr_t)ptr2) & ~ (SMALL_QUANTUM - 1));
    small_region = small_region_for_ptr_no_lock(szone, ptr);
    if (!small_region) {
	szone_error(szone, "double free (small cache)", ptr, NULL);
    small_free_no_lock(szone, small_region, ptr, msize);
    CHECK(szone, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__);

static void
print_small_free_list(szone_t *szone)
    grain_t		grain = 0;
    free_list_t		*ptr;
    _SIMPLE_STRING	b = _simple_salloc();
    if (b) {
	_simple_sappend(b, "small free sizes: ");
	while (grain < NUM_SMALL_SLOTS) {
	    ptr = szone->small_free_list[grain];
	    if (ptr) {
		_simple_sprintf(b, "%s%y[%d]; ", (grain == NUM_SMALL_SLOTS-1) ? ">=" : "", (grain + 1) * SMALL_QUANTUM, free_list_count(ptr));
	_malloc_printf(MALLOC_PRINTF_NOLOG | MALLOC_PRINTF_NOPREFIX, "%s\n", _simple_string(b));

static void
print_small_region(szone_t *szone, boolean_t verbose, region_t region, size_t bytes_at_end)
    unsigned		counts[1024];
    unsigned		in_use = 0;
    void		*start = SMALL_REGION_ADDRESS(region);
    void		*limit = SMALL_REGION_END(region) - bytes_at_end;
    msize_t		msize_and_free;
    msize_t		msize;
    unsigned		ci;

    memset(counts, 0, 1024 * sizeof(unsigned));
    while (start < limit) {
	msize_and_free = *SMALL_METADATA_FOR_PTR(start);
	msize = msize_and_free & ~ SMALL_IS_FREE;
	if (!(msize_and_free & SMALL_IS_FREE)) {
	    // block in use
	    if (msize < 1024)
	start += SMALL_BYTES_FOR_MSIZE(msize);
    if ((b = _simple_salloc()) != NULL) {
	_simple_sprintf(b, "Small region [%p-%p, %y]\tIn_use=%d ",
	if (bytes_at_end)
	    _simple_sprintf(b, "Untouched=%ly", bytes_at_end);
	if (verbose && in_use) {
	    _simple_sappend(b, "\n\tSizes in use: "); 
	    for (ci = 0; ci < 1024; ci++)
		if (counts[ci])
		    _simple_sprintf(b, "%d[%d] ", SMALL_BYTES_FOR_MSIZE(ci), counts[ci]);
	_malloc_printf(MALLOC_PRINTF_NOLOG | MALLOC_PRINTF_NOPREFIX, "%s\n", _simple_string(b));

static boolean_t
small_free_list_check(szone_t *szone, grain_t grain)
    unsigned	count = 0;
    free_list_t	*ptr = szone->small_free_list[grain];
    free_list_t	*previous = NULL;
    msize_t	msize_and_free;

    while (ptr) {
        msize_and_free = *SMALL_METADATA_FOR_PTR(ptr);
        if (!(msize_and_free & SMALL_IS_FREE)) {
            malloc_printf("*** in-use ptr in free list grain=%d count=%d ptr=%p\n", grain, count, ptr);
            return 0;
        if (((uintptr_t)ptr) & (SMALL_QUANTUM - 1)) {
            malloc_printf("*** unaligned ptr in free list grain=%d  count=%d ptr=%p\n", grain, count, ptr);
            return 0;
        if (!small_region_for_ptr_no_lock(szone, ptr)) {
            malloc_printf("*** ptr not in szone grain=%d  count=%d ptr=%p\n", grain, count, ptr);
            return 0;
        free_list_checksum(szone, ptr, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
        if (free_list_unchecksum_ptr(ptr->previous) != previous) {
            malloc_printf("*** previous incorrectly set grain=%d  count=%d ptr=%p\n", grain, count, ptr);
            return 0;
        previous = ptr;
        ptr = free_list_unchecksum_ptr(ptr->next);
    return 1;

 * Region hash implementation
 * This is essentially a duplicate of the existing Large allocator hash, minus
 * the ability to remove entries.  The two should be combined eventually.
#pragma mark region hash

 * hash_lookup_region_no_lock - Scan a hash ring looking for an entry for a 
 * given region.
 * FIXME: If consecutive queries of the same region are likely, a one-entry
 * cache would likely be a significant performance win here.
static region_t *
hash_lookup_region_no_lock(region_t *regions, size_t num_entries, region_t r) {
  size_t index, hash_index;
  region_t *entry;

  if (!num_entries)
    return 0;
  index = hash_index = ((uintptr_t)r >> 20) % num_entries;
  do {
    entry = regions + index;
    if (*entry == 0)
      return 0;
    if (*entry == r)
      return entry;
    if (++index == num_entries)
      index = 0;
  } while (index != hash_index);
  return 0;

 * hash_region_insert_no_lock - Insert a region into the hash ring.
static void
hash_region_insert_no_lock(region_t *regions, size_t num_entries, region_t r) {
  size_t index, hash_index;
  region_t *entry;
  index = hash_index = ((uintptr_t)r >> 20) % num_entries;
  do {
    entry = regions + index;
    if (*entry == 0) {
	    *entry = r;
    if (++index == num_entries)
	    index = 0;
  } while (index != hash_index);

 * hash_regions_alloc_no_lock - Allocate space for a number of entries.  This
 * must be a VM allocation as to avoid recursing between allocating a new small
 * region, and asking the small region to allocate space for the new list of
 * regions.
static region_t *
hash_regions_alloc_no_lock(szone_t *szone, size_t num_entries)
  size_t size = num_entries * sizeof(region_t);
	return allocate_pages(szone, round_page(size), 0, 0, VM_MEMORY_MALLOC);

 * hash_regions_grow_no_lock - Grow the hash ring, and rehash the entries.
 * Return the new region and new size to update the szone.  Do not deallocate
 * the old entries since someone may still be allocating them.
static region_t *
hash_regions_grow_no_lock(szone_t *szone, region_t *regions, size_t old_size,
                          size_t *new_size)
  // double in size and allocate memory for the regions
  *new_size = old_size * 2 + 1;
  region_t *new_regions = hash_regions_alloc_no_lock(szone, *new_size);

  // rehash the entries into the new list
  size_t index;
  for (index = 0; index < old_size; ++index) {
    region_t r = regions[index];
    if (r != 0)
      hash_region_insert_no_lock(new_regions, *new_size, r);
  return new_regions;

 * Large allocator implementation
#pragma mark large allocator


static void
large_debug_print(szone_t *szone)
    unsigned		num_large_entries = szone->num_large_entries;
    unsigned		index = num_large_entries;
    large_entry_t	*range;
    _SIMPLE_STRING	b = _simple_salloc();

    if (b) {
	for (index = 0, range = szone->large_entries; index < szone->num_large_entries; index++, range++)
	    if (!LARGE_ENTRY_IS_EMPTY(*range))
		_simple_sprintf(b, "%d: %p(%y);  ", index, LARGE_ENTRY_ADDRESS(*range), LARGE_ENTRY_SIZE(*range));

	_malloc_printf(MALLOC_PRINTF_NOLOG | MALLOC_PRINTF_NOPREFIX, "%s\n", _simple_string(b));

 * Scan the hash ring looking for an entry for the given pointer.
static large_entry_t *
large_entry_for_pointer_no_lock(szone_t *szone, const void *ptr)
    // result only valid with lock held
    unsigned		num_large_entries = szone->num_large_entries;
    unsigned		hash_index;
    unsigned		index;
    large_entry_t	*range;

    if (!num_large_entries)
	return NULL;
    hash_index = ((uintptr_t)ptr >> vm_page_shift) % num_large_entries;
    index = hash_index;
    do {
	range = szone->large_entries + index;
	if (LARGE_ENTRY_MATCHES(*range, ptr))
	    return range;
	if (LARGE_ENTRY_IS_EMPTY(*range))
	    return NULL; // end of chain
	if (index == num_large_entries)
	    index = 0;
    } while (index != hash_index);
    return NULL;

static void
large_entry_insert_no_lock(szone_t *szone, large_entry_t range)
    unsigned		num_large_entries = szone->num_large_entries;
    unsigned		hash_index = (range.address_and_num_pages >> vm_page_shift) % num_large_entries;
    unsigned		index = hash_index;
    large_entry_t	*entry;

    do {
	entry = szone->large_entries + index;
	if (LARGE_ENTRY_IS_EMPTY(*entry)) {
	    *entry = range;
	    return; // end of chain
	if (index == num_large_entries)
	    index = 0;
    } while (index != hash_index);

static INLINE void
large_entries_rehash_after_entry_no_lock(szone_t *szone, large_entry_t *entry)
    unsigned		num_large_entries = szone->num_large_entries;
    unsigned		hash_index = entry - szone->large_entries;
    unsigned		index = hash_index;
    large_entry_t	range;

    do {
	if (index == num_large_entries)
	    index = 0;
	range = szone->large_entries[index];
	szone->large_entries[index].address_and_num_pages = 0;
	large_entry_insert_no_lock(szone, range); // this will reinsert in the
						  // proper place
    } while (index != hash_index);

static INLINE large_entry_t *
large_entries_alloc_no_lock(szone_t *szone, unsigned num)
    size_t	size = num * sizeof(large_entry_t);
    boolean_t	is_vm_allocation = size >= LARGE_THRESHOLD;

    if (is_vm_allocation) {
	// Note that we allocate memory (via a system call) under a spin lock
	// That is certainly evil, however it's very rare in the lifetime of a process
	// The alternative would slow down the normal case
	return allocate_pages(szone, round_page(size), 0, 0, VM_MEMORY_MALLOC_LARGE);
    } else {
	return small_malloc_cleared_no_lock(szone, SMALL_MSIZE_FOR_BYTES(size + SMALL_QUANTUM - 1));

static void
large_entries_free_no_lock(szone_t *szone, large_entry_t *entries, unsigned num, vm_range_t *range_to_deallocate)
    // returns range to deallocate
    size_t		size = num * sizeof(large_entry_t);
    boolean_t		is_vm_allocation = size >= LARGE_THRESHOLD;
    region_t	*region;
    msize_t		msize_and_free;
    if (is_vm_allocation) {
	range_to_deallocate->address = (vm_address_t)entries;
	range_to_deallocate->size = round_page(size);
    } else {
	range_to_deallocate->size = 0;
	region = small_region_for_ptr_no_lock(szone, entries);
	msize_and_free = *SMALL_METADATA_FOR_PTR(entries);
	if (msize_and_free & SMALL_IS_FREE) {
	    szone_error(szone, "object already freed being freed", entries, NULL);
	small_free_no_lock(szone, region, entries, msize_and_free);

static large_entry_t *
large_entries_grow_no_lock(szone_t *szone, vm_range_t *range_to_deallocate)
    // sets range_to_deallocate
    unsigned		old_num_entries = szone->num_large_entries;
    large_entry_t	*old_entries = szone->large_entries;
    unsigned		new_num_entries = (old_num_entries) ? old_num_entries * 2 + 1 : 63; // always an odd number for good hashing
    large_entry_t	*new_entries = large_entries_alloc_no_lock(szone, new_num_entries);
    unsigned		index = old_num_entries;
    large_entry_t	oldRange;

    // if the allocation of new entries failed, bail
	if (new_entries == NULL)
		return NULL;

    szone->num_large_entries = new_num_entries;
    szone->large_entries = new_entries;

    /* rehash entries into the new list */
    while (index--) {
	oldRange = old_entries[index];
	if (!LARGE_ENTRY_IS_EMPTY(oldRange)) {
	    large_entry_insert_no_lock(szone, oldRange);
    if (old_entries) {
	large_entries_free_no_lock(szone, old_entries, old_num_entries, range_to_deallocate);
    } else {
	range_to_deallocate->size = 0;
    return new_entries;

// frees the specific entry in the size table
// returns a range to truly deallocate
static vm_range_t
large_free_no_lock(szone_t *szone, large_entry_t *entry)
    vm_range_t		range;
    range.address = (vm_address_t)LARGE_ENTRY_ADDRESS(*entry);
    range.size = (vm_size_t)LARGE_ENTRY_SIZE(*entry);
    szone->num_bytes_in_large_objects -= range.size;
    if (szone->debug_flags & SCALABLE_MALLOC_ADD_GUARD_PAGES) {
	protect((void *)range.address, range.size, VM_PROT_READ | VM_PROT_WRITE, szone->debug_flags);
	range.address -= vm_page_size;
	range.size += 2 * vm_page_size;
    entry->address_and_num_pages = 0;
    large_entries_rehash_after_entry_no_lock(szone, entry);
    if (large_entry_for_pointer_no_lock(szone, (void *)range.address)) {
	malloc_printf("*** freed entry %p still in use; num_large_entries=%d\n",
	  range.address, szone->num_large_entries);
    return range;

static kern_return_t
large_in_use_enumerator(task_t task, void *context, unsigned type_mask, vm_address_t large_entries_address, unsigned num_entries, memory_reader_t reader, vm_range_recorder_t recorder)
    unsigned		index = 0;
    vm_range_t		buffer[MAX_RECORDER_BUFFER];
    unsigned		count = 0;
    large_entry_t	*entries;
    kern_return_t	err;
    vm_range_t		range;
    large_entry_t	entry;

    err = reader(task, large_entries_address, sizeof(large_entry_t) * num_entries, (void **)&entries);
    if (err)
	return err;
    index = num_entries;
    if ((type_mask & MALLOC_ADMIN_REGION_RANGE_TYPE) &&
      (num_entries * sizeof(large_entry_t) >= LARGE_THRESHOLD)) {
	range.address = large_entries_address;
	range.size = round_page(num_entries * sizeof(large_entry_t));
	recorder(task, context, MALLOC_ADMIN_REGION_RANGE_TYPE, &range, 1);
	while (index--) {
	    entry = entries[index];
	    if (!LARGE_ENTRY_IS_EMPTY(entry)) {
		range.address = (vm_address_t)LARGE_ENTRY_ADDRESS(entry);
		range.size = (vm_size_t)LARGE_ENTRY_SIZE(entry);
		buffer[count++] = range;
		if (count >= MAX_RECORDER_BUFFER) {
		    recorder(task, context, MALLOC_PTR_IN_USE_RANGE_TYPE | MALLOC_PTR_REGION_RANGE_TYPE, buffer, count);
		    count = 0;
    if (count) {
	recorder(task, context, MALLOC_PTR_IN_USE_RANGE_TYPE
	  | MALLOC_PTR_REGION_RANGE_TYPE, buffer, count);
    return 0;

/*********************	HUGE ENTRY UTILITIES	************************/

static huge_entry_t *
huge_entry_for_pointer_no_lock(szone_t *szone, const void *ptr)
    unsigned		index;
    huge_entry_t	*huge;

    for (index = szone->num_huge_entries, huge = szone->huge_entries;
	 index > 0;
	 index--, huge++) {
	if ((void *)huge->address == ptr)
	    return huge;
    return NULL;

static boolean_t
huge_entry_append(szone_t *szone, huge_entry_t huge)
    huge_entry_t	*new_huge_entries = NULL, *old_huge_entries;
    unsigned		num_huge_entries;
    // We do a little dance with locking because doing allocation (even in the
    // default szone) may cause something to get freed in this szone, with a
    // deadlock
    // Returns 1 on success
    for (;;) {
	num_huge_entries = szone->num_huge_entries;
	/* check for counter wrap */
	if ((num_huge_entries + 1) < num_huge_entries)
		return 0;
	/* stale allocation from last time around the loop? */
	if (new_huge_entries)
	    szone_free(szone, new_huge_entries);
	new_huge_entries = szone_malloc(szone, (num_huge_entries + 1) * sizeof(huge_entry_t));
	if (new_huge_entries == NULL)
	    return 0;
	if (num_huge_entries == szone->num_huge_entries) {
	    // No change - our malloc still applies
	    old_huge_entries = szone->huge_entries;
	    if (num_huge_entries) {
		memcpy(new_huge_entries, old_huge_entries, num_huge_entries * sizeof(huge_entry_t));
	    new_huge_entries[szone->num_huge_entries++] = huge;
	    szone->huge_entries = new_huge_entries;
	    szone_free(szone, old_huge_entries);
	    return 1;
	// try again!

static kern_return_t
huge_in_use_enumerator(task_t task, void *context, unsigned type_mask, vm_address_t huge_entries_address, unsigned num_entries, memory_reader_t reader, vm_range_recorder_t recorder)
    huge_entry_t	*entries;
    kern_return_t	err;
    err = reader(task, huge_entries_address, sizeof(huge_entry_t) * num_entries, (void **)&entries);
    if (err)
	return err;
    if (num_entries)
	recorder(task, context, MALLOC_PTR_IN_USE_RANGE_TYPE | MALLOC_PTR_REGION_RANGE_TYPE, entries, num_entries);

    return 0;

static void *
large_and_huge_malloc(szone_t *szone, size_t num_pages)
    void		*addr;
    vm_range_t		range_to_deallocate;
    huge_entry_t	huge_entry;
    size_t		size;
    large_entry_t	large_entry;
    if (!num_pages)
	    num_pages = 1; // minimal allocation size for this szone
    size = (size_t)num_pages << vm_page_shift;
    range_to_deallocate.size = 0;
    if (num_pages >= (1 << vm_page_shift)) {
	addr = allocate_pages(szone, size, 0, szone->debug_flags, VM_MEMORY_MALLOC_HUGE);
	if (addr == NULL)
	    return NULL;
	huge_entry.size = size;
	huge_entry.address = (vm_address_t)addr;
	if (!huge_entry_append(szone, huge_entry))
	    return NULL;	// we are leaking the allocation here
	szone->num_bytes_in_huge_objects += size;
    } else {

	addr = allocate_pages(szone, size, 0, szone->debug_flags, VM_MEMORY_MALLOC_LARGE);
	if (LOG(szone, addr))
	    malloc_printf("in szone_malloc true large allocation at %p for %ly\n", (void *)addr, size);
	if (addr == NULL) {
	    return NULL;
	if (large_entry_for_pointer_no_lock(szone, addr)) {
	    malloc_printf("freshly allocated is already in use: %p\n", addr);
	if ((szone->num_large_objects_in_use + 1) * 4 > szone->num_large_entries) {
	    // density of hash table too high; grow table
	    // we do that under lock to avoid a race
	    large_entry_t *entries = large_entries_grow_no_lock(szone, &range_to_deallocate);
	    if (entries == NULL) {
	    	return NULL;
	large_entry.address_and_num_pages = (uintptr_t)addr | num_pages;
	if (large_entry_for_pointer_no_lock(szone, addr)) {
	    malloc_printf("entry about to be added already in use: %p\n", addr);
	large_entry_insert_no_lock(szone, large_entry);
	if (!large_entry_for_pointer_no_lock(szone, (void *)addr)) {
	    malloc_printf("can't find entry just added\n");
	szone->num_large_objects_in_use ++;
	szone->num_bytes_in_large_objects += size;
    if (range_to_deallocate.size) {
	deallocate_pages(szone, (void *)range_to_deallocate.address, range_to_deallocate.size, 0); // we deallocate outside the lock
    return (void *)addr;

static INLINE void
free_large_or_huge(szone_t *szone, void *ptr)
    // We have established ptr is page-aligned and not tiny nor small
    large_entry_t	*entry;
    vm_range_t		vm_range_to_deallocate;
    huge_entry_t	*huge;
    entry = large_entry_for_pointer_no_lock(szone, ptr);
    if (entry) {
	vm_range_to_deallocate = large_free_no_lock(szone, entry);
	if (large_entry_for_pointer_no_lock(szone, ptr)) {
	    malloc_printf("*** just after freeing %p still in use num_large_entries=%d\n", ptr, szone->num_large_entries);
    } else if ((huge = huge_entry_for_pointer_no_lock(szone, ptr))) {
	vm_range_to_deallocate = *huge;
	*huge = szone->huge_entries[--szone->num_huge_entries]; // last entry fills that spot
	szone->num_bytes_in_huge_objects -= (size_t)vm_range_to_deallocate.size;
    } else {
	szone_error(szone, "pointer being freed was not allocated", ptr, NULL);
    SZONE_UNLOCK(szone); // we release the lock asap
    CHECK(szone, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
    // we deallocate_pages, including guard pages
    if (vm_range_to_deallocate.address) {
	if (large_entry_for_pointer_no_lock(szone, (void *)vm_range_to_deallocate.address)) {
	    malloc_printf("*** invariant broken: %p still in use num_large_entries=%d\n", vm_range_to_deallocate.address, szone->num_large_entries);
	deallocate_pages(szone, (void *)vm_range_to_deallocate.address, (size_t)vm_range_to_deallocate.size, 0);

static INLINE int
try_realloc_large_or_huge_in_place(szone_t *szone, void *ptr, size_t old_size, size_t new_size)
    vm_address_t	addr = (vm_address_t)ptr + old_size;
    large_entry_t	*large_entry, saved_entry;
    huge_entry_t	*huge_entry, huge;
    kern_return_t	err;

    if (old_size != ((old_size >> vm_page_shift) << vm_page_shift)) {
	malloc_printf("*** old_size is %d\n", old_size);
    large_entry = large_entry_for_pointer_no_lock(szone, (void *)addr);
    if (large_entry) {
	return 0; // large pointer already exists in table - extension is not going to work
    new_size = round_page(new_size);
     * Ask for allocation at a specific address, and mark as realloc
     * to request coalescing with previous realloc'ed extensions.
    err = vm_allocate(mach_task_self(), &addr, new_size - old_size, VM_MAKE_TAG(VM_MEMORY_REALLOC));
    if (err != KERN_SUCCESS) {
	return 0;
     * If the new size is still under the large/huge threshold, we can just
     * extend the existing large block.
     * Note: this logic is predicated on the understanding that an allocated
     * block can never really shrink, so that the new size will always be 
     * larger than the old size.
     * Note: the use of 1 << vm_page_shift here has to do with the subdivision
     * of the bits in the large_entry_t, and not the size of a page (directly).
    if ((new_size >> vm_page_shift) < (1 << vm_page_shift)) {
	/* extend existing large entry */
	large_entry = large_entry_for_pointer_no_lock(szone, ptr);
	if (!large_entry) {
	    szone_error(szone, "large entry reallocated is not properly in table", ptr, NULL);
	    /* XXX will cause fault on next reference to entry */
	large_entry->address_and_num_pages = (uintptr_t)ptr | (new_size >> vm_page_shift);
	szone->num_bytes_in_large_objects += new_size - old_size;
    } else if ((old_size >> vm_page_shift) >= (1 << vm_page_shift)) {
	/* extend existing huge entry */
	huge_entry = huge_entry_for_pointer_no_lock(szone, ptr);
	if (!huge_entry) {
	    szone_error(szone, "huge entry reallocated is not properly in table", ptr, NULL);
	    /* XXX will cause fault on next reference to huge_entry */
	huge_entry->size = new_size;
	szone->num_bytes_in_huge_objects += new_size - old_size;
    } else {
	/* need to convert large entry to huge entry */

	/* release large entry, note we still have the VM allocation */
	large_entry = large_entry_for_pointer_no_lock(szone, ptr);
	saved_entry = *large_entry; // in case we need to put it back
	large_free_no_lock(szone, large_entry);

	/* and get a huge entry */
	huge.address = (vm_address_t)ptr;
	huge.size = new_size;	/* fix up size */
	if (huge_entry_append(szone, huge)) {
	    szone->num_bytes_in_huge_objects += new_size;
	    return 1; // success!
	// we leak memory (the extra space appended) but data structures are correct
	large_entry_insert_no_lock(szone, saved_entry); // this will reinsert the large entry
    SZONE_UNLOCK(szone); // we release the lock asap
    return 1;

/*********************	Zone call backs	************************/

static void
szone_free(szone_t *szone, void *ptr)
    region_t	*tiny_region;
    region_t	*small_region;

    if (LOG(szone, ptr))
	malloc_printf("in szone_free with %p\n", ptr);
    if (!ptr)
     * Try to free to a tiny region.
    if ((uintptr_t)ptr & (TINY_QUANTUM - 1)) {
	szone_error(szone, "Non-aligned pointer being freed", ptr, NULL);
    if ((tiny_region = tiny_region_for_ptr_no_lock(szone, ptr)) != NULL) {
	    szone_error(szone, "Pointer to metadata being freed", ptr, NULL);
	free_tiny(szone, ptr, tiny_region);

     * Try to free to a small region.
    if ((uintptr_t)ptr & (SMALL_QUANTUM - 1)) {
	szone_error(szone, "Non-aligned pointer being freed (2)", ptr, NULL);
    if ((small_region = small_region_for_ptr_no_lock(szone, ptr)) != NULL) {
	    szone_error(szone, "Pointer to metadata being freed (2)", ptr, NULL);
	free_small(szone, ptr, small_region);

    /* check that it's a legal large/huge allocation */
    if ((uintptr_t)ptr & (vm_page_size - 1)) {
	szone_error(szone, "non-page-aligned, non-allocated pointer being freed", ptr, NULL);
    free_large_or_huge(szone, ptr);

static INLINE void *
szone_malloc_should_clear(szone_t *szone, size_t size, boolean_t cleared_requested)
    void	*ptr;
    msize_t	msize;

    if (size <= 31*TINY_QUANTUM) {
	// think tiny
	if (!msize)
	    msize = 1;
	ptr = tiny_malloc_should_clear(szone, msize, cleared_requested);
    } else if (!((szone->debug_flags & SCALABLE_MALLOC_ADD_GUARD_PAGES) && PROTECT_SMALL) && (size < LARGE_THRESHOLD)) {
	// think small
	if (! msize) msize = 1;
	ptr = small_malloc_should_clear(szone, msize, cleared_requested);
    } else {
	// large or huge
	size_t num_pages = round_page(size) >> vm_page_shift;
	if (num_pages == 0)	/* Overflowed */
		ptr = 0;
	ptr = large_and_huge_malloc(szone, num_pages);
    if (LOG(szone, ptr))
	malloc_printf("szone_malloc returned %p\n", ptr);
     * If requested, scribble on allocated memory.
    if ((szone->debug_flags & SCALABLE_MALLOC_DO_SCRIBBLE) && ptr && !cleared_requested && size)
	memset(ptr, 0xaa, size);

    return ptr;

static void *
szone_malloc(szone_t *szone, size_t size) {
    return szone_malloc_should_clear(szone, size, 0);

static void *
szone_calloc(szone_t *szone, size_t num_items, size_t size)
    size_t total_bytes = num_items * size;
    if ((num_items > 1) && (size != 0) && ((total_bytes / size) != num_items))
        return NULL;
    return szone_malloc_should_clear(szone, total_bytes, 1);

static void *
szone_valloc(szone_t *szone, size_t size)
    void	*ptr;
    size_t num_pages;
    num_pages = round_page(size) >> vm_page_shift;
    ptr = large_and_huge_malloc(szone, num_pages);
    if (LOG(szone, ptr))
	malloc_printf("szone_valloc returned %p\n", ptr);
    return ptr;

static size_t
szone_size(szone_t *szone, const void *ptr)
    size_t		size = 0;
    boolean_t		is_free;
    msize_t		msize, msize_and_free;
    large_entry_t	*entry;
    huge_entry_t	*huge;
    if (!ptr)
	return 0;
    if (LOG(szone, ptr)) {
	malloc_printf("in szone_size for %p (szone=%p)\n", ptr, szone);

     * Look for it in a tiny region.
    if ((uintptr_t)ptr & (TINY_QUANTUM - 1))
	return 0;
    if (tiny_region_for_ptr_no_lock(szone, ptr)) {
	    return 0;
	msize = get_tiny_meta_header(ptr, &is_free);
	return (is_free) ? 0 : TINY_BYTES_FOR_MSIZE(msize);
     * Look for it in a small region.
    if ((uintptr_t)ptr & (SMALL_QUANTUM - 1))
	return 0;
    if (small_region_for_ptr_no_lock(szone, ptr)) {
	    return 0;
	msize_and_free = *SMALL_METADATA_FOR_PTR(ptr);
	return (msize_and_free & SMALL_IS_FREE) ? 0 : SMALL_BYTES_FOR_MSIZE(msize_and_free);

     * If not page-aligned, it cannot have come from a large or huge allocation.
    if ((uintptr_t)ptr & (vm_page_size - 1))

     * Look for it in a large or huge entry.
    entry = large_entry_for_pointer_no_lock(szone, ptr);
    if (entry) {
	size = LARGE_ENTRY_SIZE(*entry);
    } else if ((huge = huge_entry_for_pointer_no_lock(szone, ptr))) {
	size = huge->size;
    if (LOG(szone, ptr)) {
	malloc_printf("szone_size for %p returned %d\n", ptr, (unsigned)size);
    return size;

static void *
szone_realloc(szone_t *szone, void *ptr, size_t new_size)
    size_t		old_size;
    void		*new_ptr;
    if (LOG(szone, ptr)) {
	malloc_printf("in szone_realloc for %p, %d\n", ptr, (unsigned)new_size);
    if (!ptr) {
	ptr = szone_malloc(szone, new_size);
	return ptr;
    old_size = szone_size(szone, ptr);
    if (!old_size) {
	szone_error(szone, "pointer being reallocated was not allocated", ptr, NULL);
	return NULL;
    /* we never shrink an allocation */
    if (old_size >= new_size)
	return ptr;

     * If the old and new sizes both suit the tiny allocator, try to reallocate in-place.
    if ((new_size + TINY_QUANTUM - 1) <= 31 * TINY_QUANTUM) {
	if (try_realloc_tiny_in_place(szone, ptr, old_size, new_size)) {
	    return ptr;

	 * If the old and new sizes both suit the small allocator, and we're not protecting the
	 * small allocations, try to reallocate in-place.
    } else if (!((szone->debug_flags & SCALABLE_MALLOC_ADD_GUARD_PAGES) && PROTECT_SMALL) &&
      ((new_size + SMALL_QUANTUM - 1) < LARGE_THRESHOLD) &&
      (old_size > 31 * TINY_QUANTUM)) {
	if (try_realloc_small_in_place(szone, ptr, old_size, new_size)) {
	    return ptr;

	 * If the allocation's a large or huge allocation, try to reallocate in-place there.
    } else if (!((szone->debug_flags & SCALABLE_MALLOC_ADD_GUARD_PAGES) && PROTECT_SMALL) && (old_size > LARGE_THRESHOLD)) {
	if (try_realloc_large_or_huge_in_place(szone, ptr, old_size, new_size)) {
	    return ptr;

     * Can't reallocate in place for whatever reason; allocate a new buffer and copy.
    new_ptr = szone_malloc(szone, new_size);
    if (new_ptr == NULL)
	return NULL;

     * If the allocation's large enough, try to copy using VM.  If that fails, or
     * if it's too small, just copy by hand.
    if ((old_size < VM_COPY_THRESHOLD) ||
      vm_copy(mach_task_self(), (vm_address_t)ptr, old_size, (vm_address_t)new_ptr))
	memcpy(new_ptr, ptr, old_size);
    szone_free(szone, ptr);
    if (LOG(szone, ptr)) {
	malloc_printf("szone_realloc returned %p for %d\n", new_ptr, (unsigned)new_size);
    return new_ptr;

// given a size, returns the number of pointers allocated capable of holding
// that size, up to the limit specified by the 'count' argument.  These pointers
// are stored in the 'results' array, which must be allocated by the caller.
// may return zero, since this function is only a best attempt at allocating
// the pointers.  clients should be prepared to call malloc for any additional
// blocks they need.
static unsigned
szone_batch_malloc(szone_t *szone, size_t size, void **results, unsigned count)
    msize_t     msize = TINY_MSIZE_FOR_BYTES(size + TINY_QUANTUM - 1);
    unsigned    found = 0;

    // only bother implementing this for tiny
    if (size > 31*TINY_QUANTUM)
        return 0;
    // make sure to return objects at least one quantum in size
    if (!msize)
        msize = 1;

    CHECK(szone, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__);

	// We must lock the zone now, since tiny_malloc_from_free_list assumes that 
	// the caller has done so.

	// with the zone locked, allocate objects from the free list until all
	// sufficiently large objects have been exhausted, or we have met our quota
	// of objects to allocate.
	while (found < count) {
        void *ptr = tiny_malloc_from_free_list(szone, msize);
        if (!ptr)

        *results++ = ptr;
    return found;

static void
szone_batch_free(szone_t *szone, void **to_be_freed, unsigned count)
    unsigned		cc = 0;
    void		*ptr;
    region_t	*tiny_region;
    boolean_t		is_free;
    msize_t		msize;

    // frees all the pointers in to_be_freed
    // note that to_be_freed may be overwritten during the process
    if (!count)
    CHECK(szone, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
    while (cc < count) {
	ptr = to_be_freed[cc];
	if (ptr) {
	    /* XXX this really slows us down */
	    tiny_region = tiny_region_for_ptr_no_lock(szone, ptr);
	    if (tiny_region) {
		// this is a tiny pointer
		    break; // pointer to metadata; let the standard free deal with it
		msize = get_tiny_meta_header(ptr, &is_free);
		if (is_free)
		    break; // a double free; let the standard free deal with it
		tiny_free_no_lock(szone, tiny_region, ptr, msize);
		to_be_freed[cc] = NULL;
    CHECK(szone, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
    while (count--) {
	ptr = to_be_freed[count];
	if (ptr)
	    szone_free(szone, ptr);

static void
szone_destroy(szone_t *szone)
    size_t		index;
    large_entry_t	*large;
    vm_range_t		range_to_deallocate;
    huge_entry_t	*huge;

    /* destroy large entries */
    index = szone->num_large_entries;
    while (index--) {
	large = szone->large_entries + index;
	if (!LARGE_ENTRY_IS_EMPTY(*large)) {
	    // we deallocate_pages, including guard pages
	    deallocate_pages(szone, (void *)LARGE_ENTRY_ADDRESS(*large), LARGE_ENTRY_SIZE(*large), szone->debug_flags);
    if (szone->num_large_entries * sizeof(large_entry_t) >= LARGE_THRESHOLD) {
	// we do not free in the small chunk case
	large_entries_free_no_lock(szone, szone->large_entries, szone->num_large_entries, &range_to_deallocate);
	if (range_to_deallocate.size)
	    deallocate_pages(szone, (void *)range_to_deallocate.address, (size_t)range_to_deallocate.size, 0);

    /* destroy huge entries */
    index = szone->num_huge_entries;
    while (index--) {
	huge = szone->huge_entries + index;
	deallocate_pages(szone, (void *)huge->address, huge->size, szone->debug_flags);
    /* destroy tiny regions */
    for (index = 0; index < szone->num_tiny_regions_allocated; ++index)
      if (szone->tiny_regions[index])
        deallocate_pages(szone, szone->tiny_regions[index], TINY_REGION_SIZE, 0);

    /* destroy small regions */
    for (index = 0; index < szone->num_small_regions_allocated; ++index)
      if (szone->small_regions[index])
        deallocate_pages(szone, szone->small_regions[index], SMALL_REGION_SIZE, 0);

    /* destroy region hash rings, if any */
    if (szone->tiny_regions != szone->initial_tiny_regions) {
      size_t size = round_page(szone->num_tiny_regions_allocated * sizeof(region_t));
      deallocate_pages(szone, szone->tiny_regions, size, 0);
    if (szone->small_regions != szone->initial_small_regions) {
      size_t size = round_page(szone->num_small_regions_allocated * sizeof(region_t));
      deallocate_pages(szone, szone->small_regions, size, 0);
    /* Now destroy the separate szone region */
    deallocate_pages(szone, (void *)szone, SZONE_PAGED_SIZE, SCALABLE_MALLOC_ADD_GUARD_PAGES);

static size_t
szone_good_size(szone_t *szone, size_t size)
    msize_t	msize;
    unsigned	num_pages;
    if (size <= 31 * TINY_QUANTUM) {
	// think tiny
	if (! msize) msize = 1;
	return TINY_BYTES_FOR_MSIZE(msize);
    if (!((szone->debug_flags & SCALABLE_MALLOC_ADD_GUARD_PAGES) && PROTECT_SMALL) && (size < LARGE_THRESHOLD)) {
	// think small
	if (! msize) msize = 1;
	return SMALL_BYTES_FOR_MSIZE(msize);
    } else {
	num_pages = round_page(size) >> vm_page_shift;
	if (!num_pages)
	    num_pages = 1; // minimal allocation size for this
	return num_pages << vm_page_shift;

unsigned szone_check_counter = 0;
unsigned szone_check_start = 0;
unsigned szone_check_modulo = 1;

static boolean_t
szone_check_all(szone_t *szone, const char *function)
    size_t index;


    /* check tiny regions - chould check region count */
    for (index = 0; index < szone->num_tiny_regions_allocated; ++index) {
      region_t tiny = szone->tiny_regions[index];
      if (tiny && !tiny_check_region(szone, tiny)) {
        szone->debug_flags &= ~ CHECK_REGIONS;
        szone_error(szone, "check: tiny region incorrect", NULL,
                    "*** tiny region %d incorrect szone_check_all(%s) counter=%d\n",
                    index, function, szone_check_counter);
        return 0;
    /* check tiny free lists */
    for (index = 0; index < NUM_TINY_SLOTS; ++index) {
      if (!tiny_free_list_check(szone, index)) {
        szone->debug_flags &= ~ CHECK_REGIONS;
        szone_error(szone, "check: tiny free list incorrect", NULL,
                    "*** tiny free list incorrect (slot=%d) szone_check_all(%s) counter=%d\n",
                    index, function, szone_check_counter);
        return 0;
    /* check small regions - could check region count */
    for (index = 0; index < szone->num_small_regions_allocated; ++index) {
      region_t small = szone->small_regions[index];
      if (small && !szone_check_small_region(szone, small)) {
        szone->debug_flags &= ~ CHECK_REGIONS;
        szone_error(szone, "check: small region incorrect", NULL,
                    "*** small region %d incorrect szone_check_all(%s) counter=%d\n",
                    index, function, szone_check_counter);
        return 0;
    /* check small free lists */
    for (index = 0; index < NUM_SMALL_SLOTS; ++index) {
      if (!small_free_list_check(szone, index)) {
        szone->debug_flags &= ~ CHECK_REGIONS;
        szone_error(szone, "check: small free list incorrect", NULL,
                    "*** small free list incorrect (grain=%d) szone_check_all(%s) counter=%d\n",
                    index, function, szone_check_counter);
        return 0;
    return 1;

static boolean_t
szone_check(szone_t *szone)
    if ((++szone_check_counter % 10000) == 0)
	_malloc_printf(ASL_LEVEL_NOTICE, "at szone_check counter=%d\n", szone_check_counter);
    if (szone_check_counter < szone_check_start)
	return 1;
    if (szone_check_counter % szone_check_modulo)
	return 1;
    return szone_check_all(szone, "");

static kern_return_t
szone_ptr_in_use_enumerator(task_t task, void *context, unsigned type_mask, vm_address_t zone_address, memory_reader_t reader, vm_range_recorder_t recorder)
    szone_t		*szone;
    kern_return_t	err;
    if (!reader) reader = _szone_default_reader;
    err = reader(task, zone_address, sizeof(szone_t), (void **)&szone);
    if (err) return err;
    err = tiny_in_use_enumerator(task, context, type_mask, szone, reader, recorder);
    if (err) return err;
    err = small_in_use_enumerator(task, context, type_mask, szone, reader, recorder);
    if (err) return err;
    err = large_in_use_enumerator(task, context, type_mask,
      (vm_address_t)szone->large_entries, szone->num_large_entries, reader,
    if (err) return err;
    err = huge_in_use_enumerator(task, context, type_mask,
      (vm_address_t)szone->huge_entries, szone->num_huge_entries, reader,
    return err;

// Following method is deprecated:  use scalable_zone_statistics instead
scalable_zone_info(malloc_zone_t *zone, unsigned *info_to_fill, unsigned count)
    szone_t	*szone = (void *)zone;
    unsigned	info[13];
    // We do not lock to facilitate debug
    info[4] = szone->num_tiny_objects;
    info[5] = szone->num_bytes_in_tiny_objects;
    info[6] = szone->num_small_objects;
    info[7] = szone->num_bytes_in_small_objects;
    info[8] = szone->num_large_objects_in_use;
    info[9] = szone->num_bytes_in_large_objects;
    info[10] = szone->num_huge_entries;
    info[11] = szone->num_bytes_in_huge_objects;
    info[12] = szone->debug_flags;
    info[0] = info[4] + info[6] + info[8] + info[10];
    info[1] = info[5] + info[7] + info[9] + info[11];
    info[3] = szone->num_tiny_regions * TINY_REGION_SIZE + szone->num_small_regions * SMALL_REGION_SIZE + info[9] + info[11];
    info[2] = info[3] - szone->tiny_bytes_free_at_end - szone->small_bytes_free_at_end;
    memcpy(info_to_fill, info, sizeof(unsigned)*count);

static void
szone_print(szone_t *szone, boolean_t verbose)
  unsigned  info[13];
  size_t    index;
  region_t  region;
  scalable_zone_info((void *)szone, info, 13);
                 "Scalable zone %p: inUse=%d(%y) touched=%y allocated=%y flags=%d\n",
                 szone, info[0], info[1], info[2], info[3], info[12]);
                 "\ttiny=%d(%y) small=%d(%y) large=%d(%y) huge=%d(%y)\n",
                 info[4], info[5], info[6], info[7], info[8], info[9], info[10], info[11]);
  // tiny
                 "%d tiny regions:\n", szone->num_tiny_regions);
  for (index = 0; index < szone->num_tiny_regions_allocated; ++index) {
    region = szone->tiny_regions[index];
    if (region)
      print_tiny_region(verbose, region, (region == szone->last_tiny_region) ? 
                                         szone->tiny_bytes_free_at_end : 0);
  if (verbose)
  // small
                 "%d small regions:\n", szone->num_small_regions);
  for (index = 0; index < szone->num_small_regions_allocated; ++index) {
    region = szone->small_regions[index];
    if (region)
      print_small_region(szone, verbose, region,
                         (region == szone->last_small_region) ? 
                         szone->small_bytes_free_at_end : 0);
  if (verbose)

static void
szone_log(malloc_zone_t *zone, void *log_address)
    szone_t	*szone = (szone_t *)zone;

    szone->log_address = log_address;

static void
szone_force_lock(szone_t *szone)

static void
szone_force_unlock(szone_t *szone)

scalable_zone_statistics(malloc_zone_t *zone, malloc_statistics_t *stats, unsigned subzone)
    szone_t *szone = (szone_t *)zone;
    switch (subzone) {
	case 0:	
	    stats->blocks_in_use = szone->num_tiny_objects;
	    stats->size_in_use = szone->num_bytes_in_tiny_objects;
	    stats->size_allocated = szone->num_tiny_regions * TINY_REGION_SIZE;
	    stats->max_size_in_use = stats->size_allocated - szone->tiny_bytes_free_at_end;
	    return 1;
	case 1:	
	    stats->blocks_in_use = szone->num_small_objects;
	    stats->size_in_use = szone->num_bytes_in_small_objects;
	    stats->size_allocated = szone->num_small_regions * SMALL_REGION_SIZE;
	    stats->max_size_in_use = stats->size_allocated - szone->small_bytes_free_at_end;
	    return 1;
	case 2:
	    stats->blocks_in_use = szone->num_large_objects_in_use;
	    stats->size_in_use = szone->num_bytes_in_large_objects;
	    stats->max_size_in_use = stats->size_allocated = stats->size_in_use;
	    return 1;
	case 3:
	    stats->blocks_in_use = szone->num_huge_entries;
	    stats->size_in_use = szone->num_bytes_in_huge_objects;
	    stats->max_size_in_use = stats->size_allocated = stats->size_in_use;
	    return 1;
    return 0;

static void
szone_statistics(szone_t *szone, malloc_statistics_t *stats)
    size_t	big_and_huge;
    stats->blocks_in_use =
      szone->num_tiny_objects +
      szone->num_small_objects +
      szone->num_large_objects_in_use +
    big_and_huge = szone->num_bytes_in_large_objects + szone->num_bytes_in_huge_objects;
    stats->size_in_use = szone->num_bytes_in_tiny_objects + szone->num_bytes_in_small_objects + big_and_huge;
    stats->max_size_in_use = stats->size_allocated =
      szone->num_tiny_regions * TINY_REGION_SIZE +
      szone->num_small_regions * SMALL_REGION_SIZE +
      big_and_huge ; 

    // Now we account for the untouched areas
    stats->max_size_in_use -= szone->tiny_bytes_free_at_end;
    stats->max_size_in_use -= szone->small_bytes_free_at_end;

static const struct malloc_introspection_t szone_introspect = {
    (void *)szone_ptr_in_use_enumerator,
    (void *)szone_good_size,
    (void *)szone_check,
    (void *)szone_print,
    (void *)szone_force_lock,
    (void *)szone_force_unlock,
    (void *)szone_statistics
}; // marked as const to spare the DATA section

malloc_zone_t *
create_scalable_zone(size_t initial_size, unsigned debug_flags)
    szone_t		*szone;

     * Sanity-check our build-time assumptions about the size of a page.
     * Since we have sized various things assuming the default page size,
     * attempting to determine it dynamically is not useful.
    if ((vm_page_size != _vm_page_size) || (vm_page_shift != _vm_page_shift)) {
	malloc_printf("*** FATAL ERROR - machine page size does not match our assumptions.\n");

    /* get memory for the zone, which is now separate from any region.
       add guard pages to prevent walking from any other vm allocations
       to here and overwriting the function pointers in basic_zone. */
    szone = allocate_pages(NULL, SZONE_PAGED_SIZE, 0, 
    if (!szone)
        return NULL;
    /* set up the szone structure */
    szone->tiny_regions = szone->initial_tiny_regions;
    szone->small_regions = szone->initial_small_regions;
    szone->num_tiny_regions_allocated = INITIAL_NUM_REGIONS;
    szone->num_small_regions_allocated = INITIAL_NUM_REGIONS;
    szone->basic_zone.version = 3;
    szone->basic_zone.size = (void *)szone_size;
    szone->basic_zone.malloc = (void *)szone_malloc;
    szone->basic_zone.calloc = (void *)szone_calloc;
    szone->basic_zone.valloc = (void *)szone_valloc;
    szone-> = (void *)szone_free;
    szone->basic_zone.realloc = (void *)szone_realloc;
    szone->basic_zone.destroy = (void *)szone_destroy;
    szone->basic_zone.batch_malloc = (void *)szone_batch_malloc;
    szone->basic_zone.batch_free = (void *)szone_batch_free;
    szone->basic_zone.introspect = (struct malloc_introspection_t *)&szone_introspect;
    szone->debug_flags = debug_flags;

#if 0
#warning CHECK_REGIONS enabled
    debug_flags |= CHECK_REGIONS;
#if 0
#warning LOG enabled
    szone->log_address = ~0;
    CHECK(szone, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
    return (malloc_zone_t *)szone;

/********* Support code for emacs unexec ************/

/* History of freezedry version numbers:
 * 1) Old malloc (before the scalable malloc implementation in this file
 *    existed).
 * 2) Original freezedrying code for scalable malloc.  This code was apparently
 *    based on the old freezedrying code and was fundamentally flawed in its
 *    assumption that tracking allocated memory regions was adequate to fake
 *    operations on freezedried memory.  This doesn't work, since scalable
 *    malloc does not store flags in front of large page-aligned allocations.
 * 3) Original szone-based freezedrying code.
 * 4) Fresher malloc with tiny zone
 * 5) 32/64bit compatible malloc
 * 6) Metadata within 1MB and 8MB region for tiny and small
 * No version backward compatibility is provided, but the version number does
 * make it possible for malloc_jumpstart() to return an error if the application
 * was freezedried with an older version of malloc.

typedef struct {
    unsigned version;
    unsigned nszones;
    szone_t *szones;
} malloc_frozen;

static void *
frozen_malloc(szone_t *zone, size_t new_size)
    return malloc(new_size);

static void *
frozen_calloc(szone_t *zone, size_t num_items, size_t size)
    return calloc(num_items, size);

static void *
frozen_valloc(szone_t *zone, size_t new_size)
    return valloc(new_size);

static void *
frozen_realloc(szone_t *zone, void *ptr, size_t new_size)
    size_t	old_size = szone_size(zone, ptr);
    void	*new_ptr;
    if (new_size <= old_size) {
	return ptr;
    new_ptr = malloc(new_size);
    if (old_size > 0) {
	memcpy(new_ptr, ptr, old_size);
    return new_ptr;

static void
frozen_free(szone_t *zone, void *ptr)

static void
frozen_destroy(szone_t *zone)

/********* Pseudo-private API for emacs unexec ************/

 * malloc_freezedry() records all of the szones in use, so that they can be
 * partially reconstituted by malloc_jumpstart().  Due to the differences
 * between reconstituted memory regions and those created by the szone code,
 * care is taken not to reallocate from the freezedried memory, except in the
 * case of a non-growing realloc().
 * Due to the flexibility provided by the zone registration mechanism, it is
 * impossible to implement generic freezedrying for any zone type.  This code
 * only handles applications that use the szone allocator, so malloc_freezedry()
 * returns 0 (error) if any non-szone zones are encountered.

    extern unsigned malloc_num_zones;
    extern malloc_zone_t **malloc_zones;
    malloc_frozen *data;
    unsigned i;

    /* Allocate space in which to store the freezedry state. */
    data = (malloc_frozen *) malloc(sizeof(malloc_frozen));

    /* Set freezedry version number so that malloc_jumpstart() can check for compatibility. */
    data->version = MALLOC_FREEZEDRY_VERSION;

    /* Allocate the array of szone pointers. */
    data->nszones = malloc_num_zones;
    data->szones = (szone_t *) calloc(malloc_num_zones, sizeof(szone_t));

     * Fill in the array of szone structures.  They are copied rather than
     * referenced, since the originals are likely to be clobbered during malloc
     * initialization.
    for (i = 0; i < malloc_num_zones; i++) {
	if (strcmp(malloc_zones[i]->zone_name, "DefaultMallocZone")) {
	    /* Unknown zone type. */
	    return 0;
	memcpy(&data->szones[i], malloc_zones[i], sizeof(szone_t));


malloc_jumpstart(uintptr_t cookie)
    malloc_frozen *data = (malloc_frozen *)cookie;
    unsigned i;

    if (data->version != MALLOC_FREEZEDRY_VERSION) {
	/* Unsupported freezedry version. */
	return 1;

    for (i = 0; i < data->nszones; i++) {
	/* Set function pointers.  Even the functions that stay the same must be
	 * set, since there are no guarantees that they will be mapped to the
	 * same addresses. */
	data->szones[i].basic_zone.size = (void *) szone_size;
	data->szones[i].basic_zone.malloc = (void *) frozen_malloc;
	data->szones[i].basic_zone.calloc = (void *) frozen_calloc;
	data->szones[i].basic_zone.valloc = (void *) frozen_valloc;
	data->szones[i] = (void *) frozen_free;
	data->szones[i].basic_zone.realloc = (void *) frozen_realloc;
	data->szones[i].basic_zone.destroy = (void *) frozen_destroy;
	data->szones[i].basic_zone.introspect = (struct malloc_introspection_t *)&szone_introspect;

	/* Register the freezedried zone. */

    return 0;