profile.hin   [plain text]

 * profile.h

#ifndef _KRB5_PROFILE_H
#define _KRB5_PROFILE_H

#if defined(_WIN32)
#include <win-mac.h>

#if defined(__MACH__) && defined(__APPLE__)
#    include <TargetConditionals.h>
#        error "Use KfM 4.0 SDK headers for CFM compilation."
#    endif


typedef struct _profile_t *profile_t;

 * Used by the profile iterator in prof_get.c

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#endif /* __cplusplus */

typedef char* profile_filespec_t;	/* path as C string */
typedef char* profile_filespec_list_t;	/* list of : separated paths, C string */
typedef const char * const_profile_filespec_t;	/* path as C string */
typedef const char * const_profile_filespec_list_t;	/* list of : separated paths, C string */

long KRB5_CALLCONV profile_init
	(const_profile_filespec_t *files, profile_t *ret_profile);

long KRB5_CALLCONV profile_init_path
	(const_profile_filespec_list_t filelist, profile_t *ret_profile);

void KRB5_CALLCONV profile_configuration_updated

long KRB5_CALLCONV profile_flush
	(profile_t profile);
long KRB5_CALLCONV profile_flush_to_file
	(profile_t profile, const_profile_filespec_t outfile);
long KRB5_CALLCONV profile_flush_to_buffer
	(profile_t profile, char **bufp);
void KRB5_CALLCONV profile_free_buffer
	(profile_t profile, char *buf);

long KRB5_CALLCONV profile_is_writable
	(profile_t profile, int *writable);
long KRB5_CALLCONV profile_is_modified
	(profile_t profile, int *modified);

void KRB5_CALLCONV profile_abandon
	(profile_t profile);

void KRB5_CALLCONV profile_release
	(profile_t profile);

long KRB5_CALLCONV profile_get_values
	(profile_t profile, const char *const *names, char ***ret_values);

void KRB5_CALLCONV profile_free_list
	(char **list);

long KRB5_CALLCONV profile_get_string
	(profile_t profile, const char *name, const char *subname, 
			const char *subsubname, const char *def_val,
			char **ret_string);
long KRB5_CALLCONV profile_get_integer
	(profile_t profile, const char *name, const char *subname,
			const char *subsubname, int def_val,
			int *ret_default);

long KRB5_CALLCONV profile_get_boolean
	(profile_t profile, const char *name, const char *subname,
			const char *subsubname, int def_val,
			int *ret_default);

long KRB5_CALLCONV profile_get_relation_names
	(profile_t profile, const char **names, char ***ret_names);

long KRB5_CALLCONV profile_get_subsection_names
	(profile_t profile, const char **names, char ***ret_names);

long KRB5_CALLCONV profile_iterator_create
	(profile_t profile, const char *const *names,
		   int flags, void **ret_iter);

void KRB5_CALLCONV profile_iterator_free
	(void **iter_p);
long KRB5_CALLCONV profile_iterator
	(void	**iter_p, char **ret_name, char **ret_value);

void KRB5_CALLCONV profile_release_string (char *str);

long KRB5_CALLCONV profile_update_relation
	(profile_t profile, const char **names, 
		   const char *old_value, const char *new_value);

long KRB5_CALLCONV profile_clear_relation
	(profile_t profile, const char **names);

long KRB5_CALLCONV profile_rename_section
	(profile_t profile, const char **names, 
		   const char *new_name);

long KRB5_CALLCONV profile_add_relation
	(profile_t profile, const char **names, 
		   const char *new_value);

#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* __cplusplus */

#endif /* _KRB5_PROFILE_H */