# # Copyright (c) 2006 Secure Endpoints Inc. # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person # obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files # (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, # including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, # publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, # and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, # subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be # included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, # EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF # MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND # NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS # BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN # ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN # CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE # SOFTWARE. # Environment variables # --------------------- # # Before running the makefile, set the environment variable KFWSDKDIR # to the directory containing the Kerberos for Windows SDK version 3.1 # or later. The path should not end in a backslash. # Configuration settings # ---------------------- # Declare a few things about our plug-in. # TODO: Change the plug-in name PLUGINNAME=MyPlugin # TODO: Change the module name MODULENAME=MyModule # TODO: Change the credtype name CREDTYPENAME=MyCred # TODO: Change this as appropriate DLLBASENAME=myplugin # Version info # TODO: Change the version numbers VERMAJOR=0 VERMINOR=1 VERAUX =0 VERPATCH=0 # Leave these as-is VERLIST=$(VERMAJOR).$(VERMINOR).$(VERAUX).$(VERPATCH) VERLISTC=$(VERMAJOR),$(VERMINOR),$(VERAUX),$(VERPATCH) # Various checks !ifndef MSSDK ! error Platform SDK environment variables not set. !endif !ifndef KFWSDKDIR ! error KFWSDKDIR environment variable not set. !endif # Directories BUILDROOT=. !ifdef NODEBUG BUILDTYPE=release !else BUILDTYPE=debug !endif !ifndef CPU !error Environment variable 'CPU' is not defined. !endif DEST=$(BUILDROOT)\dest\$(CPU)_$(BUILDTYPE) OBJ=$(BUILDROOT)\obj\$(CPU)_$(BUILDTYPE) !ifndef NIDMRAWDIRS KFWINCDIR=$(KFWSDKDIR)\inc NIDMINCDIR=$(KFWINCDIR)\netidmgr NIDMLIBDIR=$(KFWSDKDIR)\lib\$(CPU) !else NIDMINCDIR=$(KFWSDKDIR)\inc NIDMLIBDIR=$(KFWSDKDIR) !endif # Win32.mak !include # Program macros CD=cd RM=del /q MKDIR=mkdir RMDIR=rmdir ECHO=echo CP=copy /y LINK=link MC=mc # Lots more macros incflags = -I"$(NIDMINCDIR)" -I"$(OBJ)" -I. rincflags = /i "$(NIDMINCDIR)" /i "$(OBJ)" /i . ldebug = $(ldebug) /DEBUG cdebug = $(cdebug) -Os -Zi cdefines = $(cdefines) -DUNICODE -D_UNICODE C2OBJ=$(CC) $(cdebug) $(cflags) $(incflags) $(cdefines) /Fo"$@" /c $** DLLGUILINK=$(LINK) /NOLOGO $(ldebug) $(dlllflags) $(guilibsmt) /OUT:"$@" /IMPLIB:$(DEST)\$(@B).lib $** DLLRESLINK=$(LINK) /NOLOGO /DLL /NOENTRY /MACHINE:$(PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE) /OUT:"$@" $** RC2RES=$(RC) $(RFLAGS) $(rincflags) /fo "$@" $** MC2RC=$(MC) $(MCFLAGS) -h "$(OBJ)\" -m 1024 -r "$(OBJ)\" -x "$(OBJ)\" $** {}.c{$(OBJ)}.obj: $(C2OBJ) {$(OBJ)}.c{$(OBJ)}.obj: $(C2OBJ) {}.rc{$(OBJ)}.res: $(RC2RES) mkdirs:: !if !exist($(DEST)) $(MKDIR) "$(DEST)" !endif !if !exist($(OBJ)) $(MKDIR) "$(OBJ)" !endif clean:: $(RM) "$(OBJ)\*.*" $(RM) "$(DEST)\*.*" .SUFFIXES: .h # # Manifest handling # # Starting with Visual Studio 8, the C compiler and the linker # generate manifests so that the applications will link with the # correct side-by-side DLLs at run-time. These are required for # correct operation under Windows XP. We also have custom manifests # which need to be merged with the manifests that VS creates. # # The syntax for invoking the _VC_MANIFEST_EMBED_foo macro is: # $(_VC_MANIFEST_EMBED_???) # !ifndef MT MT=mt.exe -nologo !endif _VC_MANIFEST_EMBED_EXE= \ if exist "$@.manifest" $(MT) -outputresource:"$@";1 -manifest "$@.manifest" _VC_MANIFEST_EMBED_DLL=$(_VC_MANIFEST_EMBED_EXE) # Note that if you are merging manifests, then the VS generated # manifest should be cleaned up after calling _VC_MANIFEST_EMBED_???. # This ensures that even if the DLL or EXE is executed in-place, the # embedded manifest will be used. Otherwise the $@.manifest file will # be used. _VC_MANIFEST_CLEAN= \ if exist "$@.manifest" $(RM) "$@.manifest" # End of manifest handling # Now for the actual build stuff DLL=$(DEST)\$(DLLBASENAME).dll LIBFILES= \ "$(NIDMLIBDIR)\nidmgr32.lib" OBJFILES= \ $(OBJ)\credacq.obj \ $(OBJ)\credtype.obj \ $(OBJ)\main.obj \ $(OBJ)\plugin.obj \ $(OBJ)\proppage.obj \ $(OBJ)\config_main.obj \ $(OBJ)\config_id.obj \ $(OBJ)\config_ids.obj DLLRESFILE=$(OBJ)\version.res CONFIGHEADER=$(OBJ)\credacq_config.h all: mkdirs $(CONFIGHEADER) $(DLL) lang $(CONFIGHEADER): Makefile $(CP) << "$@" /* This is a generated file. Do not modify directly. */ #pragma once #define MYPLUGIN_DLLBASE "$(DLLBASENAME)" #define MYPLUGIN_NAME "$(PLUGINNAME)" #define MYMODULE_NAME "$(MODULENAME)" #define MYCREDTYPE_NAME "$(CREDTYPENAME)" #define VERSION_MAJOR $(VERMAJOR) #define VERSION_MINOR $(VERMINOR) #define VERSION_AUX $(VERAUX) #define VERSION_PATCH $(VERPATCH) #define VERSION_LIST $(VERLIST) #define VERSION_LISTC $(VERLISTC) #define VERSION_STRING "$(VERLIST)" << clean:: $(RM) $(CONFIGHEADER) $(DLL): $(OBJFILES) $(DLLRESFILE) $(DLLGUILINK) $(LIBFILES) $(_VC_MANIFEST_EMBED_DLL) $(_VC_MANIFEST_CLEAN) clean:: $(RM) $(DLL) # Language specific resources # (repeat the following block as needed, redefining LANG for each # supported language) # English-US LANG=en_us LANGDLL=$(DEST)\$(DLLBASENAME)_$(LANG).dll lang:: $(LANGDLL) $(LANGDLL): $(OBJ)\langres_$(LANG).res $(OBJ)\version_$(LANG).res $(DLLRESLINK) $(_VC_MANIFEST_EMBED_DLL) $(_VC_MANIFEST_CLEAN) clean:: $(RM) $(LANGDLL) $(OBJ)\version_$(LANG).res: version.rc $(RC) $(RFLAGS) $(rincflags) /d LANGRES /d LANG_$(LANG) /fo $@ $** clean:: $(RM) $(OBJ)\version_$(LANG).res $(OBJ)\langres_$(LANG).res: lang\$(LANG)\langres.rc $(RC2RES) clean:: $(RM) $(OBJ)\langres_$(LANG).res # /English-US