kmmconfig.csv   [plain text]

PluginManager,KC_SPACE,0,Plugin Manager Configuration
  Plugins,KC_SPACE,0,Plugin Specific configuration
    PluginMaxFailureCount,KC_INT32,3,Maximum number of failure counts before plugin is disabled
    PluginFailureCountResetTime,KC_INT64,36000,Time after first failure at which the failure count is reset
    _Schema,KC_SPACE,0,Plugin schema
      Module,KC_STRING,<module name>,The name of the module that registered this plugin
      Description,KC_STRING,<Description>,Description of the plugin
      Dependencies,KC_STRING,<Dependencies>,Multi string of plugin names of plugins that this plugin depends on
      Type,KC_INT32,0,The type of the plugin
#      Flags,KC_INT32,0,Flags (Deprecated)
      Disabled,KC_INT32,0,Plug-in is disabled (Boolean)
      NoUnload,KC_INT32,0,Do not unload the plugin (Boolean)
      FailureCount,KC_INT32,0,Number of failed loads
      FailureTime,KC_INT64,0,FILETIME of first failure
      FailureReason,KC_INT32,0,Reason for first failure.  One of the plugin status values.
      Parameters,KC_SPACE,0,Plugin parameters.  The schema beyond this is plugin dependent.
  Modules,KC_SPACE,0,Module Specific configuration
    ModuleMaxFailureCount,KC_INT32,3,Maximum number of failure counts before module is disabled
    ModuleFailureCountResetTime,KC_INT64,72000,Time after first failure at which the failure count is reset
    _Schema,KC_SPACE,0,Module schema
      ImagePath,KC_STRING,<Path to the library binary>,Path to the DLL (including DLL name)
#      Flags,KC_INT32,0,Flags (Deprecated)
      Disabled,KC_INT32,0,Module is disabled (Boolean)
      FailureCount,KC_INT32,0,Number of failed loads
      FailureTime,KC_INT64,0,FILETIME of first failure
      FailureReason,KC_INT32,0,Reason for last failure.  One of the module status values.
      PluginList,KC_STRING,<plugins>,List of plugins implemented in the module
# The OpenAFS plug-in is installed separately.
#    OpenAFS,KC_SPACE,0,OpenAFS Module
#      ImagePath,KC_STRING,afscred.dll,
#      PluginList,KC_STRING,AfsCred,
#    MITKrb5,KC_SPACE,0,MIT Kerberos V
#      ImagePath,KC_STRING,krb5cred.dll,
#      PluginList,KC_STRING,Krb5Cred,
#    MITKrb4,KC_SPACE,0,MIT Kerberos IV
#     ImagePath,KC_STRING,krb4cred.dll,
#      PluginList,KC_STRING,Krb4Cred,