Network Identity Manager - Starting Network Identity Manager

Opening the Network Identity Manager window from the notification icon

Depending on how Network Identity Manager was installed, it may be configured with a shortcut in the Startup Folder, or it may require a manual start. NetIDMgr is a notification tray application and therefore it is not listed in the Microsoft Windows task bar.  This design is based on the assumption that most users rarely interact directly with the application.

When NetIDMgr is running, it places an icon in the system notification area (sometimes referred to as the "system tray") as shown in figure 1. Details about the state information represented by the icon can be found here.

Left clicking on this icon executes the default action which either changes the view state of the credential list or displays the Obtain New Credentials dialog. Right clicking on the icon displays a menu.

Starting Network Identity Manager from the Start Menu or command line

If NetIDMgr was not configured to start automatically when you login to Windows, then you need to start it either from the commandline or the start menu. The start menu application icon is under "Kerberos for Windows" as shown in figure 2.

Alternatively, you can type 'netidmgr' at a command shell to start NetIDMgr as well. When starting this way, you may specify additional command line options.

Configuring startup options

Note that you can configure options related to the startup of NetIDMgr by using the NetIDMgr configuration dialog box. You can use the menu items under the Options menu to invoke the configuration dialog.

Only one instance of NetIDMgr can be running at any one time. Attempting to start NetIDMgr while it is still running will not do anything, unless you provide any command line options that trigger some action in the running application instance. If more than one version of NetIDMgr is installed on the system, and the older version is running at the time the newer version is started, the older version will exit allowing the newer version to take over.