use_layout.htm   [plain text]

  <title>Network Identity Manager - Managing the credentials view layout</title>
  <meta name="description" content="Managing the credentials view layout">
  <meta name="keywords" content="view, layout">
  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="nidmgr.css">
  <Object type="application/x-oleobject" classid="clsid:1e2a7bd0-dab9-11d0-b93a-00c04fc99f9e">
<param name="Keyword" value="Credential View Layouts">
<param name="Keyword" value="Sorting credentials by a column">
<param name="Keyword" value="Grouping credentials by a column">
<param name="Keyword" value="Selecting Columns">

<h1>Network Identity Manager - Managing the credentials view layout</h1>

<p>The credentials view layout provides an outlined view of the
credentials that are being managed by NetIDMgr.  The columns that are
displayed in the window, the columns that are used for grouping and
sorting the list of credentials can be customized. </p>

<p>The following sections provide more details on the types of
customizations that can be performed:</p>

  <li><a href="#predef">Predefined layouts</a></li>
  <li><a href="#addcol">Adding and removing columns.</a></li>
  <li><a href="#sort">Sorting by a column.</a></li>
  <li><a href="#group">Grouping by a column.</a></li>

<a name="predef"></a>
<h3>Pre-defined layouts</h3>

<p>The predefined layouts in NetIDMgr are:</p>


  <li><span class="title">By Identity</span>: Credentials grouped by
  identity, credentials type and location, and finally sorted by
  credential name.</li>

  <li><span class="title">By Type</span>: Credentials grouped by
  credentials type and then by identity.</li>

  <li><span class="title">By Location</span>: Credentials grouped by
  location, identity and then by credentials type.  The location is
  reported by individual credentials providers that indicate where
  each credential is stored. For Kerberos 5 and Kerberos 4, this is a
  credentials cache name.</li>


<a name="addcol"></a>
<h3>Adding and removing columns</h3>

<p>The <span class="pre">View Columns</span> menu lists all the
columns that are available for display.  Each column that is already
displayed will have a check mark next to it.  Selecting a column that
is not currently being displayed will add that column to the display.
Selecting a column that is is being displayed will remove it from the

<p>This menu can be reached either by right-clicking the column header
area or by invoking the <span class="pre">View</span> menu.  The menu
is shown below.</p>

<p><img src="images/screen_menu_view_cols.png"/> </p>

<a name="sort"></a>
<h3>Sorting by a column</h3>

<p>Clicking on a column header will change the sort order of the
column if it is already being used as a sort key.  If the colunm is
not currently being used as a sort key, clicking on the column header
will start sorting in increasing order by that column.</p>

<p>Double-clicking a column that is not used for grouping will stop
sorting by that column.</p>

<a name="group"></a>
<h3>Grouping by a column</h3>

<p>Double-clicking on a column header will start grouping by that
column if the column is currently not being used as a sort key.  If
the column is currently being used for grouping, then double-clicking
will stop it from being used for grouping.</p>
