menu_view.htm   [plain text]

  <title>Network Identity Manager - View Menu</title>
  <meta name="description" content="View menu">
  <meta name="keywords" content="view menu">
  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="nidmgr.css">

<h1>Network Identity Manager - View Menu</h1>

Click an item on the menu to go to the description of the action, or choose from 
the list below. You can activate the View Menu by pressing <span
class="pre">Alt + V</span> and you can activate each action by pressing the 
highlighted character.

Actions which have an associated hot key show this hot key to the
right of the action.  You can use the hot key to trigger the action
without invoking the <span class="pre">View</span> menu.

<map name="menumap">
<area href="#advanced" shape="rect" coords="91, 20, 230, 39">
<area href="#choosecol" shape="rect" coords="89, 38, 230, 57">
<area href="#layout" shape="rect" coords="89, 52, 229, 76">
<area href="#layout" shape="rect" coords="225, 54, 319, 125">
<area href="#refresh" shape="rect" coords="91, 77, 226, 101">
<img src="images/screen_menu_view.png" usemap="#menumap" />


<li><a name="advanced"></a> <span class="title">Advanced F7</span>:

Toggles the display mode between <b>basic</b> and <b>advanced</b> modes.  
In basic mode, the Network Identity Manager displays a list of identities 
and their current status.  In the advanced mode, NetIdMgr provides a 
customizable list of all discovered credentials.

<li><a name="all_ids"></a> <span class="title">All identities</span>: Toggles 
the inclusion of all configured identities in the NetIdMgr identity lists.&nbsp; 
If all identities is unchecked, only the default identity, pinned identities, 
and identities with credentials are included in the NetIdMgr identity lists.</li>

<li><a name="choosecol"></a> <span class="title">View columns</span>:

<i>Only available in Advanced mode.</i>
Invokes a submenu from which you can choose the columns that are
displayed in the credentials window.  If you change the columns, or
their order, a new custom layout will be created for you which you can
later use using the <span class="pre">Layout</span> submenu later. For
more information about managing layouts, see the <a href="use_layout.htm">Layout</a> topic.</li>

<li><a name="layout"></a> <span class="title">Layout</span>: 
<i>Only available in Advanced mode.</i>  Opens a
submenu where you can select the layout for the credentials

      <li><span class="title">By Identity</span>: A predefined layout
      where the credentials will be grouped by identity and by
      credentials type, in that order.</li>

      <li><span class="title">By Type</span>: <b>Not implemented in
      this release.</b> A predefined layout
      where the credentials are grouped by credentials type</li>

      <li><span class="title">By Location</span>: A predefined layout
      where the credentials are grouped by the location where they are
      stored in.  For Kerberos 5, the location is the name of the
      credentials cache in which the tickets are stored, and for AFS,
      the location is always the cache manager.  Individual <a
      href="concept_cred_pro.htm">credential providers</a> choose the
      interpretation of the <span class="pre">location</span> property
      as the concept of location changes from type to type.</li>

      <li><span class="title">Custom</span>: If you customize any of
      the above layouts by adding, removing, reordering or changing
      the sort or outline columns, then NetIDMgr will store your new
      layout settings under this layout.  Invoking this menu item
      restores your customizations.</ul>


<li><a name="refresh"></a> <span class="title">Refresh view F5</span>: Refresh
the contents of the credentials view.  This queries each <a
href="concept_cred_pro.htm">credential provider</a> for any
credentials and redraws the credentials view.</li>

