menu_options.htm   [plain text]

  <title>Network Identity Manager - Options Menu</title>
  <meta name="description" content="options menu">
  <meta name="keywords" content="options menu">
  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="nidmgr.css">

<h1>Network Identity Manager - Options Menu</h1>

Click an item on the menu to go to the description of the action, or
choose from the list below.  You can activate the menu by pressing <span
class="pre">Alt + O</span> and you can activate each action by
pressing the highlighted character.

<map name="FPMap0">
<area href="#general" shape="rect" coords="124, 20, 239, 40">
<area href="#appearance" shape="rect" coords="124, 38, 239, 56">
<area href="#identities" shape="rect" coords="122, 54, 239, 73">
<area href="#notifications" shape="rect" coords="123, 71, 239, 93">
<area href="#plugins" shape="rect" coords="123, 91, 239, 112">
<area href="#pluginspec" shape="rect" coords="124, 110, 239, 169">
<img src="images/screen_menu_options.png" usemap="#FPMap0"/>


<li><a name="general"></a><span class="title">General ...</span>: Opens
the NetIDMgr general configuration panel.  This panel allows you to
configure settings related to the startup/shutdown of NetIDMgr in
addition to debugging and monitoring options.</li>

<li><a name="appearance"></a><span class="title">Appearance ...</span>:
Provides options for customizing the appearance of the credentials
window.  Currently, the only options provided are for selecting the
font used for the credentials list.</li>

<li><a name="identities"></a><span class="title">Identities ...</span>:
Opens the identities configuration panel.  These options control
credentials defaults for all identities or for specific identities.</li>

<li><a name="notifications"></a><span class="title">Notifications
...</span>: The notifications configuration panel controls the
settings used by the NetIDMgr timer that triggers warnings and
identity renewals.</li>

<li><a name="plugins"></a><span class="title">plug-ins ...</span>:
Options for enabling or disabling specific plug-ins and also for
viewing information about loaded plug-ins.</li>

<li><a name="pluginspec"></a><span class="title">Plugin specific
configuration panels</span>: Each registered plugin can register one
or more configuration panels which will appear on the <span
class="pre">Options</span> menu.</li>

