menu_help.htm   [plain text]

  <title>Network Identity Manager - Help Menu</title>
  <meta name="description" content="Help Menu">
  <meta name="keywords" content="help menu">
  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="nidmgr.css">

<h1>Network Identity Manager - Help Menu</h1>

You can activate the menu by pressing <span class="pre">Alt + H</span>
and you can activate each action by pressing the highlighted character.

You can invoke help anytime by pressing the <span
class="pre">F1</span> key or if you are in a dialog box, by clicking
the question mark icon in the title bar and then clicking on the
dialog box control that you want help with.

<map name="FPMap0">
<area href="#contents" shape="rect" coords="173, 22, 373, 43">
<area href="#index" shape="rect" coords="173, 43, 373, 68">
<area href="#about" shape="rect" coords="172, 103, 373, 128">
<area href="#plug-in" shape="rect" coords="173, 67, 372, 102">
<img src="images/screen_menu_help.png" usemap="#FPMap0"/>



  <li><a name="contents"></a><span class="title">Contents</span>: Opens
  the table of contents for the user documentation</li>

  <li><a name="index"></a><span class="title">Index</span>: Opens the
  index for the user documentation</li>
  <li><a name="plug-in"></a><span class="title">Plug-in specific help</span>: 
  Plug-ins can register their own on-line help.</li>
  <li><a name="about"></a><span class="title">About</span>: Opens a
  dialog box containing information about this version of NetIDMgr as
  well as the modules that are currently loaded.</li>

