menu_credential.htm   [plain text]

  <title>Network Identity Manager - Credential Menu</title>
  <meta name="description" content="credential menu">
  <meta name="keywords" content="credential menu">
  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="nidmgr.css">

<h1>Network Identity Manager - Credential Menu</h1>

Click an item on the menu to go to the description of the action, or
choose from the list below.  You can activate the by pressing <span
class="pre">Alt + C</span> and you can activate each action by
pressing the highlighted character.

Actions which have an associated hot key show this hot key to the
right of the action.  You can use the hot key to trigger the action
without invoking the <span class="pre">Credential</span> menu.

<map name="FPMap0">
<area href="#new" shape="rect" coords="29, 18, 220, 44">
<area href="#renew" shape="rect" coords="29, 42, 219, 67">
<area href="#renew" shape="rect" coords="213, 44, 464, 113">
<area href="#destroy" shape="rect" coords="29, 65, 220, 83">
<area href="#import" shape="rect" coords="29, 81, 217, 104">
<area href="#chpw" shape="rect" coords="28, 131, 218, 156">
<area href="#def" shape="rect" coords="28, 102, 216, 133">
<img src="images/screen_menu_credential.png" usemap="#FPMap0"/>

  <li><a name="new"></a> <span class="title">New Credentials ...</span>:
  Opens the new credentials acquisition dialog box.  If an identity
  was selected, then that identity would be made the default for the
  new credentials acquisition.  However, it can easily be changed in
  the dialog.
  See <span class="pre"><a href="act_new_creds.htm">New Credentials
  Action</a></span> for more information.

  <li><a name="renew"></a> <span class="title">Renew credentials</span>:
  Renews the selected credentials or identity.  This action requires
  that the selected credentials be renewable.
  See <span class="pre"><a href="act_renew_creds.htm">Renew
  Credentials Action</a></span> for more information.</p></li>
  <li><a name="destroy"></a> <span class="title">Destroy
  credentials...</span>: Destroys the selected credentials.</li>

  <li><a name="def"></a> <span class="title">Set as default</span>: Sets
  the selected identity as the default, if it is not already the
  default.  The implications of this operation is dependent on the
  current <a href="concept_ident_pro.htm">identity provider</a>.
  See <span class="pre"><a href="act_set_default.htm">Set As Default
  Action</a></span> for more information.</p></li>

  <li><a name="chpw"></a> <span class="title">Change password...</span>:
  Changes the password for the selected identity.  However, once the
  new password dialog opens, you can change the identity for which the
  password is getting changed.</li>

  <li><a name="import"></a> <span class="title">Import
  Credentials</span>: Import any existing credentials from external
  sources.  With the Kerberos v5 <a
  href="concept_cred_pro.htm">credentials provider</a>, the Windows logon 
	identity stored in the Microsoft Windows LSA cache will be imported.</li>

