concepts.htm   [plain text]

  <title>Network Identity Manager Concepts</title>
  <meta name="description" content="NetIDMgr Concepts">
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<h1>Network Identity Manager Concepts</h1>

<p>The Network Identity Manager (NetIDMgr) organizes and manages credentials 
based on how they identify the user to network services. To this end, it is assumed that each 
<a href="concept_credential.htm">credential </a>will uniquely identify the user to a service as a single
<a href="concept_identity.htm">identity</a>.  When using Kerberos v5 the 
identity is the Kerberos principal name.

<p>At it's core, NetIDMgr does not possess any knowledge about specific 
credentials that might be available to the user or how to manage
them.  It relies on several types of plug-ins to provide the
information it needs, and to carry out credentials management tasks.
One primary task is to identify and manage identities.  These services
are provided by a plug-in called the <a
href="concept_ident_pro.htm">identity provider</a>.  Information about
individual credentials are provided by <a
href="concept_cred_pro.htm">credential providers</a>.  Other plug-ins
may extend the functionality of these plug-ins or provide additional
functionality for NetIDMgr.


<p>The following topics provider further details: </p>

  <li><a href="concept_identity.htm">Identity</a></li>

  <li><a href="concept_ident_pro.htm">Identity Provider</a></li>

  <li><a href="concept_cred_pro.htm">Credentials Provider</a></li>
  <li><a href="concept_credential.htm">Credential</a></li>
