concept_cred_pro.htm   [plain text]

  <title>Network Identity Manager Concepts: Credentials Provider</title>
  <meta name="description" content="NetIDMgr Concepts: Credentials Provider">
  <meta name="keywords" content="credentials provider, concepts">
  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="nidmgr.css">

<h1>Network Identity Manager Concepts: Credentials Provider</h1>

Network Identity Manager relies on plug-ins to provide the majority 
of its functionality.  A <b>credentials provider</b> is a plug-in 
that manages one or more types of credentials.  The responsibilities
of a credential provider are:
	<li>to maintain the list of credentials and their properties for the supported type</li>
	<li>to monitor credential expiration</li>
	<li>to provide the logic necessary to obtain additional credentials once the
	<a href="concept_ident_pro.htm">identity provider</a> has obtained the 
	initial credential</li>
	<li>to provide the user interface panels necessary to permit the user to 
	configure the credential provider</li>

<p>MIT Kerberos for Windows ships with two Network Identity Manager credential 
providers supporting Kerberos v5 and Kerberos v4.&nbsp; Credential providers for 
the Andrew File System and the Kerberized Certificate Authority are available 
<img border="0" src="images/screen_config_cred_provider.png" width="542" height="393"></p>
