cmdline_netidmgr.htm   [plain text]

  <title>Network Identity Manager Command Line Options</title>
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<h1>Network Identity Manager Command Line Options</h1>
<p>Command line options for Network Identity Manager are:</p>
<table border="1" width="57%" id="table1">
		<td width="140"><font size="1">-a or --autoinit</font></td>
		<td><font size="1">Automatic Initialization of Credentials</font></td>
		<td width="140"><font size="1">-i or --kinit</font></td>
		<td><font size="1">Obtain New Credentials and then exit</font></td>
		<td width="140"><font size="1">-d or --destroy</font></td>
		<td><font size="1">Destroy Credentials belonging to the default identity 
		and then exit</font></td>
		<td width="140"><font size="1">-r or --renew</font></td>
		<td><font size="1">Renew all Credentials and then exit</font></td>
		<td width="140"><font size="1">-x or --exit</font></td>
		<td><font size="1">Signal the running instance of Network Identity 
		Manager to exit</font></td>
		<td width="140"><font size="1">--show</font></td>
		<td><font size="1">Open the Network Identity Manager application window of a running instance.</font></td>
		<td width="140"><font size="1">--hide</font></td>
		<td><font size="1">Hide the Network Identity Manager application window of a running instance.</font></td>
		<td width="140"><font size="1">--minimize</font></td>
		<td><font size="1">Open the Network Identity Manager application window in minimized mode.</font></td>
