sdkfiles.xml   [plain text]

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
		<!-- File from	paths are relative to <src>/pismere.	-->
		<!-- File to	paths are relative to <out>.			-->
		<File dummy="foo" /> <!-- Forces XML::Simple behavior   -->
			<!-- Without this, XML::Simple does not make an anonymous array and I can't figure out how to iterate over it. -->

		<File name="relnotes.html"  from="doc\kerberos"                 to="doc" />
		<File name="kclient.rtf"    from="athena\auth\krb4\kclient\doc" to="doc" />
        <File name="msi-deployment-guide.txt" from="athena\auth\krb5\src\windows\installer\wix\"   to="\doc" />

		<File  name="*.*"           from="staging\inc"                  to="inc" />
		<!-- loadfuncs.c is deliberately here.  Otherwise, *.h would work. -->

		<File  name="*.*"           from="staging\install\nsis"         to="install\nsis\" />
        <!-- We'll clean up the exes in the target directory in a later step.  -->

		<File  name="*.*"           from="staging\install\wix"          to="install\wix\" />
        <!-- We'll clean up the msi in the target directory in a later step.  -->

		<File  name="*.lib"         from="staging\lib\i386"             to="lib\i386\" />