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            <DIV class="wiki-content" style="MARGIN-TOP: 5px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 5px" align="left">The 
                Kerberos for Windows (KfW) build is automated.&nbsp; A script will fetch the 
                sources from a repository and then build, sign and package all the KfW 
                distribution components.
            <DIV class="wiki-content" style="MARGIN-TOP: 5px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 5px" align="left">This 
                description consists of
                    <A href="#Environment">Setting up the build environment</A>
                    <A href="#Running">Running the script</A>
                    <A href="Details">Script internal details</A>
                    <A href="#Remainingwork">Remaining work / bug list</A>
                    <A href="#Troubleshooting">Troubleshooting</A>
            <H2>Setting Up the Build Environment</H2>
            <P>KfW is built on a Windows PC, in the default Windows shell (cmd.exe). These 
                components must be installed:</P>
                    Visual Studio 2003<BR>
                Versions of Visual Studio before or after 2003 are not supported.
                    A recent release of the
                    <SPAN class="nobr">
                        <A href="http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyId=0BAF2B35-C656-4969-ACE8-E4C0C0716ADB&amp;displaylang=en">
                            Microsoft Platform SDK</A></SPAN>
                    <SPAN class="nobr">
                        <A title="Visit page outside Confluence" href="http://www.activestate.com" rel="nofollow">
                            ActiveState Perl 5.8 or more recent</A></SPAN><BR>
                Build 631 is known to work.
                    <SPAN class="nobr">
                        <A title="Visit page outside Confluence" href="http://www.doxygen.org/" rel="nofollow">
                    sed, awk, cat, rm and find<BR>
                    These can be obtained from the
                    <SPAN class="nobr">
                        <A title="Visit page outside Confluence" href="http://cygwin.com/" rel="nofollow">Cygwin 
                    <BR clear="all">
                    <BR clear="all">
                    find must be in C:\tools\cygwin\bin, so install Cygwin in C:\tools\cygwin.
                    The cygwin awk is a link and the MS shell doesn't deal well with that.&nbsp; <TT>C</TT>
                    opy <TT>c:\tools\cygwin\bin\gawk</TT> to <TT>c:\tools\cygwin\bin\awk</TT>.
                    <SPAN class="nobr">
                        <A title="Visit page outside Confluence" href="http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=105970"
                    <SPAN class="nobr">
                        <A title="Visit page outside Confluence" href="http://nsis.sourceforge.net" rel="nofollow">
            <H3>Environment variables</H3>
                All the components above must be in PATH. Installing ActivePerl puts perl in 
                the PATH. Doxygen, Cygwin, hhc, wix and&nbsp;nsis need to be added.</P>
            <P>perl must be installed so that .pl files are automatically executed with perl. 
                The ActivePerl installation will do this for you.</P>
            <P>In the INCLUDE path, the Microsoft Platform SDK must come before the Microsoft 
                Visual C++ include files. In the PATH path, the Platform SDK bin area must come before the Visual Studio VC\bin area. Using a Platform SDK Build Environment window will 
                set this up the right way.&nbsp; Make sure to use a Platform SDK Windows XP Build Environment shell. </P>
            <P>If you make your path modifications permanent via Control Panel / System / 
                Advanced / Environment Variables:&nbsp; If you use a Platform SDK Build 
                Environment window, it appears that you need to put your PATH components in the 
                System PATH, not the User PATH.</P>
            <P>Visual Studio installs hhc in C:\Program Files\HTML Help Workshop.</P>
            <P>nmake must be in PATH. If you use a Platform SDK build environment window, it is 
                already done for you.</P>
            <h2>Running the Script<A name="Running"></A></h2>
                The build is a perl script controlled by command line switches and an XML 
                configuration file. The config file is required. Settings in the config file 
                can be overridden by optional command line switches.&nbsp;</P>
            <P>There are options for controlling most steps of the build process.&nbsp; The 
                steps are</P>
                Verifying the environment
                Fetching the sources from repositories
                Building the sources
                Setting up the packaging environment
                Building the installers
                    Building the rest of the components
            <P>The usage message shows the switches that control these steps:</P>
            <P><TT>C:\Projects\KfW&gt;perl bkw.pl /?</TT><BR>
                <TT>Usage: bkw.pl [options] NMAKE-options</TT></P>
            <P><TT>&nbsp; Options are case insensitive. </TT>
            <P><TT>&nbsp; Options:&nbsp;
                </TT><TT>&nbsp; /help /?&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 
                    usage information (what you now see).
                    &nbsp; /config /f path&nbsp;&nbsp; Path to config file. Default is 
                    &nbsp; /src /s dir&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Source directory to use. 
                    Should contain
                    pismere/athena. If cvstag or svntag is&nbsp;null,
                    the directory should be prepopulated.
                    &nbsp; /out /o dir&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Directory to be created 
                    where build results will go
                </TT><TT>&nbsp; /repository checkout | co \ What repository action to take.
                    &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;/r&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 
                    update&nbsp;&nbsp; | up&nbsp;\ Options are to checkout, update, export<BR>
                    | ex \ or take no action [skip].&nbsp;<BR>
                    &nbsp; /username /u name username used to access svn if checking out.
                    &nbsp; /cvstag /c tag&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; use -r &lt;tag&gt;
                    <TAG>in cvs 
command <BR>&nbsp; /svnbranch /b tag use 
/branches/&lt;tag&gt;<TAG>&nbsp;instead of /trunk.<BR>&nbsp; /svntag /t tag&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; use 
/tags/&lt;tag&gt;<TAG>&nbsp;instead of /trunk.<BR>&nbsp; /debug 
/d&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Do&nbsp;debug make instead of 
release make. <BR>&nbsp; 
Control the make 
step. <BR>&nbsp; 
/clean&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Build 
clean target. <BR>&nbsp; 
/[no]package&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Control the packaging step. <BR>&nbsp; 
of executable&nbsp;files. <BR>&nbsp; /verbose 
/v&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Debug mode - verbose output. <BR>&nbsp; /logfile /l path&nbsp; Where to write output. 
Default is bkw.pl.log. <BR>&nbsp; 
                    /nolog&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Don't 
                    save output. </TT>
            <P><TT>&nbsp; Other:
                    &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; NMAKE-options any options you want to pass to NMAKE, which 
                    can be:
                    (note: /nologo is always used)<BR>
            <P><TT>NMAKE-options any options you want to pass to NMAKE, which can be:</TT><BR>
                <TT>(note: /nologo is always used)</TT><BR>
                <TT>[ nmake options follow ]</TT></P>
                Notes on the script steps:</P>
            <P><STRONG>Verifying the environment</STRONG>:&nbsp;
                The script tests for each program that it needs and warns if the program isn't 
            <P><STRONG>Fetching sources from repositories</STRONG>:&nbsp;
                If building from a source distribution kit, this section does not apply.</P>
            <P>CVSROOT and SVNURL must be specified in the configuration file.</P>
            <P>A source zip file can only be produced if checking out fresh sources from a 
            <P>If checking out, the entire pismere directory will be deleted.&nbsp; A warning 
                message requires that you confirm this action.</P>
            <P><STRONG>Building the sources:</STRONG><BR>
                /DEBUG controls whether a debug or release build is done.&nbsp; /CLEAN will 
                build the CLEAN target.</P>
            <P><STRONG>Setting up the packaging environment :<BR>
                </STRONG>The pre-package steps gathers up build results and puts them in a <FONT face="Courier">
                    staging</FONT> area.&nbsp;
            <P>If /SIGN is specified, <FONT face="Courier">.exe</FONT>s, <FONT face="Courier">.dll</FONT>s 
                and <FONT face="Courier">.cpl</FONT>s are signed.&nbsp; The signing command 
                template is in the configuration file.</P>
            <P><STRONG>Building the installers:</STRONG><BR>
                The <FONT face="Courier">staging </FONT>area is copied into a fresh area for 
                each of the installers.&nbsp; The installer results are copied back to the <FONT face="Courier">
                    staging </FONT>area.</P>
            <P><STRONG>Building the rest of the components:</STRONG><BR>
                Zip files are built in temporary areas and copied to <FONT face="Courier">outdir</FONT>.&nbsp; 
                The installers and assorted files are copied from <FONT face="Courier">staging</FONT>
                to <FONT face="Courier">outdir</FONT>.&nbsp; If /SIGN is specified, the 
                installers will be signed.</P>
            <H2><A name="Details"></A>Script Internal Details</H2>
            <H3><A name="Copylists"></A>Copy Lists</H3>
            <P>CopyLists are used in many places.&nbsp;&nbsp;For example, files to be put into 
                a .zip are copied to a fresh directory which is then zipped up.&nbsp; There is 
                an optional Configuration section and a required Files section.&nbsp;</P>
            <P>The configuration section defines the roots of the from and to paths and can 
                optionally define path substitutions.&nbsp;
            <P>The to and from paths are forced by the script rather than being set in the 
                config file.&nbsp; Comments in the copyfile xml indicate this.</P>
            <P>Lengthy copy lists can be kept in separate files and included with the Include 
                directive.&nbsp; Example:</P>
            <P><TT>&lt;Include path="sdkfiles.xml" /&gt;</TT></P>
            <H3>Substitution tags</H3>
            <P>Filenames in copylists can contain variable 'tags' that are replaced before the 
                file is copied.&nbsp; Some configuration files contain substitution tags which 
                customize the configuration.&nbsp; The supported tags are</P>
                <TABLE id="Table3" height="0" cellSpacing="1" cellPadding="1" border="1">
                        <TD width="136">%VERSION_MAJOR%</TD>
                        <TD height="21">KfW Version from pismere/athena/include/kerberos.ver.</TD>
                        <TD width="136">%VERSION_MINOR%</TD>
                        <TD height="9">KfW Version from pismere/athena/include/kerberos.ver.</TD>
                        <TD width="136">%VERSION_PATCH%</TD>
                        <TD height="17">KfW Version from pismere/athena/include/kerberos.ver.</TD>
                        <TD width="136">%filestem%</TD>
                        <TD height="17">Defined as kfw-%VERSION_MAJOR%-%VERSION_MINOR%-%VERSION_PATCH%.</TD>
                        <TD width="136">%debug%</TD>
                        <TD>'dbg.'&nbsp; Only substituted during a debug build.&nbsp;</TD>
                        <TD width="136">%release%</TD>
                        <TD>'rel.'&nbsp; Only substituted during a release build.&nbsp;
                        <TD width="136">%bldtype%</TD>
                        <TD>Always substituted, to 'dbg' or 'rel,' depending on the type of build.</TD>
                        <TD width="136">%-DEBUG%</TD>
                        <TD>'-DEBUG' during a debug build; otherwise empty.</TD>
                        <TD width="136">%BUILDDIR%</TD>
                        <TD>SRCDIR\pismere.&nbsp; Used in site-local installer configuration files.</TD>
                        <TD width="136">%TARGETDIR%</TD>
                        <TD>SRCDIR\pismere\staging.&nbsp; Used in site-local installer configuration files.</TD>
                        <TD width="136">%CONFIGDIR-WIX%</TD>
                        <TD>SRCDIR\pismere\staging\sample.&nbsp; Used in site-local installer configuration 
                        <TD width="136">%CONFIGDIR-NSI%</TD>
                        <TD>SRCDIR\pismere\staging.&nbsp; Used in site-local installer configuration files.</TD>
            <P>The overall build configuration specifies a debug or release build.&nbsp; Debug 
                and release results are put in different places.&nbsp; Files whose location 
                depend on the build type can use %bldtype% in their names.&nbsp; The script 
                will substitute %bldtype% with either dbg or rel, depending on the build 
    <DIV style="MARGIN-LEFT: 10px; MARGIN-RIGHT: 10px" align="left">
            <P>Here is&nbsp;a copylist entry.&nbsp; Each segment of the file's path that comes 
                from a different place is in a different color.</P>
            <P>Release build.&nbsp; Config file:
          <TABLE id="Table2" cellSpacing="1" cellPadding="1" border="0">
                        <TD colSpan="4"><FONT face="courier">&lt;BKW_Config&gt;</FONT></TD>
                        <TD width="23"></TD>
                        <TD colSpan="3"><FONT face="courier">&lt;Config&gt;</FONT></TD>
                        <TD width="23"></TD>
                        <TD width="20"></TD>
                        <TD><FONT face="courier">&lt;src&nbsp;value ="<FONT color="#000099">C:\bkw"</FONT> /&gt;</FONT>
            <P>Copylist comments:</P>
            <P><tt>&lt;!-- File from paths are relative to
                    <src>\<FONT color="#ff00cc">pismere\athena</FONT> --&gt; <BR>&lt;!-- File to paths are relative to <src>\<FONT color="#00ff00">
                    --&gt; </tt>
            <P>When the script processes this copylist, it will force the from and to paths as 
            <P>This line
            <P><tt>&lt;File name="<FONT color="#00ffff">comerr32.dll</FONT>" from="<FONT color="#ff9933">..\target\bin\i386</FONT>\<FONT color="#ff0000">%bldtype%</FONT>\" 
                    to="\<FONT color="#9966ff">bin\i386</FONT>" /&gt;</tt></P>
            <P>will result in <FONT face="Courier"><FONT color="#000099">C:\bkw</FONT>\<FONT color="#ff00cc">pismere\athena</FONT>\<FONT color="#ff9933">..\target\bin\i386</FONT>\<FONT color="#ff0000">rel</FONT>\<FONT color="#00ffff">comerr32.dll</FONT></FONT></P>
            <P>being copied to <FONT face="Courier"><FONT color="#000099">C:\bkw</FONT>\<FONT color="#00ff00">pismere\staging</FONT>\<FONT color="#9966ff">bin\i386</FONT>\<FONT color="#00ffff">comerr32.dll</FONT></FONT>.</P>
            <P>Other possible attributes in a copylist entry:</P>
            <P>By default, copylist entries are required and the script will die if they aren't 
                present. To ignore missing files, add <TT>notrequired</TT>.</P>
            <P>To rename the file, set the <TT>newname</TT> attribute.</P>
            <H2><FONT face="Verdana"><A name="Remainingwork"></A>Remaining Work / Bug List</FONT></H2>
            <P>Figure out what MIT_ONLY, BUILD_KFW, DEBUG_SYMBOL should be.</P>
            <P>TARGET, APPVER.</P>
            <P>NODEBUG=1.&nbsp; Set if release build.</P>
            <H2><FONT face="Verdana"><A name="Troubleshooting"></A>Troubleshooting</FONT>
            <P><STRONG>Can't clean directory; can't delete file or directory</STRONG><BR>
                Make sure a file in the named directory isn't open in another application.</P>
        <P><STRONG>Can't find kerberos.ver</STRONG><BR>
            You skipped the repository step and are trying to build in an empty directory.</P>
        <P><strong>Directories don't exist or can't be created <br>
        </strong>This can be a symptom of the Platform SDK bin area not being before the Visual Studio bin areas, such that the version of nmake running is version 8.x.<strong>  <br>
        </strong>[This explanation courtesy of Jeff Altman]: <br>
        nmake V8 appears to favor executables over shell commands. As a result, using 'mkdir' instead of 'md' in Makefiles, as a command for creating directory trees, fails when the Cygwin mkdir.exe is present in the PATH. Changing the</P>
        <P>macros in the Makefiles to</P>
        <P>should make the shell versions execute in all cases.</P>