BKWconfig.xml   [plain text]

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<!-- BKW: Build Kerberos for Windows -->
        <!-- All the parameters are specified here.  Most can be over-ridden
                on the command line.

            Parameters are grouped into Options, Directories, Repository and Environment.

            Attributes a parameter can have:
            abbr: A one character abbreviation.
            def:  defined or not.  A value of 'A' for 'always' means the    
               option can't be negated on the command line.                 
            value:  string value, if the option can have a value.  If the option
               can't take a value, omit the value attribute.
            options:  space-delimited list, the 1st element is the default.
               Synonyms for a valid option are concatenated with '|'.      
            env: an environment variable will be set to value or deleted,  
                depending on def.  If set and no value is given, '1' is used.                                 
        <!-- Options: -->
        <clean      def="0" />
        <config     def="1" abbr="f" value="bkwconfig.xml" />
        <debug      def="0" abbr="d" />
        <help       def="0" abbr="h|?" />
        <logfile    def="1" abbr="l" value="bkw.pl.log" />
        <make       def="1" />
        <nolog      def="0" />
        <package    def="1" />
        <repository def="A" abbr="r" value="skip" options="skip checkout|co export|ex update|up" />
        <sign       def="0" />
        <verbose    def="0" abbr="v" />
        <vverbose   def="0" />

        <!-- Directory settings: -->
        <!--    Sources will be checked out of repositories into <src>.  The structure
                of the repositories will cause pismere/athena to be created under <src>.    -->
        <src        def="A" abbr="s" value="C:\KfW" />        <!-- Must be absolute path. -->
        <out        def="A" abbr="o" value="C:\KfW\public" /> <!-- Must be absolute path. -->

        <!-- Repository settings: -->
        <cvstag     def="0" abbr="c" value="" />
        <svntag     def="0" abbr="t" value="" />
        <svnbranch  def="0" abbr="b" value="" />
        <username   def="0" abbr="u" value="" />    <!-- Needed for svn/plink.  Override from command line -->
        <CVSROOT    def="A" value=":kserver:cvs.mit.edu:/cvs/pismere" />
        <SVNURL     def="A" value="svn.mit.edu" />  <!-- NB:  No protocol or slashes!! -->

        <!-- Environment variables: -->
        <KH_RELEASE def="1" env="1" value="OFFICIAL" options="OFFICIAL PRERELEASE PRIVATE" />
        <NODEBUG    def="1" env="1" />  <!-- Interacts with /DEBUG -->
                <Zip dummy="foo" /> <!-- To force desired XML::Simple behavior    -->
                <Zip name="SRC" filename="%filestem%-src.zip" topdir="%filestem%-final">
                            <!-- File from    paths are relative to <src>/pismere.  -->
                            <!-- File to      paths are relative to <out>.          -->
                            <File dummy="foo" /> <!-- Forces XML::Simple behavior   -->
                            <!-- Without this, XML::Simple does not make an anonymous array and I can't figure out how to iterate over it. -->
                            <File name="*.*" from="athena"  to="src\athena" />
                            <File name="*.*" from="doc"     to="src\doc" />
                            <File name="*.*" from="scripts" to="src\scripts" />
                    <Prunes> <!-- Files to be removed from current build to match what is in the 3.1 distribution:    -->
                        <Prune name="CVS" />
                        <Prune name=".cvsignore" flags="i" />
                        <Prune name="Changelog"  flags="i" />
                        <Switch dummy="foo" />
                        <Switch name="REPOSITORY" value="CHECKOUT|EXPORT"/>
                        <ErrorMsg text="Can't build source zip unless /REPOSITORY CHECKOUT or /REPOSITORY EXPORT is specified." />
            <!-- Script checks for prunes. -->
                    <!--    Debug and Release build results go in different places.
                            The otherwise identical paths differ in one section.  For example:
                            .../target/bin/i386/bin/rel/filename and .../target/bin/i386/dbg/filename.
                            Here we define the two differing sections:    -->
                    <DebugArea value="dbg" />
                    <ReleaseArea value="rel" />
                    <!--    Paths in the file list that include <AlwaysTag> will always have the tag replaced 
                            with <DebugArea> or <ReleaseArea>, depending on the type of build.
                            Paths that include <DebugTag> (or <ReleaseTag>) will only have the tag substituted 
                            and be copied when doing a debug (or release) build.  Examples:
                            Will always be copied, from a build-dependent directory:
                            <File name="kfwlogon.dll"                 from="..\target\bin\i386\%bldtype%\" to="\bin\i386" /> 
                            Will only be copied in debug build:
                            <File name="netidmgr.exe.static.manifest" from="..\target\bin\i386\%debug%\"   to="\bin\i386" notrequired="true" />
                            Will always be copied, from a build-independent directory:
                            <File name="des.h"                        from="auth\krb4\include\"            to="\inc\krb4" newname="foo.h"/>
                    <AlwaysTag  value="%bldtype%" />    <!-- Pick a string that won't appear in a path. -->
                    <DebugTag   value="%debug%" />      <!-- Pick a string that won't appear in a path. -->
                    <ReleaseTag value="%release%" />    <!-- Pick a string that won't appear in a path. -->
                    <Include path="copyfiles.xml" />
                    </Files> <!-- Relative to location of bkw.pl. -->
                    <Versions path="pismere/athena/include/kerberos.ver" /> <!-- Relative to <src>. -->
            <NSIS></NSIS> <!-- NB:  Most config is done in site-local.nsi.  -->
            <Config>    <!-- This config info will be copied into each CopyList in PostPackage. -->
                <FileStem name="kfw-%VERSION_MAJOR%-%VERSION_MINOR%-%VERSION_PATCH%" /> <!-- <FileStem> will be substituted for %filestem%. -->
                    <CommandTemplate    value="signtool sign /a /d &quot;MIT Kerberos for Windows&quot; /du &quot;http://web.mit.edu/kerberos&quot; /t TIMESTAMPSERVERGOESHERE %filename%" />
                    <FilePatterns       value="*.exe *.dll *.cpl *.msi" />
                <Zip dummy="foo" /> <!-- To force desired XML::Simple behavior    -->
                <!--    Files will be copied into directory <topdir>; <topdir> will appear in the paths of the files.    -->
                <!-- File from  paths are relative to <src>/pismere.    -->
                <!-- File to    paths are relative to <out>.            -->
                <Zip name="Core Binaries" filename="%filestem%.zip" topdir="%filestem%-final">
                            <DebugArea   value="dbg" />
                            <ReleaseArea value="rel" />
                            <AlwaysTag   value="%bldtype%" /> <!-- Pick a string that won't appear in a path. -->
                            <DebugTag    value="%debug%" />   <!-- Pick a string that won't appear in a path. -->
                            <ReleaseTag  value="%release%" /> <!-- Pick a string that won't appear in a path. -->
                            <Include path="corebinaryfiles.xml" />  <!-- Included file is relative to location of bkw.pl. -->
                <Zip name="SDK" filename="%filestem%-sdk.zip" topdir="%filestem%-final">
                            <Include path="sdkfiles.xml" />         <!-- Included file is relative to location of bkw.pl. -->
            <CopyList>            <!-- Copied at end of post-package step.  -->
                    <File dummy="foo" />
                    <!-- File from    paths are relative to <src/pismere>.  -->
                    <!-- File to      paths are relative to <out>.          -->
                    <File name="msi-deployment-guide.txt"   from="staging\install\wix\" to="" />
                    <File name="netidmgr_userdoc.pdf"       from="staging\doc"          to="" />
                    <File name="kfw.msi"                    from="buildwix"             to="" newname="%filestem%.msi" />
                    <File name="MITKerberosForWindows%-DEBUG%.exe" from="buildnsi"      to="" newname="%filestem%%-DEBUG%.exe" />
                    <File name="relnotes.html"              from="staging\doc"          to="" />