"AuthControllerApplicationPrincipalRequest" = "%@ requires that you type your Kerberos identity"; "AuthControllerApplicationRequest" = "%@ requires that you type your Kerberos password"; "AuthControllerApplicationPasswordRequest" = "%@ requires that you type your Kerberos password for %@"; "AuthControllerPrincipalRequest" = "Please enter your Kerberos identity"; "AuthControllerRequest" = "Please enter your Kerberos password"; "AuthControllerPasswordRequest" = "Please enter your Kerberos password for %@"; "AuthControllerHideOptions" = "Hide Options"; "AuthControllerShowOptions" = "Show Options"; "ChangePasswordPasswordExpired" = "The password for %@ has expired, would you like to change it?"; "ChangePasswordApplicationRequest" = "%@ requires that you change the Kerberos password for %@"; "ChangePasswordPrincipalRequest" = "Please change the Kerberos password for %@";