server_acl.c   [plain text]

 * lib/kadm5/srv/server_acl.c
 * Copyright 1995-2004 by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
 * All Rights Reserved.
 * Export of this software from the United States of America may
 *   require a specific license from the United States Government.
 *   It is the responsibility of any person or organization contemplating
 *   export to obtain such a license before exporting.
 * WITHIN THAT CONSTRAINT, permission to use, copy, modify, and
 * distribute this software and its documentation for any purpose and
 * without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright
 * notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright notice and
 * this permission notice appear in supporting documentation, and that
 * the name of M.I.T. not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining
 * to distribution of the software without specific, written prior
 * permission.  Furthermore if you modify this software you must label
 * your software as modified software and not distribute it in such a
 * fashion that it might be confused with the original M.I.T. software.
 * M.I.T. makes no representations about the suitability of
 * this software for any purpose.  It is provided "as is" without express
 * or implied warranty.

 * srv_acl.c - Handle Kerberos ACL related functions.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <syslog.h>
#include <sys/param.h>
#include <gssapi/gssapi_generic.h>
#include "k5-int.h"
#include <kadm5/server_internal.h>
#include <kadm5/admin.h>
#include "adm_proto.h"
#include "server_acl.h"
#include <ctype.h>

typedef struct _acl_op_table {
    char	ao_op;
    krb5_int32	ao_mask;
} aop_t;

typedef struct _acl_entry {
    struct _acl_entry	*ae_next;
    char		*ae_name;
    krb5_boolean	ae_name_bad;
    krb5_principal	ae_principal;
    krb5_int32		ae_op_allowed;
    char		*ae_target;
    krb5_boolean	ae_target_bad;
    krb5_principal	ae_target_princ;
    char		*ae_restriction_string;
			/* eg: "-maxlife 3h -service +proxiable" */
    krb5_boolean	ae_restriction_bad;
    restriction_t	*ae_restrictions;
} aent_t;

static const aop_t acl_op_table[] = {
    { 'a',	ACL_ADD },
    { 'd',	ACL_DELETE },
    { 'm',	ACL_MODIFY },
    { 'c',	ACL_CHANGEPW },
    { 'i',	ACL_INQUIRE },
    { 'l',	ACL_LIST },
    { 's',	ACL_SETKEY },
    { 'x',	ACL_ALL_MASK },
    { '*',	ACL_ALL_MASK },
    { '\0',	0 }

typedef struct _wildstate {
    int		nwild;
    krb5_data	*backref[9];
} wildstate_t;

static aent_t	*acl_list_head = (aent_t *) NULL;
static aent_t	*acl_list_tail = (aent_t *) NULL;

static const char *acl_acl_file = (char *) NULL;
static int acl_inited = 0;
static int acl_debug_level = 0;
 * This is the catchall entry.  If nothing else appropriate is found, or in
 * the case where the ACL file is not present, this entry controls what can
 * be done.
static const char *acl_catchall_entry = NULL;

static const char *acl_line2long_msg = "%s: line %d too long, truncated";
static const char *acl_op_bad_msg = "Unrecognized ACL operation '%c' in %s";
static const char *acl_syn_err_msg = "%s: syntax error at line %d <%10s...>";
static const char *acl_cantopen_msg = "%s while opening ACL file %s";

 * kadm5int_acl_get_line() - Get a line from the ACL file.
 *			Lines ending with \ are continued on the next line
static char *
kadm5int_acl_get_line(fp, lnp)
    FILE	*fp;
    int		*lnp;		/* caller should set to 1 before first call */
    int		i, domore;
    static int	line_incr = 0;
    static char acl_buf[BUFSIZ];

    *lnp += line_incr;
    line_incr = 0;
    for (domore = 1; domore && !feof(fp); ) {
	/* Copy in the line, with continuations */
	for (i=0; ((i < sizeof acl_buf) && !feof(fp)); i++ ) {
	    acl_buf[i] = fgetc(fp);
	    if (acl_buf[i] == (char)EOF) {
		if (i > 0 && acl_buf[i-1] == '\\')
		break;		/* it gets nulled-out below */
	    else if (acl_buf[i] == '\n') {
		if (i == 0 || acl_buf[i-1] != '\\')
		    break;	/* empty line or normal end of line */
		else {
		    i -= 2;	/* back up over "\\\n" and continue */
	/* Check if we exceeded our buffer size */
	if (i == sizeof acl_buf && (i--, !feof(fp))) {
	    int	c1 = acl_buf[i], c2;

	    krb5_klog_syslog(LOG_ERR, acl_line2long_msg, acl_acl_file, *lnp);
	    while ((c2 = fgetc(fp)) != EOF) {
		if (c2 == '\n') {
		    if (c1 != '\\')
		c1 = c2;
	acl_buf[i] = '\0';
	if (acl_buf[0] == (char) EOF)	/* ptooey */
	    acl_buf[0] = '\0';
	if ((acl_buf[0] != '#') && (acl_buf[0] != '\0'))
	    domore = 0;
    if (domore || (strlen(acl_buf) == 0))
	return((char *) NULL);
 * kadm5int_acl_parse_line() - Parse the contents of an ACL line.
static aent_t *
    const char *lp;
    static char acle_principal[BUFSIZ];
    static char acle_ops[BUFSIZ];
    static char acle_object[BUFSIZ];
    static char acle_restrictions[BUFSIZ];
    aent_t	*acle;
    char	*op;
    int		t, found, opok, nmatch;

    DPRINT(DEBUG_CALLS, acl_debug_level,
	   ("* kadm5int_acl_parse_line(line=%20s)\n", lp));
     * Format is still simple:
     *  entry ::= [<whitespace>] <principal> <whitespace> <opstring>
     *		  [<whitespace> <target> [<whitespace> <restrictions>
     *					  [<whitespace>]]]
    acle = (aent_t *) NULL;
    acle_object[0] = '\0';
    nmatch = sscanf(lp, "%s %s %s %[^\n]", acle_principal, acle_ops,
		    acle_object, acle_restrictions);
    if (nmatch >= 2) {
	acle = (aent_t *) malloc(sizeof(aent_t));
	if (acle) {
	    acle->ae_next = (aent_t *) NULL;
	    acle->ae_op_allowed = (krb5_int32) 0;
	    acle->ae_target =
		(nmatch >= 3) ? strdup(acle_object) : (char *) NULL;
	    acle->ae_target_bad = 0;
	    acle->ae_target_princ = (krb5_principal) NULL;
	    opok = 1;
	    for (op=acle_ops; *op; op++) {
		char rop;

		rop = (isupper((unsigned char) *op)) ? tolower((unsigned char) *op) : *op;
		found = 0;
		for (t=0; acl_op_table[t].ao_op; t++) {
		    if (rop == acl_op_table[t].ao_op) {
			found = 1;
			if (rop == *op)
			    acle->ae_op_allowed |= acl_op_table[t].ao_mask;
			    acle->ae_op_allowed &= ~acl_op_table[t].ao_mask;
		if (!found) {
		    krb5_klog_syslog(LOG_ERR, acl_op_bad_msg, *op, lp);
		    opok = 0;
	    if (opok) {
		acle->ae_name = (char *) malloc(strlen(acle_principal)+1);
		if (acle->ae_name) {
		    strcpy(acle->ae_name, acle_principal);
		    acle->ae_principal = (krb5_principal) NULL;
		    acle->ae_name_bad = 0;
		    DPRINT(DEBUG_ACL, acl_debug_level,
			   ("A ACL entry %s -> opmask %x\n",
			    acle->ae_name, acle->ae_op_allowed));
		else {
		    if (acle->ae_target)
		    acle = (aent_t *) NULL;
	    else {
		if (acle->ae_target)
		acle = (aent_t *) NULL;
	    if ( nmatch >= 4 ) {
		char	*trailing;

		trailing = &acle_restrictions[strlen(acle_restrictions)-1];
		while ( isspace((int) *trailing) )
		trailing[1] = '\0';
		acle->ae_restriction_string = strdup(acle_restrictions);
	    else {
		acle->ae_restriction_string = (char *) NULL;
	    acle->ae_restriction_bad = 0;
	    acle->ae_restrictions = (restriction_t *) NULL;
    DPRINT(DEBUG_CALLS, acl_debug_level,
	   ("X kadm5int_acl_parse_line() = %x\n", (long) acle));
 * kadm5int_acl_parse_restrictions() - Parse optional restrictions field
 * Allowed restrictions are:
 *	[+-]flagname		(recognized by krb5_string_to_flags)
 *				flag is forced to indicated value
 *	-clearpolicy		policy is forced clear
 *	-policy pol		policy is forced to be "pol"
 *	-{expire,pwexpire,maxlife,maxrenewlife} deltat
 *				associated value will be forced to
 *				MIN(deltat, requested value)
 * Returns: 0 on success, or system errors
static krb5_error_code
kadm5int_acl_parse_restrictions(s, rpp)
    char		*s;
    restriction_t	**rpp;
    char		*sp, *tp, *ap;
    static const char	*delims = "\t\n\f\v\r ,";
    krb5_deltat		dt;
    krb5_flags		flag;
    krb5_error_code	code;

   DPRINT(DEBUG_CALLS, acl_debug_level,
	   ("* kadm5int_acl_parse_restrictions(s=%20s, rpp=0x%08x)\n", s, (long)rpp));

    *rpp = (restriction_t *) NULL;
    code = 0;
    if (s) {
	if (!(sp = strdup(s))	/* Don't munge the original */
	    || !(*rpp = (restriction_t *) malloc(sizeof(restriction_t)))) {
	    code = ENOMEM;
	} else {
	    memset(*rpp, 0, sizeof(**rpp));
	    for (tp=strtok(sp, delims); tp; tp=strtok((char *)NULL, delims)) {
		flag = 0;
		if (!krb5_string_to_flags(tp, "+", "-", &flag)) {
		    /* OK, but was it in the positive or negative sense? */
		    if (flag) {
			(*rpp)->require_attrs |= flag;
		    } else {
			flag = ~0;
			(void) krb5_string_to_flags(tp, "+", "-", &flag);
			(*rpp)->forbid_attrs |= ~flag;
		    (*rpp)->mask |= KADM5_ATTRIBUTES;
		} else if (!strcmp(tp, "-clearpolicy")) {
		    (*rpp)->mask |= KADM5_POLICY_CLR;
		} else {
		    /* everything else needs an argument ... */
		    if (!(ap = strtok((char *)NULL, delims))) {
			code = EINVAL;
		    if (!strcmp(tp, "-policy")) {
			if (!((*rpp)->policy = strdup(ap))) {
			    code = ENOMEM;
			(*rpp)->mask |= KADM5_POLICY;
		    } else {
			/* all other arguments must be a deltat ... */
			if (krb5_string_to_deltat(ap, &dt)) {
			    code = EINVAL;
			if (!strcmp(tp, "-expire")) {
			    (*rpp)->princ_lifetime = dt;
			    (*rpp)->mask |= KADM5_PRINC_EXPIRE_TIME;
			} else if (!strcmp(tp, "-pwexpire")) {
			    (*rpp)->pw_lifetime = dt;
			    (*rpp)->mask |= KADM5_PW_EXPIRATION;
			} else if (!strcmp(tp, "-maxlife")) {
			    (*rpp)->max_life = dt;
			    (*rpp)->mask |= KADM5_MAX_LIFE;
			} else if (!strcmp(tp, "-maxrenewlife")) {
			    (*rpp)->max_renewable_life = dt;
			    (*rpp)->mask |= KADM5_MAX_RLIFE;
			} else {
			    code = EINVAL;
    if (sp)
    if (*rpp && code) {
	if ((*rpp)->policy)
	*rpp = (restriction_t *) NULL;
    DPRINT(DEBUG_CALLS, acl_debug_level,
	   ("X kadm5int_acl_parse_restrictions() = %d, mask=0x%08x\n",
	    code, (*rpp) ? (*rpp)->mask : 0));
    return code;
 * kadm5int_acl_impose_restrictions()	- impose restrictions, modifying *recp, *maskp
 * Returns: 0 on success;
 *	    malloc or timeofday errors
kadm5int_acl_impose_restrictions(kcontext, recp, maskp, rp)
     krb5_context		kcontext;
     kadm5_principal_ent_rec	*recp;
     long			*maskp;
     restriction_t		*rp;
    krb5_error_code	code;
    krb5_int32		now;

    DPRINT(DEBUG_CALLS, acl_debug_level,
	   ("* kadm5int_acl_impose_restrictions(..., *maskp=0x%08x, rp=0x%08x)\n",
	    *maskp, (long)rp));
    if (!rp)
	return 0;
	if ((code = krb5_timeofday(kcontext, &now)))
	    return code;

    if (rp->mask & KADM5_ATTRIBUTES) {
	recp->attributes |= rp->require_attrs;
	recp->attributes &= ~(rp->forbid_attrs);
	*maskp |= KADM5_ATTRIBUTES;
    if (rp->mask & KADM5_POLICY_CLR) {
	*maskp &= ~KADM5_POLICY;
	*maskp |= KADM5_POLICY_CLR;
    } else if (rp->mask & KADM5_POLICY) {
	if (recp->policy && strcmp(recp->policy, rp->policy)) {
		recp->policy = (char *) NULL;
	if (!recp->policy) {
	    recp->policy = strdup(rp->policy);  /* XDR will free it */
	    if (!recp->policy)
		return ENOMEM;
	*maskp |= KADM5_POLICY;
    if (rp->mask & KADM5_PRINC_EXPIRE_TIME) {
	if (!(*maskp & KADM5_PRINC_EXPIRE_TIME)
	    || (recp->princ_expire_time > (now + rp->princ_lifetime)))
	    recp->princ_expire_time = now + rp->princ_lifetime;
    if (rp->mask & KADM5_PW_EXPIRATION) {
	if (!(*maskp & KADM5_PW_EXPIRATION)
	    || (recp->pw_expiration > (now + rp->pw_lifetime)))
	    recp->pw_expiration = now + rp->pw_lifetime;
    if (rp->mask & KADM5_MAX_LIFE) {
	if (!(*maskp & KADM5_MAX_LIFE)
	    || (recp->max_life > rp->max_life))
	    recp->max_life = rp->max_life;
	*maskp |= KADM5_MAX_LIFE;
    if (rp->mask & KADM5_MAX_RLIFE) {
	if (!(*maskp & KADM5_MAX_RLIFE)
	    || (recp->max_renewable_life > rp->max_renewable_life))
	    recp->max_renewable_life = rp->max_renewable_life;
	*maskp |= KADM5_MAX_RLIFE;
    DPRINT(DEBUG_CALLS, acl_debug_level,
	   ("X kadm5int_acl_impose_restrictions() = 0, *maskp=0x%08x\n", *maskp));
    return 0;
 * kadm5int_acl_free_entries() - Free all ACL entries.
static void
    aent_t	*ap;
    aent_t	*np;

    DPRINT(DEBUG_CALLS, acl_debug_level, ("* kadm5int_acl_free_entries()\n"));
    for (ap=acl_list_head; ap; ap = np) {
	if (ap->ae_name)
	if (ap->ae_principal)
	    krb5_free_principal((krb5_context) NULL, ap->ae_principal);
	if (ap->ae_target)
	if (ap->ae_target_princ)
	    krb5_free_principal((krb5_context) NULL, ap->ae_target_princ);
	if (ap->ae_restriction_string)
	if (ap->ae_restrictions) {
	    if (ap->ae_restrictions->policy)
	np = ap->ae_next;
    acl_list_head = acl_list_tail = (aent_t *) NULL;
    acl_inited = 0;
    DPRINT(DEBUG_CALLS, acl_debug_level, ("X kadm5int_acl_free_entries()\n"));
 * kadm5int_acl_load_acl_file()	- Open and parse the ACL file.
static int
    FILE 	*afp;
    char 	*alinep;
    aent_t	**aentpp;
    int		alineno;
    int		retval = 1;

    DPRINT(DEBUG_CALLS, acl_debug_level, ("* kadm5int_acl_load_acl_file()\n"));
    /* Open the ACL file for read */
    afp = fopen(acl_acl_file, "r");
    if (afp) {
	alineno = 1;
	aentpp = &acl_list_head;

	/* Get a non-comment line */
	while ((alinep = kadm5int_acl_get_line(afp, &alineno))) {
	    /* Parse it */
	    *aentpp = kadm5int_acl_parse_line(alinep);
	    /* If syntax error, then fall out */
	    if (!*aentpp) {
		krb5_klog_syslog(LOG_ERR, acl_syn_err_msg,
			acl_acl_file, alineno, alinep);
		retval = 0;
	    acl_list_tail = *aentpp;
	    aentpp = &(*aentpp)->ae_next;


	if (acl_catchall_entry) {
	     *aentpp = kadm5int_acl_parse_line(acl_catchall_entry);
	     if (*aentpp) {
		  acl_list_tail = *aentpp;
	     else {
		  retval = 0;
		  DPRINT(DEBUG_OPERATION, acl_debug_level,
			 ("> catchall acl entry (%s) load failed\n",
    else {
	krb5_klog_syslog(LOG_ERR, acl_cantopen_msg,
			 error_message(errno), acl_acl_file);
	if (acl_catchall_entry &&
	    (acl_list_head = kadm5int_acl_parse_line(acl_catchall_entry))) {
	    acl_list_tail = acl_list_head;
	else {
	    retval = 0;
	    DPRINT(DEBUG_OPERATION, acl_debug_level,
		   ("> catchall acl entry (%s) load failed\n",

    if (!retval) {
    DPRINT(DEBUG_CALLS, acl_debug_level,
	   ("X kadm5int_acl_load_acl_file() = %d\n", retval));
 * kadm5int_acl_match_data()	- See if two data entries match.
 * Wildcarding is only supported for a whole component.
static krb5_boolean
kadm5int_acl_match_data(e1, e2, targetflag, ws)
    krb5_data	*e1, *e2;
    int		targetflag;
    wildstate_t	*ws;
    krb5_boolean	retval;

    DPRINT(DEBUG_CALLS, acl_debug_level, 
	   ("* acl_match_entry(%s, %s)\n", e1->data, e2->data));
    retval = 0;
    if (!strncmp(e1->data, "*", e1->length)) {
	retval = 1;
	if (ws && !targetflag) {
	    if (ws->nwild >= 9) {
		DPRINT(DEBUG_ACL, acl_debug_level,
		    ("Too many wildcards in ACL entry %s\n", entry->ae_name));
		ws->backref[ws->nwild++] = e2;
    else if (ws && targetflag && (e1->length == 2) && (e1->data[0] == '*') &&
	     (e1->data[1] >= '1') && (e1->data[1] <= '9')) {
	int	n = e1->data[1] - '1';
	if (n >= ws->nwild) {
	    DPRINT(DEBUG_ACL, acl_debug_level,
		   ("Too many backrefs in ACL entry %s\n", entry->ae_name));
	else if ((ws->backref[n]->length == e2->length) &&
		 (!strncmp(ws->backref[n]->data, e2->data, e2->length)))
	    retval = 1;
    else {
	if ((e1->length == e2->length) &&
	    (!strncmp(e1->data, e2->data, e1->length)))
	    retval = 1;
    DPRINT(DEBUG_CALLS, acl_debug_level, ("X acl_match_entry()=%d\n",retval));
 * kadm5int_acl_find_entry()	- Find a matching entry.
static aent_t *
kadm5int_acl_find_entry(kcontext, principal, dest_princ)
    krb5_context	kcontext;
    krb5_principal	principal;
    krb5_principal	dest_princ;
    aent_t		*entry;
    krb5_error_code	kret;
    int			i;
    int			matchgood;
    wildstate_t		state;

    DPRINT(DEBUG_CALLS, acl_debug_level, ("* kadm5int_acl_find_entry()\n"));
    memset((char *)&state, 0, sizeof state);
    for (entry=acl_list_head; entry; entry = entry->ae_next) {
	if (entry->ae_name_bad)
	if (!strcmp(entry->ae_name, "*")) {
	    DPRINT(DEBUG_ACL, acl_debug_level, ("A wildcard ACL match\n"));
	    matchgood = 1;
	else {
	    if (!entry->ae_principal && !entry->ae_name_bad) {
		kret = krb5_parse_name(kcontext,
		if (kret)
		    entry->ae_name_bad = 1;
	    if (entry->ae_name_bad) {
		DPRINT(DEBUG_ACL, acl_debug_level,
		       ("Bad ACL entry %s\n", entry->ae_name));
	    matchgood = 0;
	    if (kadm5int_acl_match_data(&entry->ae_principal->realm,
			       &principal->realm, 0, (wildstate_t *)0) &&
		(entry->ae_principal->length == principal->length)) {
		matchgood = 1;
		for (i=0; i<principal->length; i++) {
		    if (!kadm5int_acl_match_data(&entry->ae_principal->data[i],
					&principal->data[i], 0, &state)) {
			matchgood = 0;
	if (!matchgood)

	/* We've matched the principal.  If we have a target, then try it */
	if (entry->ae_target && strcmp(entry->ae_target, "*")) {
	    if (!entry->ae_target_princ && !entry->ae_target_bad) {
		kret = krb5_parse_name(kcontext, entry->ae_target,
		if (kret)
		    entry->ae_target_bad = 1;
	    if (entry->ae_target_bad) {
	        DPRINT(DEBUG_ACL, acl_debug_level,
		       ("Bad target in ACL entry for %s\n", entry->ae_name));
	        entry->ae_name_bad = 1;
	    if (!dest_princ)
	        matchgood = 0;
	    else if (entry->ae_target_princ && dest_princ) {
	        if (kadm5int_acl_match_data(&entry->ae_target_princ->realm,
			           &dest_princ->realm, 1, (wildstate_t *)0) &&
		    (entry->ae_target_princ->length == dest_princ->length)) {
		    for (i=0; i<dest_princ->length; i++) {
		        if (!kadm5int_acl_match_data(&entry->ae_target_princ->data[i],
			  		    &dest_princ->data[i], 1, &state)) {
			    matchgood = 0;
		    matchgood = 0;
	if (!matchgood)

	if (entry->ae_restriction_string
	    && !entry->ae_restriction_bad
	    && !entry->ae_restrictions
	    && kadm5int_acl_parse_restrictions(entry->ae_restriction_string,
				      &entry->ae_restrictions)) {
	    DPRINT(DEBUG_ACL, acl_debug_level,
		   ("Bad restrictions in ACL entry for %s\n", entry->ae_name));
	    entry->ae_restriction_bad = 1;
	if (entry->ae_restriction_bad) {
	    entry->ae_name_bad = 1;
    DPRINT(DEBUG_CALLS, acl_debug_level, ("X kadm5int_acl_find_entry()=%x\n",entry));
 * kadm5int_acl_init()	- Initialize ACL context.
kadm5int_acl_init(kcontext, debug_level, acl_file)
    krb5_context	kcontext;
    int			debug_level;
    char		*acl_file;
    krb5_error_code	kret;

    kret = 0;
    acl_debug_level = debug_level;
    DPRINT(DEBUG_CALLS, acl_debug_level,
	   ("* kadm5int_acl_init(afile=%s)\n",
	    ((acl_file) ? acl_file : "(null)")));
    acl_acl_file = (acl_file) ? acl_file : (char *) KRB5_DEFAULT_ADMIN_ACL;
    acl_inited = kadm5int_acl_load_acl_file();

    DPRINT(DEBUG_CALLS, acl_debug_level, ("X kadm5int_acl_init() = %d\n", kret));
 * kadm5int_acl_finish	- Terminate ACL context.
kadm5int_acl_finish(kcontext, debug_level)
    krb5_context	kcontext;
    int			debug_level;
    DPRINT(DEBUG_CALLS, acl_debug_level, ("* kadm5int_acl_finish()\n"));
    DPRINT(DEBUG_CALLS, acl_debug_level, ("X kadm5int_acl_finish()\n"));
 * kadm5int_acl_check()	- Is this operation permitted for this principal?
 *			this code used not to be based on gssapi.  In order
 *			to minimize porting hassles, I've put all the
 *			gssapi hair in this function.  This might not be
 *			the best medium-term solution.  (The best long-term
 *			solution is, of course, a real authorization service.)
kadm5int_acl_check(kcontext, caller, opmask, principal, restrictions)
    krb5_context	kcontext;
    gss_name_t		caller;
    krb5_int32		opmask;
    krb5_principal	principal;
    restriction_t	**restrictions;
    krb5_boolean	retval;
    aent_t		*aentry;
    gss_buffer_desc	caller_buf;
    gss_OID		caller_oid;
    OM_uint32		emaj, emin;
    krb5_error_code	code;
    krb5_principal	caller_princ;

    DPRINT(DEBUG_CALLS, acl_debug_level, ("* acl_op_permitted()\n"));

    if (GSS_ERROR(emaj = gss_display_name(&emin, caller, &caller_buf,

    code = krb5_parse_name(kcontext, (char *) caller_buf.value,

    gss_release_buffer(&emin, &caller_buf);

    if (code)

    retval = 0;

    aentry = kadm5int_acl_find_entry(kcontext, caller_princ, principal);
    if (aentry) {
	if ((aentry->ae_op_allowed & opmask) == opmask) {
	    retval = 1;
	    if (restrictions) {
		*restrictions =
		    (aentry->ae_restrictions && aentry->ae_restrictions->mask)
		    ? aentry->ae_restrictions
		    : (restriction_t *) NULL;

    krb5_free_principal(kcontext, caller_princ);

    DPRINT(DEBUG_CALLS, acl_debug_level, ("X acl_op_permitted()=%d\n",

kadm5_get_privs(void *server_handle, long *privs)

     /* this is impossible to do with the current interface.  For now,
	return all privs, which will confuse some clients, but not
	deny any access to users of "smart" clients which try to cache */

     *privs = ~0;

     return KADM5_OK;