helpers.exp   [plain text]

# $Id: helpers.exp 14961 2002-11-02 18:27:11Z tlyu $

global s
set s "\[\r\n\t\ \]"

if {[info commands exp_version] != {}} {
	set exp_version_4 [regexp {^4} [exp_version]]
} else {
	set exp_version_4 [regexp {^4} [expect_version]]

# Backward compatibility until we're using expect 5 everywhere
if {$exp_version_4} {
	global wait_error_index wait_errno_index wait_status_index
	set wait_error_index 0
	set wait_errno_index 1
	set wait_status_index 1
} else {
	set wait_error_index 2
	set wait_errno_index 3
	set wait_status_index 3

proc myfail { comment } {
	global mytest_name
	global mytest_status
	fail "$mytest_name: $comment"
	set mytest_status 1

proc mypass {} {

## When you expect on an id, and eof is detected, the spawn_id is closed.
## It may be waited for, but calling expect or close on this id is an ERROR!

proc mytest { name kpargs status args } {
	global spawn_id
	global timeout
	global mytest_name
	global mytest_status
	global wait_error_index wait_errno_index wait_status_index

	verbose "starting test: $name"

	set mytest_name "$name"

	eval kpasswd_start $kpargs

	# at the end, eof is success

	lappend args { eof { if {[regexp "\[\r\n\]$" $expect_out(buffer)] == 0} { myfail "final status message not newline-terminated" } } }

	# for each test argument....
	# rep invariant:  when this foreach ends, the id is close'd, but
	#   not wait'ed.

	foreach test $args {
		set mytest_status 0

		# treat the arg as an expect parameter
		# if failure, the process will be closed and waited.

		uplevel 1 "expect {
			timeout { close; myfail \"timeout\"}
			eof { myfail \"eof read before expected message string\" }

		if {$mytest_status == 1} { return }

	# at this point, the id is closed and we can wait on it.

	set ret [wait]
	verbose "% Exit $ret" 1
	if {[lindex $ret $wait_error_index] == -1} {
		fail "$name: wait returned error [lindex $ret $wait_errno_index]"
	} else {
		if { [lindex $ret $wait_status_index] == $status ||
		     (($status<0) && ([lindex $ret $wait_status_index] == ($status+256))) } {
			pass "$name"
		} else {
			fail "$name: unexpected return status [lindex $ret $wait_status_index], should be $status"

proc kinit { princ pass } {
	global env;
        global KINIT
	spawn -noecho $KINIT -5 $princ;

	expect {
		-re "Password for .*:\[^\n\]*$"
		    {send "$pass\n"}
		timeout {puts "Timeout waiting for prompt" ; close }

	# this necessary so close(1) in the child will not sleep waiting for
	# the parent, which is us, to read pending data.

	expect {
		eof {}

proc kdestroy {} {
        global KDESTROY
	global errorCode errorInfo
	global env

	if {[info exists errorCode]} {
		set saveErrorCode $errorCode
	if {[info exists errorInfo]} {
		set saveErrorInfo $errorInfo
	catch "system $KDESTROY -5 2>/dev/null"
	if {[info exists saveErrorCode]} {
		set errorCode $saveErrorCode
	} elseif {[info exists errorCode]} {
		unset errorCode
	if {[info exists saveErrorInfo]} {
		set errorInfo $saveErrorInfo
	} elseif {[info exists errorInfo]} {
		unset errorInfo

global initerr_str
global initerr_regexp
set initerr_str "Cannot establish a session with the Kerberos administrative server for realm \[^\r\n\]*\\. "
set initerr_regexp "Cannot establish a session with the Kerberos administrative server for$s+realm \[^\r\n\]*\\.$s+"

proc test_win { args name princ pass1 { pass2 "\001\001" } } {
	global s
	global initerr_regexp

	if { $pass2 == "\001\001" } { set pass2 "$pass1" }

	mytest "$name" $args 0 {
		-re "Changing password for $princ.*\\.$s+Old password:\[^\n\]*$"
			{ send "$pass1\n" }
	} {
		-re "Old Kerberos password is incorrect. Please try again."
			{ close; myfail "Old password incorrect" }
		-re "${initerr_regexp}(.+\[^\r\n\t\ \])\r\n"
			{ close; myfail "init error: $expect_out(1,string)" }
		-re "$s+New password:\[^\n\]*$"
			{ send "$pass2\n" }
		-re "$s+.*$s+.*$s+.*$s+New password:\[^\n\]*$"
			{ send "$pass2\n" }
	} {
		-re "$s+New password \\(again\\):\[^\n\]*$"
			{ send "$pass2\n" }
	} {
		-re "$s+Kerberos password changed."
			{ mypass }
		-re "$s+Password changed."
			{ close; myfail "Wrong message on success." }

proc test_initerr { args name princ pass status err } {
	global s
	global initerr_regexp

	regsub -all "$s+" $err "$s+" err2

	mytest "$name" $args $status {
		-re "Changing password for $princ.*\\.$s+Old password:\[^\n\]*$"
			{ send "$pass\n" }
	} {
		-re "$err2"
			{ mypass }
		-re "Old Kerberos password is incorrect. Please try again."
			{ close; myfail "Old password incorrect" }
		-re "${initerr_regexp}(.+)\r\n"
			{ close; myfail "init error: $expect_out(1,string)" }

proc test_3pass { args name princ pass1 pass2 pass3 status err } {
	global s
	global initerr_regexp

	regsub -all "$s+" $err "$s+" err2

	mytest "$name" $args $status {
		-re "Changing password for $princ.*\\.$s+Old password:\[^\n\]*$"
			{ send "$pass1\n" }
	} {
		-re "Old Kerberos password is incorrect. Please try again."
			{ close; myfail "Old password incorrect" }
		-re "${initerr_regexp}(.+)\r\n"
			{ close; myfail "init error: $expect_out(1,string)" }
		-re "$s+New password:\[^\n\]*$"
			{ send "$pass2\n" }
		-re "$s+.*$s+.*$s+.*$s+New password:\[^\n\]*$"
			{ send "$pass2\n" }
	} {
		-re "$s+New password \\(again\\):\[^\n\]*$"
			{ send "$pass3\n" }
	} {
		-re "$s+$err2"
			{ mypass }