connecting.exp   [plain text]

# $Id: connecting.exp 8774 1996-07-22 20:49:46Z marc $

set timeout 15

load_lib "helpers.exp"

if [info exist env(DEBUG)] { debug 1 }

# Here are the tests

test_initerr {test2} {C.4: empty old password (XXXX)} test2 {} \
	5 {You must type a password.  Passwords must be at least one character long.}

test_initerr {test2} {C.5: incorrect old password} test2 foobar \
	2 "Old Kerberos password is incorrect. Please try again."

# set timeout 60
#test_initerr {test2@SECURE-TEST-DEAD.OV.COM} {C.8: server up, daemon down} \
#	test2 test2 \
#	3 "" 
#test_initerr {test2@SECURE-TEST-DOWN.OV.COM} {C.8.5: server down} \
#	test2 test2 \
#	3 "${initerr_str}Cannot contact any KDC for requested realm"