changing.exp   [plain text]

# $Id: changing.exp 15406 2003-05-09 12:51:58Z tlyu $

set timeout 15

load_lib "helpers.exp"

if [info exist env(DEBUG)] { debug 1 }

# Here are the tests

test_3pass {test2} {D.5: different new passwords} test2 test2 test2 foobar \
	4 {New passwords do not match - password not changed.}

test_3pass {test2} {D.7.5: empty/empty} test2 test2 {} {} \
	5 {You must type a password.  Passwords must be at least one character long.}

test_3pass {test2} {D.6: empty/non-empty} test2 test2 {} test2 \
	4 {New passwords do not match - password not changed.}

test_3pass {test2} {D.7: non-empty/empty} test2 test2 test2 {} \
	4 {New passwords do not match - password not changed.}

test_win {test1} {D.8: change password} test1 test1 newpass

test_win {test1} {D.9: test changed password} test1 newpass test1

mytest "D.22: No policy description was shown" test1 4 {
	-re "Changing password for test1.*\\.$s+Old password:\[^\n\]*$"
		{ send "test1\n" }
} {
	-re "$s+.*$s+.*$s+.*char.*classes.*"
		{ myfail "policy description displayed" }
	timeout { mypass }
} {
	-re "^$s+New password:\[^\n\]*$"
		{ send "newpass\n" }
} {
	-re "^$s+New password \\(again\\):\[^\n\]*\$"
		{ send "ssapwen\n" }
} {
	-re "$s+New passwords do not match - password not changed."
		{ mypass }

test_3pass {pol1} {D.10: new password too short} pol1 pol111111 que que \
	4 {New password is too short.  Please choose a password which is at least [0-9]+ characters long.}

test_3pass {pol1} {D.13: too few char classes in new password} pol1 \
	pol111111 123456789 123456789 \
	4 {New password does not have enough character classes.  The character classes are: - lower-case letters, - upper-case letters, - digits, - punctuation, and - all other characters \(e.g., control characters\). Please choose a password with at least [0-9]+ character classes.}

test_3pass {pol1} {D.14: new password in dictionary} pol1 \
	pol111111 Discordianism Discordianism \
	4 {New password was found in a dictionary of possible passwords and therefore may be easily guessed.  Please choose another password.  See the kpasswd man page for help in choosing a good password.}

test_win {pol1} {successful change} pol1 pol111111 polAAAAAA
# fail "successful change: XXXX password history is majorly broken"

test_3pass {pol1} {D.11: new password same as old} pol1 \
	4 {New password was used previously.  Please choose a different password.}

test_3pass {pol1} {D.12: new password in history} pol1 \
	polAAAAAA pol111111 pol111111 \
	4 {New password was used previously.  Please choose a different password.}

mytest "D.18: Policy description was shown" pol1 4 {
	-re "Changing password for pol1.*\\.$s+Old password:\[^\n\]*$"
		{ send "polAAAAAA\n" }
} {
	-re "$s+.*$s+.*$s+.*8 char.*2 classes.*$s+New password:\[^\n\]*$"
		{ send "newpass1234\n" }
} {
	-re "^$s+New password \\(again\\):\[^\n\]*$"
		{ send "newpass4321\n" }
} {
	-re "$s+New passwords do not match - password not changed."
		{ mypass }

# restore pol1's password to its initial value; see discussion in 
# secure-kpasswd/2204 about secure-releng/2191 if you are confused
test_win {pol1} {successful change} pol1 polAAAAAA polBBBBBB
test_win {pol1} {successful change} pol1 polBBBBBB polCCCCCC
test_win {pol1} {successful change} pol1 polCCCCCC pol111111

verbose "(sleeping 30 seconds)"
catch "exec sleep 30"

test_win {pol2} {successful change} pol2 pol222222 polbbbbbb

test_3pass {pol2} {D.15: too soon to change password} pol2 \
	polbbbbbb pol222222 pol222222 \
	4 {Password cannot be changed because it was changed too recently.  Please wait until .*[12][0-9][0-9][0-9] before you change it.  If you need to change your password before then, contact your system security administrator.}

verbose "(sleeping 30 seconds)"
catch "exec sleep 30"

test_win {pol2} {password min life passed} pol2 polbbbbbb pol222222