msi-deployment-guide.txt   [plain text]

Kerberos for Windows

                         MSI Deployment Guide



     1.    Introduction
     1.1     Requirements
     1.2     Authoring a Transform
     2.	   Configuration Options
     2.1     Configurable Properties
     2.1.1     Setting Properties
     2.1.2     Leash GUI Properties
     2.1.3     Leash DLL Properties
     2.1.4     Kerberos IV Properties
     2.1.5     Kerberos V Properties
     2.2     Existing Registry Entries
     2.3     Replacing Configuration Files
     3.	   Additional Resources
     4.	   Upgrades
     5.	   FAQ


1.  Introduction

    Beginning with "Kerberos for Windows" version 2.6.5, a MSI installer
    option is available for those who wish to use "Windows Installer"
    for installing Kerberos and for organizations that wish to deploy
    Kerberos through Group Policy.

    This document provides a guide for authoring transforms used to
    customize the MSI package for a particular organization.  Although
    many settings can be deployed via transforms, in an Active
    Directory environment it is advisable to deploy registry settings
    and configuration files through group policy and/or startup
    scripts so that machines where "Kerberos for Windows" is already
    installed will pick up these customizations.

1.1 Requirements

    The information in this document applies to MSI packages
    distributed with "Kerberos for Windows" releases from 2.6.5 and
    onwards or MSI packages built from corresponding source
    releases.  Not all releases support all the configuration options
    documented here.

    Authoring a "Windows Installer" transform requires additional
    software for editing the MSI database tables and generating the
    transform from the modified MSI package.  ORCA.EXE and MSITRAN.EXE
    which are included in the Windows Platform SDK ("Windows Installer"
    SDK) can be used for this purpose.

    For reference, the schema for the MSI package is based on
    SCHEMA.MSI distributed with the Platform SDK.

    For general information about "Windows Installer", refer to :

    For general information about authoring MSI transforms, refer to :

    The remainder of this document assumes some familiarity with
    authoring transforms.  While the MSDN documentation for Windows
    Installer is a bit dense, it is recommended that you read through
    the guide on MSI transforms found at the second link above.  Also
    MSDN includes a step-by-step example for creating a transform at:

1.2  Authoring a Transform

    Transforms describe a set of modifications to be performed on an
    existing MSI for the purpose of customizing it.  This is
    ordinarily done by making a copy of the MSI to be customized,
    modifying the copy and then using the old and the new MSI to
    generate a transform.

       > copy kfw.msi kfw-modified.msi
       (edit the kfw-modified.msi to include the necessary changes)

       > msitran -g kfw-modified.msi kfw.msi kfw-transform.mst

       (generates kfw-transform.mst, which is the transform)

    Transforms have an extension of .mst.  'msitran' is a tool
    distributed as part of the "Windows Installer" SDK (which in turn is
    a part of the Windows Platform SDK).

    You can test a transform by :

       > copy kfw.msi kfw-test.msi
       > msitran -a kfw-transform.mst kfw-test.msi

    and then checking the resulting kfw-test.msi to see if all the
    changes you have made above to kfw-modified.msi is present in
    kfw-test.msi.  'msitran' will complain if some modification in the
    transform can not be successfully applied.

    As mentioned above, you can use a tool like ORCA.EXE to edit the
    MSI databases directly when editing kfw-modified.msi.  More
    details are given below.


2.  Configuration Options

    The logic necessary to implement all of the settings described in
    the release notes are present in the MSI.  Most of these can be
    controlled by setting the corresponding properties to the desired
    value.  Some settings may require modifying existing registry
    entries (though not recommended) or adding new resources (like
    files or registry keys).  Instructions for performing these tasks
    are below.

2.1 Configurable Properties

    Most configurable properties correspond to registry keys or
    values.  Please refer to the release notes for more information
    about how these registry settings are used.

    Due to the logic invoked based on the existence of these registry
    keys or values, they are only set if the associated property is
    defined to have a non null value.  If the associated property is
    not defined in the MSI, the registry key or value will not be
    touched.  By default, the MSI does not contain these properties
    and hence will not set the registry keys.  You will need to add
    properties as needed to the MSI.

    When one of the configurable properties is set, the installer will
    use the property value to set the corresponding setting in the
    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE registry hive.  HKEY_CURRENT_USER hive is not
    touched by the installer.

    For each property, the associated registry setting is referenced
    by the same text used in the release notes ('Registry and
    Environment Settings' section).

    Strings are quoted using single quotes (e.g. 'a string'). An empty
    string is denoted as ''.  Note that you can't author null values
    into the 'Property' table.

    Numeric values should be authored as decimal strings.

2.1.1  Setting Properties

    In order to set a property,

    a.  Open the MSI in ORCA.EXE

    b.  Select the 'Property' table from the list of tables on the left.

    c.  Find the property in the list of properties on the right,
        double click the value and type the new value.

    d.  If the property does not exist in the property list, right
        click the list and select 'Add Row', type the property name
        and the desired value.

2.1.2    Leash GUI properties

	Setting: afs token retrieval
	Values : '0' or '1'

	Setting: automatic generation of missing configuration files
	Values : '0' or '1'

	Setting: automatic ticket renewal
	Values : '0' or '1'

	Setting: lock configuration files location
	Values : '0' or '1'

	Setting: automatic importation of MSLSA credentials
	Values : '0', '1' or '2'

2.1.3    Leash32 DLL properties

	Setting: default lifetime (minutes)
	Values : numeric

	Setting: default renew till time (minutes)
	Values : numeric

	Setting: default renewable tickets setting
	Values : '0' or '1'

	Setting: default forwardable tickets setting
	Values : '0' or '1'

	Setting: default addressless tickets setting
	Values : '0' or '1'

	Setting: default proxiable tickets setting
	Values : '0' or '1'

	Setting: default public ipv4 address
	Values : numeric

	Setting: request kerberos iv tickets
	Values : '0' or '1'

	Setting: hide advanced kinit options in dialog
	Values : '0' or '1'

	Setting: minimum kinit dialog lifetime
	Values : numeric

	Setting: maximum kinit dialog lifetime
	Values : numeric

	Setting: minimum kinit dialog renew till time
	Values : numeric

	Setting: maximum kinit dialog renew till time
	Values : numeric

	Setting: upper case realm
	Values : '0' or '1'

	Setting: timesync host
	Values : string

	Setting: Preserve ticket initialization dialog options
	Values : numeric

2.1.4  Kerberos 4 properties

    KRB4KRBREALMS   (realms full pathname)
    KRB4KRBCONF     (config full pathname)
    KRB4KRBCONFIDIR (dir for both files)
	Setting: location of krbrealm & krbconf
	Values : string
        (note that the three registry settings are conditioned
        independently. I.e. If you only set KRB4KRBCONF, only the
        krb.conf setting will be written.)

	Setting: ticket file
	Values : string

2.1.5  Kerberos 5 properties

	Setting: location of krb5.ini
	Values : string

	Setting: Default credentials cache name
	Values : string

	Setting: MSLSA: credential cache client principal identity generation
	Values : '0' or '1'

2.2 Existing Registry Entries

    You can change existing registry values subject to the
    restrictions mentioned in the Windows Platform SDK.  Pay special
    attention to component keypaths and try to only change the 'Value'
    column in the 'Registry' table.  If you want to add additional
    registry keys please refer to section 3 (Additional Resources).

2.3 Replacing Configuration Files

    The Kerberos configuration files (krb5.ini, krb.con, krbrealm.con)
    can be replaced by your own configuration files.  These files are
    contained in separate MSI components so that you can disable them

    The recommended method for replacing these files is to first
    disable the components containing the configuration files that you
    want to replace, and then add new components for the replacement
    files.  This is outlined below (assuming you are using ORCA.EXE to
    author the transform).

    Note that transforms are not a good way to add a new file as an
    embedded stream.  The method outlined here places the file in the
    same directory as the MSI for deployment.

    The walkthrough below is to add a custom 'krb5.ini' file.

    1) Disable the component that contains the configuration file that
       you want to replace.

       1.1) Locate and select the 'Component' table in the 'Tables'

       1.2) In the Component table, locate the component you need to
            change ( Ctrl-F invokes the 'Find' dialog).  The component
            names are listed below in section 2.3.1.  For this
            example, the component name is 'cmf_krb5_ini'.

       1.3) Go to the 'Condition' column of the component.

       1.4) Enter a condition that evaluates to
            false. I.e. 'DONOTINSTALL'. (Note that an undefined
            property always evaluates to false).

       Note that you can also use this step to disable other
       configuration files without providing replacements.

    2) Add a new component containing the new configuration file.

       2.1) Select the 'Component' table in the 'Tables' list.

       2.2) Select 'Tables'->'Add Row' (Ctrl-R).

       2.3) Enter the following :

            Component     : cmf_my_krb5_ini
	    ComponentId   : {835BAAC6-5E54-BFFE-DBCB2F240711}
	    Directory_	  : WindowsFolder
	    Attributes	  : 144
	    Condition	  :
	    KeyPath	  : fil_my_krb5_ini

	    Note that the ComponentId is an uppercase GUID.  You can
	    generate one using GUIDGEN.EXE or UUIDGEN.EXE, both of
	    which are included in the Platform SDK.

	    The Attributes value of 144 is a sum of
	    msidbComponentAttributesPermanent (16) and
	    msidbComponentAttributesNeverOverwrite (128).  This
	    ensures that local modifications are not overwritten or
	    lost during an installation or uninstallation.  These are
	    the same settings used on the default configuration files.

	    'fil_my_krb5_ini' is a key into the 'File' table which we
	    will fill later.

    3) Add a new feature to hold the new component.

       3.1) Select the 'Feature' table.

       3.2) Add a new row (Ctrl-R or 'Tables'->'Add Row') with the
            following values:

	    Feature       : fea_my_krb5_ini
	    Feature_Parent: feaKfwClient
	    Title	  :
	    Description	  :
	    Display	  : 0
	    Level	  : 30
	    Directory_	  :
	    Attributes	  : 8

	    It is important to create the new feature under the
	    'feaKfwClient' feature, which will ensure that the
	    configuration file will be installed when the client
	    binaries are installed.

	    Setting 'Display' to 0 will hide this feature from the
	    feature selection dialog during an interactive
	    installation.  A value of 30 for 'Level' allows this
	    feature to be installed by default (on a 'Typical'

	    The 'Attributes' value is
	    msidbFeatureAttributesDisallowAdvertise (8), which is set
	    on all features in the KfW MSI.  The KfW MSI is not
	    designed for an advertised installation.

    4) Join the component and the feature.

       4.1) Select the 'FeatureComponents' table.

       4.2) Add a new row with the following values:

	    Feature    : fea_my_krb5_ini
	    Component  : cmf_my_krb5_ini

    5) Add an entry to the 'File' table.

       5.1) Select the 'File' table.

       5.2) Add a new row with the following values:

	    File        : fil_my_krb5_ini
	    Component_	: cmf_my_krb5_ini
	    FileName	: krb5.ini
	    FileSize	: (enter file size here)
	    Attributes	: 8192
	    Sequence	: 1000
	    (leave other fields blank)

	    The 'Attributes' value is msidbFileAttributesNonCompressed
	    (8192).  This is because we will be placing this file in
	    the same directory as the MSI instead of embedding the
	    file in it.  Transforms do not support updating compressed
	    sources or adding new cabinet streams.

	    Finally, the 'Sequence' value of 1000 will be used later
	    to distinguish the file as being in a separate source
	    location than the other files in the MSI.

    6) Set a media source for the file.

       6.1) Select the 'Media' table.

       6.2) Add a row with the following values :

	    DiskId       : 2
	    LastSequence : 1000
	    (leave other fields blank)

	    The sequence number of 1000 designates this as the media
	    source for the newly added file.

2.3.1 Components for Configuration Files

      krb5.ini : 'cmf_krb5_ini' (ID {C1AF0670-BBF1-4AA6-B2A6-6C8B1584A1F4})
      krb.con  : 'cmf_krb_con'  (ID {5391A051-CF14-45FF-BF64-CEE78A7A90C2})
      krbrealm.con: 'cmf_krbrealm_con' (ID {D667B54F-1C98-43FB-87C6-0F0517623B90})


3   Additional Resources

    If you want to add registry keys or files you need to create new
    components and features for those.

    Add new features under the 'feaKfwClient' feature and set the
    'Level' column for those features to equal the 'Level' for their
    parent features for consistency.  Note that none of the features
    in the "Kerberos for Windows" MSI package are designed to be
    installed to run from 'source' or 'advertised'.  It is recommended
    that you set 'msidbFeatureAttributesFavorLocal' (0),
    'msidbFeatureAttributesFollowParent' (2) and
    'msidbFeatureAttributesDisallowAdvertise' (8) attributes for new

    If you are creating new components, retain the same component GUID
    when creating new transforms against new releases of the Kerberos
    MSI package.

    It is beyond the scope of this document to provide a comprehensive
    overview of how to add new resources through a transform.  Please
    refer to the "Windows Installer" documentation for details.  The
    relevant section is at :

    A sample walkthrough of adding a new configuration file is in
    section 2.3.


4.  Upgrades

    The MSI package is designed to uninstall previous versions of
    "Kerberos for Windows" during installation.  Note that it doesn't
    directly upgrade an existing installation.  This is intentional
    and ensures that development releases which do not have strictly
    increasing version numbers are properly upgraded.

    Versions of Kerberos that are upgraded by the MSI package are :

    1) "Kerberos for Windows" MSI package

       Upgrade code {61211594-AAA1-4A98-A299-757326763CC7}
       Upto current release

    2) "MIT Project Pismere Kerberos for Windows" MSI package and 
       "MIT SWRT Kerberos for Windows" MSI

       Upgrade code {83977767-388D-4DF8-BB08-3BF2401635BD}
       All versions

    3) "Kerberos for Windows" NSIS package

       All versions

       Note that versions of the "Kerberos for Windows" NSIS package had
       a bug where it couldn't be uninstalled properly in unattended
       mode.  Therefore the MSI package will not try to uninstall an
       "Kerberos for Windows" NSIS package if running unattended.  This
       means that group policy based deployments will fail on machines
       that have the "Kerberos for Windows" NSIS package installed.

    If you have used a different MSI package to install Kerberos for
    Windows and wish to upgrade it you can author rows into the
    'Upgrade' table to have the "Kerberos for Windows" MSI replace these
    installations for you.


5.  FAQ

    (Q/A's will be added here as needed)

$Id: msi-deployment-guide.txt 16761 2004-09-17 14:01:42Z jaltman $