CredentialsCache.h   [plain text]

 * Copyright 1998-2003 Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
 * All Rights Reserved.
 * Export of this software from the United States of America may
 * require a specific license from the United States Government.
 * It is the responsibility of any person or organization contemplating
 * export to obtain such a license before exporting.
 * WITHIN THAT CONSTRAINT, permission to use, copy, modify, and
 * distribute this software and its documentation for any purpose and
 * without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright
 * notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright notice and
 * this permission notice appear in supporting documentation, and that
 * the name of M.I.T. not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining
 * to distribution of the software without specific, written prior
 * permission.  Furthermore if you modify this software you must label
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 * M.I.T. makes no representations about the suitability of
 * this software for any purpose.  It is provided "as is" without express
 * or implied warranty.

/* $Header: /cvs/kfm/KerberosFramework/CredentialsCache/Headers/Kerberos/CredentialsCache.h,v 1.41 2004/10/22 20:49:18 lxs Exp $ */

 * Declarations for Credentials Cache API Library
 * API specification: <>
 *	Revision 1: Frank Dabek, 6/4/1998
 *	Revision 2: meeroh, 2/24/1999
 *      Revision 3: meeroh, 11/12/1999

#if defined(macintosh) || (defined(__MACH__) && defined(__APPLE__))
#    include <TargetConditionals.h>
#        error "Use KfM 4.0 SDK headers for CFM compilation."
#    endif

#    include <sys/types.h>

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#endif /* __cplusplus */

#    if defined(__MWERKS__)
#        pragma import on
#    endif
#    pragma options align=mac68k
 * Constants
/* API versions */
enum {
	ccapi_version_2 = 2,
	ccapi_version_3 = 3,
	ccapi_version_4 = 4,
	ccapi_version_5 = 5
/* Errors */
enum {
	ccNoError							= 0,

	ccIteratorEnd						= 201,

	ccErrInvalidString,					/* 206 */

	ccErrBadName,						/* 211 */

	ccErrCCacheLocked,					/* 216 */

	ccErrCCacheNotFound,					/* 221 */
    ccErrTimeOffsetNotSet				/* 226 */

/* Credentials versions */
enum {
	cc_credentials_v4 = 1,
	cc_credentials_v5 = 2,
	cc_credentials_v4_v5 = 3

 * Basic types
typedef u_int32_t cc_uint32;
typedef int32_t cc_int32;
typedef cc_uint32 cc_time_t;

 * API types
/* Forward declarations */
struct cc_context_f;
typedef struct cc_context_f cc_context_f;

struct cc_ccache_f;
typedef struct cc_ccache_f cc_ccache_f;

struct cc_ccache_iterator_f;
typedef struct cc_ccache_iterator_f cc_ccache_iterator_f;

struct cc_ccache_iterator_f;
typedef struct cc_credentials_iterator_f cc_credentials_iterator_f;

struct cc_string_f;
typedef struct cc_string_f cc_string_f;

struct cc_credentials_f;
typedef struct cc_credentials_f cc_credentials_f;

/* Credentials types */

enum {	/* Make sure all of these are multiples of four (for alignment sanity) */
	cc_v4_name_size		= 40,
	cc_v4_instance_size	= 40,
	cc_v4_realm_size	= 40,
	cc_v4_ticket_size	= 1254

/* cc_string_to_key_type */
enum {
	cc_v4_stk_afs = 0,
	cc_v4_stk_des = 1,
	cc_v4_stk_columbia_special = 2,
	cc_v4_stk_krb5 = 3,
	cc_v4_stk_unknown = 4

struct cc_credentials_v4_t {
	cc_uint32			version;
	char				principal [cc_v4_name_size];
	char				principal_instance [cc_v4_instance_size];
	char				service [cc_v4_name_size];
	char				service_instance [cc_v4_instance_size];
	char				realm [cc_v4_realm_size];
	unsigned char		session_key [8];
	cc_int32			kvno;
	cc_int32			string_to_key_type;
	cc_time_t			issue_date;
	cc_int32			lifetime;
	cc_uint32			address;
	cc_int32			ticket_size;
	unsigned char		ticket [cc_v4_ticket_size];
typedef struct cc_credentials_v4_t cc_credentials_v4_t;

struct cc_data {
	cc_uint32			type;
	cc_uint32			length;
	void*				data;
typedef struct cc_data cc_data;

struct cc_credentials_v5_t {
	char*				client;
	char*				server;
	cc_data				keyblock;
	cc_time_t			authtime;
	cc_time_t			starttime;
	cc_time_t			endtime;
	cc_time_t			renew_till;
	cc_uint32			is_skey;
	cc_uint32			ticket_flags;
	cc_data**			addresses;
	cc_data				ticket;
	cc_data				second_ticket;
	cc_data**			authdata;
typedef struct cc_credentials_v5_t cc_credentials_v5_t;

struct cc_credentials_union {
	cc_int32			version;
	union {
		cc_credentials_v4_t*	credentials_v4;
		cc_credentials_v5_t*	credentials_v5;
	}					credentials;
typedef struct cc_credentials_union cc_credentials_union;

/* Exposed parts */

struct cc_context_d {
	const cc_context_f*	functions;
	const cc_context_f*	otherFunctions;
typedef struct cc_context_d cc_context_d;
typedef cc_context_d*	cc_context_t;

struct cc_ccache_d {
	const cc_ccache_f*	functions;
	const cc_ccache_f*	otherFunctions;
typedef struct cc_ccache_d cc_ccache_d;
typedef cc_ccache_d*	cc_ccache_t;

struct cc_ccache_iterator_d {
	const cc_ccache_iterator_f*	functions;
	const cc_ccache_iterator_f*	otherFunctions;
typedef struct cc_ccache_iterator_d cc_ccache_iterator_d;
typedef cc_ccache_iterator_d*	cc_ccache_iterator_t;

struct cc_credentials_iterator_d {
	const cc_credentials_iterator_f*	functions;
	const cc_credentials_iterator_f*	otherFunctions;
typedef struct cc_credentials_iterator_d cc_credentials_iterator_d;
typedef cc_credentials_iterator_d*	cc_credentials_iterator_t;

struct cc_string_d {
	const char*			data;
	const cc_string_f*	functions;
	const cc_string_f*	otherFunctions;
typedef struct cc_string_d cc_string_d;
typedef cc_string_d*	cc_string_t;

struct cc_credentials_d {
	const cc_credentials_union* data;
	const cc_credentials_f* functions;
	const cc_credentials_f*	otherFunctions;
typedef struct cc_credentials_d cc_credentials_d;
typedef cc_credentials_d* cc_credentials_t;

/* Function pointer structs */

struct  cc_context_f {
    cc_int32    (*release) (
                                cc_context_t context);
    cc_int32    (*get_change_time) (
                                cc_context_t context,
                                cc_time_t* change_time);
    cc_int32    (*get_default_ccache_name) (
                                cc_context_t context,
                                cc_string_t* name);
    cc_int32    (*open_ccache) (
                                cc_context_t context,
                                const char* name,
                                cc_ccache_t* ccache);
    cc_int32    (*open_default_ccache) (
                                cc_context_t context,
                                cc_ccache_t* ccache);
    cc_int32    (*create_ccache) (
                                cc_context_t context,
                                const char* name,
                                cc_uint32 cred_vers,
                                const char* principal, 
                                cc_ccache_t* ccache);
    cc_int32    (*create_default_ccache) (
                                cc_context_t context,
                                cc_uint32 cred_vers,
                                const char* principal, 
                                cc_ccache_t* ccache);
    cc_int32    (*create_new_ccache) (
                                cc_context_t context,
                                cc_uint32 cred_vers,
                                const char* principal, 
                                cc_ccache_t* ccache);
    cc_int32    (*new_ccache_iterator) (
                                cc_context_t context,
                                cc_ccache_iterator_t* iterator);
    cc_int32    (*lock) (
                                cc_context_t context,
                                cc_uint32 lock_type,
                                cc_uint32 block);
    cc_int32    (*unlock) (
                                cc_context_t context);
    cc_int32    (*compare) (
                                cc_context_t context,
                                cc_context_t compare_to,
                                cc_uint32* equal);

struct cc_ccache_f {
    cc_int32    (*release) (
                                 cc_ccache_t ccache);
    cc_int32    (*destroy) (
                                 cc_ccache_t ccache);
    cc_int32    (*set_default) (
                                 cc_ccache_t ccache);
    cc_int32    (*get_credentials_version) (
                                 cc_ccache_t ccache,
                                 cc_uint32* credentials_version);
    cc_int32    (*get_name) (
                                 cc_ccache_t ccache,
                                 cc_string_t* name);
    cc_int32    (*get_principal) (
                                 cc_ccache_t ccache,
                                 cc_uint32 credentials_version,
                                 cc_string_t* principal);
    cc_int32    (*set_principal) (
                                 cc_ccache_t ccache,
                                 cc_uint32 credentials_version,
                                 const char* principal);
    cc_int32    (*store_credentials) (
                                 cc_ccache_t ccache,
                                 const cc_credentials_union* credentials);
    cc_int32    (*remove_credentials) (
                                 cc_ccache_t ccache,
                                 cc_credentials_t credentials);
    cc_int32    (*new_credentials_iterator) (
                                 cc_ccache_t ccache,
                                 cc_credentials_iterator_t* iterator);
    cc_int32    (*move) (
                                 cc_ccache_t source,
                                 cc_ccache_t destination);
    cc_int32    (*lock) (
                                 cc_ccache_t ccache,
                                 cc_uint32 block,
                                 cc_uint32 lock_type);
    cc_int32    (*unlock) (
                                 cc_ccache_t ccache);
    cc_int32    (*get_last_default_time) (
                                 cc_ccache_t ccache,
                                 cc_time_t* last_default_time);
    cc_int32    (*get_change_time) (
                                 cc_ccache_t ccache,
                                 cc_time_t* change_time);
    cc_int32    (*compare) (
                                cc_ccache_t ccache,
                                cc_ccache_t compare_to,
                                cc_uint32* equal);
    cc_int32	(*get_kdc_time_offset) (
                                cc_ccache_t ccache,
                                cc_int32	credentials_version,
                                cc_time_t*	time_offset);
    cc_int32	(*set_kdc_time_offset) (
                                cc_ccache_t ccache,
                                cc_int32	credentials_version,
                                cc_time_t	time_offset);
    cc_int32	(*clear_kdc_time_offset) (
                                cc_ccache_t	ccache,
                                cc_int32	credentials_version);

struct cc_string_f {
	cc_int32	(*release) (
								cc_string_t string);

struct cc_credentials_f {
	cc_int32	(*release) (
								cc_credentials_t credentials);
    cc_int32    (*compare) (
                                cc_credentials_t credentials,
                                cc_credentials_t compare_to,
                                cc_uint32* equal);

struct cc_ccache_iterator_f {
    cc_int32    (*release) (
                                 cc_ccache_iterator_t iter);
    cc_int32    (*next) (
                                 cc_ccache_iterator_t iter,
                                 cc_ccache_t* ccache);

struct cc_credentials_iterator_f {
    cc_int32    (*release) (
                                 cc_credentials_iterator_t iter);
    cc_int32    (*next) (
                                 cc_credentials_iterator_t iter,
                                 cc_credentials_t* ccache);

 * API functions
cc_int32 cc_initialize (
	cc_context_t*		outContext,
	cc_int32			inVersion,
	cc_int32*			outSupportedVersion,
	char const**		outVendor);
 * Convenience macros
#define		cc_context_release(context)												\
			((context) -> functions -> release (context))
#define		cc_context_get_change_time(context, change_time)								\
			((context) -> functions -> get_change_time (context, change_time))
#define		cc_context_get_default_ccache_name(context, name)						\
			((context) -> functions -> get_default_ccache_name (context, name))
#define		cc_context_open_ccache(context, name, ccache)							\
			((context) -> functions -> open_ccache (context, name, ccache))
#define		cc_context_open_default_ccache(context, ccache)							\
			((context) -> functions -> open_default_ccache (context, ccache))
#define		cc_context_create_ccache(context, name, version, principal, ccache)		\
			((context) -> functions -> create_ccache (context, name, version, principal, ccache))
#define		cc_context_create_default_ccache(context, version, principal, ccache)	\
			((context) -> functions -> create_default_ccache (context, version, principal, ccache))
#define		cc_context_create_new_ccache(context, version, principal, ccache)		\
			((context) -> functions -> create_new_ccache (context, version, principal, ccache))
#define		cc_context_new_ccache_iterator(context, iterator)						\
			((context) -> functions -> new_ccache_iterator (context, iterator))
#define		cc_context_lock(context, type, lock)									\
			((context) -> functions -> lock (context, type, lock))
#define		cc_context_unlock(context)												\
			((context) -> functions -> unlock (context))
#define		cc_context_compare(context, compare_to, equal)							\
			((context) -> functions -> compare (context, compare_to, equal))

#define		cc_ccache_release(ccache)												\
			((ccache) -> functions -> release (ccache))
#define		cc_ccache_destroy(ccache)												\
			((ccache) -> functions -> destroy (ccache))
#define		cc_ccache_set_default(ccache)											\
			((ccache) -> functions -> set_default (ccache))
#define		cc_ccache_get_credentials_version(ccache, version)						\
			((ccache) -> functions -> get_credentials_version (ccache, version))
#define		cc_ccache_get_name(ccache, name)										\
			((ccache) -> functions -> get_name (ccache, name))
#define		cc_ccache_get_principal(ccache, version, principal)						\
			((ccache) -> functions -> get_principal (ccache, version, principal))
#define		cc_ccache_set_principal(ccache, version, principal)						\
			((ccache) -> functions -> set_principal (ccache, version, principal))
#define		cc_ccache_store_credentials(ccache, credentials)						\
			((ccache) -> functions -> store_credentials (ccache, credentials))
#define		cc_ccache_remove_credentials(ccache, credentials)						\
			((ccache) -> functions -> remove_credentials (ccache, credentials))
#define		cc_ccache_new_credentials_iterator(ccache, iterator)					\
			((ccache) -> functions -> new_credentials_iterator (ccache, iterator))
#define		cc_ccache_lock(ccache, lock)											\
			((ccache) -> functions -> lock (ccache, lock))
#define		cc_ccache_unlock(ccache, unlock)										\
			((ccache) -> functions -> unlock (ccache, unlock))
#define		cc_ccache_get_last_default_time(ccache, last_default_time)							\
			((ccache) -> functions -> get_last_default_time (ccache, last_default_time))
#define		cc_ccache_get_change_time(ccache, change_time)									\
			((ccache) -> functions -> get_change_time (ccache, change_time))
#define		cc_ccache_move(source, destination)										\
			((source) -> functions -> move (source, destination))
#define		cc_ccache_compare(ccache, compare_to, equal)							\
			((ccache) -> functions -> compare (ccache, compare_to, equal))
#define		cc_ccache_get_kdc_time_offset(ccache, version, time_offset)					\
            ((ccache) -> functions -> get_kdc_time_offset (version, time_offset))
#define		cc_ccache_set_kdc_time_offset(ccache, version, time_offset)					\
            ((ccache) -> functions -> set_kdc_time_offset (version, time_offset))
#define		cc_ccache_clear_kdc_time_offset(ccache, version)						\
            ((ccache) -> functions -> clear_kdc_time_offset (version))

#define		cc_string_release(string)												\
			((string) -> functions -> release (string))

#define		cc_credentials_release(credentials)										\
			((credentials) -> functions -> release (credentials))
#define		cc_credentials_compare(credentials, compare_to, equal)					\
			((credentials) -> functions -> compare (credentials, compare_to, equal))

#define		cc_ccache_iterator_release(iterator)									\
			((iterator) -> functions -> release (iterator))
#define		cc_ccache_iterator_next(iterator, ccache)								\
			((iterator) -> functions -> next (iterator, ccache))
#define		cc_credentials_iterator_release(iterator)								\
			((iterator) -> functions -> release (iterator))
#define		cc_credentials_iterator_next(iterator, credentials)						\
			((iterator) -> functions -> next (iterator, credentials))

#    if defined(__MWERKS__)
#        pragma import reset
#    endif
#    pragma options align=reset

#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* __cplusplus */

#endif /* __CREDENTIALSCACHE__ */