KLEnvironment.c   [plain text]

 * KLEnvironment.c
 * $Header: /cvs/kfm/KerberosFramework/KerberosLogin/Sources/KerberosLogin/KLEnvironment.c,v 1.14 2004/06/17 22:26:12 lxs Exp $
 * Copyright 2004 Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
 * All Rights Reserved.
 * Export of this software from the United States of America may
 * require a specific license from the United States Government.
 * It is the responsibility of any person or organization contemplating
 * export to obtain such a license before exporting.
 * WITHIN THAT CONSTRAINT, permission to use, copy, modify, and
 * distribute this software and its documentation for any purpose and
 * without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright
 * notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright notice and
 * this permission notice appear in supporting documentation, and that
 * the name of M.I.T. not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining
 * to distribution of the software without specific, written prior
 * permission.  Furthermore if you modify this software you must label
 * your software as modified software and not distribute it in such a
 * fashion that it might be confused with the original M.I.T. software.
 * M.I.T. makes no representations about the suitability of
 * this software for any purpose.  It is provided "as is" without express
 * or implied warranty.

#define kKerberos5UDPServicePrefix "_kerberos._udp."
#define kKerberos5TCPServicePrefix "_kerberos._tcp."
#define kKerberos4UDPServicePrefix "_kerberos-iv._udp."
#ifndef T_SRV
#define T_SRV 33
#endif /* T_SRV */

static KLBoolean __KLRealmHasDNSServiceRecord (const char *inService, const char *inRealm);
static KLBoolean __KLRealmHasKerberos4DNSServiceRecord (const char *inRealm);
static KLBoolean __KLRealmHasKerberos5DNSServiceRecord (const char *inRealm);

static KLBoolean __KLPrincipalHasKerberos5ChangePasswordServerSpecified (KLPrincipal inPrincipal);
static KLBoolean __KLPrincipalHasKerberos4ChangePasswordServerSpecified (KLPrincipal inPrincipal);

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 * RealmShouldHaveKerberosX return whether a realm supports Kerberos version X,
 * according to the configuration file. They do not perform realm name conversion,
 * so if a realm R1 supports v5 and its corresponding v4 realm has a different name R2,
 * only RealmShouldHaveKerberos4 is true for R2, and only RealmShouldHaveKerberos5 is true for R1.
 * RealmShouldHaveKerberosXOrEquivalent return whether a realm supports Kerberos version X,
 * either by being a Kerberos version X realm, or having a corresponding Kerberos version X
 * realm, possibly of a different name

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

KLBoolean __KLRealmHasKerberos4Profile (const char *inRealm)
    KLStatus    err = klNoErr;
    KLBoolean   hasProfile = false;
    profile_t   profile = NULL;
    const char *v4RealmsList[] = { REALMS_V4_PROF_REALMS_SECTION, NULL };
    char      **v4Realms = NULL;

    if (inRealm == NULL) { err = KLError_ (klParameterErr); }

    if (err == klNoErr) {
        err = __KLRemapKerberos4Error (krb_get_profile (&profile));

    if (err == klNoErr) {
        err = profile_get_subsection_names (profile, v4RealmsList, &v4Realms);

    if (err == klNoErr) {
        char **realm;
        for (realm = v4Realms; *realm != NULL; realm++) {
            if (strcmp (*realm, inRealm) == 0) {
                hasProfile = true;

    if (!hasProfile) {
        // Search for an old-style config file
        FILE *cnffile = NULL;
        char lineBuffer[BUFSIZ];
        char realmBuffer[1024];
        char scratchBuffer[1024];
        cnffile = krb__get_cnffile();
        if (cnffile != NULL) {
            // Skip default realm name
            if (fscanf(cnffile, "%1023s", scratchBuffer) != EOF) {
                // Walk over the realms
                while (true) {
                    if (fgets (lineBuffer, BUFSIZ, cnffile) == NULL) {
                    if (!strchr (lineBuffer, '\n')) {
                    if (sscanf (lineBuffer, "%1023s %1023s", realmBuffer, scratchBuffer) == 2) {
                        if (strcmp (realmBuffer, inRealm) == 0) {
                            hasProfile = true;
                            err = klNoErr;

    if (v4Realms != NULL) { profile_free_list (v4Realms); }
    if (profile  != NULL) { profile_abandon (profile); }

    return hasProfile;

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

KLBoolean __KLRealmHasKerberos5Profile (const char *inRealm)
    KLStatus     err = klNoErr;
    KLBoolean    hasProfile = false;
    krb5_context context = NULL;
    profile_t    profile = NULL;
    const char  *v5RealmsList[] = { "realms", NULL };
    char       **v5Realms = NULL;

    if (inRealm == NULL) { err = KLError_ (klParameterErr); }

    if (err == klNoErr) {
        err = krb5_init_context (&context);

    if (err == klNoErr) {
        err = krb5_get_profile (context, &profile);

    if (err == klNoErr) {
        err = profile_get_subsection_names (profile, v5RealmsList, &v5Realms);

    if (err == klNoErr) {
        char **realm;
        for (realm = v5Realms; *realm != NULL; realm++) {
            if (strcmp (*realm, inRealm) == 0) {
                hasProfile = true;

    if (v5Realms != NULL) { profile_free_list (v5Realms); }
    if (profile  != NULL) { profile_abandon (profile); }
    if (context  != NULL) { krb5_free_context (context); }

    return hasProfile;

#pragma mark -

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

static KLBoolean __KLRealmHasDNSServiceRecord (const char *inService, const char *inRealm)
    KLBoolean hasDNS = false;

    // Only check SRV records if the config doesn't explicitly say not to.
    if (__KLPreferencesGetLibDefaultBoolean ("dns_fallback", true)) {
        KLStatus err = klNoErr;
        char *domain = NULL;
        char host [MAXDNAME];
        unsigned char reply[2048];
        unsigned char *replyEnd = NULL;
        unsigned char *replyPtr = NULL;
        int replyLength = 0;
        int queryCount = 0;
        int replyCount = 0;
        if (inRealm   == NULL) { err = KLError_ (klParameterErr); }
        if (inService == NULL) { err = KLError_ (klParameterErr); }
        if (err == klNoErr) {
            err = __KLCreateString (inRealm, &domain);
        if (err == klNoErr) {
            err = __KLAddPrefixToString (inService, &domain);
        if (err == klNoErr) {
            if (domain [strlen (domain) - 1] != '.') {
                err = __KLAppendToString (".", &domain);
        if (err == klNoErr) {
            replyLength = res_search (domain, C_IN, T_SRV, reply, sizeof (reply));
            if ((replyLength < sizeof (HEADER)) || (replyLength > sizeof (reply))) { err = KLError_ (klParameterErr); }
        if (err == klNoErr) {
            queryCount = ntohs (((HEADER *) &reply)->qdcount);
            replyCount = ntohs (((HEADER *) &reply)->ancount);
            replyEnd = reply + replyLength;
            replyPtr = reply + sizeof (HEADER); // start of the buffer
        if (err == klNoErr) {        
            // skip all the queries:
            while (queryCount--) {
                int length = dn_expand (reply, replyEnd, replyPtr, host, sizeof (host));
                if (length < 0) { err = KLError_ (klParameterErr); break; }
                replyPtr += length + 4;
                if (replyPtr > replyEnd) { err = KLError_ (klParameterErr); break; }
        if (err == klNoErr) {
            while (replyCount--) {
                int type, class, length;
                length = dn_expand (reply, replyEnd, replyPtr, host, sizeof (host));
                if (length < 0) { err = KLError_ (klParameterErr); break; }
                replyPtr += length;
                if (replyPtr > replyEnd) { err = KLError_ (klParameterErr); break; }
                type = (replyPtr[0] << 8 | replyPtr[1]);
                replyPtr += 2;
                if (replyPtr > replyEnd) { err = KLError_ (klParameterErr); break; }
                class = (replyPtr[0] << 8 | replyPtr[1]);
                replyPtr += 2;
                replyPtr += 12;  // skip ttl (4), length (2), priority (2), weight (2) and port (2)
                if (replyPtr > replyEnd) { err = KLError_ (klParameterErr); break; }
                if (type == T_SRV && class == C_IN) {
                    length = dn_expand (reply, replyEnd, replyPtr, host, sizeof (host));
                    if (length < 0) { err = KLError_ (klParameterErr); break; }
                    // Got a real SRV record (not a CNAME)
                    dprintf ("Got SRV record '%s' for '%s'\n", host, domain);
                    if (strncmp (host, ".", 2) != 0) {
                        hasDNS = true;
        if (domain != NULL) { KLDisposeString (domain); }
    return hasDNS;

#pragma mark -

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

static KLBoolean __KLRealmHasKerberos4DNSServiceRecord (const char *inRealm)
    KLStatus err = klNoErr;
    KLBoolean hasDNS = false;

    if (inRealm == NULL) { err = KLError_ (klParameterErr); }

    if (err == klNoErr) {
        hasDNS = __KLRealmHasDNSServiceRecord (kKerberos4UDPServicePrefix, inRealm);

    return hasDNS;

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

static KLBoolean __KLRealmHasKerberos5DNSServiceRecord (const char *inRealm)
    KLStatus err = klNoErr;
    KLBoolean hasDNS = false;

    if (inRealm == NULL) { err = KLError_ (klParameterErr); }

    if (err == klNoErr) {
        hasDNS = __KLRealmHasDNSServiceRecord (kKerberos5UDPServicePrefix, inRealm);
        if (!hasDNS) {
            hasDNS = __KLRealmHasDNSServiceRecord (kKerberos5TCPServicePrefix, inRealm);

    return hasDNS;

#pragma mark -

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

KLBoolean __KLRealmHasKerberos4 (const char *inRealm) 
    KLBoolean has = false;

    has = __KLRealmHasKerberos4Profile (inRealm);
    if (!has) {
        has = __KLRealmHasKerberos4DNSServiceRecord (inRealm);

    return has;

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

KLBoolean __KLRealmHasKerberos5 (const char *inRealm)
    KLBoolean has = false;

    has = __KLRealmHasKerberos5Profile (inRealm);
    if (!has) {
        has = __KLRealmHasKerberos5DNSServiceRecord (inRealm);

    return has;

#pragma mark -

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

KLBoolean __KLPrincipalHasKerberos4Profile (KLPrincipal inPrincipal)
    KLStatus err = klNoErr;
    KLBoolean has = false;
    char *realm = NULL;

    if (inPrincipal == NULL) { err = KLError_ (klParameterErr); }

    if (err == klNoErr) {
        err = __KLGetRealmFromPrincipal (inPrincipal, kerberosVersion_V4, &realm);

    if (err == klNoErr) {
        has = __KLRealmHasKerberos4Profile (realm);

    if (realm != NULL) { KLDisposeString (realm); }

    return has;

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

KLBoolean __KLPrincipalHasKerberos5Profile (KLPrincipal inPrincipal)
    KLStatus err = klNoErr;
    KLBoolean has = false;
    char *realm = NULL;

    if (inPrincipal == NULL) { err = KLError_ (klParameterErr); }

    if (err == klNoErr) {
        err = __KLGetRealmFromPrincipal (inPrincipal, kerberosVersion_V5, &realm);

    if (err == klNoErr) {
        has = __KLRealmHasKerberos5Profile (realm);

    if (realm != NULL) { KLDisposeString (realm); }

    return has;

#pragma mark -

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

KLBoolean __KLPrincipalHasKerberos4 (KLPrincipal inPrincipal)
    KLStatus err = klNoErr;
    KLBoolean has = false;
    char *realm = NULL;

    if (inPrincipal == NULL) { err = KLError_ (klParameterErr); }

    if (err == klNoErr) {
        err = __KLGetRealmFromPrincipal (inPrincipal, kerberosVersion_V4, &realm);

    if (err == klNoErr) {
        has = __KLRealmHasKerberos4 (realm);

    if (realm != NULL) { KLDisposeString (realm); }

    return has;

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

KLBoolean __KLPrincipalHasKerberos5 (KLPrincipal inPrincipal)
    KLStatus err = klNoErr;
    KLBoolean has = false;
    char *realm = NULL;

    if (inPrincipal == NULL) { err = KLError_ (klParameterErr); }

    if (err == klNoErr) {
        err = __KLGetRealmFromPrincipal (inPrincipal, kerberosVersion_V5, &realm);

    if (err == klNoErr) {
        has = __KLRealmHasKerberos5 (realm);

    if (realm != NULL) { KLDisposeString (realm); }

    return has;

#pragma mark -

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

KLBoolean __KLPrincipalShouldUseKerberos524Protocol (KLPrincipal inPrincipal)
    KLStatus err = klNoErr;
    KLBoolean has = false;
    char *realm = NULL;

    if (inPrincipal == NULL) { err = KLError_ (klParameterErr); }

    if (err == klNoErr) {
        err = __KLGetRealmFromPrincipal (inPrincipal, kerberosVersion_V5, &realm);

    if (err == klNoErr) {
        // This v5 realm has a v4 realm of the same name
        has = __KLRealmHasKerberos5 (realm) && __KLRealmHasKerberos4 (realm);

    if (realm != NULL) { KLDisposeString (realm); }

    return has;    

#pragma mark -

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

static KLBoolean __KLPrincipalHasKerberos5ChangePasswordServerSpecified (KLPrincipal inPrincipal)
    KLStatus     err = klNoErr;
    KLBoolean    specified = false;
    krb5_context context = NULL;
    profile_t    profile = NULL;
    char        *realm = NULL;
    const char  *v5PasswdServersList[] = { "realms", NULL, "kpasswd_server", NULL };
    char       **v5PasswdServers = NULL;

    if (inPrincipal == NULL) { err = KLError_ (klParameterErr); }
    if (err == klNoErr) {
        err = __KLGetRealmFromPrincipal (inPrincipal, kerberosVersion_V5, &realm);
        if (err == klNoErr) { v5PasswdServersList[1] = realm; }
    if (err == klNoErr) {
        err = krb5_init_context (&context);

    if (err == klNoErr) {
        err = krb5_get_profile (context, &profile);
    if (err == klNoErr) {
        err = profile_get_values (profile, v5PasswdServersList, &v5PasswdServers);
    // If we have a correpsonding v4 realm, that's good, if the realm is a valid v4 realm
    if (err == klNoErr) {
        if (v5PasswdServers[0] != NULL) {
            specified = true;

    if (realm           != NULL) { KLDisposeString (realm); }
    if (v5PasswdServers != NULL) { profile_free_list (v5PasswdServers); }
    if (profile         != NULL) { profile_abandon (profile); }
    if (context         != NULL) { krb5_free_context (context); }

    return specified;

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

static KLBoolean __KLPrincipalHasKerberos4ChangePasswordServerSpecified (KLPrincipal inPrincipal)
    KLStatus     err = klNoErr;
    KLBoolean    specified = false;
    profile_t    profile = NULL;
    char        *realm = NULL;
    const char  *v4PasswdServersList[] = { REALMS_V4_PROF_REALMS_SECTION, NULL, REALMS_V4_PROF_KPASSWD_KDC, NULL };
    char       **v4PasswdServers = NULL;

    if (inPrincipal == NULL) { err = KLError_ (klParameterErr); }
    if (err == klNoErr) {
        err = __KLGetRealmFromPrincipal (inPrincipal, kerberosVersion_V4, &realm);
        if (err == klNoErr) { v4PasswdServersList[1] = realm; }
    if (err == klNoErr) {
        err = __KLRemapKerberos4Error (krb_get_profile (&profile));
    if (err == klNoErr) {
        err = profile_get_values (profile, v4PasswdServersList, &v4PasswdServers);
    // If we have a correpsonding v4 realm, that's good, if the realm is a valid v4 realm
    if (err == klNoErr) {
        if (v4PasswdServers[0] != NULL) {
            specified = true;
    if (realm           != NULL) { KLDisposeString (realm); }
    if (v4PasswdServers != NULL) { profile_free_list (v4PasswdServers); }
    if (profile         != NULL) { profile_abandon (profile); }

    return specified;

#pragma mark -

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

KLBoolean __KLPrincipalShouldUseKerberos5ChangePasswordProtocol (KLPrincipal inPrincipal)
    if (__KLPrincipalHasKerberos5 (inPrincipal)) {
        if (__KLPrincipalHasKerberos5ChangePasswordServerSpecified (inPrincipal)) {
            return true;	// krb5 kpasswd_server specified
        } else {
            if (__KLPrincipalHasKerberos4 (inPrincipal)) {
                if (!__KLPrincipalHasKerberos4ChangePasswordServerSpecified (inPrincipal)) {
                    return true;	// krb4 kpasswd_server not specified, use krb5
                } else {
                    return false;	// krb5 and krb4 realms exist, but default to krb5
            } else {
                return true;	// krb5-only, use krb5
    } else {
        return false;	// No krb5 realm

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

KLBoolean __KLPrincipalShouldUseKerberos4ChangePasswordProtocol (KLPrincipal inPrincipal)
    if (__KLPrincipalHasKerberos4 (inPrincipal)) {
        if (__KLPrincipalHasKerberos4ChangePasswordServerSpecified (inPrincipal)) {
            return true;	// krb4 kpasswd_server specified
        } else {
            if (__KLPrincipalHasKerberos5 (inPrincipal)) {
                if (!__KLPrincipalHasKerberos5ChangePasswordServerSpecified (inPrincipal)) {
                    return true;	// krb5 kpasswd_server not specified, use krb4
                } else {
                    return false;	// krb4 and krb5 realms exist, but default to krb5
            } else {
                return true;	// krb4-only, use krb4
    } else {
        return false;	// No krb4 realm

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// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

KLBoolean __KLIsKerberosAgent(void)
    CFBundleRef mainBundle = CFBundleGetMainBundle ();
    if (mainBundle != NULL) {
        CFStringRef mainBundleID = CFBundleGetIdentifier (mainBundle);
        if (mainBundleID != NULL) {
            CFComparisonResult result;
            result = CFStringCompare (mainBundleID, CFSTR("edu.mit.Kerberos.KerberosAgent"), 0);
            if (result == kCFCompareEqualTo) {
                return true;

    return false;