Bugs   [plain text]

Kerberos Login Library Bug List
Current version: 1.8fc7
Date           : March 1, 2005
Author         : meeroh@mit.edu, smcguire@mit.edu, lxs@mit.edu

Bug #       Bug description                                           Fixed in

[RT 2947] Memory leaks in __KLGetCCacheByName                                   1.8fc7
[RT 2946] Can't get tickets for v4-only realm                                   1.8fc7
[RT 2900] incomplete ticket cache confuses KLL                                  1.8fc6
[RT 2894] prompter dialog should support NULL banner or name                    1.8fc5
[RT 2899] __KLGetCCAPICCacheForKrb5CCache() leaks the string "name"             1.8fc5
[RT 2869] KLGetDefaultLoginOption (loginOption_LoginName) returns buffer, not string 1.8fc4
[RT 2842] Use CopyProcessName instead of GetProcessInformation                  1.8fc4
[RT 2860] KLChangePassword returns klParameterErr when server doesn't return strings 1.8fc4
[RT 2809] use cc_ccache_destroy to destroy v4 CCAPI caches                      1.8fc3
[RT 2827] __KLChangePasswordTerminal() shouldn't report klUserCanceledErr to the user 1.8fc3
[RT 2828] export __KLCreatePrincipalFromKerberos5Principal as a private symbol  1.8fc3
[RT 2829] __KLKrb5CCacheExists should use cc_ccache_release to free a ccache    1.8fc3
[RT 2830] __KLGetSystemDefaultCCache should return an error if is no default ccache 1.8fc3
[RT 2799] Use kCFPreferencesAnyUser, kCFPreferencesCurrentHost when writing prefs 1.8fc2
[RT 2800] Use Apple System Logger and set debugging at runtime                  1.8fc2
[RT 2801] _KLAcquireNewInitialTicketsTerminal should not return krb5 errors     1.8fc2
[RT 2014] KLL should honor file based krb5 ticket caches                        1.8b9
[RT 2787] KLL should not use CFPreferencesCopyAppValue                          1.8b9
[RT 2788] alert sheets returning void should not run modal                      1.8b9
[RT 2790] New Kerberos Authentication dialog HI                                 1.8b9
[RT 2769] Narrow authentication dialogs to take up less space                   1.8b8
[RT 2717] CFBundleGetValueForInfoDictionaryKey() accesses homedir!!             1.8b7
[RT 2733] KLL should be thread-safe whereever possible                          1.8b7
[RT 2737] KLL should get des ticket for krb524                                  1.8b7
[RT 2680] Authenticate to Kerberos dialog should not minimize with error sheet  1.8b6
[RT 2649] KLL should use session ID *and* UID to distinguish between users      1.8b5
[RT 2650] KLL should return Kerberos default realm if no favorite default realm 1.8b5
[RT 2651] KLL should return the short user name if no KLL name exists in prefs  1.8b5
[RT 2673] Add more fine grained private APIs to control prompting behavior      1.8b5
[RT 2672] KerberosAgent should use the new Kerberos logo                        1.8b5
[RT 2575] KLL lock directory should use Session ID, not UID to distinguish between users 1.8b4 
[RT 2634] Remove use of client principal from krb5_context (default_ccprincipal) 1.8b4

[RT 2566] Kerberos authentication dialog should not steal focus                 1.8b3
[RT 2567] KLL should support a global preference file                           1.8b3
[RT 1661] KfM should use Panther mach init per user mechanism                   1.8b2
[RT 2013] KLRenewInitialTickets and KLValidateInitialTickets leak a krb5_ccache 1.8b1
[RT 1867] KLVerifyInitialTicket*() should not fail if hostname doesn't resolve  1.7fc11
[RT 1840] KLL stores tickets with bogus string to key type                      1.7fc10
[RT 1839] KLS has UI glitches when caller provides principal                    1.7fc10
[RT 1838] KLL should not always prompt on v4 only realms                        1.7fc10
[RT 1834] KLL must handle MIG using MACH_SEND_TIMEOUT                           1.7fc9
[RT 1835] GUI prompter should handle NULL banner or title                       1.7fc9
[RT 1837] Password change question should use strcasecmp, not strcmp            1.7fc9
[RT 1628] Stanford "v4_realm" tag broken                                        1.7fc8
[RT 1764] Framework should use CFStringGetMaximumSizeForEncoding()              1.7fc7
[RT 1762] KLL needs a way to store credentials                                  1.7fc7
[RT 1763] KLL shouldn't mangle principals (host/host.domain.com@realm)          1.7fc7
[RT 1761] KLL can't create v4 principals without default realm                  1.7fc6
[RT 1741] KLH should set LSVisibleInClassic=1                                   1.7fc5
[RT 1723] KLL does not honor dns_fallback = no                                  1.7fc4
[RT 1705] loginLogout plugins should not reenter prompting code                 1.7fc3
[RT 1719] KLL should handle long v5 principals with no instances                1.7fc3
[RT 1710] KLL shouldn't require krb524 for sites with v4 and v5                 1.7fc2
[RT 1705] loginLogout plugins should not reenter prompting code                 1.7fc2
[RT 1694] Don't do krb524 on realms using the "v4_realm" tag                    1.7fc2
[RT 1698] KLAcquireNewInitialTickets violates API spec in terminal case         1.7fc2
[RT 1699] Do not use NSMatrix with NSSecureTextFieldCell for the prompter       1.7fc2
[RT 1659] Don't prompt if there is no configuration at all                      1.7fc1
[RT 1660] KLL should support an environment variable to supress prompting       1.7fc1
[RT 1669] Icon badging doesn't work when dialog starts out expanded             1.7fc1
[RT 1628] Stanford "v4_realm" tag broken                                        1.7a9
[RT 1639] KLChangePassword always indicates that password was rejected          1.7a9
[RT 1640] Kerberos Authentication dialog should badge icon with app icon        1.7a9
[RT 1644] Change "passphrase" to "password"                                     1.7a9
[RT 1422]   KLVerifyInitialTickets should do an Apple style keytab lookup       1.7a8
[RT 1577]   Remove KLL terminal prompt headers                                  1.7a8
[RT 1578]   Kerberos Authentication dialog needs caps lock key warning          1.7a8
[RT 1590]   Kerberos Login Server crashes when no configuration file            1.7a8
[RT 1591]   KLL application name incorrect for non-bundled apps                 1.7a8
[RT 1597]   KLTicketExpirationTime returns bogus time when no config file       1.7a8
[RT 1599]   Default renew lifetime not reported correctly when no config file   1.7a8
[RT 1534]   Specifying nonexistent loginLogout plugin results in a crash        1.7a7
[RT 1564]   KLL should free profiles from krb5_get_profile and krb_get_profile  1.7a7
[RT 1565]   KLL leaks krb5_context when prompting to the terminal               1.7a7
[RT 1566]   KLL lock files leak strings                                         1.7a7
[RT 1574]   KLL should look up krb5 and krb4 realms in DNS                      1.7a7
[RT 1508]   Login-logout plugins crash on login                                 1.7a6
[RT 1466]   KLL should support DNS kdc lookups                                  1.7a6
[RT 1475]   KLL documentation has wrong KLRenewInitialTickets prototype         1.7a6
[RT 1489]   Remap KRB5KDC_ERR_PREAUTH_FAILED to better error                    1.7a6
[RT 1498]   Ticket lifetime defaults to 0                                       1.7a6
[RT 1499]   Dialog should remember the state of the options button              1.7a6
[RT 1458]   KLL needs an API to block home directory access                     1.7a5
[RT 1460]   KLL lock files broken for login                                     1.7a5
[RT 1394]   Lifetime and renewable life sliders behave stupidly                 1.7a4
[RT 1399]   Renewable checkbox broken                                           1.7a4
[RT 1322]   Renewable slider doesn't use libdefaults to determine the max time  1.7a3
[RT 1382]   KLVerifyInitialTicketCredentials fails with RC/IO error             1.7a3
[RT 1317]   Getting tickets is slow at sites with krb524 port blocked           1.7a2
[RT 1318]   KLS dialogs are minimizable and/or resizable                        1.7a2
[RT 1319]   Renewable ticket lifetime has no preference file entry              1.7a2
[RT 1320]   Addressless ticket option has no preference file entry              1.7a2
[RT 1358]   KLChangePassword assumes result_code_string and result_string are non-NULL 1.7a2
[RT 1375]   KLL should krb524init when applicable                               1.7a2
[RT 1376]   StLoginOptions wasn't checking return value of krb5_init_context    1.7a2
[RT 1297]   KLS should be a Cocoa nib-based application                         1.7a1
[RT 1296]   KLL should verify credentials with a secure context                 1.7a1
[RT 1295]   Kerberos framework initializer causes performance problems          1.7a1
[BZ 780]	options dialog lifetime caption initially blank on Jaguar			1.6
[BZ 778]	krb4 tickets gotten with krb524 don't give clock skew error			1.6fc2
[BZ 774]	KLS leaks IconRefs on Jaguar										1.6fc1
[BZ 770]	KLAcquireNewInitialTickets misbehaves with non-nil principal		1.6a2
[BZ 771]	Login Dialog ignores lifetime slider Options setting				1.6a2
[BZ 659]	Dock animation still slow when launching LoginServer				1.6a1
[BZ 683]	Still getting a prebinding error									1.6a1
[BZ 715]	KLL should use CFBundle's InfoPlist.strings for localization		1.6a1
[BZ 716]	KLL should be able to aquire postdated tickets and validate			1.6a1
[BZ 717]	KLL should be able to renew tickets									1.6a1
[BZ 718]	KLL should be able to get initial tickets from a keytab				1.6a1
[BZ 719]	KLL should be able to get tickets without storing them				1.6a1
[BZ 720]	KLL should be able to get addressless tickets						1.6a1
[BZ 721]	KLL should be able to get tickets of a different service princ		1.6a1
[BZ 723]	KLS should link against KLL											1.6a1
[BZ 724]	KLS should use Core Foundation to read version number				1.6a1
[BZ 732]	v4 long lifetimes for TGTs are wrong - investigate krb524			1.6a1
[BZ 733]	Login dialog does not properly display/remember ticket life			1.6a1
[BZ 737]	Defer reading resource prefs until needed							1.6a1
[BZ 743]	Remove annoying "Kerberos Login:" banner for Terminal login			1.6a1
[BZ 745]	KLL should remember BundleID not Bundles							1.6a1
[BZ 748]	KLL shouldn't constantly init contexts for apis						1.6a1
[BZ 749]	KLL Vulnerable to Zanarotti Attack									1.6a1
[BZ 761]	KLL should renew tickets rather than prompting						1.6a1
[BZ 765]	Dialog OK buttons don't hilite on paste into fields					1.6a1
[BZ 750]	KLConfirmInitialTicketsWithPassword is a confusing name				1.6a1
[BZ 708]	Classic compatibility check fixed									1.5fc3
[BZ 706]	MachIPC UID checking added											1.5fc2
[BZ 687]	Launching KLH from Classic has no UI (needs spinning cursor) 		1.5b9
[BZ 688]	Slider and lifetimes > 99 hours and ranges > 1000 hours 			1.5b9
[BZ 691]	KLL does not wait for TK under Classic 								1.5b9
[BZ 663]	Hang when sending zephyr with no tix from Classic					1.5b8
[BZ 671]	Calling KLLastChangedTime starves the classic login dialog			1.5b7
[BZ 679]	Login Help is too slow												1.5b6
[BZ 680]	Login Helper won't launch more than once per reboot					1.5b6
[BZ 665]	Dialog options&realms not shared between Classic&OS X
[BZ 641]	Preference sharing doesn't work in Mac OS X							1.5b5
[BZ 639]	Doesn't read default prefs from resource							1.5b1
[BZ 640]	Login window positions not honored on X								1.5b1
[BZ 650]	Doesn't call idle proc on X											1.5b1
[BZ 645]	Control panel icon in X login dialog								1.5b1
[BZ 607]	Skip confirmation on policy failure									1.4fc1
[BZ 489]	Better behavior when min lifetime greater than max					1.4fc1
[BZ 487]	TYping in login dialog very slow on 8.6								1.4fc1
[BZ 476]	KLAcquireTickets crashes if login server is missing					1.4fc1
[BZ 596]	Fixed problems unmounting after server launches						1.4b2
[BZ 587]	Assertion every time a progress dialog comes up						1.4a7
[BZ 477]	No user notificaation on change password success					1.4a6
[BZ 490]	Slider misbehaves is default lifetime out of range					1.4a6
[BZ 576]	Banner stretched in change password dialog							1.4a6
[BZ 533]	Editing realms corrupts the global realm state						1.4a5
[BZ 537]	Change password on a hw preauth principal crashes					1.4a5
[BZ 541]	Error alert movable													1.4a5
[BZ 545]	KLTicketExpirationTime, PPP & expiration							1.4a5
[BZ 552]	Remove "MIT" from the banner										1.4a5
[BZ 556]	No way to distinguish expired and IP-invalid tickets				1.4a5
[BZ 526]	Crashes if launching server fails									1.4a3
[BZ 437]	LoginHelper loses AppleEvent replies								1.4a2
[BZ 506]	Tries to load MenusLib under Mac OS 8.1								1.4a1
[    25]	No caps lock warning												1.4d6
[BZ 449]	Error writing prefs when prefs file has no res fork					1.4d5
[BZ 469]	KLGetDefaultLoginOption returns klContextServerErr					1.4d5
[BZ 470]	KLGetDefaultLoginOption returns bad values for lifetime				1.4d5
[BZ 433]	Carbon version crashes on initialization							1.4d4
[BZ 396] 	KLCacheHasValidTickets does not return false correctly				1.4d3
[BZ 381]	Errors from change password not reported							1.2
[BZ 382]	Setting of std::strings incorrect									1.2
[BZ 365]	Moved strings into code section										1.2fc3
[BZ 368]	KLSetKerberosDefaultRealmByName() does not
			return klRealmDoesNotExistErr										1.2fc3
[BZ 369]	KLSetKerberosDefaultRealmByName() raises signal in non-debug		1.2fc3
[BZ 362]	Icons in realm menu wrong when v4 and v5 realm names differ			1.2fc2
[BZ 348]	Change change password dialog layout								1.2fc1
[BZ 344]	Change copyright string												1.2fc1
[BZ 334]	Resource file changed in KLGlobalOptions::WriteOptions				1.2fc1
[BZ 324]	Extra resources in the shlib file									1.2b2
[BZ 325]	Version caption too small											1.2b2
[BZ 328]	Leak in UKLEnvironment::RealmShouldHaveKerberosv4					1.2b2
[BZ 317]	Need to add KLCancelAllDialogs to allow clients to cancel login		1.2b1
[BZ 309]	Need to use PreferencesLib											1.2b1
[BZ 316]	No error handling for ShlibResBegin									1.2b1
[BZ 315]	Icon flashed in progress dialog when cmd-period is hit				1.2b1
[BZ 271]	AcquireTickets returns no error with assymtric tickets				1.2a2
[BZ 286]	Realm conf API asserts when prefs locked							1.2a2
[BZ 287]	KLSetDefaultLoginOption asserts when prefs locked					1.2a2
[BZ 278]	Low level API														1.2a2
[BZ 280]	Eats suspend-resume events											1.2a2
[BZ 281]	CCacheHasValidTickets/ExpirationTime don't handle assymetric caches	1.2a2
[BZ 295]	Docs missing for klDialogAlreadyExists								1.2a2
[BZ 296]	Scrapping update events while dialog is up							1.2a2
[    11]	Can put up dialog in background app & two apps can put up dialog	1.2a2
			at the same time
[     8]	Edit text not disabled in background								1.2a2
[     7]	Repositioning offscreen doesn't bring window back in view			1.2a2
[     3]	Re-enable menus when login dialog put in the background				1.2a1
[BZ 232]	AcquireTickets trips an uncaught exception if prefs file
			missing																1.2a1
[BZ 262]	Disable favorite realms not in the preferences file 				1.2a1
[BZ 264]	Fix address verification code for no addresses						1.2a1
[BZ 201]	Saving more than 4 favorite realms in prefs doesn't work 			1.2d8
[BZ 212]	Does not invalidate window regions on close of dialogs. 			1.2d8
[BZ 219]	Globals lib was not global 											1.2d8
[BZ  22] 	Need error specifications in API spec 								1.2d7
[BZ 112]	Mismatch between ticket lifetime set by API and displayed in
			dialog														 		1.2d7
[BZ 138]	Application menu won't flash notification when Login dialog 		1.2d7
[BZ 156]	API needs __KLInternalAcquireTicketsForCache 						1.2d7
[BZ 159]	Mouse cursor doesn't disappear when I type in an edit field 		1.2d7
[BZ 160]	Mouse cursor doesn't change to an I-beam over an edit field 		1.2d7
[BZ 166]	Forwardable displayed for v4-only realms 							1.2d7
[BZ 168]	Login dialog comes up for service ticket requests in v4-only 		1.2d7
[BZ 184]	Better error string for "realm not in configuration file" 			1.2d7
[BZ 201]	Saving more than 4 favorite realms in prefs doesn't work 			1.2d7
[BZ 106]	Version number clipped 												1.2d6
[BZ 134]	Need a banner in the login dialog 									1.2d6
[BZ 105]	Dialog remembers last principal when
			loginOption_RememberPrincipal is off								1.2d6
[BZ 109]	Wrong balloon help for password field 								1.2d6
[BZ  82]	Cancelling the login dialog leaves sys menus disabled 				1.2d5
[BZ  83]	Menubar tracking doesn't work in login dialog 						1.2d5
[BZ  91]	Removing default realm w/out specifying new one causes
			KLAcquireTickets to fail									 		1.2d5
[BZ  92]	Problems with tracking of default realm 							1.2d5
[BZ  74]	MacCVS Pro dies even when tickets for the correct user are default	1.2d5
[BZ  84]	Using Login dialog too many times causes crash in SpinCursor		1.2d5 
[BZ  96]	Missing loginOption_DefaultForwardableTicket handlers				1.2d5
[BZ  33]	KLCreatePrincipalFromString needs a return value for invalid
			version																1.2d4
[BZ  23]	Need status display and watch cursor when logging in				1.2d4
[BZ  43]
[BZ  44]	Crash in krb5_free_principal when canceling login dialog or
			getting service tickets												1.2d3
[    22]	Can't force renewal													1.2d3
[    17]	Username and instance always editable, even when passed in			1.2d3
[     1]	Password not highlighted when incorrect								1.2d3
[BZ  32]	Exceptions thrown from LoginLib calls to WrappersLib
			terminate the current process										1.2d2
[BZ   7]    Login button disabled when pricipal passed in						1.2d2
[BZ  15]	KLAcquireNewTickets leaks a KLPrincipal for nil argument 			1.2d2
[    14]	No change password functionality									1.0d3
[    12]	Classic dialogs non-existent										1.0d3
[     6]	Disclosure state not saved											1.0d2
[     5]	Buttons all over the place											1.0d2